Painter to critics: "you don't understand basketball, it's really stupid" in press conference

It's complicated and you won't like it.
I wouldn't say complicated. I think he comes across whiny and condescending. We need to also understand that he isn't just referring to fans, because many others in the media were pointing out the similarities in the NW loss to previous losses. CMP is a very good coach, but I get it, he said a lot of things after the FDU loss that he probably didn't really want to say. "I have to look in the mirror" "I'm the common denominator" etc.... Now he gets the first loss of the year and people are jumping on the fact that the loss was very similar to others and he doesn't like to have to answer those questions. But saying people don't understand basketball or they are stupid, probably isn't the best tactic. If any other teams coach did that we would be critical of them, and I think we need to be critical here also. Not the end of the world, but he could have picked a better response.
He does often preface comments in press conferences and on the radio show with "the thing people don't understand is..." The thing is -- many do understand and appreciate.
I wouldn't say complicated. I think he comes across whiny and condescending. We need to also understand that he isn't just referring to fans, because many others in the media were pointing out the similarities in the NW loss to previous losses. CMP is a very good coach, but I get it, he said a lot of things after the FDU loss that he probably didn't really want to say. "I have to look in the mirror" "I'm the common denominator" etc.... Now he gets the first loss of the year and people are jumping on the fact that the loss was very similar to others and he doesn't like to have to answer those questions. But saying people don't understand basketball or they are stupid, probably isn't the best tactic. If any other teams coach did that we would be critical of them, and I think we need to be critical here also. Not the end of the world, but he could have picked a better response.
he's been hearing it for almost a year. I don't have a big problem with being tired of it.
He's mostly right anyway.
I wouldn't say complicated. I think he comes across whiny and condescending. We need to also understand that he isn't just referring to fans, because many others in the media were pointing out the similarities in the NW loss to previous losses. CMP is a very good coach, but I get it, he said a lot of things after the FDU loss that he probably didn't really want to say. "I have to look in the mirror" "I'm the common denominator" etc.... Now he gets the first loss of the year and people are jumping on the fact that the loss was very similar to others and he doesn't like to have to answer those questions. But saying people don't understand basketball or they are stupid, probably isn't the best tactic. If any other teams coach did that we would be critical of them, and I think we need to be critical here also. Not the end of the world, but he could have picked a better response.
I agree with your statement that it's not just fans he's addressing, it's fans freaking out because they've lost a game and media looking for quick soundbites.

I don't think he minds answering questions following a loss, but IMO Painter was 100% correct in stating that folks who think that the fundamental issues for the NU loss were the same as the FDU issues are clueless.
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He does often preface comments in press conferences and on the radio show with "the thing people don't understand is..." The thing is -- many do understand and appreciate.

That's completely ok because in those cases he is then explaining what he is seeing/coaching/etc. I'm a Painter fan, but this comment is disappointing just because of the fact that he didn't follow up with the explanation. The full answer was a little longer, but it was still just generalities instead of what the actual differences between the losses was.

He harped on turnovers as the major cause of last season's NCAAT loss every single time I heard him asked about it in the offseason (and I agree with that analysis). After the first loss of this season (a game where the team commits too many TOs), you can't just say (paraphrase) "aw, shucks, the other team is trying hard so some games you're just gonna have a lot of turnovers and we just gotta hope that's not in the tourney." It would have been simple to single out a couple of the egregious, recurring TOs that can and should be eliminated.
I agree with your statement that it's not just fans he's addressing, it's fans freaking out because they've lost a game and media looking for quick soundbites.

I don't think he minds answering questions following a loss, but IMO Painter was 100% correct in stating that folks who think that the fundamental issues for the NU loss were the same as the FDU issues are clueless.
You certainly have a right to your opinion, and so does he. But I think his mistake is calling people who disagree with him Stupid or they don't know basketball. We have some on here that try the same thing. It really isn't an intelligent way to win an argument or have a reasonable discussion. That is/was the point I'm trying to make. I just don't think it's a good look for him, but as I said before it's not the end of the world for sure.
You certainly have a right to your opinion, and so does he. But I think his mistake is calling people who disagree with him Stupid or they don't know basketball. We have some on here that try the same thing. It really isn't an intelligent way to win an argument or have a reasonable discussion. That is/was the point I'm trying to make. I just don't think it's a good look for him, but as I said before it's not the end of the world for sure.
I feel the same, you're very much entitled to your opinion. I like MP's candidness but I can see why it would rub people the wrong way.

Did he call people stupid or did he say that the view is stupid? I think there's a significant difference. I can say that a view is uninformed or even stupid, that's not the same as saying the person espousing the view is stupid.

I agree with what you're saying around having an intelligent conversation, but your assumption is that the goal of the other party is to have an intelligent conversation. IMO, the media members looking for a sound byte and many fans who point to NU and saying 'here we go again' are not interested in and in some cases not capable of a real dialogue.
the thing is-- many who think they understand and appreciate-- do not.
Nothing new here. If anyone would go to any game they didn't care who wins and listen to the wide variety of comments from most they would think some were nuts. People express their understandings from the database they have. That database may be filled from commentators in the media or a wide array of things.

Whatever is in the database it will be different than another's and so we have differences of opinions. It is but another microcosm of people on any subject. Some are better informed than others in any subject discussed...just part of life and the better informed are not always correct in their assessment...just more likely...
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IMO Painter was 100% correct in stating that folks who think that the fundamental issues for the NU loss were the same as the FDU issues are clueless.

Well CMP supporter here, for the most part.

But have to say the fundamental issues for the FDU loss & NW loss were indeed BOTH TOs...
Caused by same players.....
Under duress from 1/2 court D pressure.
Guess I'm clueless....LOL.
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You certainly have a right to your opinion, and so does he. But I think his mistake is calling people who disagree with him Stupid or they don't know basketball. We have some on here that try the same thing. It really isn't an intelligent way to win an argument or have a reasonable discussion. That is/was the point I'm trying to make. I just don't think it's a good look for him, but as I said before it's not the end of the world for sure.
And this is CMP's problem. He is so blinded by his ego.
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The best person and most knowledgeable don't always get the job. Just because the job was handed to you by Keady doesn't make you the only one that "understand" the game. There are many regular folks that have a excellent understanding of the game. Painter is sometime too stubborn and too comfortable for the good of Purdue. Check your ego at the door please.

I feel the same, you're very much entitled to your opinion. I like MP's candidness but I can see why it would rub people the wrong way.

Did he call people stupid or did he say that the view is stupid? I think there's a significant difference. I can say that a view is uninformed or even stupid, that's not the same as saying the person espousing the view is stupid.

I agree with what you're saying around having an intelligent conversation, but your assumption is that the goal of the other party is to have an intelligent conversation. IMO, the media members looking for a sound byte and many fans who point to NU and saying 'here we go again' are not interested in and in some cases not capable of a real dialogue.
"It's really stupid and you don't understand basketball if you say that".

We can parse his words, but I think we all know what he is saying. IMO, not a good look for our coach, but it's just one guys opinion on it.
I feel the same, you're very much entitled to your opinion. I like MP's candidness but I can see why it would rub people the wrong way.

Did he call people stupid or did he say that the view is stupid? I think there's a significant difference. I can say that a view is uninformed or even stupid, that's not the same as saying the person espousing the view is stupid.

I agree with what you're saying around having an intelligent conversation, but your assumption is that the goal of the other party is to have an intelligent conversation. IMO, the media members looking for a sound byte and many fans who point to NU and saying 'here we go again' are not interested in and in some cases not capable of a real dialogue.
An example is "THE PRESS". It is commonly expressed as the same thing and yet as you know a zone press is much different than a man press and there are variations of not only the format of a zone press, but how it is played as a function of the particulars . ATTACKING the differences can be very different within a team, let alone different teams.

The man press may not try to steal the ball as well as hope the O makes a mistake or just wear on the O through fatigue. Do they add a run&jump like FDU? Commentators are to fill the air, but rarely actually know the workings of either team to comment with understandings.

Yet, many fans see or in many cases hear "THE PRESS" and assume they are the same as though "THE PRESS" from team A is just like the press of team Z. If people don't understand the differences in presses, doesn't it only makes sense that people would lump all presses together into "THE PRESS" as a very vague heading and think all have the same success and failure rate for not only different teams, but the type of press.

Another vague, but less vague would be to use the word "pressure". Purdue doesn't handle pressure might be an example. Is that full court and all the types of pressure, half court run& jumps, to man on the guards and so forth. The word pressure would be more accurate, but is all pressure the same? Is the other team in full denial, just pressuring the guards...pressuring the pass...pressuring zach on the dribble, catch or scraping backside? Neither...does the team always go to dig on the ball to apply pressure and so forth.

I understand how and why things get lumped and although perhaps not understanding the things in play, yet have view that may still be descriptive in a sense from a mile high and just unable to articulate what they believe very well.
"It's really stupid and you don't understand basketball if you say that".

We can parse his words, but I think we all know what he is saying. IMO, not a good look for our coach, but it's just one guys opinion on it.
So many people get upset about being told that they're ignorant and I'm sure that there are nicer, more midwestern ways to say it, but most fans and media members simply don't have a deep understanding of the game. That's just reality. Doesn't mean that they're dumb, just means that they lack knowledge.

Whether you want your coach saying that or not is a matter of opinion and I respect your right to dislike MP coming out and saying that.
An example is "THE PRESS". It is commonly expressed as the same thing and yet as you know a zone press is much different than a man press and there are variations of not only the format of a zone press, but how it is played as a function of the particulars . ATTACKING the differences can be very different within a team, let alone different teams.

The man press may not try to steal the ball as well as hope the O makes a mistake or just wear on the O through fatigue. Do they add a run&jump like FDU? Commentators are to fill the air, but rarely actually know the workings of either team to comment with understandings.

Yet, many fans see or in many cases hear "THE PRESS" and assume they are the same as though "THE PRESS" from team A is just like the press of team Z. If people don't understand the differences in presses, doesn't it only makes sense that people would lump all presses together into "THE PRESS" as a very vague heading and think all have the same success and failure rate for not only different teams, but the type of press.

Another vague, but less vague would be to use the word "pressure". Purdue doesn't handle pressure might be an example. Is that full court and all the types of pressure, half court run& jumps, to man on the guards and so forth. The word pressure would be more accurate, but is all pressure the same? Is the other team in full denial, just pressuring the guards...pressuring the pass...pressuring zach on the dribble, catch or scraping backside? Neither...does the team always go to dig on the ball to apply pressure and so forth.

I understand how and why things get lumped and although perhaps not understanding the things in play, yet have view that may still be descriptive in a sense from a mile high and just unable to articulate what they believe very well.
This x1000. From a coaching perspective saying that the issue is 'the press' or 'halfcourt turnovers' or 'feeding the post' is nearly useless. You can only address those problems by understanding the specific situations, how players are reacting in those situations and whether there's a schematic problem to solve through coaching or if player instruction needs to be adjusted so that they better execute.
So many people get upset about being told that they're ignorant and I'm sure that there are nicer, more midwestern ways to say it, but most fans and media members simply don't have a deep understanding of the game. That's just reality. Doesn't mean that they're dumb, just means that they lack knowledge.

Whether you want your coach saying that or not is a matter of opinion and I respect your right to dislike MP coming out and saying that.
I just listened for the first time and wasn't offended at all. First, the comments made were just general comments that could be made by people that never watched the game. Second, I'm unaware of the things Matt said that they said. He said he was the common denominator and that that there needed to be changes. There have been changes just like he said. He never said there would be schematic changes, nor did I, or would I ever, expect huge changes from a team that was so good and has been good for a few years. There was one person added. I think Lance is a huge upgrade that helps Purdue, but he gets a bit trigger happy at times. Purdue NOW pushes it off misses. Turnovers are always unforced unless the ref makes a bad call or doesn't make the call he should. Teams don't force turnovers...the offense makes bad choices...some turnovers easier to make than others. Where I do think the non basketball talk they made that had some meat was that certain players have not wanted the ball or wanted to shoot in some of those games...excluding Jaden. I don't think he had an issue...nor did Zach "mostly" when he got the ball.

Although they spoke in generalities as noted turnovers are large as they are all not the whole story. Still...even if you take Braden and discuss his turnovers between FDU and NW they were different. Both experienced fatigue at the end and so that was common. One did get some some help, but a longer game and the other little to no help in handling the ball. FDU applied pressure all over the court a decent amount of the game and employed a run&jump as the first team in a long while to do so where it was pretty much Braden against the other team as a freshman. Lance was a big help to this team in that respect...handling the ball and saving Braden's legs a bit on D. NW's turnovers were even less self imposed than FDU meaning it was even easier to not make them. What they never said, but perhaps they didn't watch the games was that Braden does NOT have to be responsible for every score Purdue makes. Since turnovers are unforced, don't believe you have to be the one to make everything happen as a result of your pass. Sometimes you just need to get the ball rolling (he did this against Iowa) and let rotations by the D help lead to a basket. Sometimes he takes on too much. He places the ball in shooters hands ALL OVER the half court and we marvel at his vision and passing...but sometimes just hitting "an" open man rather than "the" best version is not only the safest but best at the time.

PJ was really good at this and many in the forum wanted different...someone to make something happen and Braden does this to a T....just need a little more PJ influence. Lastly, no fatigue and I think Zach probably handles the pass...but then we have a careless pass early in the game to Trey.

I have to laugh a bit because Knight was like this...he just didn't have the control over his emotions as well as Matt. ;)
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This x1000. From a coaching perspective saying that the issue is 'the press' or 'halfcourt turnovers' or 'feeding the post' is nearly useless. You can only address those problems by understanding the specific situations, how players are reacting in those situations and whether there's a schematic problem to solve through coaching or if player instruction needs to be adjusted so that they better execute.
Almost ALL the post feeds that turn out bad are poor angles...damn near all of them. NONE of that is schematic is people fighting fatigue in some cases and taking a short cut...human nature at play...just like playing the opposition instead of the game and giving up large leads quickly.

The pass from Fletcher to Zach that was tipped that pretty much cemented the loss was 1)Fletch too far away( can have too much spacing as you can have too little and that goes for any offense at times). 2) really horrible angle 3)Zach compounding those two issues by not sealing his man fully due to starting his drop step before the ball got to him an opening up his body to allow Pearson??? to get a hand on it. Purdue can control the is up to them. This is a different team though and does things it didn't do last year or the year before. Not all the wins of which there are plenty are the same either, but Zach is a big part of that and that is the same.

There are some things I wish Matt did different as does many, but I know enough to know his decisions are better informed that what I would have just as I know there are many in this forum much better informed in many subject areas than I am.
Well CMP supporter here, for the most part.

But have to say the fundamental issues for the FDU loss & NW loss were indeed BOTH TOs...
Caused by same players.....
Under duress from 1/2 court D pressure.
Guess I'm clueless....LOL.
I honestly don't mean to offend you, I've generally found your posts to be fair and well thought out.

IMO that's a very simplistic way to view it, i.e. it's a few levels down from 'the common thread was that our opponent scored more points than us but it's still pretty high level. ;)
I honestly don't mean to offend you, I've generally found your posts to be fair and well thought out.

IMO that's a very simplistic way to view it, i.e. it's a few levels down from 'the common thread was that our opponent scored more points than us but it's still pretty high level. ;)
Here is the thing...I believe that the people that post are better informed than the general public and that goes for a lot of media. There are people that just read and are better informed than the general public and so I don't know why anyone would take offense with what Matt said in the forum. Nobody knows who he was thinking of when he made the comment that he did that offends some. I wasn't offended and if I thought it was a waste of time to respond to others because they were too "stupid"...why waste my time, but I don't think that and so I try to respond to everyone that asks something or if I believe I can add to something...right or wrong and just share my sentiments as others have shared theirs. I'm old though and so perhaps I'm more calloused?
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I honestly don't mean to offend you, I've generally found your posts to be fair and well thought out.

IMO that's a very simplistic way to view it, i.e. it's a few levels down from 'the common thread was that our opponent scored more points than us but it's still pretty high level. ;)

Don't try to over think it. It's just a game. +/- es often are the same from game to game, and from wins & losses.

Often knowing alot about something either-- adds to the enjoyment or makes it more unenjoyable, trying to puff our knowledge up after a game to others. Hope you are the former, not the later.

Me I am just a simple fan....loving every minute of Purdue.
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Don't try to over think it. It's just a game. +/- es often are the same from game to game, and from wins & losses.

Often knowing alot about something either-- adds to the enjoyment or makes it more unenjoyable, trying to puff our knowledge up after a game to others. Hope you are the former, not the later.

Me I am just a simple fan....loving every minute of Purdue.
I am sure many here see me as a blow hard / know it all and I'm fine with that :) I'm pretty impervious to what other people think, often to a fault and to my own detriment.

I definitely love the nuances of the game and miss being close to it. It does, to your point, add to my enjoyment in following Purdue basketball but can also make me pretty insufferable to people who just want to watch the games and have their emotional reactions as fans without being told why they're wrong.
So many people get upset about being told that they're ignorant and I'm sure that there are nicer, more midwestern ways to say it, but most fans and media members simply don't have a deep understanding of the game. That's just reality. Doesn't mean that they're dumb, just means that they lack knowledge.

Whether you want your coach saying that or not is a matter of opinion and I respect your right to dislike MP coming out and saying that.
From what I saw and I might be getting it mixed up with the Matt Painter Show, I think that part of what he was doing is standing up for Braden Smith. Braden’s turnovers were high in Friday’s game as well as FDU’s, but Painter knows what a great point guard he has and has been definitely showing appreciation in his recent comments.
I am sure many here see me as a blow hard / know it all and I'm fine with that :) I'm pretty impervious to what other people think, often to a fault and to my own detriment.

I definitely love the nuances of the game and miss being close to it. It does, to your point, add to my enjoyment in following Purdue basketball but can also make me pretty insufferable to people who just want to watch the games and have their emotional reactions as fans without being told why they're wrong.

Outstanding. Just enjoy man.

To your last point. It is possible to be emotional, and still be correct. Or so my wife tells me. LOL
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