Purdue vs IU matchups next year

Agree to disagree then. If he was vastly improved, he would be in the NBA. No question.

Not really considering we have put two big men in the lottery. I don't think Hammons has really improved vastly. He's gotten better, but not significantly. He could dominate the B10 but he hasn't. Again, if he was significantly better he would be in the NBA right now. He wouldn't even break the first round if he declared this year. Not sure that's going to change too much. He may sneak into the first round if he has an outstanding year. I would guess he's still going to be a second rounder.

SNU, you are a complete moron. Hammons has vastly improved over his SO year and he will be better next year. And, oh by the way, the Notorious BIGGIE just committed to Purdue. How do you like THAT?
If you had any facts to back up your claim, I wouldn't have any problem if I agree with you. But you don't provide anything other then vague quips like, "He fell into the role Crean wanted him to play". I figured when you said all around player, you had several different reasons you think he's better. I only see his quickness as better. Every other thing a basketball player works on, Edwards is better at. I don't have some hatred of IU that makes me thinks all of their players suck. You have some nicely rated players out of high school, with some solid skills. But as a team, these players always seem to underachieve. So try to convince me with some sound logic perhaps backed up with some facts and perhaps I will become Williams biggest fan.
Dude all this back and forth we've done seems to be for nothing. Now lets move on to matchups that include Swanigan. Lol.

What happens to Edwards? Does he move to the 3? I liked him with Hammons because he could step out and hit the 3. Can Swanigan do that as well as Edwards? I'm interested to see how Hammons and Swanigan work together. They seem like more similar players than Edwards and Hammons.
SNU, you are a complete moron. Hammons has vastly improved over his SO year and he will be better next year. And, oh by the way, the Notorious BIGGIE just committed to Purdue. How do you like THAT?
Ha snu just wet his panties with Biggie committing. Snu just keeps looking more and more like a fool on here.
SNU, you are a complete moron. Hammons has vastly improved over his SO year and he will be better next year. And, oh by the way, the Notorious BIGGIE just committed to Purdue. How do you like THAT?
He's improved so much that he's a second round draft pick and that's not even certain. Real improvement. His stats really show he's gotten better, too. GTFO.

Congrats on Swanigan. That's the first 5* since the Big Dog. Wonder if you'll hang a banner for the commitment...
He's improved so much that he's a second round draft pick and that's not even certain. Real improvement. His stats really show he's gotten better, too. GTFO.

Congrats on Swanigan. That's the first 5* since the Big Dog. Wonder if you'll hang a banner for the commitment...
You'd certainly cut the nets down.
He's improved so much that he's a second round draft pick and that's not even certain. Real improvement. His stats really show he's gotten better, too. GTFO.

Congrats on Swanigan. That's the first 5* since the Big Dog. Wonder if you'll hang a banner for the commitment...

Yeah, and you still have Crean for your coach.
Says the non Purdue grad. LOL
Says the non High school grad LOL

What is funny is even funnier is you think that your post is some slant against me, hahaha yeah I sure do feel bad about serving my country for nearly 20 years and being able to retire before I am 50 thanks to it.

Go back pigs dimwit. You just keep getting embarrassed here so much I am almost starting to feel sorry for you.
I'd say the Black Knight just sliced the Loosier down to size. LOL

SNU, you are an embarrassment to IU...and that's saying something considering IU's redneck fanbase.
He's improved so much that he's a second round draft pick and that's not even certain. Real improvement. His stats really show he's gotten better, too. GTFO.

Congrats on Swanigan. That's the first 5* since the Big Dog. Wonder if you'll hang a banner for the commitment...
SNU - You've been surprisingly civil here over the past few weeks. Please, don't let Swanigan's decision and a few Purdue reactions provoke you into sinking to the level of a common troll. It will just invite a strong reaction and bring down the quality of discussion on this board.
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See I was right. I'm not the only one who noticed. Hail, Hail to Old Purdue...Don't resist the change:) The force is very strong.
I think we may see Swanigan and Haas more together than Hammons and Swanigan. I see Edwards and Hammons together with certain match-ups and Haas/Swanigan, as that would be a nightmare for smallish teams or who have skinny frontline guys.
Dude all this back and forth we've done seems to be for nothing. Now lets move on to matchups that include Swanigan. Lol.

What happens to Edwards? Does he move to the 3? I liked him with Hammons because he could step out and hit the 3. Can Swanigan do that as well as Edwards? I'm interested to see how Hammons and Swanigan work together. They seem like more similar players than Edwards and Hammons.
Edwards will still be on the floor whether it be at the 1,2 or 3. He will probably slide to the four at times as well. That's the beauty of his game, he can play every position for stretches of need be. Adding Swanigan won't hurt Purdue at all. I can see lineups with one of our "non points" playing that position and using Davis to guard the point if need be. This allows a lineup of size and shooters. If Hill is in, I see Painter using him with a lineup of shooters and possibly Haas or Hammons. Example would be Hill, Mathias, Davis, Edwards, Hass. I can also see a lineup where Hammons slides to the 4 with Biggie out and Haas plays the 5. It will all be about the matchups but the beauty is, no matter the opposition, we should be able to gain an advantage. Foul trouble is less of a worry now, injuries will play less of a factor, competition in practice for playing time should help everyone get better. Tons of possibilities as we can go small or big or any variance in between.

It should be a good year. Do you still see IU favored or has your view changed at all?
SNU - You've been surprisingly civil here over the past few weeks. Please, don't let Swanigan's decision and a few Purdue reactions provoke you into sinking to the level of a common troll. It will just invite a strong reaction and bring down the quality of discussion on this board.
Fair enough. My apologies. Congrats on Swanigan.
Edwards will still be on the floor whether it be at the 1,2 or 3. He will probably slide to the four at times as well. That's the beauty of his game, he can play every position for stretches of need be. Adding Swanigan won't hurt Purdue at all. I can see lineups with one of our "non points" playing that position and using Davis to guard the point if need be. This allows a lineup of size and shooters. If Hill is in, I see Painter using him with a lineup of shooters and possibly Haas or Hammons. Example would be Hill, Mathias, Davis, Edwards, Hass. I can also see a lineup where Hammons slides to the 4 with Biggie out and Haas plays the 5. It will all be about the matchups but the beauty is, no matter the opposition, we should be able to gain an advantage. Foul trouble is less of a worry now, injuries will play less of a factor, competition in practice for playing time should help everyone get better. Tons of possibilities as we can go small or big or any variance in between.

It should be a good year. Do you still see IU favored or has your view changed at all?
I don't know man. I think Edwards at the 3 takes away from some of the advantages he had at the 4. This is just my opinion, but I don't see him real productive at the 1 or 2. I could see him split time at the 4 and backup Davis at the 3. I think he could still be productive at the 3, but maybe not as productive as he would be at the 4. Agree about your lineup and matchups. It seems like it could be very situational as well. There pretty much isn't foul trouble at the 3-5 for you guys. None. Wouldn't worry about that at all. There are still plenty of question marks though IMO at the 1 and 2. Yes you have guys coming back, but will they be enough of a threat to really utilize your size or will teams sag and let them shoot? I definitely don't see teams jumping the shooters against you guys as much as I see them clogging the paint.

Bottom line is you guys just got a huge boost. Not sure it changes my opinions about who is at the top of the conference yet as I'd like to see how things play out at for a few games before I change anything. I still see Maryland and MSU at the top followed by IU, PU and UM (in any order). As far as being favored at IU, who the hell knows now. We could be. I think it just depends on how both Purdue and IU play up to that point. Prior to Swanigan, I think IU would have been the favorite even if Purdue was ranked a little higher than IU. Now, I have no damn clue. If we're both playing really well I could see it being a pickem especially since it's a rivalry game.
I don't know man. I think Edwards at the 3 takes away from some of the advantages he had at the 4. This is just my opinion, but I don't see him real productive at the 1 or 2. I could see him split time at the 4 and backup Davis at the 3. I think he could still be productive at the 3, but maybe not as productive as he would be at the 4. Agree about your lineup and matchups. It seems like it could be very situational as well. There pretty much isn't foul trouble at the 3-5 for you guys. None. Wouldn't worry about that at all. There are still plenty of question marks though IMO at the 1 and 2. Yes you have guys coming back, but will they be enough of a threat to really utilize your size or will teams sag and let them shoot? I definitely don't see teams jumping the shooters against you guys as much as I see them clogging the paint.

Bottom line is you guys just got a huge boost. Not sure it changes my opinions about who is at the top of the conference yet as I'd like to see how things play out at for a few games before I change anything. I still see Maryland and MSU at the top followed by IU, PU and UM (in any order). As far as being favored at IU, who the hell knows now. We could be. I think it just depends on how both Purdue and IU play up to that point. Prior to Swanigan, I think IU would have been the favorite even if Purdue was ranked a little higher than IU. Now, I have no damn clue. If we're both playing really well I could see it being a pickem especially since it's a rivalry game.
It's a rivalry game in the Hall of Calls. IU will likely shoot 50 freebies to our 7 and win by 5.
I don't know man. I think Edwards at the 3 takes away from some of the advantages he had at the 4. This is just my opinion, but I don't see him real productive at the 1 or 2. I could see him split time at the 4 and backup Davis at the 3. I think he could still be productive at the 3, but maybe not as productive as he would be at the 4. Agree about your lineup and matchups. It seems like it could be very situational as well. There pretty much isn't foul trouble at the 3-5 for you guys. None. Wouldn't worry about that at all. There are still plenty of question marks though IMO at the 1 and 2. Yes you have guys coming back, but will they be enough of a threat to really utilize your size or will teams sag and let them shoot? I definitely don't see teams jumping the shooters against you guys as much as I see them clogging the paint.

Bottom line is you guys just got a huge boost. Not sure it changes my opinions about who is at the top of the conference yet as I'd like to see how things play out at for a few games before I change anything. I still see Maryland and MSU at the top followed by IU, PU and UM (in any order). As far as being favored at IU, who the hell knows now. We could be. I think it just depends on how both Purdue and IU play up to that point. Prior to Swanigan, I think IU would have been the favorite even if Purdue was ranked a little higher than IU. Now, I have no damn clue. If we're both playing really well I could see it being a pickem especially since it's a rivalry game.
Who does IU use on Swanigan? That is the question? Is Williams gonna guard him?
I think many people out too much emphasis on the numbers 1-3 in the system we run. Those are basically interchangeable parts in the motion and if possible the 4 as well. We have plenty of guys capable of bringing the ball up with the basketball IQ to attack the press if needed. We don't use the point to dribble drive like IU does. Davis can guard quick guys like Yogi if need be. With Hammons at the rim, guys getting beat doesn't become a huge problem and Swanigan can be on the weak side for any rebounds. So I can see us having plenty of shooters on the floor now and throwing capable bodies at the point and get the job done fine. The shooters have all shown they can defend, so that won't be an issue.
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Who does IU use on Swanigan? That is the question? Is Williams gonna guard him?
I think many people out too much emphasis on the numbers 1-3 in the system we run. Those are basically interchangeable parts in the motion and if possible the 4 as well. We have plenty of guys capable of bringing the ball up with the basketball IQ to attack the press if needed. We don't use the point to dribble drive like IU does. Davis can guard quick guys like Yogi if need be. With Hammons at the rim, guys getting beat doesn't become a huge problem and Swanigan can be on the weak side for any rebounds. So I can see us having plenty of shooters on the floor now and throwing capable bodies at the point and get the job done fine. The shooters have all shown they can defend, so that won't be an issue.
Zero clue who guards Swanigan. The good news, it'll probably be someone who creates a mismatch on the other end of the floor for him as well, like Williams.
Zero clue who guards Swanigan. The good news, it'll probably be someone who creates a mismatch on the other end of the floor for him as well, like Williams.
Speaking of mismatches.......................... You've still got Crean!!!
Zero clue who guards Swanigan. The good news, it'll probably be someone who creates a mismatch on the other end of the floor for him as well, like Williams.
If Williams doesn't develop a shot, once again Sillimas won't need to be guarded on the wing. He gets his points in close and that's gonna be in Swanigans favor, especially with AJ hanging around.
If Williams doesn't develop a shot, once again Sillimas won't need to be guarded on the wing. He gets his points in close and that's gonna be in Swanigans favor, especially with AJ hanging around.
Agree to an extent. Swanigan isn't that big though either. I believe he's like 6'8. He's not towering over anyone at the 4 for IU. It'll be interesting to see how B10 teams play you guys now with Swanigan. I feel less good about the game against Purdue now than I did earlier today. I still think IU can win though. Like I said many times, there is going to be a lot riding on this game in Bloomington. I'd bet both teams are at the top four of the conference and ranked. Good to have the rivalry mean something again. It's been a while since both teams were this good.
Lol, as usual you are wrong. Again.
Oh yeah? What point guard do you have that could start on any of the projected top half of the B10? Thompson? Mathias? Hill? None of those guys start anywhere but Purdue.

Maryland? Nope. MSU? Nope. IU? Nope. UM? Nope. OSU? Nope. Wisky? Nope.

I'll say it again. You have no point guards.
Oh yeah? What point guard do you have that could start on any of the projected top half of the B10? Maryland? Nope. MSU? Nope. IU? Nope. UM? Nope. OSU? Nope. Wisky? Nope.

I'll say it again. You have no point guards.
And I'll say it again. You have no clue. We have the PGs we need for our system to be successful. Man don't you just get tired of being wrong all the time?
And I'll say it again. You have no clue. We have the PGs we need for our system to be successful. Man don't you just get tired of being wrong all the time?
So you're happy with two guards who wouldn't start for any other B10 team that's going to finish in the top half of the league? Talk about low standards....
Oh that's weird. You're wrong again. Go look at Rivals, or 247sports, or ESPN who all have him listed at 6'8.
Right from the front page: "Purdue recruited the 6-foot-9, 260-plus-pound Swanigan to play power forward alongside existing centers A.J. Hammons and Isaac Haas and pitched to him the prospect of being the "face of the program."

Man I am tired of being right.
So you're happy with two guards who wouldn't start for any other B10 team that's going to finish in the top half of the league? Talk about low standards....
The stupidity you are posting is just becoming amazing even for you now. I mean I am actually speechless at how dumb you have gotten with all of this.

But fear not, for I am done embarrassing you for the day. Others will continue I have no doubt, but seriously you need to finish GED. You really need the education.
The stupidity you are posting is just becoming amazing even for you now.
You can't argue my point, can you? So you resort to name calling because you can't back up your post. Tell me who any of those four (Hill, Mathias, Stephens or Thompson) would start for out the following teams:

Maryland (Trimble and not sure who else)
MSU (Valentine and Harris)
IU (Yogi and Blackmon)
UM (Walton and LeVert)
Wisky (Jackson and Koenig sp?)

I'll wait...
Right from the front page: "Purdue recruited the 6-foot-9, 260-plus-pound Swanigan to play power forward alongside existing centers A.J. Hammons and Isaac Haas and pitched to him the prospect of being the "face of the program."

Man I am tired of being right.
So I gave you three sources that claim he's 6'8 and you give me one and claim victory. Understandable you couldn't make it into Purdue.
You can't argue my point, can you? So you resort to name calling because you can't back up your post. Tell me who any of those four (Hill, Mathias, Stephens or Thompson) would start for out the following teams:

Maryland (Trimble and not sure who else)
MSU (Valentine and Harris)
IU (Yogi and Blackmon)
UM (Walton and LeVert)
Wisky (Jackson and Koenig sp?)

I'll wait...

In Purdue's system, the guards do not have to be all league players. They can be average and still win a lot of games. The guards Purdue recruits are recruited for the system in which they play. Purdue will have 7 players (Davis, Hill, Mathias, Stephens, Thompson, Cline, and Weatherford) to play 2 positions. There should not be any issues with fatigue coming out of that group. Vince Edwards can also be used as a guard. He can handle the ball and had a low rate of turnovers. The most important thing all the guards will do is wear out the opposing guards through defense.
Real talk here.

I honestly don't think I'm being unreasonable when I say that IU can beat Purdue next year without playing their best game of the year. I think both of our teams are going to be in the top four or five in the league. Both our teams should be ranked when we play. Yes you are going to have an advantage at center and yes we're going to have an advantage at point guard. The rest of the players in the middle are too tough to call for one reason or another and it's gonna come down to who has a better game. Could JBJ play better than he did at IU against Purdue last year? Or with Ray Davis play him like he did last year? I could see either happening. Who wins between Vince and Williams? I could see either. What about Mathias and Robert Johnson, who knows. I like our guys better. You like your guys better. Shocker. I don't expect only our guys will get better. I expect most players to get better. But I also can acknowledge that some freshman can come in and play well right off the bat. Seems most around here are incapable of doing so.

For IU, the biggest two questions for this season were what would we do about our size down low and would our defense get better? We answered the first with Bryant. The second seems to be already heading in the right direction again because of Bryant but we'll have to wait and see how the defense looks against real competition. I will say, it can't get any worse than it was last year, though. For Purdue, where is the scoring going to come from and who is going to replace Octeus? You guys brought in Hill but still have some question marks at the point guard spot. He comes from a lower conference and didn't put up as good of numbers as Octeus did before he was at Purdue. Will Stephens be able to live up to the hype and actually be a consistent shooter? Can he be MORE than just a spot up shooter? What about Davis? Can he consistently hit the outside shot? Mathias? Seems most here are assuming that all three of those guys are going to be 40% shooters from 3pt land when in actuality they were far from it (Stephens was close but he was only slightly better than his freshman year). Both of our teams have major question marks. But the good news is both our teams have way less question marks than a lot of the teams in the B10. So in actuality it seems like I expect our players to get better and YOU expect your players to get better. The difference is I can acknowledge that your players will get better (and other players around the league) and you have good players on your team. You simply can't admit that any IU player could possibly get better or BE better than an Purdue player or that IU could be better than Purdue next year.

The only reason I keep pointing out these early rankings is for those that want to completely discount talent and the huge disadvantage we played with all year and acknowledge the benefits of bringing in a talented center can do for a team.

And you're not proven at 10 deep. LOL. Not. Even. Close.
As a Purdue fan, I think you need to give up here. IU and Purdue have fans that drink the Kool-Aid way too much and you're outnumbered here as much as I would be at Peegs.

Personally I like Purdue's chances against IU on a neutral court; having to play only once and @IU makes an already tough game for Purdue even tougher. IU has some really good players, the reason I think that Purdue has the advantage is due to defense. If Bryant gets 1 or 2 early fouls, IU will be in a very tough position, especially without Perea. Obviously you will take IU and we will take Purdue, but you are correct in that this game could go either way. If the game were at Mackey, however, I doubt IU would really have a chance. Either way, enjoy your season! I'm looking forward to an IU/PU game where both teams are talented!
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We actually have a little better OOC schedule than usual but still too many 300+ teams. If we win fewer than 20 games Crean will be gone, not sure that's what you guys want but most of us would be happy.

With that/this IU team, how does he possibly NOT win 20 games. It's almost mathmatically impossible! Yogi is probably the main reason Crean is still at IU. If Crean ever decided to teach real defense at IU, with that yearly talent, IU would be real dangerous! Please, please, keep Crean, & the "No defense, no problem" attitude.

Chuck/Swanigan Strong!!!

Go Boilers!!!
So I gave you three sources that claim he's 6'8 and you give me one and claim victory. Understandable you couldn't make it into Purdue.
Not applying is different than not being able to get in to Purdue. You can keep trying to knock me on that, but it isn't working. Maybe if you ever actually got your GED you could see just where you are failing in all of this.

But for giggles here is an article from his home town that also lists him at 6' 9"

and the IUStar:

Pay attention to: "Everything clicked for the now 6-9, 260-pound Swanigan as a senior at Homestead High School"

You lose.
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As a Purdue fan, I think you need to give up here. IU and Purdue have fans that drink the Kool-Aid way too much and you're outnumbered here as much as I would be at Peegs.

Personally I like Purdue's chances against IU on a neutral court; having to play only once and @IU makes an already tough game for Purdue even tougher. IU has some really good players, the reason I think that Purdue has the advantage is due to defense. If Bryant gets 1 or 2 early fouls, IU will be in a very tough position, especially without Perea. Obviously you will take IU and we will take Purdue, but you are correct in that this game could go either way. If the game were at Mackey, however, I doubt IU would really have a chance. Either way, enjoy your season! I'm looking forward to an IU/PU game where both teams are talented!
Appreciate the post. Good luck to you guys as well, just not in Bloomington. ;)
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