More horror from liberal rules

And your credibility is immediately shot. The previous administration was a CATASTROPHE. It’s a lot of work to clean up the massive mess. You folks demand immediate results and complain when it takes less than a year.
This statement totally shoots your credibility, not like you had any to begin with. The previous administration was cleaning up the immensley massive catastrophe of 8 years of the first Biden administration. Liberal posters are like interchangeable fools or maybe just all the same one using different names?
And your credibility is immediately shot. The previous administration was a CATASTROPHE. It’s a lot of work to clean up the massive mess. You folks demand immediate results and complain when it takes less than a year.
How was the Trump admin a 'catastrophe'?

What massive mess?

I think you are just babbling incoherently, so I challenge you to back up your statements.
This statement totally shoots your credibility, not like you had any to begin with. The previous administration was cleaning up the immensley massive catastrophe of 8 years of the first Biden administration. Liberal posters are like interchangeable fools or maybe just all the same one using different names?
Coming from you, the absolute lowest of the low, I take no offense to inaccurate and childish drivel. "I know you are, but what am I?" Is your only defense.
Are you living under a rock or brain damaged? You're right down there in the bottom with the fish brothers.
What is it that makes you think you are special? You tell us all about how wonderful you are and all people are the same , yet people that see through your crap are horrible. I ask again, are you a Jehovah Witness? You sure sound like one. Tell us all why we are so wrong and how to live if we are like you.
If you have to pay more taxes because your business is selling more because of an increase in immigrants, isnt that a good thing for you?
no. Every business wants to pay less taxes as should most people. There is no brillance in the government that knows better of spending my money than me. Those in the government are from the same population and brillance as the general population. What logical thought should I hold that encourages those that have no skin in the game with my money making those decisions instead of me? When I'm wrong I pay for my mistake. When they are wrong...nothing. Problem is it appears you believe that illegals contribute more than they cost and I don't hold that opinion. Therefore, that taxes...schooling and so many more areas of cost than some thought of getting ahead due to some illegal...and that is just short term financial. There are long term costs as well...not to mention the landslide ahead due to no assimilation...which is the biggest long term issue.

Growing the blob in every instance takes away some freedom and I prefer to be more in charge of my life than someone I never chose for spending my money and so I always "lean" to smaller government. That doesn't mean that I'm 100% against everything the government does, just that I think it is too large to be efficient for positive change. I'm pretty independent, but I know there are many that are not and that is why there are many different opinions.
Mayor Pete was on paternity leave and nobody even knew!!! What a cheap comedy routine of an administration.
Here are some math approximations based upon data from the web. Anyone can run the numbers to get similar answers. When considering the IQ of the general population most agree that an IQ from 70-80 is mentally deficient and so let’s take the midpoint of 75 for consideration. If we use (also generally acceptable) an average IQ of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 we have (100-75)/15 =25/15 or 1.67 Std dev below average having a z value of .95254 above the 75 IQ. Naturally, then 1-.95254 or .04746 is at or below an IQ of 75 (slightly less than 5%). Recorded for the 2020 presidential election was that 66.8% of the citizens 18 and over voted or at least were attributed as voting in the election. Also there were 224 million “Americans” 18 and older and ass|u|me only American citizen votes were recorded meaning .668 times 224,000,000 is =149,632,000 voters (American) over 18 that voted.

The .04746 representation of voters with an IQ of 75 or less is .04746 times the 149,632,000 “American” voters over 18 calculating out to .04746*149,632,000=7,101,535 million “American” voters with a deficient IQ voting through mail etc. If we assume that all those with a deficient IQ voted through mail or other helpful matters for their counterpart, that leaves roughly 81,000,000-7,101,535 or 73,898,465 million voters for Joe above the 75 IQ. Quickly looking at a z table for an IQ of 85 (z=1.0 or .84134 leaving 1-.84134=.15866 and since you already had .04746 below 75 you would now have .15866 or pick up an additional .15866-.04746 or .1112 more voters with an IQ above 75, but at or below 85 or 1 standard deviation below average. This would total .15866 times 149,632,000 voters resulting in 16,639,078 “American” voters with an IQ below 85, and add roughly another 11% "american" voters above 75 but below 85 voting for their counterpart. I could go on, but why?
Here are some math approximations based upon data from the web. Anyone can run the numbers to get similar answers. When considering the IQ of the general population most agree that an IQ from 70-80 is mentally deficient and so let’s take the midpoint of 75 for consideration. If we use (also generally acceptable) an average IQ of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 we have (100-75)/15 =25/15 or 1.67 Std dev below average having a z value of .95254 above the 75 IQ. Naturally, then 1-.95254 or .04746 is at or below an IQ of 75 (slightly less than 5%). Recorded for the 2020 presidential election was that 66.8% of the citizens 18 and over voted or at least were attributed as voting in the election. Also there were 224 million “Americans” 18 and older and ass|u|me only American citizen votes were recorded meaning .668 times 224,000,000 is =149,632,000 voters (American) over 18 that voted.

The .04746 representation of voters with an IQ of 75 or less is .04746 times the 149,632,000 “American” voters over 18 calculating out to .04746*149,632,000=7,101,535 million “American” voters with a deficient IQ voting through mail etc. If we assume that all those with a deficient IQ voted through mail or other helpful matters for their counterpart, that leaves roughly 81,000,000-7,101,535 or 73,898,465 million voters for Joe above the 75 IQ. Quickly looking at a z table for an IQ of 85 (z=1.0 or .84134 leaving 1-.84134=.15866 and since you already had .04746 below 75 you would now have .15866 or pick up an additional .15866-.04746 or .1112 more voters with an IQ above 75, but at or below 85 or 1 standard deviation below average. This would total .15866 times 149,632,000 voters resulting in 16,639,078 “American” voters with an IQ below 85, and add roughly another 11% "american" voters above 75 but below 85 voting for their counterpart. I could go on, but why?
Careful tjreese, or you’ll get tarred and feathered as a racist for comments like this even though you didn’t mention anything racial at all.
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no. Every business wants to pay less taxes as should most people. There is no brillance in the government that knows better of spending my money than me. Those in the government are from the same population and brillance as the general population. What logical thought should I hold that encourages those that have no skin in the game with my money making those decisions instead of me? When I'm wrong I pay for my mistake. When they are wrong...nothing. Problem is it appears you believe that illegals contribute more than they cost and I don't hold that opinion. Therefore, that taxes...schooling and so many more areas of cost than some thought of getting ahead due to some illegal...and that is just short term financial. There are long term costs as well...not to mention the landslide ahead due to no assimilation...which is the biggest long term issue.

Growing the blob in every instance takes away some freedom and I prefer to be more in charge of my life than someone I never chose for spending my money and so I always "lean" to smaller government. That doesn't mean that I'm 100% against everything the government does, just that I think it is too large to be efficient for positive change. I'm pretty independent, but I know there are many that are not and that is why there are many different opinions.
that is precisely why we do not want government controlling our entire distribution of labor (ie immigration)

and the conflation of immigration with the larger, root issue of welfare
that is precisely why we do not want government controlling our entire distribution of labor (ie immigration)

and the conflation of immigration with the larger, root issue of welfare
welfare...lack of for those things they fled...completely change everything that brought greatness to this country. While in Italy I couldn't help but think how significant Italy was at one time...the same for Germany, France and England and how insignificant they are today from a comparative perspective. I'm not suggesting immigration at all for those slides towards less significance, but do wonder what started each downfall...maybe not the particular instances that may seem obvious, but if some of the vices of each were similar. Anyway, yes welfare or whatever verbiage of government dependence can be grown for votes and control.
welfare...lack of for those things they fled...completely change everything that brought greatness to this country. While in Italy I couldn't help but think how significant Italy was at one time...the same for Germany, France and England and how insignificant they are today from a comparative perspective. I'm not suggesting immigration at all for those slides towards less significance, but do wonder what started each downfall...maybe not the particular instances that may seem obvious, but if some of the vices of each were similar. Anyway, yes welfare or whatever verbiage of government dependence can be grown for votes and control.

You talking about when those countries were great at the height of their imperial days?
Here are some math approximations based upon data from the web. Anyone can run the numbers to get similar answers. When considering the IQ of the general population most agree that an IQ from 70-80 is mentally deficient and so let’s take the midpoint of 75 for consideration. If we use (also generally acceptable) an average IQ of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 we have (100-75)/15 =25/15 or 1.67 Std dev below average having a z value of .95254 above the 75 IQ. Naturally, then 1-.95254 or .04746 is at or below an IQ of 75 (slightly less than 5%). Recorded for the 2020 presidential election was that 66.8% of the citizens 18 and over voted or at least were attributed as voting in the election. Also there were 224 million “Americans” 18 and older and ass|u|me only American citizen votes were recorded meaning .668 times 224,000,000 is =149,632,000 voters (American) over 18 that voted.

The .04746 representation of voters with an IQ of 75 or less is .04746 times the 149,632,000 “American” voters over 18 calculating out to .04746*149,632,000=7,101,535 million “American” voters with a deficient IQ voting through mail etc. If we assume that all those with a deficient IQ voted through mail or other helpful matters for their counterpart, that leaves roughly 81,000,000-7,101,535 or 73,898,465 million voters for Joe above the 75 IQ. Quickly looking at a z table for an IQ of 85 (z=1.0 or .84134 leaving 1-.84134=.15866 and since you already had .04746 below 75 you would now have .15866 or pick up an additional .15866-.04746 or .1112 more voters with an IQ above 75, but at or below 85 or 1 standard deviation below average. This would total .15866 times 149,632,000 voters resulting in 16,639,078 “American” voters with an IQ below 85, and add roughly another 11% "american" voters above 75 but below 85 voting for their counterpart. I could go on, but why?
The Cyber Ninjas are looking for folks, get your application in fast
The Texas REPUBLICAN Governor just signed a bill into law that effectively forces rape victims to carry their baby to term if they get pregnant from the rape. Spare me your crocodile tears.
Bullshit. A pregnancy can be discovered after 6 days. You don't think a rape victim would be all over finding out or not?
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Bullshit. A pregnancy can be discovered after 6 days. You don't think a rape victim would be all over finding out or not?
You gonna find all the rape victims and scream at them to do a pregnancy test so they can eke in under the wire to avoid getting arrested and forced to have that rape baby, 03? Go back to your YouTube and stfu.
The main complaint I'm seeing is that these guys think they're paying their hard earned money to deal with immigration. Nobody can quantity it, of course, but that's issue #1. When I pointed out that we live in a society, and it isn't all about their selfishness, it wasn't well received and I was accused of deflection.

Bottom line, there's nothing you can do to convince these people that immigration isn't costing them thousands, and that immigrants aren't out marauding the country.
You were saying? This was the number when illegal immigration wasn't as high as it is today. I'd hate to see today's numbers...

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I'm waiting on one of you conservatives to give any information on how the average American is affected by illegal immigration. As stated numerous times before, I am not advocating for illegal immigration. The people "being placed all over the country" have legitimate asylum claims, so that's a red herring. But what is the actual cost to most people, and is it worth the uproar from the right? The answer is a resounding, "we don't know - look, a fluffy dog!"
People being murdered that otherwise wouldn't have. People being raped that otherwise wouldn't have. Tax money being spent in areas that otherwise wouldn't have. Do we really have to spell it out for you? Are you really that blind to reality???
And your credibility is immediately shot. The previous administration was a CATASTROPHE. It’s a lot of work to clean up the massive mess. You folks demand immediate results and complain when it takes less than a year.
What bullshit, 🤣

I guess the best economy ever is a catastrophe for people that can't see reality.
Wait, these problems are all from the past nine months and directly related to policies of the current administration? That seems far-fetched, even by conservative logic. Some of those are debunked RW talking points, etc. Again, par for the course. The 300k COVID death one is most laughable, since it's primarily red state anti-vaxxers. How's that Biden's fault? Your list ...
According to the map here, the biggest hot spots are mostly in D states...

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You gonna find all the rape victims and scream at them to do a pregnancy test so they can eke in under the wire to avoid getting arrested and forced to have that rape baby, 03? Go back to your YouTube and stfu.
I guess this is the response one gets when you prove them wrong. I actually expected a better response. Next time I'll know to expect less from you. Sorry.
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It’s not a crime to compete for a job.
You don't think it's a crime when a poor person in this country has to remain poor and struggling because someone that came here illegally took the job they may have received? Ok, maybe it's not a crime to take the job, but that poor American is still a victim of the circumstance.

We don't need more people coming here to take lower skill jobs. We have plenty of people that need to get off their own ass and go to work. We need more people here that are affluent enough to create more jobs.
You don't think it's a crime when a poor person in this country has to remain poor and struggling because someone that came here illegally took the job they may have received? Ok, maybe it's not a crime to take the job, but that poor American is still a victim of the circumstance.

We don't need more people coming here to take lower skill jobs. We have plenty of people that need to get off their own ass and go to work. We need more people here that are affluent enough to create more jobs.

This country was built by poor people coming over and working hard. Why was that true then but not now?