Majority of House GOP, including 3 Black Republican grifters voted to reinstate confederate monument at Arlington National Cemetary

Bible views on slavery..... certainly is more interesting than BNI saying the same race baiting crap over and over and over in this thread......

Slavery was a common practice in Biblical times. The Jews were slaves in Egypt. Rome also had slaves. The wealthy Jewish families had slaves.

Some treated them well, others treated them poorly. Some parents sold their children as slaves or even concubines. Many times slaves were taken by military force.

The Bible doesn't condemn slavery.....doesn't endorse it either.

It has instruction for slaves...... for example....
Ephesians 6:5–8, Paul states "Slaves, be obedient to your human masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ".

The Bible has instructions for slave masters.....

Colossians 4:1 advises slave masters to "treat your slaves justly and fairly, realizing that you too have a Master in heaven".

Bible's main concern though is about people. It's main concern is helping people not to be slaves to sin and to save themselves through repentance and calling on the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ. Simple as A, B,C....
A ....Admit you are a sinner & repent
B ....Believe in Christ
C.....Commit and call on Christ to save you & take him as a gift as your Lord & Savior
I can certainly agree with above. Slavery has existed longer than it hasn't. All of us have ancestry that were slaves or slave holders. It was quite common since the beginning of wrong as it was and is. Slavery is ONLY about vulnerability. Those not vulnerable were not slaves and those that were had many that became slaves. I'll add that Christ expects "good works" as well and yet if people could live up to Christ's teachings there would not be the need for Christ. I hope BNI does not diminish my title by calling you a racist jackass, because I claim the red badge of courage for myself.
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I see the civil war as good guys fighting for a noble cause - to end slavery - and a combination of misled and evil guys fighting to uphold a horrible, unchristian institution. Slavery was ultimately what the civil war was about, whether cloaked in the rationalization of states' rights or not.

I do think that if Lincoln had foreseen the death and suffering to come, he might have pursued an economic blockade or some other strategy.
So here it is around 5 AM and I accidently woke up around 3:30 fearful I might miss getting out a text at 6:20 or so to a guy going to a stamping operation to get me some different colors for siding and roofing costs. Then my mind quickly shifts to questions for a doc I see for potential cancer treatment (early stages of prostrate with no typical symptoms) this Friday and how it compares to HIFU and CYRO treatment discussed with another doc on June 14...once I learn what "type" of cancer is determined for a better understanding of which direction to go. Lastly, I have some Purdue friends asking if I'm going to be able to make it out for the Sept 21 game in Oregon that need a decision soon...and all treatments need completed before I go to Italy later this year and I'm unsure what approach I will take, but already scheduled for a July 16 test to determine if HIFU (just approved in 23 in teh USA) or Cyro (burning or freezing the cancer). I'm hopeful that if I go that route I can get in on the August 16 date since the doc only has the equipment for one day a month :( I used to work out problems at Purdue in my light sleep and didn't realize the effects until the pounding of basketball on my knees started getting sore since I couldn't get into REM sleep and have taken some medicine the last 4 decades to help me stay asleep (as can be seen...sometimes it doesn't work). ;)

I try to temper wrongs years ago, by trying to be in the culture, customs and understandings of the time. None of that changes wrongs, but does give in my opinion a better perspective. Slavery is and was wrong, and a blight on humanity. It is but one example of the evil mankind has done and can do in the future. In a sense, slavery whether cruel or not so cruel is a restriction on freedom and restrictions on freedom is cruel by itself. We should know that in the USA despite the continuous attempts to reduce freedom.

Since the beginning of time, "man" has shown over and over justification for evil. This has not been confined to any continent or timeline, but has endured forever in various forms. Where I struggle is being sure that I would be the exception rather than many that live in the times and lie inside the masses in judging the past. With 20th century eyes it is easy to believe I wouldn't follow the masses, but what if I lived inside the time...inside the particular demographic in question...what would I do? We know the south particularly during Antebellum was backward. Thomas Sowell writes about this in Black Rednecks and White Liberals. Excerpt below in the book gives a bit of the insight...

Would I have chosen Barabbas? My six year old granddaughter read a youthful version of Anne Frank and wants to go to Dachua in a couple of weeks when her parents go (will be the second concentration camp for my daughter). Her father is German and embarrassed in what Germany did and question if it might be a bit too strong for her. The Holocaust has to rank up there as one of the most evil things man has done in the history of man and yet I don't blame Germany on the whole. Some no doubt can be pointed to, but many like slave holders in this country saw the Jews...the blacks as inferiors and thereby justified in their mind mistreatment and in some cases horrific mistreatment. Today we have China killing prisoners to sell their organs as well as practicing slavery. People many times as @SIBoiler2 pointed out are like sheep. Would those today that advocate abortion as justification for the inconvenience by ripping apart a baby or letting it die on the table be potential candidates for slave holders years ago? Man can be quite inventive in justifying harm to others for the benefit of him or her self. I could go on an on, but already had my second cup of coffee and a bacon sandwich and think I've written enough. ;)
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Very fair and also see it more than state as well Lincoln very easily could lose a reelection if he came out strongly against slavery. Much of the north had apathy on the situation. The south had been buying slaves...many from the north slave ships for agriculture (cotton). Tax money went heavily to the north as they built up the industry and much less tax money spent on the south. When ramblings about fleeing the slaves started to gain some momentum it marked financial ruin for the south and the few that had many slaves. Who knows if the north would have bought back slaves from the tax money how things would have turned out and freed them if desired. FWIW, I've had many rangers at Gettysburg and Antietam in particular express that the north went to war ONLY when the south fired on Ft Sumpter and why that happened (some believe Lincoln goaded the south into doing such so he could start a war to stop the secession???). Until firing on Sumpter, the north had no interest in war, but once that happened they saw it as an attack on them.

Lincoln wanted the country to remain one...THAT was his goal...not to free slaves. He was willing to not allow it in new territories, but was willing to let it die out (just not expand it) with the Cotton Gin around the corner. Only around 20% give or take a few points had slaves in the south and so many had no particular interest financially in slaves. Had the confederates not went down in the sunken road in Antietam in which they were flanked and massacred and came out a winner instead of suffering heavy losses, the French were in a position of possibly helping the south with another victory.

Slavery was and still is as it exists today, a horrible unchristian approach to humanity. There is no question about that, but I wonder...would we be the minority abolitionists that exist or would we fall into the masses as we see today by so many. Thankfully, mankind has became more human over the years...and not just the last 200 years...
I believe the cotton gin was the main driving factor in the expansion of slavery, without which it may have died out. Far more cotton could suddenly be processed, driving the demand for more land and more slaves.

Slavery and child labor exists in this nation today, driven by Biden's shameful open border policy - and despite all his babble about caring about human rights. That doesn't seem to trouble @BNIBoiler.
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So here it is around 5 AM and I accidently woke up around 3:30 fearful I might miss getting out a text at 6:20 or so to a guy going to a stamping operation to get me some different colors for siding and roofing costs. Then my mind quickly shifts to questions for a doc I see for potential cancer treatment (early stages of prostrate with no typical symptoms) this Friday and how it compares to HIFU and CYRO treatment discussed with another doc on June 14...once I learn what "type" of cancer is determined for a better understanding of which direction to go. Lastly, I have some Purdue friends asking if I'm going to be able to make it out for the Sept 21 game in Oregon that need a decision soon...and all treatments need completed before I go to Italy later this year and I'm unsure what approach I will take, but already scheduled for a July 16 test to determine if HIFU (just approved in 23 in teh USA) or Cyro (burning or freezing the cancer). I'm hopeful that if I go that route I can get in on the August 16 date since the doc only has the equipment for one day a month :( I used to work out problems at Purdue in my light sleep and didn't realize the effects until the pounding of basketball on my knees started getting sore since I couldn't get into REM sleep and have taken some medicine the last 4 decades to help me stay asleep (as can be seen...sometimes it doesn't work). ;)

I try to temper wrongs years ago, by trying to be in the culture, customs and understandings of the time. None of that changes wrongs, but does give in my opinion a better perspective. Slavery is and was wrong, and a blight on humanity. It is but one example of the evil mankind has done and can do in the future. In a sense, slavery whether cruel or not so cruel is a restriction on freedom and restrictions on freedom is cruel by itself. We should know that in the USA despite the continuous attempts to reduce freedom.

Since the beginning of time, "man" has shown over and over justification for evil. This has not been confined to any continent or timeline, but has endured forever in various forms. Where I struggle is being sure that I would be the exception rather than many that live in the times and lie inside the masses in judging the past. With 20th century eyes it is easy to believe I wouldn't follow the masses, but what if I lived inside the time...inside the particular demographic in question...what would I do? We know the south particularly during Antebellum was backward. Thomas Sowell writes about this in Black Rednecks and White Liberals. Excerpt below in the book gives a bit of the insight...

Would I have chosen Barabbas? My six year old granddaughter read a youthful version of Anne Frank and wants to go to Dachua in a couple of weeks when her parents go (will be the second concentration camp for my daughter). Her father is German and embarrassed in what Germany did and question if it might be a bit too strong for her. The Holocaust has to rank up there as one of the most evil things man has done in the history of man and yet I don't blame Germany on the whole. Some no doubt can be pointed to, but many like slave holders in this country saw the Jews...the blacks as inferiors and thereby justified in their mind mistreatment and in some cases horrific mistreatment. Today we have China killing prisoners to sell their organs as well as practicing slavery. People many times as @SIBoiler2 pointed out are like sheep. Would those today that advocate abortion as justification for the inconvenience by ripping apart a baby or letting it die on the table be potential candidates for slave holders years ago? Man can be quite inventive in justifying harm to others for the benefit of him or her self. I could go on an on, but already had my second cup of coffee and a bacon sandwich and think I've written enough. ;)
Excellent post - and best wishes on your treatment.
Yep as far as something like cross burnings. Prior to that in high school, during baseball practice the school bus dropping off the local public school kids passes by our baseball field and yelled the n-word at me and the 2 blacks they saw on the field.

Who knows who did the cross burnings at Purdue. Could have been the KKK or some other racist jackass.
wow...if someone yelling the n-word at you on the baseball field 40 years ago is the worst act of racism you've ever personally experienced, then I'd say you haven't it had it too rough.
Are you surprised whites weren't rioting after "White men can't jump" was released in theaters?

Good God man....quit looking for reasons to be offended.
Dude, how many times do we have to talk about Kamala Harris’ 3rd great grandfather owning slaves. When your 3rd great grandfather is an Irish dude living in Jamaica during the trans Atlantic slave trade, I guess you better believe he owned slaves. Colin Powell is a light skinned black dude with Jamaican heritage. His ancestors most likely owned slaves also. I may have some ancestors that owned slaves. So what is your point. You do this all the time. I’m in the middle of having good discussions about race. Then here you come late to the party as usual and bring up old points about Harris’ ancestors owning slave. So, what is your point?
I do it all the time because you're a hypocrite and talk out of both sides of your mouth. You only view and consider one side of the issue and it's always the side that suits your racist narrative. That's not surprising though because it's very much the Democrat liberal playbook on debate.

So, if all of our ancestors owned slaves, are all of our ancestors horrible people. Or, so certain people get a pass? And, since no living person ever owned a slave and no living person was ever enslaved, shouldn't every living person no be admonished of having anything to do with slavery. The slate is wiped clean, so to speak?
Excellent post - and best wishes on your treatment.
Thank you. The book I referenced is quite good, if you have time to read it and have interest. One of the things I keep putting off that I want to do is to write a bit about my life for my children. My father was also diabetic, had a stroke and lost his speech and was paralyzed when I was 20 and there were many questions left unanswered. I want to leave some insight into my life for them when they get mature enough to wonder. ;) My text has been sent and now I question what time today I go out and lay some more pavers before it gets too hot...although I have some watermelon (bad for diabetic) to help with that heat for later. ;)
Thank you. The book I referenced is quite good, if you have time to read it and have interest. One of the things I keep putting off that I want to do is to write a bit about my life for my children. My father was also diabetic, had a stroke and lost his speech and was paralyzed when I was 20 and there were many questions left unanswered. I want to leave some insight into my life for them when they get mature enough to wonder. ;) My text has been sent and now I question what time today I go out and lay some more pavers before it gets too hot...although I have some watermelon (bad for diabetic) to help with that heat for later. ;)
Maybe hire out that paver project...?
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I believe the cotton gin was the main driving factor in the expansion of slavery, without which it may have died out. Far more cotton could suddenly be processed, driving the demand for more land and more slaves.
You are absolutely correct, the cotton gin did drive the expansion of slavery. Yes, that meant more slaves.
I do it all the time because you're a hypocrite and talk out of both sides of your mouth. You only view and consider one side of the issue and it's always the side that suits your racist narrative. That's not surprising though because it's very much the Democrat liberal playbook on debate.

So, if all of our ancestors owned slaves, are all of our ancestors horrible people. Or, so certain people get a pass? And, since no living person ever owned a slave and no living person was ever enslaved, shouldn't every living person no be admonished of having anything to do with slavery. The slate is wiped clean, so to speak?
That's a dumb question. If our ancestors owned slaves then yes they are horrible people. Who's admonishing people today that never had anything to do with slavery? What are you talking about?
Maybe hire out that paver project...?
Putting down 50 40 lbs each on paver limestone. Typically have to place down and redo 2 to 3 times each paver while on my knees reaching to my side and swinging the pavers into place. I take it easy as I have some time, but need some physical exercise for the diabetes. Just finished working on a son's old Cadillac with the infamous Northstar engine that over heated...only thing left is possible leak between water in head and exhaust. Over the last few months replaced radiator twice due to leaks, thermostat, water pump and crossover that had two bolts that were a nightmare (progressive issues over time).

pavers are to expand an area to allow the relatively new smoker to be alongside the grill and griddle. I have a Purdue concrete bench to move out there to sit on as needed. You are right though in that I should hire more things out. @TwinDegrees2 suggested such a while back! ;) Got two more trees I need to cut down (red crimson maple & white pine) and a son suggesting I need to cut out some cancer in a truck and spot weld some metal and he said he would paint. retirement for me has not slowed down my activities. My dry eyes have been most troublesome as it has put a damper on my reading. I had to put a pause on (Dave is such a nice man)

wow...if someone yelling the n-word at you on the baseball field 40 years ago is the worst act of racism you've ever personally experienced, then I'd say you haven't it had it too rough.
Are you surprised whites weren't rioting after "White men can't jump" was released in theaters?

Good God man....quit looking for reasons to be offended.
Why would whites riot after "White men can't jump" was released? That movie was written, produced, and directed by white folks.
I believe the cotton gin was the main driving factor in the expansion of slavery, without which it may have died out. Far more cotton could suddenly be processed, driving the demand for more land and more slaves.

Slavery and child labor exists in this nation today, driven by Biden's shameful open border policy - and despite all his babble about caring about human rights. That doesn't seem to trouble @BNIBoiler.
I do not have an informed opinion on the cotton gin and workers. Historically technology replaces labor. I’ve seen this across much of industry and in many types of technology for over four decades. Today, many can see this in self check outs whether at Mc Donald’s, groceries, credit card checkout for gas not to mention chip placement on circuit boards and so forth. I’m not saying it is incorrect to believe that the cotton gin would expand slavery, but the thought does go against history on many fronts. Perhaps if I were better read on that particular area I could understand why that could be true. You left out sex trafficking as well by ole Joe for the opportunity of more votes. Imagine living in a world where some are indifferent to terrorist, drug trafficking, sex trafficking but quite disturbed by mean tweets. Ole Jack and ole Joe getting a few holes in their boat. 😊
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I can certainly agree with above. Slavery has existed longer than it hasn't. All of us have ancestry that were slaves or slave holders. It was quite common since the beginning of wrong as it was and is. Slavery is ONLY about vulnerability. Those not vulnerable were not slaves and those that were had many that became slaves. I'll add that Christ expects "good works" as well and yet if people could live up to Christ's teachings there would not be the need for Christ. I hope BNI does not diminish my title by calling you a racist jackass, because I claim the red badge of courage for myself.
The cotton gin was so efficient that they needed more slaves to plant and harvest the cotton.
As far as I know in my expansive search of history there has not been a skin color that has avoided the terrible fate of slavery. Not sure any races can claim the mantle of oppression.

But for me, I am so impressed by how many in all races have overcome their oppression. Some in a generation, some in several. And that is something to behold and admire.

That is why education is so important. Other than great parents and God.......vocational & college educations have the capacity to change a person more than any single worldly force. That's why it drives me nuts when people vote DEM as DEM School Unions have circumvented success more than any other worldly force. Besides taxes, it likely is the complimentary reason I vote for the worthless Republicans.
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As far as I know in my expansive search of history there has not been a skin color that has avoided the terrible fate of slavery. Not sure any races can claim the mantle of oppression.

But for me, I am so impressed by how many in all races have overcome their oppression. Some in a generation, some in several. And that is something to behold and admire.

That is why education is so important. Other than great parents and God.......vocational & college educations have the capacity to change a person more than any single worldly force. That's why it drives me nuts when people vote DEM as DEM School Unions have circumvented success more than any other worldly force. Besides taxes, it likely is the complimentary reason I vote for the worthless Republicans.
Thomas Sowell — 'You cannot subsidize irresponsibility and expect people to become more responsible.'. Course he is a grifter and so the “message” can’t be true. Such a racist…
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How can I deflect when I started the topic about confederate monuments? Deflecting is when I respond to someone’s topic by bringing up another issue that has nothing to do with the original topic. I responded to the big cities crime problem several times.

Now you just called me a racist. I said nothing racist nor did I put down any racial or ethnic group. So, how am I a racist. Y’all do this everytime. Call me a racist when I’m the one raising attention to racism. That’s ridiculous.
In this thread, you exhibit the most shameful combination of racism and virtue signalling I may have ever seen. You say that the murders of black people in Dem-run cities are THEIR problem, and they have to learn to deal with it. Then, after washing your hands of all those deaths, you act as if you are some kind of champion for the black community because you call out statues?!
In this thread, you exhibit the most shameful combination of racism and virtue signalling I may have ever seen. You say that the murders of black people in Dem-run cities are THEIR problem, and they have to learn to deal with it. Then, after washing your hands of all those deaths, you act as if you are some kind of champion for the black community because you call out statues?!
It is their problem because they live under those conditions. And they can only fix it. I never said that they have to learn to deal with it. After seeing program after program in these areas. I’ve seen marches after marches. Athletes have their foundations in these areas. All that and the problem has gotten worse. This have been going on for decades none of these events have worked. So I’ve come to the conclusion they have to help themselves. These programs aren’t going to stop single mothers from having babies. Or stop gangbangers from killing each other. Or raise their school test scores. Or, deal drugs on the corners. I said there folks have to some how on their own realize what they are doing and change their culture. This has nothing to do with a racist confederate statue as that is a separate issue.

You are another person on this site that call me a racist for pointing out racism. That doesn’t make any sense.
It is their problem because they live under those conditions. And they can only fix it. I never said that they have to learn to deal with it. After seeing program after program in these areas. I’ve seen marches after marches. Athletes have their foundations in these areas. All that and the problem has gotten worse. This have been going on for decades none of these events have worked. So I’ve come to the conclusion they have to help themselves. These programs aren’t going to stop single mothers from having babies. Or stop gangbangers from killing each other. Or raise their school test scores. Or, deal drugs on the corners. I said there folks have to some how on their own realize what they are doing and change their culture. This has nothing to do with a racist confederate statue as that is a separate issue.

You are another person on this site that call me a racist for pointing out racism. That doesn’t make any sense.
Aggressive law enforcement can obviously reduce the murders, crime and drug dealing. If you don't believe that, then why have any law enforcement at all ?
It is their problem because they live under those conditions. And they can only fix it. I never said that they have to learn to deal with it. After seeing program after program in these areas. I’ve seen marches after marches. Athletes have their foundations in these areas. All that and the problem has gotten worse. This have been going on for decades none of these events have worked. So I’ve come to the conclusion they have to help themselves. These programs aren’t going to stop single mothers from having babies. Or stop gangbangers from killing each other. Or raise their school test scores. Or, deal drugs on the corners. I said there folks have to some how on their own realize what they are doing and change their culture. This has nothing to do with a racist confederate statue as that is a separate issue.

You are another person on this site that call me a racist for pointing out racism. That doesn’t make any sense.
It's a separate issue in your mind because you want it to be a separate issue. Your holy crusade against the statues is about racism (or so you say). Then you make statements about turning your back on their real problems. Your ideas have failed and so you want to virtue signal about statues, as if statues impact the lives of poor black people. Feel better about yourself?

What Dems are doing to Dem cities couldn't work -- and you wonder why it has gotten worse?
Defund the police. Really?
Don't enforce the laws. Revolving door justice system. Criminals are committing crimes against the black community while out on bail or after being released without jail time.
Police stand down when there are riots, destruction, and looting. Why stop if there are no consequences? You are rewarding bad behavior. Businesses serving the black community are destroyed or forced to leave.
Force kids to stay in failed schools -- to keep the union vote. Without an education, you are forcing them into these conditions. There really is no way out.

Dems are doing everything they can to keep black people in these conditions. But yeah, let's bring down those statues. That's sure to improve their lives.

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