Looking for honest feedback

Aug 16, 2009
From visiting here in the past, there’s a a good faction that thinks MSU and Izzo is dirty and cheats for recruits. Keeping it civil, do Purdue fans still think that?
Given the current climate and the way some of his commitments have been really late last minutes flips, I wouldn't be surprised. But in general I don't think he pays players. I do think some of the recent title IX stuff makes him look very morally bankrupt however.
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From visiting here in the past, there’s a a good faction that thinks MSU and Izzo is dirty and cheats for recruits. Keeping it civil, do Purdue fans still think that?

I think the entire MSU AD is dirty.

1) Larry Nassar case
2) assault problems of the football team
3) alleged rape on the b-ball team

If any one of the above happened at Purdue, people would be calling for heads to roll in the AD. I think a toxic culture exists at MSU where it’s really tough to punish really successful coaches. They turn a blind eye, a la PSU, to a lot of gross things.

On top of that, specifically relating to izzo, I used to respect him. I was always annoyed by his whining and antics on the sideline, but thought he was a fantastic coach. Not anymore; he’s despicable.
1) too many questionable recruiting situations
2) the brushing of sexual assault cases under the rug.
I think his fake support of "the survivors" after his actions in the past are worse than his shady recruiting.

Keeping Walton employed after his ordeal was a bad move but I guess it avoided an awkward situation since Walton was living with Izzo at the time correct?

No disciplinary action against Payne and Appling after they were investigated for a rape that Payne basically admitted to was worse.

This would alarm me more as a fan than whether opposing fans thought my coach was a dirty recruiter which btw was kind of proven with the miles bridges stuff right? Idc how small the amount was ($400 and a paid meal?) and I know MSU cleared him in less time then it took me to write this response but the AD there is a mess and shouldn't be handling anything like that right now.

I will give him one compliment though, he was one hell of a magician at your midnight madness event this year. I bet it's the same costume he wears when he makes sexual assault charges disappear!
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I think his fake support of "the survivors" after his actions in the past are worse than his shady recruiting.

Keeping Walton employed after his ordeal was a bad move but I guess it avoided an awkward situation since Walton was living with Izzo at the time correct?

No disciplinary action against Payne and Appling after they were investigated for a rape that Payne basically admitted to was worse.

This would alarm me more as a fan than whether opposing fans thought my coach was a dirty recruiter which btw was kind of proven with the miles bridges stuff right? Idc how small the amount was ($400 and a paid meal?) and I know MSU cleared him in less time then it took me to right this response but the AD there is a mess and shouldn't be handling anything like that right now.

I will give him one compliment though, he was one hell of a magician at your midnight madness event this year. I bet it's the same costume he wears when he makes sexual assault charges disappear!
Everything here essentially is how I also feel. I used to really respect him but his acting sort of caught up with him as the issues piled up behind him. He plays a lot of smoke and mirror for his players which I think is the basis for his ‘family culture’ which is also why former MSU players seem to get in more trouble than other programs. Essentially, the young men don’t have Izzo running interference for them anymore and they don’t know how to behave.
From visiting here in the past, there’s a a good faction that thinks MSU and Izzo is dirty and cheats for recruits. Keeping it civil, do Purdue fans still think that?
I don’t think he’s dirty. He’s certainly no Rick Pitino.
I don’t think Izzy cheats. I do think he is not a friend to any other coaches in the BIG because he attempts to steal recruits on a regular basis. He seems to have put his recruiting efforts on hold and is just following Beilein and Painter around to get his kids.

All that aside, MSU has smelled dirty for a while. Problems with the behavior of the kids reflect some bad attitudes by their athletes. This is condoned and supported by the administration. Not a good situation.
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IZzo doesn't cheat. However he does make many promises to many recruits that he has no intention of keeping. Who is to blame? IZzo or the recruits who believe him?
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From visiting here in the past, there’s a a good faction that thinks MSU and Izzo is dirty and cheats for recruits. Keeping it civil, do Purdue fans still think that?

I don't think he pays players.

I do think he has historically turned a blind eye when he should have disciplined guys heavily or kicked them off the team. To me that is morally worse than paying players. The Walton, Appling, Payne sexual assualt stuff has been discussed ad nauseum, but the defense that it was never proven holds no ground in an athletic department that let Larry Nassar assault hundreds of girls over a couple decades.

People also forget about the Garrick Sherman Twitter rant where he said Izzo made him piss in a condom so Durrell Summers wouldn't fail a drug test and could play in the Final Four.

I just don't think Izzo is the saint people make him out to be.
IZzo doesn't cheat. However he does make many promises to many recruits that he has no intention of keeping. Who is to blame? IZzo or the recruits who believe him?

How do you know he doesn't cheat? I would actually consider him a leading candidate. No way does he get my benefit of doubt, and that is even before this whole FBI situation came to focus.
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I don't think he cheats but would question his ethics...for sure!
Close to my thinking. I don't know if he, or someone close to the program, cheats or not. But based on chatter from some MSU fans posting here in the past, Izzo got at least one player who they said was "dirty".
I think he values winning over ethics and has the unique ability to produce crocodile tears on command. He is far from a Pitino.
I don't think he cheats but I just sense that he's an entitled prick with the way he whines and plays the victims card. He gets paid too much to win at all costs and is too far into the game to change his ways, but that is the current state of college athletics.
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From visiting here in the past, there’s a a good faction that thinks MSU and Izzo is dirty and cheats for recruits. Keeping it civil, do Purdue fans still think that?
Believe he is a very good basketball coach. Certainly one of the better coaches in college basketball. Not as sure about his ethics/morals. He seems like a good guy. When the spotlight has been on him for darker occurrences at MSU, he isn't nearly as eloquent or chatty as when he is being interviewed on the court after a win. Honest people don't change character. Their character is their character. He seems to move around in this regard. MSU athletics in general seem like they are more about winning than anything else. Not saying that is good or bad, just what it seems like. Purdue hasn't been close to the overall performance and achievement over the last decade as MSU in major athletics. Maybe the tide is turning?
From visiting here in the past, there’s a a good faction that thinks MSU and Izzo is dirty and cheats for recruits. Keeping it civil, do Purdue fans still think that?
I think izzo is dirty because I’ve been told, off the record, by people who cover recruiting that izzo is dirty. I don’t mind it too much though, because I’ve also been told that izzo has grabbed plenty of commitments, including several he won over Purdue, without being dirty. Sounds like he’s there to win those who have their hands out and those who don’t alike.
I think izzo is dirty because I’ve been told, off the record, by people who cover recruiting that izzo is dirty. I don’t mind it too much though, because I’ve also been told that izzo has grabbed plenty of commitments, including several he won over Purdue, without being dirty. Sounds like he’s there to win those who have their hands out and those who don’t alike.
I think he beat us on Gary Harris fair and square. Dawson... not so much.
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I think he beat us on Gary Harris fair and square. Dawson... not so much.
Right. I guess to expand, I don’t think izzo is clean, but izzo also isn’t doing the Pitino/Kansas/Arizona thing where they’re being funneled guys with talent who are willing to be bought. I think izzo more so identifies who he wants and does what needs to be done to get them. I think when you pair that with the success they had, it makes you formidable in the recruiting game
Right. I guess to expand, I don’t think izzo is clean, but izzo also isn’t doing the Pitino/Kansas/Arizona thing where they’re being funneled guys with talent who are willing to be bought. I think izzo more so identifies who he wants and does what needs to be done to get them. I think when you pair that with the success they had, it makes you formidable in the recruiting game

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