Purdue has said that Ross Ade will be at full capacity this season. However, what happens...


Jul 6, 2011
Purdue has said that Ross Ade will be at full capacity this season, which I really hope to see. I am not a big baseball watcher, but I did turn on a MLB game this last week, and it was so great to see the crowd and the atmosphere that a full stadium can add to a game.

However, the Delta variant is really starting to expand internationally, and it is suppose to be in the US at a small scale right now. Football season is still a little over 2 months before the start of the season. This variant is suppose to be more contagious and makes people sicker than the original COVID 19, especially for people that have not gotten vaccinated yet. I don't know about other states, but I think KY is probably at a 45% vaccination rate currently. I have received both of my vaccinations. I wish people would just get vaccinated, and we can put this pandemic behind us. Everyone seems to be acting like we have won already against this virus.

What does the Big Ten do, because I am sure that they will dictate what Purdue, Ohio State, Michigan, etc. can do, if this variant gets worse. Will stadiums have to go to 75%, 50%, or 25% capacity? Will you have to show your vaccination card to get in to stadiums, which some recent concerts have done? Are you fine taking the chance of going to a game, if this situation happens to really starts to affect everything again?

Unfortunately, as much as I hate to say it, this virus may play a part in another season, if this situation does not start to improve or get under control.

I am curious of everyone's opinion.
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"ifs and buts"

Go with life as it is now.

No doubt, the panic porn players will work overtime to try to convince people we need more lockdowns and restrictions.

Live your life.
Another area I 100% agree on. “Live your life”.
I have had the Covid in Nov. 2020, and survived. Loss of smell and taste with the smell taking months to come back. Got vaccinated in April, and I just want to put this past us. “Live your life and stop the panic porn of Covid”. We must not succumb to fear of every variant or we’ll never make it out of the woods.
Over/Under how many different "scary" variants there will be??? Delta, Charlie, Foxtrot, Alpha.....

Have a bad feeling this will never end for reasons other than health and safety...

Bigger question .. how many people who ask things like “oooh the delta variant” will ever say..

“oh hey, look, something scary.. which, like all things corona, came from gain of function research.. which was funded BY.. the exact same people trying to act like they are the voice that is here to keep you safe.”

probably very few if any.
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Purdue has said that Ross Ade will be at full capacity this season, which I really hope to see. I am not a big baseball watcher, but I did turn on a MLB game this last week, and it was so great to see the crowd and the atmosphere that a full stadium can add to a game.

However, the Delta variant is really starting to expand internationally, and it is suppose to be in the US at a small scale right now. Football season is still a little over 2 months before the start of the season. This variant is suppose to be more contagious and makes people sicker than the original COVID 19, especially for people that have not gotten vaccinated yet. I don't know about other states, but I think KY is probably at a 45% vaccination rate currently. I have received both of my vaccinations. I wish people would just get vaccinated, and we can put this pandemic behind us. Everyone seems to be acting like we have won already against this virus.

What does the Big Ten do, because I am sure that they will dictate what Purdue, Ohio State, Michigan, etc. can do, if this variant gets worse. Will stadiums have to go to 75%, 50%, or 25% capacity? Will you have to show your vaccination card to get in to stadiums, which some recent concerts have done? Are you fine taking the chance of going to a game, if this situation happens to really starts to affect everything again?

Unfortunately, as much as I hate to say it, this virus may play a part in another season, if this situation does not start to improve or get under control.

I am curious of everyone's opinion.
I started to get the Pfizer vaccination every month. Like Fauci said, if one mask is good doesn’t it make sense that two are better? Well, if two shots are good isn’t 3, 4, 5 etc…even better. Just using Fauci logic.
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I started to get the Pfizer vaccination every month. Like Fauci said, if one mask is good doesn’t it make sense that two are better? Well, if two shots are good isn’t 3, 4, 5 etc…even better. Just using Fauci logic.

Why are so many joking about something so serious. Why is science now political. Purdue is a school of science, yet so many of the people that go their (not in the science department) refuse to believe science.

its one shot and a booster, its how the mRNA vaccines were designed. In the future you might need to get another booster, but not right now.

And amazing stat that the anti vaxxers chose to ignore, since the shot was available 99.2% of those coming down with Covid were NOT vaccinated. 99.8% of the deaths from COVID in the same time period were not vaccinated. So why you believe fake science that says the vaccine is bad when it has really helped stop the pandemic I dont understand.

But here is another stat the pro vaccinated dont mention. We are now at about 200 deaths a day from Covid in the US, about the same number of deaths as the flu in a normal year. That is with about 55% vaccinated. So the vaccines are working, and while covid has many more side effects than the flu, as far as death total, they are now currently about equal, so stop making people afraid to go out.
Purdue has said that Ross Ade will be at full capacity this season, which I really hope to see. I am not a big baseball watcher, but I did turn on a MLB game this last week, and it was so great to see the crowd and the atmosphere that a full stadium can add to a game.

However, the Delta variant is really starting to expand internationally, and it is suppose to be in the US at a small scale right now. Football season is still a little over 2 months before the start of the season. This variant is suppose to be more contagious and makes people sicker than the original COVID 19, especially for people that have not gotten vaccinated yet. I don't know about other states, but I think KY is probably at a 45% vaccination rate currently. I have received both of my vaccinations. I wish people would just get vaccinated, and we can put this pandemic behind us. Everyone seems to be acting like we have won already against this virus.

What does the Big Ten do, because I am sure that they will dictate what Purdue, Ohio State, Michigan, etc. can do, if this variant gets worse. Will stadiums have to go to 75%, 50%, or 25% capacity? Will you have to show your vaccination card to get in to stadiums, which some recent concerts have done? Are you fine taking the chance of going to a game, if this situation happens to really starts to affect everything again?

Unfortunately, as much as I hate to say it, this virus may play a part in another season, if this situation does not start to improve or get under control.

I am curious of everyone's opinion.
Lets cut out the negative thinking.No more nightmares.
Why are so many joking about something so serious. Why is science now political. Purdue is a school of science, yet so many of the people that go their (not in the science department) refuse to believe science.

its one shot and a booster, its how the mRNA vaccines were designed. In the future you might need to get another booster, but not right now.

And amazing stat that the anti vaxxers chose to ignore, since the shot was available 99.2% of those coming down with Covid were NOT vaccinated. 99.8% of the deaths from COVID in the same time period were not vaccinated. So why you believe fake science that says the vaccine is bad when it has really helped stop the pandemic I dont understand.

But here is another stat the pro vaccinated dont mention. We are now at about 200 deaths a day from Covid in the US, about the same number of deaths as the flu in a normal year. That is with about 55% vaccinated. So the vaccines are working, and while covid has many more side effects than the flu, as far as death total, they are now currently about equal, so stop making people afraid to go out.
If two is good, 3 has to be better, right? Just following Fauci’s “science” on the mask.
If two is good, 3 has to be better, right? Just following Fauci’s “science” on the mask.
I love when you explain to a Fauci fan that this was all caused by gain of function funded back door through the NIH and after they try to feed you some bat story from movie labyrinth you keep explaining and you tell them that Obama actually shut down the gain of function funding and was like “why are you doing this” their face gets that deer in headlights look and they’re like “ooohhh.”
If two is good, 3 has to be better, right? Just following Fauci’s “science” on the mask.
And amazing stat that the anti vaxxers chose to ignore, since the shot was available 99.2% of those coming down with Covid were NOT vaccinated.
Whats amazing to me is that people still follow what fauci says when he has been exposed as being full of shit. You also like to point how this is "political" when the entire COVID thing has been nothing but political from people like Pelosi. to the point of using it against a sitting president to get him removed. And as we're finding out now, that president was right more times than not and many lives could of been saved had it not been made political from the get go.

I know this isn't the forum for this, so will do my part as best I can to not carry on with this, but fauci is a freakin fraud.
Why are so many joking about something so serious. Why is science now political. Purdue is a school of science, yet so many of the people that go their (not in the science department) refuse to believe science.

its one shot and a booster, its how the mRNA vaccines were designed. In the future you might need to get another booster, but not right now.

And amazing stat that the anti vaxxers chose to ignore, since the shot was available 99.2% of those coming down with Covid were NOT vaccinated. 99.8% of the deaths from COVID in the same time period were not vaccinated. So why you believe fake science that says the vaccine is bad when it has really helped stop the pandemic I dont understand.

But here is another stat the pro vaccinated dont mention. We are now at about 200 deaths a day from Covid in the US, about the same number of deaths as the flu in a normal year. That is with about 55% vaccinated. So the vaccines are working, and while covid has many more side effects than the flu, as far as death total, they are now currently about equal, so stop making people afraid to go out.

"Science" is political when it is used to dictate public policy, how freaking hard is that to understand?
Whats amazing to me is that people still follow what fauci says when he has been exposed as being full of shit. You also like to point how this is "political" when the entire COVID thing has been nothing but political from people like Pelosi. to the point of using it against a sitting president to get him removed. And as we're finding out now, that president was right more times than not and many lives could of been saved had it not been made political from the get go.

I know this isn't the forum for this, so will do my part as best I can to not carry on with this, but fauci is a freakin fraud.
The president was at fault too. And I’m no shit lib. Obama was like “why are you guys doing gain of function, that’s ridiculous.” When trump was elected they got the funding renewed. I’ve asked about 400 regular people “hey do you want research that tinkers with making viruses stronger.” Haven’t gotten anything but a “f no” yet.
I love when you explain to a Fauci fan that this was all caused by gain of function funded back door through the NIH and after they try to feed you some bat story from movie labyrinth you keep explaining and you tell them that Obama actually shut down the gain of function funding and was like “why are you doing this” their face gets that deer in headlights look and they’re like “ooohhh.”

I am merely a fan of science, Not a Fauci fan, he has made his mistakes, but reality is reality and so many live in a false reality with no standing.

"Science" is political when it is used to dictate public policy, how freaking hard is that to understand?

So are you suggesting that things of scientific nature like health should not be dictated by science but rather people with ZERO scientific background because they were told the vaccines have computer chips in them?

Or that we should believe the anti vax movement that is 100% backed by false science and started by a doctor who lost his license to practice medicine?

For the record, we are so lucky in this country that we have access to the vaccine and millions are literally dying to get vaccinated yet we say sorry, i dont believe in science, i read somewhere on the internet that Fauci said where 4 masks and get vaccinated 4 times, and even though dozens of GOP certified the election for the DEMS Trump won and will be President again in August...and i believe this because some idiot that sells really crappy pillows told me this.

And just because I believe Trump last and that this country has gone crazy doesnt make me a fan of Biden. Most politicians are horrible people.

PS, for the record I am a fan of Romney and those like him who have the conviction and courage to stand up to liars like Trump.
I am merely a fan of science, Not a Fauci fan, he has made his mistakes, but reality is reality and so many live in a false reality with no standing.

There are no sides in science, and there is no "belief" in science. Science is a never-ending pursuit.

We had scientists that led this charade, claiming we simply needed "fifteen days to flatten the curve", then proceeded to move the goalposts all over the field for the past 15+ months (and counting).

Science also rushed through an "emergency use" vaccine, which is no longer being used on an emergency basis. Instead, it's being force on even those with the lowest risk. And, we have those "champions of science" attempting to shame people into submission.

I'm all for the vaccine. If you want it, take it. If you don't, and you have substantial concerns about the safety of it, that doesn't make one an anti-vaxxer, it simply means they're exercising common sense.

The "science" has taken on the appearance of a cult. And, that is sad, indeed.
I am merely a fan of science, Not a Fauci fan, he has made his mistakes, but reality is reality and so many live in a false reality with no standing.

made mistakes? So tell me, where do you think this came from? You can tell me anything you want but I reserve the right to stop reading and turn the movie willow on at any time
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So are you suggesting that things of scientific nature like health should not be dictated by science but rather people with ZERO scientific background because they were told the vaccines have computer chips in them?

Or that we should believe the anti vax movement that is 100% backed by false science and started by a doctor who lost his license to practice medicine?

For the record, we are so lucky in this country that we have access to the vaccine and millions are literally dying to get vaccinated yet we say sorry, i dont believe in science, i read somewhere on the internet that Fauci said where 4 masks and get vaccinated 4 times, and even though dozens of GOP certified the election for the DEMS Trump won and will be President again in August...and i believe this because some idiot that sells really crappy pillows told me this.

And just because I believe Trump last and that this country has gone crazy doesnt make me a fan of Biden. Most politicians are horrible people.

PS, for the record I am a fan of Romney and those like him who have the conviction and courage to stand up to liars like Trump.

You gotta stay on topic. You went in like 6 different directions with that rant. The "science" is not in in vaccines, no one knows any long term impacts of the vaccine. But "science" says we need it, otherwise your 15 year-old might get a fever for 12 hours.
You gotta stay on topic. You went in like 6 different directions with that rant. The "science" is not in in vaccines, no one knows any long term impacts of the vaccine. But "science" says we need it, otherwise your 15 year-old might get a fever for 12 hours.
Also you are aware of the role that science funding played in this whole thing
You gotta stay on topic. You went in like 6 different directions with that rant. The "science" is not in in vaccines, no one knows any long term impacts of the vaccine. But "science" says we need it, otherwise your 15 year-old might get a fever for 12 hours.
We don't know the long term effects of Covid-19, also likely man made, viral infection either. Researchers have been studying and using mRNA and viral vector vaccines for decades.
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You gotta stay on topic. You went in like 6 different directions with that rant. The "science" is not in in vaccines, no one knows any long term impacts of the vaccine. But "science" says we need it, otherwise your 15 year-old might get a fever for 12 hours.

And there is the issue, way to linear way of thinking. Death or no death are the only issues with Covid. Never mind 20 times people with PERMANENT heart and lung damage. Never mind the real purpose of vaccinating is not to prevent in the person spread but stop the spreading of the virus.

Your kid could never have any signs of covid but spread it to 20+ people. This country was founded on very selfish principles, there is no greater good here, thus I am not shocked almost 50% of the country is being very selfish, only looking at themselves, refusing to recognize the real purpose about vaccinating is much bigger than them or their kid.

Long term effects longhaulers is just now beginning to come to the surface. The fact we are 55% vaccinated and our numbers are so down is irrefutable. The fact India, Brazil and other countries are less than 3% vaccinated and Covid is killing hundreds and thousands and effecting millions, many who will live but have horrible long term effects.

The great thing in this country we are allowed to be selfish, but doesnt make it moral, just legal.
And there is the issue, way to linear way of thinking. Death or no death are the only issues with Covid. Never mind 20 times people with PERMANENT heart and lung damage. Never mind the real purpose of vaccinating is not to prevent in the person spread but stop the spreading of the virus.

Your kid could never have any signs of covid but spread it to 20+ people. This country was founded on very selfish principles, there is no greater good here, thus I am not shocked almost 50% of the country is being very selfish, only looking at themselves, refusing to recognize the real purpose about vaccinating is much bigger than them or their kid.

Long term effects longhaulers is just now beginning to come to the surface. The fact we are 55% vaccinated and our numbers are so down is irrefutable. The fact India, Brazil and other countries are less than 3% vaccinated and Covid is killing hundreds and thousands and effecting millions, many who will live but have horrible long term effects.

The great thing in this country we are allowed to be selfish, but doesnt make it moral, just legal.
Where did covid come from?
And there is the issue, way to linear way of thinking. Death or no death are the only issues with Covid. Never mind 20 times people with PERMANENT heart and lung damage. Never mind the real purpose of vaccinating is not to prevent in the person spread but stop the spreading of the virus.

Your kid could never have any signs of covid but spread it to 20+ people. This country was founded on very selfish principles, there is no greater good here, thus I am not shocked almost 50% of the country is being very selfish, only looking at themselves, refusing to recognize the real purpose about vaccinating is much bigger than them or their kid.

Long term effects longhaulers is just now beginning to come to the surface. The fact we are 55% vaccinated and our numbers are so down is irrefutable. The fact India, Brazil and other countries are less than 3% vaccinated and Covid is killing hundreds and thousands and effecting millions, many who will live but have horrible long term effects.

The great thing in this country we are allowed to be selfish, but doesnt make it moral, just legal.
This is exactly my point.



You just abandoned "science" for emotion.
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I still don’t understand why people are pushing for me to get vaccinated if I have decided that it doesn’t make sense for me to get vaccinated in my personal situation.

If you are vaccinated- you are pretty much safe from infected people, right? So if you are vaccinated and safe from me, why do you care if I am vaccinated or not?

Don’t worry about me. If I get Covid because I chose not to get the vaccine- that is on me and anyone that I pass it to obviously also chose to not get vaccinated. Maybe just maybe some of us think the risk of getting Covid- even it it was a 100% chance- is preferable to the potential side effects of the vaccine- even if less than 1% chance.
Where did covid come from?

We will probably never know. Started in China for sure, the wet market thing is probably wrong, could have been lab created by accident, on purpose or natural. Anyone that claims to know is either lying or ignorant. They have theories, but there is no solid evidence one way or another.
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I still don’t understand why people are pushing for me to get vaccinated if I have decided that it doesn’t make sense for me to get vaccinated in my personal situation.

If you are vaccinated- you are pretty much safe from infected people, right? So if you are vaccinated and safe from me, why do you care if I am vaccinated or not?

Don’t worry about me. If I get Covid because I chose not to get the vaccine- that is on me and anyone that I pass it to obviously also chose to not get vaccinated. Maybe just maybe some of us think the risk of getting Covid- even it it was a 100% chance- is preferable to the potential side effects of the vaccine- even if less than 1% chance.

Because to get rid of Covid you need almost everyone vaccinated. Its not about me, its about the WORLD.

How did we get rid of small pox? Polio? A host of other infectious diseases?

So since we are all on this planet together, we have to worry about you and all of the ignorant decisions you make. Hey why should I worry about you drinking and driving? Its your decision right? Its because you could end up killing others when you hit them. Same with Covid, its not about you, its about getting rid of Covid.

And i do understand this will go in one ear and out the other because you like so many others refuse to understand that the world is bigger than them. But it is.
Because to get rid of Covid you need almost everyone vaccinated. Its not about me, its about the WORLD.

How did we get rid of small pox? Polio? A host of other infectious diseases?

So since we are all on this planet together, we have to worry about you and all of the ignorant decisions you make. Hey why should I worry about you drinking and driving? Its your decision right? Its because you could end up killing others when you hit them. Same with Covid, its not about you, its about getting rid of Covid.

And i do understand this will go in one ear and out the other because you like so many others refuse to understand that the world is bigger than them. But it is.

You think we are going to get rid of covid…
I still don’t understand why people are pushing for me to get vaccinated if I have decided that it doesn’t make sense for me to get vaccinated in my personal situation.

If you are vaccinated- you are pretty much safe from infected people, right? So if you are vaccinated and safe from me, why do you care if I am vaccinated or not?

Don’t worry about me. If I get Covid because I chose not to get the vaccine- that is on me and anyone that I pass it to obviously also chose to not get vaccinated. Maybe just maybe some of us think the risk of getting Covid- even it it was a 100% chance- is preferable to the potential side effects of the vaccine- even if less than 1% chance.
There are those that legit can’t get the vaccine. And then there’s the rest of us.
It will never end if people don’t get the shot. Simple as that really.
It will never end even if people do get the shot! In Israel where they just locked down again- 50% of the people that are getting the delta variant had already been vaccinated.

I hate to break the news to you guys- but covid is going to be with us the rest of our lives. It mutates faster than we could ever get a handle on new variants with new vaccines. By the time there is a vaccine specifically geared towards the delta variant- there will be yet other variants to contend with. The good news for vaccinated people is they say the people getting it after having been vaccinated have a less severe case.
It will never end even if people do get the shot! In Israel where they just locked down again- 50% of the people that are getting the delta variant had already been vaccinated.

I hate to break the news to you guys- but covid is going to be with us the rest of our lives. It mutates faster than we could ever get a handle on new variants with new vaccines. By the time there is a vaccine specifically geared towards the delta variant- there will be yet other variants to contend with. The good news for vaccinated people is they say the people getting it after having been vaccinated have a less severe case.
The vaccine doesn’t prevent you from getting it, but it does make the symptoms much easier to handle. What spurs new variants?