Prayers for Rush

Evidence of what? There were NO impeachable offenses, no matter how much Schiff lied, misrepresented & distorted the information in his favor. I realize you will never acknowledge that, but this was a political mud slinging session that the nation should never have been dragged through by the Dems. They overplayed their hand and will suffer the consequences in November. That's the reality that you have to face.
You say that, but you bring up Clinton who was impeached over lying whether he got a blowjob from an intern in the Oval Office.

Contrast that with Trump who held up aid which was appropriated by Congress to pressure a foreign government to announce investigations in to a son of his political rival. Trump then lied about the conduct and tried to cover it up. These actions were corroborated by multiple witnesses under oath. The House subpoenaed multiple Trump administration officials and documents, but the administration defied those subpoenas resulting in the second article of impeachment for obstruction of Congress.

You don’t know what the **** you are talking about.
Firstly, until your ass sits in my classroom...keep what I do and don’t out of your mouth. You might be surprised by what I teach in my classroom and learn something along the way.

Secondly, I posted information that qualified what other people were claiming to quantify what they were saying. I also made the comment on the last quote that of all the quotes, that one was challenged more vehemently but that others claim he said it.

Also, I didn’t state a thing and even stated that I would leave it as it was. I didn’t state and opinion on the matter. If you want it, here it is:

Whether Rush is a racist or not is subject to one’s own interpretation of the material he presented, which he presented in a manner to be controversial and racy. He played frequently in a grey area where conservative listeners lapped him up and liberal ones hated him...but either way he was gaining listeners. I, for one, believe he was either a racist using his show to peddle his ideology in the manner to allow listeners to fill in the blank or he purposefully did so to make himself wealthy...either way he is not someone I would ever associate one of our nations most prominent honors for. Would you give one to Howard Stern? Because that’s essentially what Trump has done.

Fourth, I linked the information to provide individuals the chance to see where I got it from and gave credit to that site. As Mathboy states:

I’ll dive deeper in to these but as I said I stated the last quote had some issues with its factuality. The fact you go directly to attacking who I am as a teacher speaks loudly to who you are however.

The question remains, Why did you feel the need to throw all that negative crap on the board, knowing that at least some of it may not have been true? That says a lot about you.
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You say that, but you bring up Clinton who was impeached over lying whether he got a blowjob from an intern in the Oval Office.

Contrast that with Trump who held up aid which was appropriated by Congress to pressure a foreign government to announce investigations in to a son of his political rival. Trump then lied about the conduct and tried to cover it up. These actions were corroborated by multiple witnesses under oath. The House subpoenaed multiple Trump administration officials and documents, but the administration defied those subpoenas resulting in the second article of impeachment for obstruction of Congress.

You don’t know what the **** you are talking about.
*11 felonies were involved with Clinton’s impeachment (0 felonies involved with Trump)
*No high crimes, no misdemeanors
*Witnesses witnessed nothing (hearsay doesn’t count)

Keep fighting the good fight! It’s a complete waste of your time.
The question remains, Why did you feel the need to throw all that negative crap on the board, knowing that at least some of it may not have been true? That says a lot about you.
Fair point but I will point out that the comment I knew had major questions around it...I mentioned it was questionable. In fact, there were probably 10 more I could have used as well. However, many of those quotes and others are 100% true. As I mentioned to someone in a separate conversation: If Rush wasn't a racist in his private life, he sure played a role perfectly on his radio show to draw listeners to his show. He played a grey area just well enough to allow conservatives to have their ideas substantiated and to piss off the left. Let's say he isn't a racist in his personal life. Does that excuse his blatant misbehavior on his radio show?
Wait and see is a good approach because I think more information will come out from Bolton and the NY courts when they get Trump's tax returns. I also think the stock market will hit some major bumps in 2020 and that will hurt Trump. Plus the refusal of the Republicans to hear any witness testimony did not go down well with the American people. So I am also going with a "wait and see" approach.

Try to be objective for a moment. Have you ever seen ANY President in our history get such a full rectal exam as Trump is getting? Have you ever wondered why? There has been a coordinated effort against him, since the election results were announced. He represents a threat to the status quo and a lot of politicians and power brokers want to get rid of him, because they can't control him. That makes me support him more. The Swamp needs to get drained, because there are too many corrupt individuals getting wealthy at the taxpayer's expense.

I've been following politics for over 60 years and I've lived through Presidencies from Eisenhower through Trump and I have never seen this much vitriol directed at any other President. What's even crazier is that he's doing a lot of great things for the country, but a large part of our populace is so blinded by media induced rage that they won't even acknowledge what's going on around them. It's like the Left & Right are living in completely different Universes. Try to get past his personality and look at what he's doing for the country.
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Try to be objective for a moment. Have you ever seen ANY President in our history get such a full rectal exam as Trump is getting? Have you ever wondered why? There has been a coordinated effort against him, since the election results were announced. He represents a threat to the status quo and a lot of politicians and power brokers want to get rid of him, because they can't control him. That makes me support him more. The Swamp needs to get drained, because there are too many corrupt individuals getting wealthy at the taxpayer's expense.

I've been following politics for over 60 years and I've lived through Presidencies from Eisenhower through Trump and I have never seen this much vitriol directed at any other President. What's even crazier is that he's doing a lot of great things for the country, but a large part of our populace is so blinded by media induced rage that they won't even acknowledge what;s going on around them. It's like the Left & Right are living in completely different Universes. Try to get past his personality and look at what he's doing for the country.
Umm, people were burning and hanging effigies of President Obama. Also, it isn't media induced rage and is substantiated through his use of Twitter. If he simply put down the phone, he would cakewalk to a second term in what might amount to one of the largest electoral victories in US history. The fact that he behaves so boorish and non-presidential is what kills him on a daily basis. I'm not going to sit here and shove my head in the sand and dismiss his work on the economy to continue it's growth from President Obama...but many on the right have allowed the media to do same to them they (and you) are complaining about with Trump.
Very reasonable.....although I don't believe the Biden's have done anything remotely bad enough to be lumped in with the Clintons. You're just promoting Trump propaganda when you repeat it imo. Do the dems now abandon someone because of appearances promoted by the trumpers?

I have been on the same track as you with regard to the dems taking the high road.........but am reconsidering that position.

Would you have preferred the dems not pursue impeachment of trump's for his actions on Ukraine?

Along the same lines, I haven't seen you say anything about how you think the dems should counteract all the lies and misinformation coming out of this administration, the co-option of government agencies, the dismantling of all rules and historical norms.

You need to educate yourself on all the sweetheart deals Biden has arranged for his family members, son Hunter, brother Frank, sister Valerie, daughter Ashley (married to Howard Krein), brother James. Look up their business dealings and how much of them are funded through government contracts. Joe has been doing very well by leveraging his position to the benefit of his family members.
Did you finally realize that Republicans were in the meetings, called witnesses, and were able to cross examine? Calling someone else brainwashed while you’ve had trouble understanding basic facts isn’t a good look.

The Reps were NOT allowed to call witnesses. You need to learn to read the links you post. They were allowed to provide a list of witnesses that they would like to see with justification provided and Schiff made the decision regarding who was actually called. That's not the same as being allowed to call witnesses.
The WH lawyers were excluded from all the hearings that Schiff ran.
Is this where I get to call you a liar?
Bet Republicans would have thought it was an impeachable offense if Obama had extorted a foreign country in order to coerce an investigation into a political opponent.

Unfortunately for you, the Schiff narrative and the facts were not the same. Nowhere was there any indication that Ukraine ever felt coerced, no matter how often Schiff insisted that they were. The investigation was into corruption, so I'm glad that you are making the jump from corruption to Biden on your own. There was no investigation launched and there was no announcement of an investigation made by Ukraine. The Dems made a lot of suppositions based on a lot of hearsay evidence, after launching a partisan Impeachment.

Then they have the audacity to accuse the Senate of being partisan and launching a COVER UP.

Obama did a lot more to warrant an impeachment, than Trump did.
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You need to educate yourself on all the sweetheart deals Biden has arranged for his family members, son Hunter, brother Frank, sister Valerie, daughter Ashley (married to Howard Krein), brother James. Look up their business dealings and how much of them are funded through government contracts. Joe has been doing very well by leveraging his position to the benefit of his family members.

How educated are you on the sweetheart deals Trump has arranged for his family members?
The Reps were NOT allowed to call witnesses. You need to learn to read the links you post. They were allowed to provide a list of witnesses that they would like to see with justification provided and Schiff made the decision regarding who was actually called. That's not the same as being allowed to call witnesses.
The WH lawyers were excluded from all the hearings that Schiff ran.
Is this where I get to call you a liar?
that kid is completely unreasonable. you can't change his mind, he's basically a bot.
Fair point but I will point out that the comment I knew had major questions around it...I mentioned it was questionable. In fact, there were probably 10 more I could have used as well. However, many of those quotes and others are 100% true. As I mentioned to someone in a separate conversation: If Rush wasn't a racist in his private life, he sure played a role perfectly on his radio show to draw listeners to his show. He played a grey area just well enough to allow conservatives to have their ideas substantiated and to piss off the left. Let's say he isn't a racist in his personal life. Does that excuse his blatant misbehavior on his radio show?

FYI, when you post a dozen things that are incendiary and then put a disclaimer at the end that says some of these things may not be true. the disclaimer is wasted. People will fixate on the incendiary items and won't see anything else.

I've listened to Rush off & on over the years, usually when I was driving. I never got the impression that he was a racist, but then again, I don't get triggered by that stuff. Rush often said provocative things to shock his listeners. I found some of the things he said interesting and others were questionable. It was entertainment to me, not a must listen lecture on how I should think politically, as some Liberals like to think it is. I had formed a lot of my core political beliefs, while Rush was still in grade school.

The fact that Liberals would get pissed off by what Rush says, indicates that Rush has gotten inside their heads. He likes to poke the bear. When you realize that, he can't piss you off. I watch Bill Mahr occasionally and he pokes the Conservative bear all the time, but I recognize what he's doing and the audience he's playing to, so it has no effect. He has some interesting takes on what's going on in the world at times, that differ with my perspective and cause me to rethink my views on occasion.

I think with Rush's show, people react/over react to things that he says, based on their political filters. Often, Rush says some outrageous things intended to be humorous. Sometimes they're funny, while others they're cringe-worthy. If you're wired to find racism, you'll find it. If you're wired to find sexism, you'll find it. If you're wired to be defensive about your political views, he'll hit that nerve. He can be an equal opportunity offender based on his quirky sense of humor. I don't take him that seriously, but apparently, others do.
Did you finally realize that Republicans were in the meetings, called witnesses, and were able to cross examine? Calling someone else brainwashed while you’ve had trouble understanding basic facts isn’t a good look.
Sorry Indy35, the Republicans did not get these privileges during the House Impeachment process. It was a Schiff show, and his misrepresentations and lies are now part of the Congressional record. He has embarrassed most of us with his actions around the Impeachment.
Try to be objective for a moment. Have you ever seen ANY President in our history get such a full rectal exam as Trump is getting? Have you ever wondered why? There has been a coordinated effort against him, since the election results were announced. He represents a threat to the status quo and a lot of politicians and power brokers want to get rid of him, because they can't control him. That makes me support him more. The Swamp needs to get drained, because there are too many corrupt individuals getting wealthy at the taxpayer's expense.

I've been following politics for over 60 years and I've lived through Presidencies from Eisenhower through Trump and I have never seen this much vitriol directed at any other President. What's even crazier is that he's doing a lot of great things for the country, but a large part of our populace is so blinded by media induced rage that they won't even acknowledge what;s going on around them. It's like the Left & Right are living in completely different Universes. Try to get past his personality and look at what he's doing for the country.
You totally ignore his words and actions. You act like none of these investigations are warranted.

Yes, I've never seen a president get such a rectal exam as this in my lifetime either. I've also never seen one that deserved it as much.

What you see as a threat to the status quo I see as a threat to the fundamental principles of our constitutional system. The presidency was not meant to he an autocracy. Trump does what he wants to do by going around or ignoring unwritten rules or finding excuses to justify his actions. He wants unchecked power and that's why the system is pushing back.
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The Reps were NOT allowed to call witnesses. You need to learn to read the links you post. They were allowed to provide a list of witnesses that they would like to see with justification provided and Schiff made the decision regarding who was actually called. That's not the same as being allowed to call witnesses.
The WH lawyers were excluded from all the hearings that Schiff ran.
Is this where I get to call you a liar?
They were not allowed to call TWO witnesses that had no bearing on the guilt or innocence of trump. That was their right guaranteed in the constitution.
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Very reasonable.....although I don't believe the Biden's have done anything remotely bad enough to be lumped in with the Clintons. You're just promoting Trump propaganda when you repeat it imo. Do the dems now abandon someone because of appearances promoted by the trumpers?

I have been on the same track as you with regard to the dems taking the high road.........but am reconsidering that position.

Would you have preferred the dems not pursue impeachment of trump's for his actions on Ukraine?

Along the same lines, I haven't seen you say anything about how you think the dems should counteract all the lies and misinformation coming out of this administration, the co-option of government agencies, the dismantling of all rules and historical norms.
Joe flew his son over to the Ukraine, and while Joe was negotiating how much money we would send in aid, little Biden mysteriously got a job he was not qualified for and was paid 20x what a BOD member of Exxon would be paid. This was about the same time that the Ukraine (needing money) makes a multi-million dollar contribution to the Clinton Foundation.

Joe's brother got a very lucrative contract to build houses in Iraq right after Joe visited and gave $100 million in aid for housing to the country. No proof of anything wrong here... but "What's that smell smells like mendacity". It stinks in fact, and makes me think Biden is as corrupt as the Clintons.

Nothing in Trump's actions was improper enough to over turn the voter's decision of 2016. Sorry, but I do not suffer from TDS. I like to think for myself.

Unfortunately, the Dems have been telling lies as often as the Republicans. By the way, I don't buy the stupidity that one party is somehow all evil and the other is all truthful and good. Nothing demonstrates lack of thinking more than people who espouse that belief.
Umm, people were burning and hanging effigies of President Obama. Also, it isn't media induced rage and is substantiated through his use of Twitter. If he simply put down the phone, he would cakewalk to a second term in what might amount to one of the largest electoral victories in US history. The fact that he behaves so boorish and non-presidential is what kills him on a daily basis. I'm not going to sit here and shove my head in the sand and dismiss his work on the economy to continue it's growth from President Obama...but many on the right have allowed the media to do same to them they (and you) are complaining about with Trump.

I have no idea what burning & hanging effigies of Obama have to do with Trump? Was he doing it or directing anyone to do it? I think not.

I have no delusions about Trump. I agree that Twitter has been his best friend at times, as well as his worst enemy. There have been more than a few times, when he starts talking off the cuff that I've wanted to reach into the TV and slap him. I wish he would learn that he doesn't have to get in a pissing contest with everyone that makes a negative remark about him. He needs to learn to ignore the background noise, but I doubt that he will. He is, who he is and he's doing a lot of great things for the country and that;s my primary concern..

I watch CNN & MSNBC occasionally and they have TDS there 24/7/365. Constant anti-Trump rants every single day and they blame him for being divisive. They certainly need to take their share of the responsibility.
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How educated are you on the sweetheart deals Trump has arranged for his family members?

Obviously, more than you.

Trump's family members work in the family real estate/construction business and they were wealthy, before Trump became President..
Biden has been a politician for 50 years and leveraged his position to make his family members rich. Biden was broke, when he got into politics, but he's a multimillionaire now.
They were not allowed to call TWO witnesses that had no bearing on the guilt or innocence of trump. That was their right guaranteed in the constitution.

They were not allowed to call any witnesses.

They offered a list of 9 potential witnesses and Schiff decided to call only three of them (Volker, Morrison, Hale). I suspect that he would have called them anyway, whether the Republicans had them on their list or not.
Joe flew his son over to the Ukraine, and while Joe was negotiating how much money we would send in aid, little Biden mysteriously got a job he was not qualified for and was paid 20x what a BOD member of Exxon would be paid. This was about the same time that the Ukraine (needing money) makes a multi-million dollar contribution to the Clinton Foundation.

Joe's brother got a very lucrative contract to build houses in Iraq right after Joe visited and gave $100 million in aid for housing to the country. No proof of anything wrong here... but "What's that smell smells like mendacity". It stinks in fact, and makes me think Biden is as corrupt as the Clintons.

Nothing in Trump's actions was improper enough to over turn the voter's decision of 2016. Sorry, but I do not suffer from TDS. I like to think for myself.

Unfortunately, the Dems have been telling lies as often as the Republicans. By the way, I don't buy the stupidity that one party is somehow all evil and the other is all truthful and good. Nothing demonstrates lack of thinking more than people who espouse that belief.
So you didn't think trump did anything wrong or just not enough for impeachment? Are you not concerned that letting trump do what he wants with no repercussions will harm the country?
You posts so far are heavy in criticism of dems and very little toward trump.

And now I have self appointed dem implying I have TDS and dont think for myself. That doesn't promote a reasonable discussion for me.
They were not allowed to call any witnesses.

They offered a list of 9 potential witnesses and Schiff decided to call only three of them (Volker, Morrison, Hale). I suspect that he would have called them anyway, whether the Republicans had them on their list or not.
So the Republicans did get to call witnesses then....
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So the Republicans did get to call witnesses then....

There is a difference between being able to call witnesses during a trial, where things can change direction, prompting you to want different witnesses, based on the direction of the trial versus providing a list up front, from which Schiff may or may not call any witnesses.
Sorry Indy35, the Republicans did not get these privileges during the House Impeachment process. It was a Schiff show, and his misrepresentations and lies are now part of the Congressional record. He has embarrassed most of us with his actions around the Impeachment.
So based on the testimony transcripts, where in the world do you get that Republicans weren’t allowed to attend or ask questions?
So you didn't think trump did anything wrong or just not enough for impeachment? Are you not concerned that letting trump do what he wants with no repercussions will harm the country?
You posts so far are heavy in criticism of dems and very little toward trump.

And now I have self appointed dem implying I have TDS and dont think for myself. That doesn't promote a reasonable discussion for me.
Just trying to balance out your over the top perspective. My first post here was critical of Trump. I don’t like the man, and I think he is a poor representation of our country abroad.

as long as it’s within his constitutional duties, then Trump can do what he wants. Is there a specific situation that has you concerned? So far you just seem to parrot what ever news talk show you listen to and seem to fail to think things through. There are so many liars on both sides, so I like to see verification before jumping to conclusions.
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So you didn't think trump did anything wrong or just not enough for impeachment? Are you not concerned that letting trump do what he wants with no repercussions will harm the country?
You posts so far are heavy in criticism of dems and very little toward trump.

And now I have self appointed dem implying I have TDS and dont think for myself. That doesn't promote a reasonable discussion for me.

I think mathboy is one of those “Dems” that call into cspan and says they’ve always voted Democrat but just can’t get on board with the libtards. It’s always completely transparent.
Just trying to balance out your over the top perspective. My first post here was critical of Trump. I don’t like the man, and I think he is a poor representation of our country abroad.
I'll ask again. So you didn't think trump did anything wrong or just not enough for impeachment? Are you not concerned that letting trump do what he wants with no repercussions will harm the country?

You've said you dont care for him, he's crass and and full of himself, and he's a poor representative for our country abroad.

I agree but you have said nothing about his policies, his approach to the office, his attacks on our institutions, his disregard for all the norms and rules of the office. In short, you've said the same things some Trumpers say.....except for the money shot. "I don't like what he says and he's arrogant but......

My over the top perspective? I guess 60% of America have also been over the top for the last 3 years.
I'm not totally clear what TDS is but from what I gather it means I hate trump so much I cant be objective about his policies or achievements.

Having a dem accuse anyone of that made up affliction seems over the top to me.
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I think mathboy is one of those “Dems” that call into cspan and says they’ve always voted Democrat but just can’t get on board with the libtards. It’s always completely transparent.
I've always found him to be a reasonable and grounded poster when it came to sports. I don't know what to think.
FYI, when you post a dozen things that are incendiary and then put a disclaimer at the end that says some of these things may not be true. the disclaimer is wasted. People will fixate on the incendiary items and won't see anything else.

I've listened to Rush off & on over the years, usually when I was driving. I never got the impression that he was a racist, but then again, I don't get triggered by that stuff. Rush often said provocative things to shock his listeners. I found some of the things he said interesting and others were questionable. It was entertainment to me, not a must listen lecture on how I should think politically, as some Liberals like to think it is. I had formed a lot of my core political beliefs, while Rush was still in grade school.

The fact that Liberals would get pissed off by what Rush says, indicates that Rush has gotten inside their heads. He likes to poke the bear. When you realize that, he can't piss you off. I watch Bill Mahr occasionally and he pokes the Conservative bear all the time, but I recognize what he's doing and the audience he's playing to, so it has no effect. He has some interesting takes on what's going on in the world at times, that differ with my perspective and cause me to rethink my views on occasion.

I think with Rush's show, people react/over react to things that he says, based on their political filters. Often, Rush says some outrageous things intended to be humorous. Sometimes they're funny, while others they're cringe-worthy. If you're wired to find racism, you'll find it. If you're wired to find sexism, you'll find it. If you're wired to be defensive about your political views, he'll hit that nerve. He can be an equal opportunity offender based on his quirky sense of humor. I don't take him that seriously, but apparently, others do.
I found some of the things he said interesting and others were questionable. It was entertainment to me, not a must listen lecture on how I should think politically, as some Liberals like to think it is. I had formed a lot of my core political beliefs, while Rush was still in grade school.
Trump WAS impeached! He was not removed from office but he was impeached and that WILL ALWAYS be noted in history. Somehow some people have forgotten that.

And how history will remember the impeachment is up for debate.
Will it be remembered as a failed attempt to remove a POTUS who overstepped his authority?
Or will it be remembered as a Political Cue by the opposition party because they despised the POTUS and held the majority in the House.
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I'll ask again. So you didn't think trump did anything wrong or just not enough for impeachment? Are you not concerned that letting trump do what he wants with no repercussions will harm the country?

You've said you dont care for him, he's crass and and full of himself, and he's a poor representative for our country abroad.

I agree but you have said nothing about his policies, his approach to the office, his attacks on our institutions, his disregard for all the norms and rules of the office. In short, you've said the same things some Trumpers say.....except for the money shot. "I don't like what he says and he's arrogant but......

My over the top perspective? I guess 60% of America have also been over the top for the last 3 years.
I'm not totally clear what TDS is but from what I gather it means I hate trump so much I cant be objective about his policies or achievements.

Having a dem accuse anyone of that made up affliction seems over the top to me.
I tend to be independent in my thinking, and don’t get caught up in the latest and best story of the moment. I knew I should not have posted here, because these sorts of discussions fail on so many points. Often, you must choose a side, and defend it with vehemence that leaves balance and logic behind. I truly dislike that sort of irrational nonsense. Much of what you post seems to reflect a strong opinion, but little else. That is why I find you over the top, so to speak. I don’t mean to insult you, but I find that Dems that foam that way are truly detrimental to the success of the party. Independent thinkers like me look at this stuff and think WTF.

For example, you defend your position by quoting some poll about 60%. Is that a logical conclusion drawn from facts? Which facts are you believing and which are you discounting? All I get from you is the party line. Which norms and rules has Trump disregarded? Which institutions has he disparaged? It seems the FBI did some bad things and violated rules around FISA warrants. Maybe they deserved some heat?

My number one factual beef with Trump is his redirection of funds to build the wall. Had we a functioning government, the House Dems would have allocated funds for the wall. They didn't and I think the president should has respected that decision. However the courts upheld his authority to do what he did, so the point is mute.

I would like to promote a balanced and rational discussion with actual facts and logic, rather than throwing platitude at each other.

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Bill Maher, MSNBC & CNN have all gotten rich off lying, calling people names and turning people against each other. Do you feel the same way about them or do you just hate Rush, because his political ideology is different than yours?
You're actually putting commentary from CNN & MSNBC in the same category as the demonstrable
depraved trash that came out of Limbaugh's mouth, for 30+ years ?? Fat Boy set records for incivility
and coarseness that will never be challenged. ( Conservative commentary, on the radio, has had hundreds of practitioners that have honorably informed the public discourse over the years, on radio. The typical Limbaugh listener became the loudest " lock-her-up" Trump rally fanatic)
And how history will remember the impeachment is up for debate.
Will it be remembered as a failed attempt to remove a POTUS who overstepped his authority?
Or will it be remembered as a Political Cue by the opposition party because they despised the POTUS and held the majority in the House.
You DO realize that your "either-or " choice above, only offered two choices....BOTH representative of a right-wing view of the Impeachment !?

Hey, JS.....are you dumb ?....
Or are you stupid ?.....

for example....
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You DO realize that your "either-or " choice above offered two choices....BOTH representative of a right-wing view of the Impeachment !

Hey, JS.....are you dumb ?....
Or are you stupid ?.....

for example....
Also, what the hell is a Political CUE?