Prayers for Rush

“We’re all human” except for the people you constantly dehumanize. He’s a racist, scumbag, and his passing will be a net gain for the world. And I don’t care what any of you think. F*ck your feelings, snowflake
Dude, you don’t get it. You’re probably young and haven’t had any close relatives
Impacted by cancer. You’ll change your time when you gain a little emotional intelligence.
Dude, you don’t get it. You’re probably young and haven’t had any close relatives
Impacted by cancer. You’ll change your time when you gain a little emotional intelligence.
Dying of cancer or dying of heart disease or whatever. Doesn't change the way you led your life.
The guy got filthy rich lying, caliing people names and turning people against each other. You don't get a pass on that because you're dying.....of anything.
Dying of cancer or dying of heart disease or whatever. Doesn't change the way you led your life.
The guy got filthy rich lying, caliing people names and turning people against each other. You don't get a pass on that because you're dying.....of anything.
Yep, one of the worst people in the entire country, has done incredible harm to our society.
Dying of cancer or dying of heart disease or whatever. Doesn't change the way you led your life.
The guy got filthy rich lying, caliing people names and turning people against each other. You don't get a pass on that because you're dying.....of anything.
We're still working on that Dub's. Sanctions can sometimes take time.
Now, Twin....those "sanctions" can't be too severe if Trump is still "deeply in love" with Kim, can they ??
Cute couple. One has a ridiculous haircut...the other leads a hermit nation......
Why does he deserve a medal?
Why not? He's been extremely benevolent. Here's an example and I've included the link so you can buy one.

Rush T-Shirts Nab $2 Million For Charity
Radio Ink
July 24, 2019

Thanks to his listeners, Rush Limbaugh has donated $2 million from the sales of his Betsy Ross t-shirt to the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation. The foundation, named after a New York City firefighter who lost his life on 9/11, announced that the money has made it possible to pay off the mortgages on the family homes of six who’ve fallen during selfless service: law enforcement officers, firefighters, and an army officer.

“Thanks to the generosity of Rush and [his wife] Kathryn, and the listeners of The Rush Limbaugh Show, six families who have lost their husbands and fathers, killed while they were protecting us at home and abroad, can rest a little easier knowing they own their homes free and clear,” said Tunnel to Towers CEO and Chairman Frank Siller.

Go to to learn more or make a donation.
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Wow you're pretty ignorant regarding Rush
I've pulled together a list of some of the things Rush Limbaugh has said that warrant the negative reaction to what he received last night:

1. “Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”
2. “Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”
3. “They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?” (in reference to African Americans in the United States)
4. [To an African American female caller]: “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”
5. Limbaugh’s many attacks on Obama.

Limbaugh has called Obama a ‘halfrican American’ has said that Obama was not Black but Arab because Kenya is an Arab region, even though Arabs are less than one percent of Kenya. Since mainstream America has become more accepting of African-Americans, Limbaugh has decided to play against its new racial fears, Arabs and Muslims. Despite the fact Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school, Limbaugh has called him an ‘affirmative action candidate.’ Limbaugh even has repeatedly played a song on his radio show ‘Barack the Magic Negro’ using an antiquated Jim Crow era term for Black a man who many Americans are supporting for president. Way to go Rush.

So Rush Limbaugh has managed to make racist attacks on four of the most admired and respected people of African descent in the past one hundred years, in Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Colin Powell and Barack Obama. He has claimed that Joe the Plumber, who isn’t even a plumber is more important in this election than Colin Powell, a decorated military veteran who has served honorably in three administrations. How can the Republican party stand by this man and let their candidates appear on his show? Rush Limbaugh’s comments are so racist, they’re funny, in a Borat, Archie Bunker kind of way. What is not funny is the millions of dittoheads who listen to him, who take in and re-spout all the racist rhetoric that he spits. Limbaugh’s statements are echoed in the racist, angry Palin/McCain supporters who shout ‘kill him,’ ‘terrorist,’ ‘communist,’ ‘traitor,’ ‘socialist’ and ‘off with his head.’

6. “We need segregated buses… This is Obama’s America.”
7. “Let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work.”
8. “I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.” (this last quote has some originality issues with it and Rush has denied using it but has been claimed to have been said by Rush through multiple people)

<Taken from>
Just gonna leave it at that.
I've pulled together a list of some of the things Rush Limbaugh has said that warrant the negative reaction to what he received last night:

1. “Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”
2. “Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”
3. “They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?” (in reference to African Americans in the United States)
4. [To an African American female caller]: “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”
5. Limbaugh’s many attacks on Obama.

Limbaugh has called Obama a ‘halfrican American’ has said that Obama was not Black but Arab because Kenya is an Arab region, even though Arabs are less than one percent of Kenya. Since mainstream America has become more accepting of African-Americans, Limbaugh has decided to play against its new racial fears, Arabs and Muslims. Despite the fact Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school, Limbaugh has called him an ‘affirmative action candidate.’ Limbaugh even has repeatedly played a song on his radio show ‘Barack the Magic Negro’ using an antiquated Jim Crow era term for Black a man who many Americans are supporting for president. Way to go Rush.

So Rush Limbaugh has managed to make racist attacks on four of the most admired and respected people of African descent in the past one hundred years, in Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Colin Powell and Barack Obama. He has claimed that Joe the Plumber, who isn’t even a plumber is more important in this election than Colin Powell, a decorated military veteran who has served honorably in three administrations. How can the Republican party stand by this man and let their candidates appear on his show? Rush Limbaugh’s comments are so racist, they’re funny, in a Borat, Archie Bunker kind of way. What is not funny is the millions of dittoheads who listen to him, who take in and re-spout all the racist rhetoric that he spits. Limbaugh’s statements are echoed in the racist, angry Palin/McCain supporters who shout ‘kill him,’ ‘terrorist,’ ‘communist,’ ‘traitor,’ ‘socialist’ and ‘off with his head.’

6. “We need segregated buses… This is Obama’s America.”
7. “Let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work.”
8. “I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.” (this last quote has some originality issues with it and Rush has denied using it but has been claimed to have been said by Rush through multiple people)

<Taken from>
Just gonna leave it at that.
For what it’s worth my minister when I lived in Indiana went to HS in Missouri with Rush and was good friends. He would ride in Rush’s convertible while Rush smoked back then. I knew my minister pretty well and he never mentioned he had any racist comments. Furthermore Rush’s family employed blacks. Rush’s family were lawyers/judges. Additionally Clarence Thomas did his wedding and Elton John performed at the wedding. Snerdley has been with him for 30 years So if he is a racist homophobic he has fooled a lot of people close to him
Dying of cancer or dying of heart disease or whatever. Doesn't change the way you led your life.
The guy got filthy rich lying, caliing people names and turning people against each other. You don't get a pass on that because you're dying.....of anything.
Bob, why is it with you guys that when you don't like them for some reason, in your posts they all lie?
Bob, why is it with you guys that when you don't like them for some reason, in your posts they all lie?
One of the reasons I dont like them is they lie. The lie comes before the dislike.
I listened to Rush for years. The lies were pretty obvious. He was the best at generalizing dems in the worst possible way. I think he started the "Liberals hate America" line.
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Where's the backlash on these fine Obama appointees

Merryl Streep
Robert Redford

Do I need to add more?
No, first you need to find out how to spell "Meryl". Then, what you need to do is begin some medically approved regimen of anti-psychotic therapy.
Mr. Redford and Ms. Streep joined a LONG list of entertainers of all persuasions , that have been awarded the PMF. They're no different than those awarded to actors, by MANY other Presidents, going back many years. Why, in God's name, should there be any backlash about THEM, may we ask ?
.....oh wait.....we've got it !!......Pres. Obama gave them (NOT "appointed" them) the awards. It was also B. Obama who awarded Indiana Senator Richard Lugar the PMF, as well !! Hey, Twin...maybe you could spearhead the effort to have Lugar's Medal returned.....given that Pres. Obama was involved.

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Hey Builder Bob....little tidbit for you:

Mitten's campaigns top special advisor, Joseph Cofer Black, worked as a board member for Burisma Holdings along side Hunter Biden.

There are no such things as coincidences....
No, first you need to find out how to spell "Meryl". Then, what you need to do is begin some medically approved regimen of anti-psychotic therapy.
Mr. Redford and Ms. Streep joined a LONG list of entertainers of all persuasions , that have been awarded the PMF. They're no different than those awarded to actors, by MANY other Presidents, going back many years. Why, in God's name, should there be any backlash about THEM, may we ask ?
.....oh wait.....we've got it !!......Pres. Obama gave them (NOT "appointed" them) the awards. It was also B. Obama who awarded Indiana Senator Richard Lugar the PMF, as well !! Hey, Twin...maybe you could spearhead the effort to have Lugar's Medal returned.....given that Pres. Obama was involved.

Dipshit, it's not about Obama....I could have posted Bush 1 & 2, Johnson, Slick....any of them. Obama just came up first. Since you're too obtuse to understand, there's not much difference in movie folks and radio's more about who presents them.
Dipshit, it's not about Obama....I could have posted Bush 1 & 2, Johnson, Slick....any of them. Obama just came up first. Since you're too obtuse to understand, there's not much difference in movie folks and radio's more about who presents them.
Given your level of irrationality about #44...what other conclusion would ANY of us draw from your comment on "fine Obama appointees " ?? Anybody here has no trouble seeing through you with ease, ordinarily, confronted with your Obama hang-up.

Again, what ELSE would be your problem with Streep and Redford, inasmuch as they've contributed every bit as much to modern popular culture as a long list of other Medal honorees ??
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Hey Builder Bob....little tidbit for you:

Mitten's campaigns top special advisor, Joseph Cofer Black, worked as a board member for Burisma Holdings along side Hunter Biden.

There are no such things as coincidences....

I see the the conspiracy theorists are already at work. If true, what does it mean? Guilt by association? Explain it to me.

You mean coincidences like aid to Ukraine being held up at the same time trumps personal attorney is trying to get dirt of Biden.......while trump publicly says Ukraine.....and China......should look into the Bidens? Or is it only coincidences about dems that you GAF about?
For what it’s worth my minister when I lived in Indiana went to HS in Missouri with Rush and was good friends. He would ride in Rush’s convertible while Rush smoked back then. I knew my minister pretty well and he never mentioned he had any racist comments. Furthermore Rush’s family employed blacks. Rush’s family were lawyers/judges. Additionally Clarence Thomas did his wedding and Elton John performed at the wedding. Snerdley has been with him for 30 years So if he is a racist homophobic he has fooled a lot of people close to him

Snerdley has been debunking all of the high school teachers claims of racism on his twitter feed. For instance, that Obama bussing quote with the ellipse in the middle is a cheery picked and edited quote from a 20 minute monologue taken our of context.

Sad to see a mod, and teacher, lap up such disinformation. Scary actually.

The "mod"/"teacher" doesn't even know who Snerdley is. He has never listened.

I mean, look at his source material. Hopefully he doesn't allow that in class. Take note of the dashes and ellipses. Hopefully his students have intelligent parents and he isn't engaging in gaslighting his students with fake, out of context, quotes. Jesus. one of them is a rumor but our high shcool teacher ran with it anyway.

He is just part of the new left. Everyone is a racist or everyone is Hitler.

It is so boring and distracts from actual evil.

Remember when Mitt was evil racist mysoginist Hitler?

He is a hero today.
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I've pulled together a list of some of the things Rush Limbaugh has said that warrant the negative reaction to what he received last night:

1. “Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”
2. “Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”
3. “They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?” (in reference to African Americans in the United States)
4. [To an African American female caller]: “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”
5. Limbaugh’s many attacks on Obama.

Limbaugh has called Obama a ‘halfrican American’ has said that Obama was not Black but Arab because Kenya is an Arab region, even though Arabs are less than one percent of Kenya. Since mainstream America has become more accepting of African-Americans, Limbaugh has decided to play against its new racial fears, Arabs and Muslims. Despite the fact Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school, Limbaugh has called him an ‘affirmative action candidate.’ Limbaugh even has repeatedly played a song on his radio show ‘Barack the Magic Negro’ using an antiquated Jim Crow era term for Black a man who many Americans are supporting for president. Way to go Rush.

So Rush Limbaugh has managed to make racist attacks on four of the most admired and respected people of African descent in the past one hundred years, in Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Colin Powell and Barack Obama. He has claimed that Joe the Plumber, who isn’t even a plumber is more important in this election than Colin Powell, a decorated military veteran who has served honorably in three administrations. How can the Republican party stand by this man and let their candidates appear on his show? Rush Limbaugh’s comments are so racist, they’re funny, in a Borat, Archie Bunker kind of way. What is not funny is the millions of dittoheads who listen to him, who take in and re-spout all the racist rhetoric that he spits. Limbaugh’s statements are echoed in the racist, angry Palin/McCain supporters who shout ‘kill him,’ ‘terrorist,’ ‘communist,’ ‘traitor,’ ‘socialist’ and ‘off with his head.’

6. “We need segregated buses… This is Obama’s America.”
7. “Let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work.”
8. “I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.” (this last quote has some originality issues with it and Rush has denied using it but has been claimed to have been said by Rush through multiple people)

<Taken from>
Just gonna leave it at that.

Are you a racist if you listen to Rush?
My god, you perfectly describe yourself every time you go on one of your rants. I can't remember since so many of you guys were repeating it, were you one of those that thought Republicans weren't allowed in the "secret meetings", weren't allowed to call any witnesses, and weren't allowed to cross examine? Somehow all of you guys absorbed those complete lies without question.
I’ve been reading much of this thread and finally broke down. I had been resisting the urge to post because it just creates rancor. However, you have repeatedly posted errors and falsehoods. Each time you have been confronted, you call names and attack the poster.

Yes, the Democrats held meetings without any dissenting House members. Yes, witnesses were very limited, by Shift. Yes, the dissenting House members were not allowed to cross examine. Furthermore, exculpatory testimony was with held from the evidence presented to the Senate. I don’t care for Trump and find him crass and full of himself. However, this whole impeachment process is a black mark on my Democrats. I am ashamed.
I've pulled together a list of some of the things Rush Limbaugh has said that warrant the negative reaction to what he received last night:

1. “Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”
2. “Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”
3. “They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?” (in reference to African Americans in the United States)
4. [To an African American female caller]: “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”
5. Limbaugh’s many attacks on Obama.

Limbaugh has called Obama a ‘halfrican American’ has said that Obama was not Black but Arab because Kenya is an Arab region, even though Arabs are less than one percent of Kenya. Since mainstream America has become more accepting of African-Americans, Limbaugh has decided to play against its new racial fears, Arabs and Muslims. Despite the fact Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law school, Limbaugh has called him an ‘affirmative action candidate.’ Limbaugh even has repeatedly played a song on his radio show ‘Barack the Magic Negro’ using an antiquated Jim Crow era term for Black a man who many Americans are supporting for president. Way to go Rush.

So Rush Limbaugh has managed to make racist attacks on four of the most admired and respected people of African descent in the past one hundred years, in Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Colin Powell and Barack Obama. He has claimed that Joe the Plumber, who isn’t even a plumber is more important in this election than Colin Powell, a decorated military veteran who has served honorably in three administrations. How can the Republican party stand by this man and let their candidates appear on his show? Rush Limbaugh’s comments are so racist, they’re funny, in a Borat, Archie Bunker kind of way. What is not funny is the millions of dittoheads who listen to him, who take in and re-spout all the racist rhetoric that he spits. Limbaugh’s statements are echoed in the racist, angry Palin/McCain supporters who shout ‘kill him,’ ‘terrorist,’ ‘communist,’ ‘traitor,’ ‘socialist’ and ‘off with his head.’

6. “We need segregated buses… This is Obama’s America.”
7. “Let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work.”
8. “I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.” (this last quote has some originality issues with it and Rush has denied using it but has been claimed to have been said by Rush through multiple people)

<Taken from>
Just gonna leave it at that.
You might want to check with Snopes on these quotes. Some are indeed accurate, others are fabricated or unverified.
For what it’s worth my minister when I lived in Indiana went to HS in Missouri with Rush and was good friends. He would ride in Rush’s convertible while Rush smoked back then. I knew my minister pretty well and he never mentioned he had any racist comments. Furthermore Rush’s family employed blacks. Rush’s family were lawyers/judges. Additionally Clarence Thomas did his wedding and Elton John performed at the wedding. Snerdley has been with him for 30 years So if he is a racist homophobic he has fooled a lot of people close to him
So he assumes another persona to (cult)ivate a radio following in order to make big money. Gross
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I’ve been reading much of this thread and finally broke down. I had been resisting the urge to post because it just creates rancor. However, you have repeatedly posted errors and falsehoods. Each time you have been confronted, you call names and attack the poster.

Yes, the Democrats held meetings without any dissenting House members. Yes, witnesses were very limited, by Shift. Yes, the dissenting House members were not allowed to cross examine. Furthermore, exculpatory testimony was with held from the evidence presented to the Senate. I don’t care for Trump and find him crass and full of himself. However, this whole impeachment process is a black mark on my Democrats. I am ashamed.
And many would be ashamed of you......for misunderstanding an Impeachment Inquiry process, as opposed to a federal judicial process.
I’ve been reading much of this thread and finally broke down. I had been resisting the urge to post because it just creates rancor. However, you have repeatedly posted errors and falsehoods. Each time you have been confronted, you call names and attack the poster.

Yes, the Democrats held meetings without any dissenting House members. Yes, witnesses were very limited, by Shift. Yes, the dissenting House members were not allowed to cross examine. Furthermore, exculpatory testimony was with held from the evidence presented to the Senate. I don’t care for Trump and find him crass and full of himself. However, this whole impeachment process is a black mark on my Democrats. I am ashamed.

You can also see the transcripts from the “secret meetings” below. Republicans were allowed to attend, they were able to cross witness.
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And many would be ashamed of you......for misunderstanding an Impeachment Inquiry process, as opposed to a federal judicial process.
You just moved the goal posts. It makes no difference what kind of process the following is still true: Let me repeat.

Yes, the Democrats held meetings without any dissenting House members. Yes, witnesses were very limited, by Shift. Yes, the dissenting House members were not allowed to cross examine. Furthermore, exculpatory testimony was with held from the evidence presented to the Senate.

In the presentation to the Senate by the House Managers, video was edited to change the way people answered questions. That was blatantly obvious when the defense showed the whole interview. I consider that gross misconduct on the part of the managers.

Again, I don’t care for Trump and find him crass and full of himself. However, this whole impeachment process is a black mark on my Democrats. Stop parroting the CNN nonsense and think for yourself. I am ashamed, and you should be too.
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You just moved the goal posts. It makes no difference what kind of process the following is still true: Let me repeat.

Yes, the Democrats held meetings without any dissenting House members. Yes, witnesses were very limited, by Shift. Yes, the dissenting House members were not allowed to cross examine. Furthermore, exculpatory testimony was with held from the evidence presented to the Senate.

In the presentation to the Senate by the House Managers, video was edited to change the way people answered questions. That was blatantly obvious when the defense showed the whole interview. I consider that gross misconduct on the part of the managers.

Again, I don’t care for Trump and find him crass and full of himself. However, this whole impeachment process is a black mark on my Democrats. Stop parroting the CNN nonsense and think for yourself. I am ashamed, and you should be too.
Jesus, you believe all the lies don’t you?
It's factually over. That's a fact. Be honest with yourself and understand that it's over. It's not propaganda that it's over. It's over. You'll be disingenuous/dishonest if you think otherwise. He was acquitted and there's evidence that he was acquitted.

What buzzwords did I miss?
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It's factually over. That's a fact. Be honest with yourself and understand that it's over. It's not propaganda that it's over. It's over. You'll be disingenuous/dishonest if you think otherwise. He was acquitted and there's evidence that he was acquitted.

What buzzwords did I miss?
Why change the subject from the topic of the post? Don’t like that the actual evidence shows that Republicans lied their asses off? Do you honestly think there won’t be more information that comes out? Just because there was only one Senate Republican that was able to be honest, doesn’t close the chapter. How’d that bipartisan acquittal go that you were touting? Whomp whomp.
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Do you honestly think there won’t be more information that comes out? Just because there was only one Senate Republican that was able to be honest, doesn’t close the chapter. How’d that bipartisan acquittal go that you were touting? Whomp whomp.
Ah, I knew I forgot something and that was "more information." I'm guessing that whatever the "more information" that comes out will have the same impact that the Mueller Report did, Eric Ciaramella's report did, etc. which was nothing. In fact, the impact was Trump's approval numbers never being better. Crazy.

The resisting is definitely working. Keep it up! May want to mix a protest in here and there and then you're really on the right track.
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