NBA/Purdue Guys

Mar 15, 2013
In my years of watching college basketball, especially in the last 10 years or so, I've always heard the rhetoric that you need at least 2-3 NBA guys on your team to make significant noise in March. While I'm not 100% sure i buy into that (see Butler) I do think it has some relevance.

In that vein, how many NBA guys does purdue have on its team right now? Not necessarily if the draft was tomorrow but future NBA guys.

I think it has 3 maybe 4 and 1 (Octeus) that will make a lot of money overseas.

Stephens (maybe)

Originally posted by bearsboiler:
In my years of watching college basketball, especially in the last 10 years or so, I've always heard the rhetoric that you need at least 2-3 NBA guys on your team to make significant noise in March. While I'm not 100% sure i buy into that (see Butler) I do think it has some relevance.

In that vein, how many NBA guys does purdue have on its team right now? Not necessarily if the draft was tomorrow but future NBA guys.

I think it has 3 maybe 4 and 1 (Octeus) that will make a lot of money overseas.

Stephens (maybe)

I think you're correct on the four players with the most potential, with Hammons & Haas as the most likely candidates.

Stephens biggest need is physical maturity, but his length & shooting ability are both strong positives.

Edwards is the least likely of the bunch imo, but it's so tough to tell given his age.
I only have one thought on the nba. The fact that Jon Octeus:
~ls 6'5"
~ Has repeatedly demonstrated his ability to lay down thunderous dunks even in traffic
~Plays very good defense
~Can shoot a 3 if needed
~Can handle the ball pretty well
~Has demonstrated leadership and the ability to adapt and assimilate to a new environment flawlessly
~Rebounds and has great court awareness for a guard

And not only is he not considered a first round pick, but probably not even on the radar to be drafted. That is why l don't watch the NBA. To me it is garbage ball and does not demonstrate the things I want to see in a game.

In addition, Hammons "might" be good enough for the draft but Mullens, Kufas, and Zeller all go in the lottery. Yes I am aware that Michael Jordan is the worst drafting owner in history, but it doesn't explain a lot of these centers taken in the first round who have done nothing.
Ok maybe more than one thought.
Re: Butler. Hayward is a potential star in the league and Mack has made an appearance too. There was no shortage of talent on those teams.
In addition to Hayward and Mack, Matt Howard was a just shy of the talent needed to be drafted. Not sure if he's playing in Europe, but he could easily be a pro in Europe. That Butler team was nice. Way more talent than what most people perceived them to have.
Originally posted by klmLB:
In addition to Hayward and Mack, Matt Howard was a just shy of the talent needed to be drafted. Not sure if he's playing in Europe, but he could easily be a pro in Europe. That Butler team was nice. Way more talent than what most people perceived them to have.

I believe he's playing in Greece.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I agree about Octeus...i really think he could come off the bench in the league. Hope he gets a shot...i do believe at the D1 Big Ten level he is a good ball handler...I don't think i would consider him a GREAT ballhandler though which could hurt him in the league.. with that being said he's my favorite boiler this year and i hope we recruit 1000 more like him.

Its just interesting to look at the undeniable talent we have and will have in the future.
In 2011, Butler got beat by UConn that had NBA draft picks Kemba Walker, Jeremy Lamb, Alex Oriahki, and Shabazz Napier.
In 2010, when they lost, Duke had Kyrie Irving, Nolan Smith, Kyle Singer, Miles Plumlee, Mason Plumlee, and Ryan Kelly.

Yeah, professional talent helps win titles.