Bob, your white guilt is showing.No, I believe blacks can speak for themselves.........and that has to be the most ridiculous and obvious attempt to create an argument on race I've seen on this board. I mean jfc, are you serious.......or is this another one of those days you have nothing better to do than try and start something?
I've never seen so many people so completely obsessed with race. I know you're pissed that you were wrong about the mask threats, but you literally turned a reply that had nothing to do with race into an accusation of racism, throwing in a little while privilege and enlightenment for good measure.
If you truly believe the actions of a few don't represent the whole, you might want to remember that the next time you attack liberals and Dems for the actions of a few........or treat all opponents of trump as RINOs or Democrats. I won't hold my breath. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Don't forget to flip your black cashier at McDonald's an extra nickel to atone for your white privilege. After all, if you believe you benefit from white privilege, you have to do something about it.