More horror from liberal rules

This country was built by poor people coming over and working hard. Why was that true then but not now?

Easy.....because of Government getting in the way now.

It has been illustrated in this thread the massive cost of illegal immigration to taxpayers.

If we can get rid of ALL the Govt handouts then you would find 90+% approval of any type of immigration.

What we have now though is an EVIL system of handouts to buy votes. NOT to lift people out of poverty, but to keep MORE in poverty as permanent underclass of victims. This is why they are letting them in....more victim dependent voters needing Gov't.

Shameful that anyone would support really is the NEW slavery.
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They still did it legally and those that were sick were sent back. Right now we are allowing anyone to cross no matter how sick or anything.

Nice of them to come over then shut the door behind themselves wasnt it? I’m not against not allowing people with dangerous infectious diseases into the country.
You talking about when those countries were great at the height of their imperial days?
A generic question that yes, goes back quite a few years. Countries that were very powerful and important having fallen down to much less significant. I have no answer, just noting that it happened and wondered if there were common denominators that may be linked collectively? I certainly have no idea how or why the fall. Still, those countries had their day in the past. I do know that "culture" of a group that isolates itself tends to decline, but not trying to tie any of that to those countries. Still...greatness fell to something much less. Shoot, the Romans stole much from the Greeks and so an obvious question I think many would ponder is why? Again, I'm not hinting at anything other than many of the very powerful countries in the past are less significant today. Understanding why would certainly have value.
ugh, math is now racist. You are late. ;)

starting early to fix the problems that could manifest into the racist math we see in the video. here you go...what 81 million certified voters sought. Back when math wasn't viewed as racist, this would have been viewed as some mental confusion, but it appears this is getting straightened out.

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A generic question that yes, goes back quite a few years. Countries that were very powerful and important having fallen down to much less significant. I have no answer, just noting that it happened and wondered if there were common denominators that may be linked collectively? I certainly have no idea how or why the fall. Still, those countries had their day in the past. I do know that "culture" of a group that isolates itself tends to decline, but not trying to tie any of that to those countries. Still...greatness fell to something much less. Shoot, the Romans stole much from the Greeks and so an obvious question I think many would ponder is why? Again, I'm not hinting at anything other than many of the very powerful countries in the past are less significant today. Understanding why would certainly have value.
It is if they are illegals , Do you need the definition of illegal and crime?

I would be interested to see a comprehensive list. Another complicating factor is that for much of history it seems having a country’s leadership being overthrown by outsiders didn’t really change anything about the the country. Not that you can even call it a country. Do you track official states/dynasties or the people in those states? When rome “fell” I don’t believe much changed for anybody. The different areas were already drifting apart for possibly centuries.
I would be interested to see a comprehensive list. Another complicating factor is that for much of history it seems having a country’s leadership being overthrown by outsiders didn’t really change anything about the the country. Not that you can even call it a country. Do you track official states/dynasties or the people in those states? When rome “fell” I don’t believe much changed for anybody. The different areas were already drifting apart for possibly centuries.
not a historian versed in any of this obviously, but I suspect that "drifting apart" is a common denominator for most. The question then becomes...what caused the drifting apart and the answer should not be a specific occurence or event, but a larger picture leading to an event. Naturally, the less precise allows many different opinions, but it truly may be the answer. I suspect it ties into "basic" humanity tendencies, priorities and understandings. In other words, it is us.

Not that one has to be religious, but the seven deadly sins continue to show up under a multitude of facades that are at play in humanity quite often (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride). Those that agree should lean to humanity being what it is or a combination of vices and virtues that have existed in the past, present and in the future. Obviously, those that see some connections in strengths and weaknesses in all of humanity might do well to understand each person's leans in thought or feeling regarding positions of power in those that have influence into direction or outcomes as a result of that power. This would stretch outside certified members generally regarded as politicians. I've mentioned it before, but a good book on "us" that is easily seen as not advocating a certain position of thought being best is

Amazon product ASIN 0465002056
you do realize there was a little t.i.c.? Still, I might try to find that application
Oh yeah, I figured there was a little tic in there, but have you seen/read the wacky voter fraud arguments? They range from ludicrous conspiracy theories to just the simple arrogance of I don’t believe the results, therefore how can they be true, I’m the smartest guy in the room. At one time my cyber ninja response would have been acknowledged as tongue in cheek without a 2nd thought, not in these crazy times. The sheeple are told fraud, fraud, fraud enough, they begin to believe.
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Oh yeah, I figured there was a little tic in there, but have you seen/read the wacky voter fraud arguments? They range from ludicrous conspiracy theories to just the simple arrogance of I don’t believe the results, therefore how can they be true, I’m the smartest guy in the room. At one time my cyber ninja response would have been acknowledged as tongue in cheek without a 2nd thought, not in these crazy times. The sheeple are told fraud, fraud, fraud enough, they begin to believe.
There is a fundamental problem inside the country should the legitimacy of an election occur. This benefits nobody and that is why both sides of the aisle should prioritize with no exceptions teh number one goal of legitimate elections. Anything hindering that is a far second place. If that were to be done, then there would be no debate as to the legitimate election. Instead, there are attempts to short change that and then the door is open for fraud to happen and fraud to be a concern. Audits and recounts are meaningless since they only detect if the numbers were the same through visual inspection and sampling and many of us know the ineffectiveness of those. Never, the origination of those votes. So, if a goal is to keep a country divided and maybe it is since intersectionality is pushed, fight by all means a guaranteed secure election ignoring the distractions of providing such. Unless this is done, there will exist the same concerns in future elections. That is the reality of the situation needed to not provide excuses or reasoning to the legitimacy of an election. This is not a new issue, just one that grew with new rules and such obtained as a result of the virus in the USA primarily.
There is a fundamental problem inside the country should the legitimacy of an election occur. This benefits nobody and that is why both sides of the aisle should prioritize with no exceptions teh number one goal of legitimate elections. Anything hindering that is a far second place. If that were to be done, then there would be no debate as to the legitimate election. Instead, there are attempts to short change that and then the door is open for fraud to happen and fraud to be a concern. Audits and recounts are meaningless since they only detect if the numbers were the same through visual inspection and sampling and many of us know the ineffectiveness of those. Never, the origination of those votes. So, if a goal is to keep a country divided and maybe it is since intersectionality is pushed, fight by all means a guaranteed secure election ignoring the distractions of providing such. Unless this is done, there will exist the same concerns in future elections. That is the reality of the situation needed to not provide excuses or reasoning to the legitimacy of an election. This is not a new issue, just one that grew with new rules and such obtained as a result of the virus in the USA primarily.
Agree completely. This is why the arguments about not requiring voter i.d.‘s are so fallacious. People need id’s to drive, buy cigs and alcohol, fly from airports, etc., etc. Yet it’s too much to show an official, government-issued i.d. In order to vote? Give me a break.

I also have an issue with government sending out absentee ballots without a formal request and with ballot harvesting. If the Ds really cared about legitimacy of elections they would help put a stop to these practices. Yet they keep trying to loosen voting laws. This just breeds more potential fraud and malfeasance.
Agree completely. This is why the arguments about not requiring voter i.d.‘s are so fallacious. People need id’s to drive, buy cigs and alcohol, fly from airports, etc., etc. Yet it’s too much to show an official, government-issued i.d. In order to vote? Give me a break.

I also have an issue with government sending out absentee ballots without a formal request and with ballot harvesting. If the Ds really cared about legitimacy of elections they would help put a stop to these practices. Yet they keep trying to loosen voting laws. This just breeds more potential fraud and malfeasance.
I had to rent a car last week and guess what? I had to show an ID! Requiring something that 97% of the voting population probably already has in one form or another doesn't hinder anything but the ability to cheat.
There is a fundamental problem inside the country should the legitimacy of an election occur. This benefits nobody and that is why both sides of the aisle should prioritize with no exceptions teh number one goal of legitimate elections. Anything hindering that is a far second place. If that were to be done, then there would be no debate as to the legitimate election. Instead, there are attempts to short change that and then the door is open for fraud to happen and fraud to be a concern. Audits and recounts are meaningless since they only detect if the numbers were the same through visual inspection and sampling and many of us know the ineffectiveness of those. Never, the origination of those votes. So, if a goal is to keep a country divided and maybe it is since intersectionality is pushed, fight by all means a guaranteed secure election ignoring the distractions of providing such. Unless this is done, there will exist the same concerns in future elections. That is the reality of the situation needed to not provide excuses or reasoning to the legitimacy of an election. This is not a new issue, just one that grew with new rules and such obtained as a result of the virus in the USA primarily.
What could be more divisive than rejecting the views from judges, elected officials, and election officials from BOTH sides of the aisle who claimed this past election was one of the most secure ever? As human beings, when our side loses, we love to create that nefarious reason for losing. Let’s face it, whether we claim to be good sports or not, we are all bad losers. Can we rise above this childish urge and move on to fight that next battle like we teach little ones to do? Why do we only grouse about the results of elections that DON’T go our way?
The cult of personality holds a strange power over people. What’s more divisive than someone who wields that power sowing seeds of distrust in a process over and over and over again starting years before that process even takes place? Isn’t it sad you can childishly say we only lose if the other side cheats, say it far in advance and enough times, and a sizable portion of the population believes it. Conning people is not a new issue, just one that was taken to new levels the prior 5 years.
What could be more divisive than rejecting the views from judges, elected officials, and election officials from BOTH sides of the aisle who claimed this past election was one of the most secure ever? As human beings, when our side loses, we love to create that nefarious reason for losing. Let’s face it, whether we claim to be good sports or not, we are all bad losers. Can we rise above this childish urge and move on to fight that next battle like we teach little ones to do? Why do we only grouse about the results of elections that DON’T go our way?
The cult of personality holds a strange power over people. What’s more divisive than someone who wields that power sowing seeds of distrust in a process over and over and over again starting years before that process even takes place? Isn’t it sad you can childishly say we only lose if the other side cheats, say it far in advance and enough times, and a sizable portion of the population believes it. Conning people is not a new issue, just one that was taken to new levels the prior 5 years.
Again, until those reasons are eliminated they will still exist. Even if very secure, you won't get 100% buy in, but the many anomalies that took place gave rise to the distrust. It is not questionable that an election that offered fraudulent ways to exist will cause distrust, and so what we need to do is see who, if any, fight against a more secure election whatever the publicly stated reason. Everyone with any ethical honesty should want a secure election and then the results of a more united country should follow. What things are more important that ensuring the most secure election for all to agree?
Again, until those reasons are eliminated they will still exist. Even if very secure, you won't get 100% buy in, but the many anomalies that took place gave rise to the distrust. It is not questionable that an election that offered fraudulent ways to exist will cause distrust, and so what we need to do is see who, if any, fight against a more secure election whatever the publicly stated reason. Everyone with any ethical honesty should want a secure election and then the results of a more united country should follow. What things are more important that ensuring the most secure election for all to agree?
Again, judges, the DHS, elected officials, and election officials from BOTH sides of the aisle assert this last election to be one of the most secure ever. Do you deny this? Each time you assert well this COULD lead to this which COULD lead to that, you sound more and more like another sore loser. You are absolutely right, you’ll never get 100% buy in, some people can flat out just not except losing. What’s your “buy in” threshold? With a 1/3 of the population being all in minions of the cult of personality, that threshold better not be much over 60%. I fear that distrust has been well cultivated, it’s there until this group gets their desired result. Again, they don’t distrust the results they want, only the elections they lost.
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Again, judges, the DHS, elected officials, and election officials from BOTH sides of the aisle assert this last election to be one of the most secure ever. Do you deny this? Each time you assert well this COULD lead to this which COULD lead to that, you sound more and more like another sore loser. You are absolutely right, you’ll never get 100% buy in, some people can flat out just not except losing. What’s your “buy in” threshold? With a 1/3 of the population being all in minions of the cult of personality, that threshold better not be much over 60%. I fear that distrust has been well cultivated, it’s there until this group gets their desired result. Again, they don’t distrust the results they want, only the elections they lost.
my buy in is when we have an unproduceable card that is verified in person when voting. Everything else opens up the door where one can nuance this and one nuance another. Others don't want that level of verification and so it won't happen. That is the real desire to prevent fraud, and both sides can benefit from it. I'm not led by what someone prints as an opinion particularly when it still leaves the door open. Voting is matter the effort it takes that still may be less than getting to a ball game or concert and more important than so many other things that require identificatin in person.
Again, until those reasons are eliminated they will still exist. Even if very secure, you won't get 100% buy in, but the many anomalies that took place gave rise to the distrust. It is not questionable that an election that offered fraudulent ways to exist will cause distrust, and so what we need to do is see who, if any, fight against a more secure election whatever the publicly stated reason. Everyone with any ethical honesty should want a secure election and then the results of a more united country should follow. What things are more important that ensuring the most secure election for all to agree?
The "anomalies" have been explained.......over and over. How do you eliminate the questions when the guy who lost and is worshipped by his followers raises the questions everyday? He's telling you he was cheated by the system......just what people like you are dying to hear.

Will you consider the next elections ethical if a state republican legislature or state SOS declares a democratic victory invalid because of "anomalies" and installs their own electors that vote in a republican instead? You do know that's what several states are trying to do through their so called "election integrity" initiatives?
Again, judges, the DHS, elected officials, and election officials from BOTH sides of the aisle assert this last election to be one of the most secure ever. Do you deny this? Each time you assert well this COULD lead to this which COULD lead to that, you sound more and more like another sore loser. You are absolutely right, you’ll never get 100% buy in, some people can flat out just not except losing. What’s your “buy in” threshold? With a 1/3 of the population being all in minions of the cult of personality, that threshold better not be much over 60%. I fear that distrust has been well cultivated, it’s there until this group gets their desired result. Again, they don’t distrust the results they want, only the elections they lost.

Ballot harvesting, mailing ballots, lack of clean legit voter roles, unmonitored drop off ballot boxes & lack of voter ID .....makes points you are making about judges/courts VOID as they just decuded on election law as it exists/existed. Where those items were/are allowed, breeds dishonesty, lack of integrity and lack of accountability into those elections.
The "anomalies" have been explained.......over and over. How do you eliminate the questions when the guy who lost and is worshipped by his followers raises the questions everyday? He's telling you he was cheated by the system......just what people like you are dying to hear.

Will you consider the next elections ethical if a state republican legislature or state SOS declares a democratic victory invalid because of "anomalies" and installs their own electors that vote in a republican instead? You do know that's what several states are trying to do through their so called "election integrity" initiatives?
Exactly. I mean wtf, tj here has fallen right in hook, line and sinker to what he’s supposedly railing against. Just absurd levels of nonsense from him.
Ballot harvesting, mailing ballots, lack of clean legit voter roles, unmonitored drop off ballot boxes & lack of voter ID .....makes points you are making about judges/courts VOID as they just decuded on election law as it exists/existed. Where those items were/are allowed, breeds dishonesty, lack of integrity and lack of accountability into those elections.
No. The things you mentioned are just bogeyman invented by sore losers who know that people dumber than they are will pick up and run with. It’s a self-made problem that amazingly your side also can’t prove. Do you just move on to the next shiny object.
No. The things you mentioned are just bogeyman invented by sore losers who know that people dumber than they are will pick up and run with. It’s a self-made problem that amazingly your side also can’t prove. Do you just move on to the next shiny object.

I wiill just take 3 items....Regardless of party.....

1. Ballot harvesting allows tampering by unethical people picking up ballots.

2. No question mailing ballots without clean accurate voter roles result in inaccurate elections.

3. Voting without ID allows noncitizens to register & vote.

None of the above can be disputed by any moral ethical thinking person......but perhaps you do not fit that description?
Ballot harvesting, mailing ballots, lack of clean legit voter roles, unmonitored drop off ballot boxes & lack of voter ID .....makes points you are making about judges/courts VOID as they just decuded on election law as it exists/existed. Where those items were/are allowed, breeds dishonesty, lack of integrity and lack of accountability into those elections.
In the case of boiler buck vs judges/courts, The Dept of Homeland Security, elected officials and election officials from both parties in regards to election integrity, it was a close decision, I mean buck made it close by wielding his magic VOID stick, but I still side with the latter
I wiill just take 3 items....Regardless of party.....

1. Ballot harvesting allows tampering by unethical people picking up ballots.

2. No question mailing ballots without clean accurate voter roles result in inaccurate elections.

3. Voting without ID allows noncitizens to register & vote.

None of the above can be disputed by any moral ethical thinking person......but perhaps you do not fit that description?

Is it moral and ethical to make it more difficult for citizens to vote?
I would be interested to see a comprehensive list. Another complicating factor is that for much of history it seems having a country’s leadership being overthrown by outsiders didn’t really change anything about the the country. Not that you can even call it a country. Do you track official states/dynasties or the people in those states? When rome “fell” I don’t believe much changed for anybody. The different areas were already drifting apart for possibly centuries.
Right. The dark ages were fake news...Just stunning.
The "anomalies" have been explained.......over and over. How do you eliminate the questions when the guy who lost and is worshipped by his followers raises the questions everyday? He's telling you he was cheated by the system......just what people like you are dying to hear.

Will you consider the next elections ethical if a state republican legislature or state SOS declares a democratic victory invalid because of "anomalies" and installs their own electors that vote in a republican instead? You do know that's what several states are trying to do through their so called "election integrity" initiatives?
I don't know what "people like me" means. However, I was asked what it would take by PUBV to buy in. I said wrongly unproduceable when it should have said un-reproduceable , but ignored what I implied in my mind through text. What I meant was un-reproduceable photo identification verified "live" else "my" vote can be cancelled illegally.

Why would it matter which side gets a benefit of "NOT" ensuring voter integrity? Punish me...get real voter integrity and make me live with the consequences. There is no reason to substitute voter integrity over some opinion and accept anything short of what I mentioned. Do I think it will happen? No, I don't think it will happen. Shoot the last time I was at the BMV I had to have a lot more identification that we require to vote. There is more interest by the side that fights against voter integrity improvements in having a vaccine even though the shot doesn't prevent transmission.

Punish me...make all voters show government issued verification live and take down those PUBs once and for all that cheat.
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Is it moral and ethical to make it more difficult for citizens to vote?
No. Voting, while it may be a right as a US citizen, is also a privilege.

Is receiving financial assistance in the form of welfare a right or privilege?
Should a person have to prove their identity to receive welfare?
Is it moral and ethical to make it more difficult for citizens to vote?
Yes! Certainly much more moral and ethical than determining how much money is not too much for me to pay in taxes or requiring Catholic hospitals to perform abortions or restricting doctors and pharmacies from giving out certain medication...or...

for every vote illegally cancelled it takes two votes to counter. Voter A votes for "x" Voter B cancels that illegally. Now we need voter C to replace what Voter A tried to accomplish before being cancelled
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I'm waiting on one of you conservatives to give any information on how the average American is affected by illegal immigration. As stated numerous times before, I am not advocating for illegal immigration. The people "being placed all over the country" have legitimate asylum claims, so that's a red herring. But what is the actual cost to most people, and is it worth the uproar from the right? The answer is a resounding, "we don't know - look, a fluffy dog!"
See page 66 of the attached link below.

…When Congress gets around to legalizing the millions of illegal immigrants residing in the country, there will be even more increased competition for social welfare programs, educational opportunities, jobs, and low-income housing. If history repeats itself, black Americans will continue to be the nation‘s biggest losers.

Is it moral and ethical to make it more difficult for citizens to vote?

There is no state in the nation where it is difficult to take the privilege to vote. Moreover, it likely takes longer to go to Walmart, find all your stuff and get your groceries than to vote in most places.
And your credibility is immediately shot. The previous administration was a CATASTROPHE. It’s a lot of work to clean up the massive mess. You folks demand immediate results and complain when it takes less than a year.
Here I thought Biden claimed victory over COVID.

This year, the Fourth of July is a day of special celebration, for we are emerging from the darkness of years; a year of pandemic and isolation; a year of pain, fear, and heartbreaking loss.

Declaring victory too soon???
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Looks like once are wrong..... LOL!!!

Isn't he the idiot who claimed the election was stolen with bogus fraud claims and is under investigation by the State Bar of Texas State for professional misconduct.
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No. Voting, while it may be a right as a US citizen, is also a privilege.

Is receiving financial assistance in the form of welfare a right or privilege?
Should a person have to prove their identity to receive welfare?

Where did this idea of voting being a privilege come from? Having a say in how you are governed sure doesn’t seem like a privilege to me.
Yes! Certainly much more moral and ethical than determining how much money is not too much for me to pay in taxes or requiring Catholic hospitals to perform abortions or restricting doctors and pharmacies from giving out certain medication...or...

for every vote illegally cancelled it takes two votes to counter. Voter A votes for "x" Voter B cancels that illegally. Now we need voter C to replace what Voter A tried to accomplish before being cancelled

There must be some awfully strong evidence of large scale voter fraud in order to justify making it more difficult for citizens to vote I take it. Got some of that to share with us?
There is no state in the nation where it is difficult to take the privilege to vote. Moreover, it likely takes longer to go to Walmart, find all your stuff and get your groceries than to vote in most places.

That is a pretty strong g claim. Can you share the evidence you are using to backup this claim with us?
There must be some awfully strong evidence of large scale voter fraud in order to justify making it more difficult for citizens to vote I take it. Got some of that to share with us?
Ha Ha. Tell me, what right do I have to get my single vote cancelled by any illegal vote? It appears you not only believe everything fed to you, but you swallowed all the I want to cheat by not ensuring a legal vote kool-aid possible. There is no obtacle to anything else they want to do. Give then a week or two, but make it live and in person since it takes longer to vote than anything else they want to do.

Now about that moral and ethical reason to prevent doctors and pharmacies from filling scripts for patients that "also" want that medicine or expecting Catholics to advance abortion that was side-stepped? The moral voice I hear is wanting sane people to go along with the insane in ignoring the mental illness of a male pretending or actually believing he is a girl or the other way around.
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