Prayers for Rush

Do you honestly think there won’t be more information that comes out? Just because there was only one Senate Republican that was able to be honest, doesn’t close the chapter. How’d that bipartisan acquittal go that you were touting? Whomp whomp.
What do you think will be worse case for Trump? A disgruntled employee said he understood Trump linked aid to digging up corruption dirt? Another impeachment? Trump will only get stronger
Why change the subject from the topic of the post? Don’t like that the actual evidence shows that Republicans lied their asses off? Do you honestly think there won’t be more information that comes out? Just because there was only one Senate Republican that was able to be honest, doesn’t close the chapter. How’d that bipartisan acquittal go that you were touting? Whomp whomp.
Oh yeah, I was definitely wrong on that.

2/3 was all that this country and the Constitution needed and that number was not met. Whomp whomp.
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What do you think will be worse case for Trump? A disgruntled employee said he understood Trump linked aid to digging up corruption dirt? Another impeachment? Trump will only get stronger
You really think we’ve heard the last from Bolton, you think he doesn’t have the goods to back up what he’s saying? Crazy how Trump has no idea who Parnas is, but Parnas has a 90 minute secret recording of Trump, really think that’s the only one? Just because you choose to ignore the reality and evidence that’s been right in front of you, doesn’t mean that others will.
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You really think we’ve heard the last from Bolton, you think he doesn’t have the goods to back up what he’s saying? Crazy how Trump has no idea who Parnas is, but Parnas has a 90 minute secret recording of Trump, really think that’s the only one? Just because you choose to ignore the reality and evidence that’s been right in front of you, doesn’t mean that others will.
Play it out all the way you say being the worst case for Trump. Do you think he’ll be removed? I don’t think so and neither does Alan Dershowitz
Play it out all the way you say being the worst case for Trump. Do you think he’ll be removed? I don’t think so and neither does Alan Dershowitz
No he won’t be removed, Republican officials have shown that they’ll now accept anything at all in the name of party loyalty. It’s the next election that they’ll have to answer for their actions. There was a huge backlash against Republicans in the midterms and 2019 election and Trump has done nothing at all to bring more people into his circle of support.
Evidence! Evidence! Evidence! I hope it has the same hard-hitting impact that Schiff’s evidence of Russian colluuuuuuuuisoon had. Trump is doomed if so.
Emails, text messages, and testimony is what some people call evidence. I get how you’re confused.
No he won’t be removed, Republican officials have shown that they’ll now accept anything at all in the name of party loyalty. It’s the next election that they’ll have to answer for their actions. There was a huge backlash against Republicans in the midterms and 2019 election and Trump has done nothing at all to bring more people into his circle of support.
We’ll have to wait and see but I’m betting on Trump and so are the oddsmakers
59.99% chance for reelection...
You just moved the goal posts. It makes no difference what kind of process the following is still true: Let me repeat.

Yes, the Democrats held meetings without any dissenting House members. Yes, witnesses were very limited, by Shift. Yes, the dissenting House members were not allowed to cross examine. Furthermore, exculpatory testimony was with held from the evidence presented to the Senate.

In the presentation to the Senate by the House Managers, video was edited to change the way people answered questions. That was blatantly obvious when the defense showed the whole interview. I consider that gross misconduct on the part of the managers.

Again, I don’t care for Trump and find him crass and full of himself. However, this whole impeachment process is a black mark on my Democrats. Stop parroting the CNN nonsense and think for yourself. I am ashamed, and you should be too.
Federal Law, and the Constitution with respect to Impeachment rules responsibility......CAN'T BE MOVED, like goalposts might be.
Nor did I futilely try to move them.
A full-blooded discussion regarding what transgressions were committed, and by whom, in the entire process......would be a trip to nowhere. We can agree on that ?
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We’ll have to wait and see but I’m betting on Trump and so are the oddsmakers
59.99% chance for reelection...
A few months ago, odds favored the (Dem) candidate almost at 60 %.
It's February.....I think I'll wait a little longer before attaching myself to ONE (out of dozens) poll.
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Snerdley has been debunking all of the high school teachers claims of racism on his twitter feed. For instance, that Obama bussing quote with the ellipse in the middle is a cheery picked and edited quote from a 20 minute monologue taken our of context.

Sad to see a mod, and teacher, lap up such disinformation. Scary actually.

The "mod"/"teacher" doesn't even know who Snerdley is. He has never listened.

I mean, look at his source material. Hopefully he doesn't allow that in class. Take note of the dashes and ellipses. Hopefully his students have intelligent parents and he isn't engaging in gaslighting his students with fake, out of context, quotes. Jesus. one of them is a rumor but our high shcool teacher ran with it anyway.

He is just part of the new left. Everyone is a racist or everyone is Hitler.

It is so boring and distracts from actual evil.

Remember when Mitt was evil racist mysoginist Hitler?

He is a hero today.
Firstly, until your ass sits in my classroom...keep what I do and don’t out of your mouth. You might be surprised by what I teach in my classroom and learn something along the way.

Secondly, I posted information that qualified what other people were claiming to quantify what they were saying. I also made the comment on the last quote that of all the quotes, that one was challenged more vehemently but that others claim he said it.

Also, I didn’t state a thing and even stated that I would leave it as it was. I didn’t state and opinion on the matter. If you want it, here it is:

Whether Rush is a racist or not is subject to one’s own interpretation of the material he presented, which he presented in a manner to be controversial and racy. He played frequently in a grey area where conservative listeners lapped him up and liberal ones hated him...but either way he was gaining listeners. I, for one, believe he was either a racist using his show to peddle his ideology in the manner to allow listeners to fill in the blank or he purposefully did so to make himself wealthy...either way he is not someone I would ever associate one of our nations most prominent honors for. Would you give one to Howard Stern? Because that’s essentially what Trump has done.

Fourth, I linked the information to provide individuals the chance to see where I got it from and gave credit to that site. As Mathboy states:
You might want to check with Snopes on these quotes. Some are indeed accurate, others are fabricated or unverified.

I’ll dive deeper in to these but as I said I stated the last quote had some issues with its factuality. The fact you go directly to attacking who I am as a teacher speaks loudly to who you are however.
We’ll have to wait and see but I’m betting on Trump and so are the oddsmakers
59.99% chance for reelection...

Wait and see is a good approach because I think more information will come out from Bolton and the NY courts when they get Trump's tax returns. I also think the stock market will hit some major bumps in 2020 and that will hurt Trump. Plus the refusal of the Republicans to hear any witness testimony did not go down well with the American people. So I am also going with a "wait and see" approach.
Firstly, until your ass sits in my classroom...keep what I do and don’t out of your mouth. You might be surprised by what I teach in my classroom and learn something along the way.

Secondly, I posted information that qualified what other people were claiming to quantify what they were saying. I also made the comment on the last quote that of all the quotes, that one was challenged more vehemently but that others claim he said it.

Also, I didn’t state a thing and even stated that I would leave it as it was. I didn’t state and opinion on the matter. If you want it, here it is:

Whether Rush is a racist or not is subject to one’s own interpretation of the material he presented, which he presented in a manner to be controversial and racy. He played frequently in a grey area where conservative listeners lapped him up and liberal ones hated him...but either way he was gaining listeners. I, for one, believe he was either a racist using his show to peddle his ideology in the manner to allow listeners to fill in the blank or he purposefully did so to make himself wealthy...either way he is not someone I would ever associate one of our nations most prominent honors for. Would you give one to Howard Stern? Because that’s essentially what Trump has done.

Fourth, I linked the information to provide individuals the chance to see where I got it from and gave credit to that site. As Mathboy states:

I’ll dive deeper in to these but as I said I stated the last quote had some issues with its factuality. The fact you go directly to attacking who I am as a teacher speaks loudly to who you are however.

Howard actually runs an excellent interview these days. Is there still crude humor, sure, but the material has improved with time.

Also - At this point, I won't be surprised by anything Trump says or does. If the next Presidential Medal of Freedom goes to Alex Jones, I'm sure Trump's defenders will be out in force. Maybe he can posthumously pin a medal on George Wallace or Strom Thurmond?
Howard actually runs an excellent interview these days. Is there still crude humor, sure, but the material has improved with time.

Also - At this point, I won't be surprised by anything Trump says or does. If the next Presidential Medal of Freedom goes to Alex Jones, I'm sure Trump's defenders will be out in force. Maybe he can posthumously pin a medal on George Wallace or Strom Thurmond?

Strom Thurmond was given the medal by President Bush on January 12, 1993.
Wait and see is a good approach because I think more information will come out from Bolton and the NY courts when they get Trump's tax returns. I also think the stock market will hit some major bumps in 2020 and that will hurt Trump. Plus the refusal of the Republicans to hear any witness testimony did not go down well with the American people. So I am also going with a "wait and see" approach.
Nostradamus lives in the body of a young female. Life is good.
I’m trying my best to put a good face on this mess. It’s difficult. I truly believe Pelosi is leading our party over the cliff. I guess you will be marching right over the edge with her. All I can say is “Wake up!”.

Interesting. I have been looking at memes, etc today and most sites are supportive. Women especially appear supportive.
"Ideal women: 36-24-36, five feet seven, flat spot of top of the head, deaf mute. Flat spot is for for your drink." Rush Limbaugh
I’m trying my best to put a good face on this mess. It’s difficult. I truly believe Pelosi is leading our party over the cliff. I guess you will be marching right over the edge with her. All I can say is “Wake up!”.
I'm curious as to what you think the Democratic strategy or approach should be.
I'm curious as to what you think the Democratic strategy or approach should be.

Not be crazy. Promote a return to normal. It really would have been that simple for Dems in 2020, but they couldn't help themselves. Radicalism is also on the rise in the Democrat party. You needed to find a way to quash it instead it was amplified.

But, literally, it was hold the rudder, don't be crazy, and promise a return to normalcy. That ship has sailed.
That’s a strange way to look at it. Just because Republicans have chosen to ignore the evidence, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Ah, the Homer Simpson “if I don’t see it, it’s not illegal” defense.....a bold move
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I'm curious as to what you think the Democratic strategy or approach should be.
I think the winning strategy would be to:
  1. Run a centrist candidate for President
  2. Run someone who has been successful in other avenues of life and is not a politician
  3. Walk far away from the ultra liberal mantra of AOC and Sanders as you can
  4. Distance the party from the Clintons and the Bidens who both appear corrupt to the general voting population
  5. Stop the childish and churlish behavior. Show that Democrats are the grownups around Washington
I think the winning strategy would be to:
  1. Run a centrist candidate for President
  2. Run someone who has been successful in other avenues of life and is not a politician
  3. Walk far away from the ultra liberal mantra of AOC and Sanders as you can
  4. Distance the party from the Clintons and the Bidens who both appear corrupt to the general voting population
  5. Stop the childish and churlish behavior. Show that Democrats are the grownups around Washington
Very reasonable.....although I don't believe the Biden's have done anything remotely bad enough to be lumped in with the Clintons. You're just promoting Trump propaganda when you repeat it imo. Do the dems now abandon someone because of appearances promoted by the trumpers?

I have been on the same track as you with regard to the dems taking the high road.........but am reconsidering that position.

Would you have preferred the dems not pursue impeachment of trump's for his actions on Ukraine?

Along the same lines, I haven't seen you say anything about how you think the dems should counteract all the lies and misinformation coming out of this administration, the co-option of government agencies, the dismantling of all rules and historical norms.
I think the winning strategy would be to:
  1. Run a centrist candidate for President
  2. Run someone who has been successful in other avenues of life and is not a politician
  3. Walk far away from the ultra liberal mantra of AOC and Sanders as you can
  4. Distance the party from the Clintons and the Bidens who both appear corrupt to the general voting population
  5. Stop the childish and churlish behavior. Show that Democrats are the grownups around Washington

This guy ****s.
Another policy disagreement spun up by Eric Ciaramella, career bureaucrats, and Adam Schiff that ends up being an "impeachable offense" to a House full of radicals? Will that be next?

The impeachment that just ended was pretty amazing when you think about it. And it's even more amazing that their base talked themselves into it being an "impeachable offense." They didn't care enough to watch any of the actual proceedings but the keyboard warriors sure talked themselves into it.

And who knew that Ukraine was the biggest, strongest, and most important ally of ours since our country was founded?!
Yeah, but Putin's Russia is TRUMP's most important ally...….
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Very reasonable.....although I don't believe the Biden's have done anything remotely bad enough to be lumped in with the Clintons. You're just promoting Trump propaganda when you repeat it imo. Do the dems now abandon someone because of appearances promoted by the trumpers?

I have been on the same track as you with regard to the dems taking the high road.........but am reconsidering that position.

Would you have preferred the dems not pursue impeachment of trump's for his actions on Ukraine?

Along the same lines, I haven't seen you say anything about how you think the dems should counteract all the lies and misinformation coming out of this administration, the co-option of government agencies, the dismantling of all rules and historical norms.
Agree here.....the strategy of disregarding the almost hourly violations of traditions and decency by The White House is doomed to failure. With the Trump Revenge Tour soon to kick off, the fighting-fire-with-fire option seems the only direction to go for the opposition.
Like a lot of Independents, haven't dismissed the Bloomberg candidacy yet.
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Dying of cancer or dying of heart disease or whatever. Doesn't change the way you led your life.
The guy got filthy rich lying, caliing people names and turning people against each other. You don't get a pass on that because you're dying.....of anything.

Bill Maher, MSNBC & CNN have all gotten rich off lying, calling people names and turning people against each other. Do you feel the same way about them or do you just hate Rush, because his political ideology is different than yours?
Why change the subject from the topic of the post? Don’t like that the actual evidence shows that Republicans lied their asses off? Do you honestly think there won’t be more information that comes out? Just because there was only one Senate Republican that was able to be honest, doesn’t close the chapter. How’d that bipartisan acquittal go that you were touting? Whomp whomp.

What's really sad is that you probably believe every word that Schiff says. You are sooooo brainwashed.

So surprising that Mitt took a cheap shot at Trump, because he didn't want him as his SoS.
Amazed at Mitt's gall to even try to get the SoS job after having publicly denounced Trump, during the campaign. Mitt will be a one term Senator in Utah.
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What's really sad is that you probably believe every word that Schiff says. You are sooooo brainwashed.

So surprising that Mitt took a cheap shot at Trump, because he didn't want him as his SoS.
Amazed at Mitt's gall to even try to get the SoS job after having publicly denounced Trump, during the campaign. Mitt will be a one term Senator in Utah.
Did you finally realize that Republicans were in the meetings, called witnesses, and were able to cross examine? Calling someone else brainwashed while you’ve had trouble understanding basic facts isn’t a good look.
You really think we’ve heard the last from Bolton, you think he doesn’t have the goods to back up what he’s saying? Crazy how Trump has no idea who Parnas is, but Parnas has a 90 minute secret recording of Trump, really think that’s the only one? Just because you choose to ignore the reality and evidence that’s been right in front of you, doesn’t mean that others will.

Unless you think the Dems are dumb enough to launch another impeachment, they have shot their silver bullet and missed miserably. If it had been a serious impeachment, they would have taken the time to subpoena the documents & witnesses to make their case. It might have helped, if they actually had some real impeachable offenses, as well. We hate him and we can't beat him are still not impeachable offenses. Clinton had 11 Felonies specified. Trump had NONE.

As I've said before, this was just an attempt to dump as much mud on Trump as possible and negatively impact his reelection campaign. Sadly for the Dems, the people saw through it and Trump's popularity is rising.
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That’s a strange way to look at it. Just because Republicans have chosen to ignore the evidence, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Evidence of what? There were NO impeachable offenses, no matter how much Schiff lied, misrepresented & distorted the information in his favor. I realize you will never acknowledge that, but this was a political mud slinging session that the nation should never have been dragged through by the Dems. They overplayed their hand and will suffer the consequences in November. That's the reality that you have to face.
Evidence of what? There were NO impeachable offenses, no matter how much Schiff lied, misrepresented & distorted the information in his favor. I realize you will never acknowledge that, but this was a political mud slinging session that the nation should never have been dragged through by the Dems. They overplayed their hand and will suffer the consequences in November. That's the reality that you have to face.
Bet Republicans would have thought it was an impeachable offense if Obama had extorted a foreign country in order to coerce an investigation into a political opponent.