Its about getting recruits that have the physical attributes, and know how to play a specific position. Coaches like Hazell to my astonishment constantly year after year put corners that are 5 ft 6 inches out there while opponent teams have 6ft 6 receivers who run a 4.5 40 and are physical studs weighing at 225 plus. If you were serious about this game the first thing you would do is go out and get as close to shut down corners as you possibly can and Purdue's wildly undersized defensive backs couldn't shut down the women's basketball team out there. We went from Rod Woodson level to what we got now. It is a disgrace because it is such an advantage to other team. Its the single biggest reason Purdue hasn't fielded a decent defense since Rod Woodson out there.
Hazell needs fired after this game. This cannot continue. Not another game, not another day, not another hour. Find a high school coach and put him out there. Anything and I mean anything is better than Hazell. Just put a capable team out there for the love of god already. Watching Penn State just physically thrash Maryland like Maryland is their whimp is telling as to how disgraceful a job Hazell has done. We went from losing to Ohio State level teams by 25 points a game to losing to the worst big ten teams by 50. Fire this guy already and maybe next time lets not have a swim team guy as the athletic director. Right now PSU is up 38 to 14 and they humiliated Maryland. It shows you how Purdue is less than a MAC school talent and coaching. Maryland couldn't beat anybody as bad as they beat Purdue. The go from 3rd team in 4th quarter dominating us to Penn State and today the world got to see it wasn't Maryland's talent that beat Purdue it was Purdue is THAT BAD.