More horror from liberal rules

All right, I give up. No specifics, just speculation. The amount you pay could be $0.10/month for all you know. Taxes cover all kinds of things, including services you may not use. I get the argument from your side, and it's legitimate. Illegal residents are not financially contributing in most cases and are generally costing money. But the amount of outrage from you folks is nowhere near commensurate with he impact of the problem. It's 100% political histrionics.

From the GAO article above net cost was $19.37 Billion. That was a 1993 study. We have millions more let in since then. Over 1 million let in so far this year.

So if you take the $19.4 billion....divide it by the number of taxpayers 144 million....
Cost in 1993..... $135 per 1993.
Cost today likely DOUBLE that with inflation and number of illegals way way up. Thus, for my 2 taxpayer house....estimated cost...over $540

Hardly $0.10 per month.

Wrong again. LOL!!!
This is all you can come up with? A GIF? Do you have any answers, or is this as good as you can do?
Your position on this is just ridiculous. Just reading this thread has shown that. Must be you are trolling for responses. Others have answered your questions and you continue this nonsense. Take a break on this would be some good advice to take. Anyways, carry on your foolishness.
You aren't proving anyone wrong. You think you have a good point, but you don't. And then you don't understand why because you don't seem to get my point.

Do you live in Texas? Do you have a bill?

You have a massive issue with reading comprehension, and it's not my problem. Good luck to you.

Get your point?..... I QUOTED your exact words.... and then used info to prove them wrong. So sorry, way wrong again. LOL!!
From the GAO article above net cost was $19.37 Billion. That was a 1993 study. We have millions more let in since then. Over 1 million let in so far this year.

So if you take the $19.4 billion....divide it by the number of taxpayers 144 million....
Cost in 1993..... $135 per 1993.
Cost today likely DOUBLE that with inflation and number of illegals way way up. Thus, for my 2 taxpayer house....estimated cost...over $540

Hardly $0.10 per month.

Wrong again. LOL!!!
How much does our bloated military cost? I have to pay for that. This is one issue, but it's not worth the amount of attention you people give it. It's politics and ethnocentrism.
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Your position on this is just ridiculous. Just reading this thread has shown that. Must be you are trolling for responses. Others have answered your questions and you continue this nonsense. Take a break on this would be some good advice to take. Anyways, carry on your foolishness.
So we should all just bitch incessantly about illegal immigration and claim it's the number 1 issue in the country? That's your position?

Who's the foolish one?
How much does our bloated military cost? I have to pay for that. This is one issue, but it's not worth the amount of attention you people give it. It's politics and ethnocentrism.

Different issue. On military spending issue.....I likely agree with you.

On this are just wrong, as I have illustrated over and over. LOL.
So we should all just bitch incessantly about illegal immigration and claim it's the number 1 issue in the country? That's your position?

Who's the foolish one?
The number one issue is the diminished mental state of Joe Biden. He was already incompetent prior to being sworn in. He looks increasingly enfeebled as time goes by.

He really hasn’t accomplished anything so far and his made this economy increasingly tenuous with his poor policy decisions. He claims to be a guy for working class but his policies are harming the working class. Everything costs more now. Food, gasoline, heating oil, natural gas, clothes, etc., etc. He keeps wanting to add more stimulus when the economy is already overheated and inflation is rising pretty rapidly. This administration is a disaster and just keeps getting worse.
The number one issue is the diminished mental state of Joe Biden. He was already incompetent prior to being sworn in. He looks increasingly enfeebled as time goes by.

He really hasn’t accomplished anything so far and his made this economy increasingly tenuous with his poor policy decisions. He claims to be a guy for working class but his policies are harming the working class. Everything costs more now. Food, gasoline, heating oil, natural gas, clothes, etc., etc. He keeps wanting to add more stimulus when the economy is already overheated and inflation is rising pretty rapidly. This administration is a disaster and just keeps getting worse.
And your credibility is immediately shot. The previous administration was a CATASTROPHE. It’s a lot of work to clean up the massive mess. You folks demand immediate results and complain when it takes less than a year.
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Different issue. On military spending issue.....I likely agree with you.

On this are just wrong, as I have illustrated over and over. LOL.
I guess we agree to disagree. You didn’t illustrate that I was “wrong.” How am I wrong when I didn’t make a claim? I was merely questioning why conservatives are so laser focused on immigration.
And your credibility is immediately shot. The previous administration was a CATASTROPHE. It’s a lot of work to clean up the massive mess. You folks demand immediate results and complain when it takes less than a year.
All of Biden’s failures have been avoidable. You are an emotional CATASTROPHE on the board and know nothing. None of your opinions matter but keep bull-rushing right through every thread knowing nothing. Have you seen the polling data among independents? The American people in the middle aren’t as partisan, stupid, and emotional as you.

And your credibility is immediately shot. The previous administration was a CATASTROPHE. It’s a lot of work to clean up the massive mess. You folks demand immediate results and complain when it takes less than a year.

Lets see the Biden "fix" so far has resulted in....
*Less caretakers at hospitals enforcing his parties Vax mandates.
*Over 1 million new illegals costing taxpayers $.
*Increased cash of Billion$ for the Cartels.
*Many deaths of illegals who did not make the long trek.
*Rapes of illegal women on the way here.
*Highest gas prices in 7 years.
*Highest heating prices in 7 years.
*Highest meat prices on record.
*Record food prices.
*The new Varriants of Covid distributed around the country by uncaxed illegals from 100+ countries.
*Over 300,000 new Covid deaths.
*Vax Mandates because he refused to use his
Billion$ for incentivised choices.
*Increased crime because of Dem party war on cops and vax mandates.
*Common everyday parents being accused of being domestic terroists by his administration because they decided tovspeak up at school board meetings.
* Supply chain problems.

Yea the "Biden Fix"......LOL!!!

Another note......Who knows how many terrorists have walked through the S. Border?
Lets see the Biden "fix" so far has resulted in....
*Less caretakers at hospitals enforcing his parties Vax mandates.
*Over 1 million new illegals costing taxpayers $.
*Increased cash of Billion$ for the Cartels.
*Many deaths of illegals who did not make the long trek.
*Rapes of illegal women on the way here.
*Highest gas prices in 7 years.
*Highest heating prices in 7 years.
*Highest meat prices on record.
*Record food prices.
*The new Varriants of Covid distributed around the country by uncaxed illegals from 100+ countries.
*Over 300,000 new Covid deaths.
*Vax Mandates because he refused to use his
Billion$ for incentivised choices.
*Increased crime because of Dem party war on cops and vax mandates.
*Common everyday parents being accused of being domestic terroists by his administration because they decided tovspeak up at school board meetings.
* Supply chain problems.

Yea the "Biden Fix"......LOL!!!

Another note......Who knows how many terrorists have walked through the S. Border?
You can always easily spot an unhinged white liberal like DG. Not attached to reality and very emotional!!! Forgot to add - ignore data and anything that makes the Democrat party look bad!
I was merely questioning why conservatives are so laser focused on immigration.

Which we answered.... $.
In my family's case $540+ per year.
And this has been going on for YEARS.

We are talking Billion$ here nationwide. I prefer money used for Americans not illegals.
With homelessness, mental illness and drug abuse are 3 underfunded problems right there that money could go to ...TO HELP AMERICANS with problems. Or don't you care about Americans with problems?
Looks like once are wrong..... LOL!!!

Millions of people immigrated to this country legally over the years. Why can’t these people do the same? Why should they go to the front of the line for breaking the law?

Unauthorized immigrants pay sales taxes and property taxes into the system (via rent) and many pay federal state and local taxes. In addition the are consumers. So that will result in more tax collection. This Cbo report from 2007 says that immigrants as a whole generate more revenue than they use in services over the long run but less at the state and local level. Don’t know how this is currently addressed but perhaps more needs to be done

That being said it is far from cut and dry that unauthorized immigrants are a net loss.

Anyway, there is some value to having additional hard working, educated, and healthy people contributing to this country.
  • Haha
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Which we answered.... $.
In my family's case $540+ per year.
And this has been going on for YEARS.

We are talking Billion$ here nationwide. I prefer money used for Americans not illegals.
With homelessness, mental illness and drug abuse are 3 underfunded problems right there that money could go to ...TO HELP AMERICANS with problems. Or don't you care about Americans with problems?

Have you been voting for officials that aim to reduce those issues?
Lets see the Biden "fix" so far has resulted in....
*Less caretakers at hospitals enforcing his parties Vax mandates.
*Over 1 million new illegals costing taxpayers $.
*Increased cash of Billion$ for the Cartels.
*Many deaths of illegals who did not make the long trek.
*Rapes of illegal women on the way here.
*Highest gas prices in 7 years.
*Highest heating prices in 7 years.
*Highest meat prices on record.
*Record food prices.
*The new Varriants of Covid distributed around the country by uncaxed illegals from 100+ countries.
*Over 300,000 new Covid deaths.
*Vax Mandates because he refused to use his
Billion$ for incentivised choices.
*Increased crime because of Dem party war on cops and vax mandates.
*Common everyday parents being accused of being domestic terroists by his administration because they decided tovspeak up at school board meetings.
* Supply chain problems.

Yea the "Biden Fix"......LOL!!!

Another note......Who knows how many terrorists have walked through the S. Border?
Wait, these problems are all from the past nine months and directly related to policies of the current administration? That seems far-fetched, even by conservative logic. Some of those are debunked RW talking points, etc. Again, par for the course. The 300k COVID death one is most laughable, since it's primarily red state anti-vaxxers. How's that Biden's fault? Your list ...
Millions of people immigrated to this country legally over the years. Why can’t these people do the same? Why should they go to the front of the line for breaking the law?

Don’t know what the immigration process is for sure but i suspect there are 2 reasons. The first is that it is harder for people without resources to accomplish things of this sort.

The second would be that they are desperate now and cannot wait for the process to run it’s course.
Wait, these problems are all from the past nine months and directly related to policies of the current administration? That seems far-fetched, even by conservative logic. Some of those are debunked RW talking points, etc. Again, par for the course. The 300k COVID death one is most laughable, since it's primarily red state anti-vaxxers. How's that Biden's fault? Your list ...
Biden said he’d shut down the virus and have you seen the recent heat map of Covid cases? You really don’t fancy being proven wrong over and over again. Another white lib who thinks he’s quite wise!
Unauthorized immigrants pay sales taxes and property taxes into the system (via rent) and many pay federal state and local taxes. In addition the are consumers. So that will result in more tax collection. This Cbo report from 2007 says that immigrants as a whole generate more revenue than they use in services over the long run but less at the state and local level. Don’t know how this is currently addressed but perhaps more needs to be done

That being said it is far from cut and dry that unauthorized immigrants are a net loss.

Anyway, there is some value to having additional hard working, educated, and healthy people contributing to this country.

The 3 studies in the GAO report ALL found Net losses from illegals. NET means after all revenue streams were accounted for.
This country belongs to the citizens/taxpayers of the United States of America. We should ALL want illegal aliens out and we should ALL support tougher border security, not this complete dud of an administration flying those illegal aliens all over OUR country. Get a grip!
outsiders need the learn the legal american ways....

-fill out endless bureaucratic paperwork, and not make a single error
-wait years/decades for the government to grant them permission to actually do things
-if you have lots of $ and are willing to fork it over, then you get bumped to the front of the line
The 3 studies in the GAO report ALL found Net losses from illegals. NET means after all revenue streams were accounted for.

So, there are different reports showing different things

Haven’t had time to read those. Did they consider long term results? Is each new person added to the economy actually hurting the economy?
From the GAO article above net cost was $19.37 Billion. That was a 1993 study. We have millions more let in since then. Over 1 million let in so far this year.

So if you take the $19.4 billion....divide it by the number of taxpayers 144 million....
Cost in 1993..... $135 per 1993.
Cost today likely DOUBLE that with inflation and number of illegals way way up. Thus, for my 2 taxpayer house....estimated cost...over $540

Hardly $0.10 per month.

Wrong again. LOL!!!
I suspect you are waaaaaaay too low. Actually, if they can't send them to the places Ted Cruz brought to light, I would prefer putting them much more spread out and in rural communities so that they are more apt to adjust to the USA, than to take their culture or lack of...with them and keep it. This has been studied for some time by Thomas Sowell and is probably a reason why they are placed where they are with a greater chance of not adapting to and grasping a bit of the USA that they sought for reasons most know, and that we went after, not knowing our difference from other countries has a lot to do with our success as a country. There is nothing I'm aware in the whole illegal, flying or busing in the darkness that enhances assimilation...and so what is the real reason for these illegals since it is not enhancing the USA...particularly since there is no attempt to know anything about them. What positive attribute is the USA seeking when you don't know who is coming over illegally. Obviously, that attribute of a positive contribution to the USA is not a consideration since we know nothing about them...and so again, what do those bodies bring to the USA?
Unauthorized immigrants pay sales taxes and property taxes into the system (via rent) and many pay federal state and local taxes. In addition the are consumers. So that will result in more tax collection. This Cbo report from 2007 says that immigrants as a whole generate more revenue than they use in services over the long run but less at the state and local level. Don’t know how this is currently addressed but perhaps more needs to be done

That being said it is far from cut and dry that unauthorized immigrants are a net loss.

Anyway, there is some value to having additional hard working, educated, and healthy people contributing to this country.
Are the people running across the southern border educated and healthy?

I’m all for hard working, educated and healthy immigrants applying for citizenship by legal means. That’s the way it’s intended to be done.
Don’t know what the immigration process is for sure but i suspect there are 2 reasons. The first is that it is harder for people without resources to accomplish things of this sort.

The second would be that they are desperate now and cannot wait for the process to run it’s course.
So their desperation means it automatically becomes the problem of American citizens?
Are the people running across the southern border educated and healthy?

I’m all for hard working, educated and healthy immigrants applying for citizenship by legal means. That’s the way it’s intended to be done.

The schooling and medical care from the government that people objects to is meant to do that. Their kids should be more educated than the first generation.
Are the people running across the southern border educated and healthy?

I’m all for hard working, educated and healthy immigrants applying for citizenship by legal means. That’s the way it’s intended to be done.
just in Indiana "each student k-12 requires well over 5K of tax dollars to the school for that student". It probably is much higher today...maybe 6k or more per student that the tax payers must pay and Indiana is low compared to many. How many people pay over 6k in state and local taxes for each student in school ignoring many other costs that could be added? How does the USA benefit in some way from seeking illegals entry into the USA which we know for a fact that costs money, but have no interest to vet the people to know if it is even possible to know if they are capable of taking care of themselves?

The mere fact of not knowing anything about them or caring to know anything about them negates any plausable excuse as to why we need them...when in fact we know nothing about them. Perhaps we can find a link where someone throws out something that takes some scrutiny before seeing the nonsense. The southern border situation may well be the worse mistake this country has made based upon the fact we know nothing about those coming over other than we know it will cost the USA socially and fiscally with no idea if there is a positive to it...since we don't know or care to know who is coming across to evaluate them. That missing information tells you a bit about there not being a concern that there is anything positive out of this.
Don’t give a hoot about victimless crimes
you seriously are not trying to equate victimless crimes with illegal entry are you? There most definitely are resources paid for by people that are victims of this extra extra crime. There are many victims...even someting as simple as losing crops due to all illegals walking across the fields. This crime has its victims, else no thinking adult would care.
Don’t give a hoot about victimless crimes
“Victimless crimes”? Complete garbage. Tell that to Kate Steinle’s parents. She was gunned down in SF by a 5-time deported illegal criminal. Tell that to the young Iowa co-ed’s family. She was raped, tortured and murdered by an illegal as she went out for a dusk run in the countryside. Tell that to all the people tortured and murdered by MS-13 illegal thugs in NY, Baltimore and other places.

Also, taxpayers are victims for having to pay for illegals, their healthcare, their housing, their food, their children’s education.

Get your victimless crimes bullshit the hell out of here. You are completely wrong.
you seriously are not trying to equate victimless crimes with illegal entry are you? There most definitely are resources paid for by people that are victims of this extra extra crime. There are many victims...even someting as simple as losing crops due to all illegals walking across the fields. This crime has its victims, else no thinking adult would care.

Is adding people to the economy a net loss to the economy?

Also, swsteoying somebody’s crops is a crime with a victim. Not the same crime as crossing a boarder unauthorized
So, there are different reports showing different things

Haven’t had time to read those. Did they consider long term results? Is each new person added to the economy actually hurting the economy?

Did not read it all myself. Read alot of it though. Studies only looked at short term costs of services and handouts used vs gain from taxes.

Again 1993. Way more expensive now. Prefer using that money for American needs and paying off debt like I said.

In truth if we got rid of ALL handouts (except child care for lower incomes) ......I would say open borders too. Because that creates a working culture that grows the tax base and creates a diverse positive society.

The vast handouts we have now though, which are just to buy votes, just create the opposite of a working culture in the poor....because that is the government objective, keep the poor needing government....thus more votes. It is quite an evil scam really. Alot of my Dem freinds & famiky see that evil, and are now voting me as years ago we were all Dems in my large family. No more.
Is adding people to the economy a net loss to the economy?

Also, swsteoying somebody’s crops is a crime with a victim. Not the same crime as crossing a boarder unauthorized
Adding people to the economy may very well cost the economy much more than what it provides as a function of costs to the taxpayer. We already have too many people costing much more than they bring to the table (50% don't pay fed taxes) without others with most likely with little to no requisite skills needed by this country.
Have you been voting for officials that aim to reduce those issues?


However, those are issues best handled by government - private partnerships.

Look at California governments tried and continues to fail on those issues, showing government is not the answer to many of the woes of society.
Sorry, Podunkville just ain't what it used to be.
Yep. To people like DG we all live in fly-over country. South Dakota (like IN) constitute areas so saturated with ignorance that, as noted cultural analyst Trevor Noah put it so succinctly, you can sense it from the airplane flying from one coast to the other. Unfortunately for the coastal elite, that is the great majority of posters on this board. So they try to "eddicate" us but we do not appreciate their efforts. We owe them a vote of thanks for at least making the effort to bring us into the 20th century (the effort required to bring us into the 21st is too much for even those elite posters sharing this board with us).
That doesn't prove any point whatsoever. OK, so there's a cost. Does it affect you IN ANY ****ING WAY WHATSOEVER? CAN YOU ****ING READ?!!!
Maybe you are one of those billionaires that are not paying their fair share but most of us work for a living and (I know - a quaint concept) pay taxes. That is how the cost that even you acknowledge here exists is covered. Nothing is free- someone has to pay for it.
Adding people to the economy may very well cost the economy much more than what it provides as a function of costs to the taxpayer. We already have too many people costing much more than they bring to the table (50% don't pay fed taxes) without others with most likely with little to no requisite skills needed by this country.

If you have to pay more taxes because your business is selling more because of an increase in immigrants, isnt that a good thing for you?