Pres Debate Predictions

Clearly not Clinton. Not Harris unless she was able to convince Trump to debate her (he won’t). Newsom has a chance because Trump is also an incredibly unpopular candidate.

Witmer is only unpopular on Fox News. She won Michigan (a swing state) in a landslide. So her.

Also? Wes Moore, Shapiro, and maybe Pritzger or Klobuchar.

Do I think that the Dem delegates would be smart enough to nominate a moderate? No. Then again, I never thought the Republicans would be smart enough to eventually settle on a sane, talented guy like Mike Johnson and they did.

I don't like most of his policies, but of the ones you listed Wes Moore is a guy that gets things done and has the brightest future of any you listed.

But the Dem convention ending like August 24.....that gives whomever the delegates coalesce around just over 70 days to election day. That is a short, short window.

So because of that short window, in my opinion Biden would need to announce he is not running in July and then in the same speech release his delegates & back whomever the Dem "savior" is.

So far Biden is holding on tight. And for me, & imo the country is very good news.
Clearly not Clinton. Not Harris unless she was able to convince Trump to debate her (he won’t). Newsom has a chance because Trump is also an incredibly unpopular candidate.

Witmer is only unpopular on Fox News. She won Michigan (a swing state) in a landslide. So her.

Also? Wes Moore, Shapiro, and maybe Pritzger or Klobuchar.

Do I think that the Dem delegates would be smart enough to nominate a moderate? No. Then again, I never thought the Republicans would be smart enough to eventually settle on a sane, talented guy like Mike Johnson and they did.
You better see a doctor, katstench. It has spread to your brain. Kat litter to you is like ice cream to Joe Crow.

So far Biden is holding on tight. And for me, & imo the country is very good news.
Now that the truth has been revealed to the full public about Crow, the dems cannot afford to let him run.

I expect him to be visited soon by Garland or Wray with the news that it seems there is a lot of unrevealed evidence linking him to Hunter's influence-selling scam - and that it would be a shame if that evidence was released before the election.
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Now that the truth has been revealed to the full public about Crow, the dems cannot afford to let him run.

I expect him to be visited soon by Garland or Wray with the news that it seems there is a lot of unrevealed evidence linking him to Hunter's influence-selling scam - and that it would be a shame if that evidence was released before the election.

What DEMS use blackmail on ol Joe?
Say it ain't so? The party of "Democracy" would never do that.....would they? (In my best sarcastic voice).
Biden (Jill) has double downed that he is staying in the race. And donors ponied up 27 million. Bit cultist if you ask me.

Where is Bobby on this board ranting about party over country? How do people feel about being lied to since 2020 about his mental competency? How sharp he is behind closed doors? Fox News reports on his issues and they are “cheap fakes.” And how funny that the man who is super competent must now drop out after only a 90 minute performance.

For lefties like Bobby. Can you admit that the party you support has been lying to you? Or that you have lied to yourself? Can you tell us who is running the country?

And as for “cultist” 33% thought Biden won the debate. How deep into a cult must you be to think Biden won that debate? Trump may not have “won” but to think Biden outperformed? There’s Jim Jones stuff.
Now that the truth has been revealed to the full public about Crow, the dems cannot afford to let him run.

I expect him to be visited soon by Garland or Wray with the news that it seems there is a lot of unrevealed evidence linking him to Hunter's influence-selling scam - and that it would be a shame if that evidence was released before the election.
Everyone in Washington knows what this guy has done for the last 30 years. Hell do a search on Hunter Biden MBNA. But he is on the left so he is useful until he is not. See Blago, Menendez, etc. Both were corrupt for a long time they just got out of line. So the hammer dropped. From 2008.
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Didn't you read my last post. I said that was before last night's debate. I know now after last night, the dems have no choice but to replace him as candidate.
You are an idiot if you couldn’t see this coming before the debate. The guy has had dementia for 5 plus years. It gets worse, not better.
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Everyone in Washington knows what this guy has done for the last 30 years. He’ll do a search on Hunter Biden MBBA. But he is on the left so he is useful until he is not. See Blago, Menendez, etc. Both were corruot for a long time they just got out of line. So the hammer dropped. From 2008.
All very true. Joe was a useful puppet but if he is going to lose and take a lot of other dem puppets down with him, he has to go, and a new puppet - Michelle is their best choice in puppets by far - must be brought forward for the establishment's purposes.

The only other option is to try another hoax on Trump - which nobody with intelligence would put past them.

I suspect Bob has gone into prolonged hiding since the "debate", if you can call it that. Or maybe he has slithered away from the forum completely, like the despicable HoosierFanJM. I thought of the latter when Biden stated the outrageous lie that no service members had died during his term - as if the receiving ceremony in Dover at which Biden shamefully looked at his watch several times never happened, and those grieving Goldstar families that HoosierFanJM ridiculed never existed.
All very true. Joe was a useful puppet but if he is going to lose and take a lot of other dem puppets down with him, he has to go, and a new puppet - Michelle is their best choice in puppets by far - must be brought forward for the establishment's purposes.

The only other option is to try another hoax on Trump - which nobody with intelligence would put past them.

I suspect Bob has gone into prolonged hiding since the "debate", if you can call it that. Or maybe he has slithered away from the forum completely, like the despicable HoosierFanJM. I thought of the latter when Biden stated the outrageous lie that no service members had died during his term - as if the receiving ceremony in Dover at which Biden shamefully looked at his watch several times never happened, and those grieving Goldstar families that HoosierFanJM ridiculed never existed.
A serious question—do they call you Timothy or Timmy M in prison? And how IS Texas this time of year? Hate to dox you, but so very curious.
All very true. Joe was a useful puppet but if he is going to lose and take a lot of other dem puppets down with him, he has to go, and a new puppet - Michelle is their best choice in puppets by far - must be brought forward for the establishment's purposes.

The only other option is to try another hoax on Trump - which nobody with intelligence would put past them.

I suspect Bob has gone into prolonged hiding since the "debate", if you can call it that. Or maybe he has slithered away from the forum completely, like the despicable HoosierFanJM. I thought of the latter when Biden stated the outrageous lie that no service members had died during his term - as if the receiving ceremony in Dover at which Biden shamefully looked at his watch several times never happened, and those grieving Goldstar families that HoosierFanJM ridiculed never existed.
He must feel embarrassed for being such a smart guy (his opinion of himself) for voting Biden.
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A serious question—do they call you Timothy or Timmy M in prison? And how IS Texas this time of year? Hate to dox you, but so very curious.
Your hero fooled many fools, not just you.

It's been going on for centuries. It's called keeping the company alive and saving jobs. If cost of energy and raw materials go up, those increases must be reflected in the price. If taxes go up, that is an increase in the cost of running the business. It must be reflected in the cost. If companies can't increase prices, they must cut spending to survive. This usually means layoffs.

Raising taxes on businesses directly results in inflation. A tax on business is largely a tax on the poor and middle class. Politicians know this. They know it MUST happen. They manipulate you into thinking that, instead of raising YOUR taxes, they are raising taxes on those greedy businesses. But they know they are raising your taxes.
oddly the talking point for the dims on inflation is corporate greed. Were corporations not greedy under other presidents? Was there no corporate greed under Trump and corporate greed only under Biden?
Yep, those corporations just got greedy in 2020. Never were greedy before. Lol ....besides his lies, he adds in some incredible stupidity to his posts.....this is the latter.

Demonstrates every day how being race centric warps your brain and make you lose perspective of reality.

At least he's entertaining. Lol
never saw your post or I wouldn't have typed about corporate greed only NOW in play. ;)
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oddly the talking point for the dims on inflation is corporate greed. Were corporations not greedy under other presidents? Was there no corporate greed under Trump and corporate greed only under Biden?
Oh yes, corporations have always been greedy under all administrations. However, since COVID, corporations have stepped up their greediness and never looked back. They took advantage of the situation.
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Oh yes, corporations have always been greedy under all administrations. However, since COVID, corporations have stepped up their greediness and never looked back. They took advantage of the situation.
What is the basis for this belief?

During the COVID epidemic, corporate taxes were raised at a much higher rate than the increase in prices. So corporations were actually showing restraint in raising prices in a difficult environment.
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