Live in Indiana?

He always had his eye on national inspirations rather than being Indiana's chief executive. Instead of doing what was best for the state he'd do whatever would bolster his conservative credentials nationally.
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He always had his eye on national inspirations rather than being Indiana's chief executive. Instead of doing what was best for the state he'd do whatever would bolster his conservative credentials nationally.
Thank you for that insight.
He always had his eye on national inspirations rather than being Indiana's chief executive. Instead of doing what was best for the state he'd do whatever would bolster his conservative credentials nationally.
I actually think his policies mirrored his own belief/value system. He's a very strong conservative Christian and his policies reflected those beliefs. I can't think of any policy he pushed for that was out of character for a conservative Christian. You may disagree with his beliefs and policies but I always find it a bit refreshing when a politician holds true to his/her own personal beliefs.
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I actually think his policies mirrored his own belief/value system. He's a very strong conservative Christian and his policies reflected those beliefs. I can't think of any policy he pushed for that was out of character for a conservative Christian. You may disagree with his beliefs and policies but I always find it a bit refreshing when a politician holds true to his/her own personal beliefs.
I had observed that he was a strong conservative Christian but I am not sure how that affected his policies as I do not live in Indiana and am not aware of what policies he supported.
Steady conservative that went the opposite direction of Mitch on the social spectrum. Mitch didn't care about the social and focused on the fiscal. Pence was too heavy handed on the social. Overall, milquetoast conservative. A complete medium Coke.
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I had observed that he was a strong conservative Christian but I am not sure how that affected his policies as I do not live in Indiana and am not aware of what policies he supported.

His legacy will be defined by the secret signing of the religious freedom bill. The folks in suits are extremists, FYI.

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What do those of you who live in Indiana and experienced Mike Pence as governor think of him?
Beth, I personally know Mike and like him. He's very devout in his convictions, his word is as good as anyone I know. I know he took a huge risk when he became Trump's running mate, and knowing Mike made me realize at that point Trump was someone I could trust too.

At some point I believe he would have made the run for the oval office, but had this not come along would have been a two term governor of the state. The only negatives you hear about him are perpetuated by the very liberal left, in an attempt to defame an honest and decent man.

I will tell you this....Mike is a man that you can trust in his word and actions. Have no fear.
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He always had his eye on national inspirations rather than being Indiana's chief executive. Instead of doing what was best for the state he'd do whatever would bolster his conservative credentials nationally.
Mike did a great job for the State of Indiana. Balanced budget. Surplus. Increased employment via job creation in the state.
pence was a bit trump-esque in that he would speak out against even the GOP like newt Gingrich or trent Lott during his time as radio personality in the 90s.

and even then (after losing several initial election bids) you could tell he had career goals of politics and state level would not be a final goal
I had observed that he was a strong conservative Christian but I am not sure how that affected his policies as I do not live in Indiana and am not aware of what policies he supported.

He liked anti abortion legislation, or at least make it is as difficult as possible, and Indiana had it's religious freedom mess.

What do I think of Pence? I'm glad he's gone and I'm a strong conservation. I just hate government in social issues and he spent to much time there and not enough time following Danial footsteps of fiscal responsibility and moving the state forward.
I heard him referred to once as the "Christian version of Isis" which was an exaggeration, but interesting. His whole not eating dinner with a woman other than his wife and calling his wife "mom" are odd, but to each their own. He did seem very strict in his religious beliefs. I am a Christian and there are things I believe in or I would do or not do based on my faith. I don't think the government should be involved even in the slightest bit in religion.

With local issues, Pence, for whatever reason absolutely refused to help with a lead-water situation in East Chicago. East Chicago is not "Pence territory" but it isn't for Holcomb either. Big credit to Holcomb who did the right thing to help these people. Personally I think the state is better off without him.
Pence was my congressman then the governor. He is what my parents would have called an empty suit. Indiana is still reeling over his attempt to legislate the Old Testament into law.
He is a perfect #2 for Trump. Like the 180 opposite; probably helped win Trump the election securing or rather making sure evangelicals voted in the Bible Belt. Trump running as a "religious man" was hilarious at best. Mike Pence can back it up and those people vote "bigly."
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He is a perfect #2 for Trump. Like the 180 opposite; probably helped win Trump the election securing or rather making sure evangelicals voted in the Bible Belt. Trump running as a "religious man" was hilarious at best. Mike Pence can back it up and those people vote "bigly."

Yeah, I think those two help balance each other out and Pence isn't good as a head man. I think he can be much better in a support role where someone else is setting the agenda.
Yeah, I think those two help balance each other out and Pence isn't good as a head man. I think he can be much better in a support role where someone else is setting the agenda.

Pence joined the ticket because his buddies (Messer, Paul Ryan, etc.) figured Trump would implode and then Pence would be their boy as President.
He is a perfect #2 for Trump. Like the 180 opposite; probably helped win Trump the election securing or rather making sure evangelicals voted in the Bible Belt. Trump running as a "religious man" was hilarious at best. Mike Pence can back it up and those people vote "bigly."
The Democrats helped by nominating Hilary. If it had been Bill, he would have beaten Trump like a drum.
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The Democrats helped by nominating Hilary. If it had been Bill, he would have beaten Trump like a drum.
She was pretty awful as far as candidates go.

One of my most concerning feelings about the current president is the constant talking about the election victory. I don't care about that any more. I mean it was months ago, you have to move on. On a personal level the guy shows no humility. Being an arrogant person behind closed doors, ok. Having "Ricky Bobby" like press conferences about pissing excellence and "having the best 100 days in United States history" is another. The lies are just so weird... Like Saturday he had his rally- he skipped the dinner which is a weak move, again whatever- he is telling people how there were thousands who could not get in to the rally. Now he drew almost 7,000 people, that is awesome. But the place held 8,000. No one was left out, but to make claims is just really an odd thing to do. Focus on the message, not how great it is. Having a rally at this point; again the election is 3+ years away.
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She was pretty awful as far as candidates go.

One of my most concerning feelings about the current president is the constant talking about the election victory. I don't care about that any more. I mean it was months ago, you have to move on. On a personal level the guy shows no humility. Being an arrogant person behind closed doors, ok. Having "Ricky Bobby" like press conferences about pissing excellence and "having the best 100 days in United States history" is another. The lies are just so weird... Like Saturday he had his rally- he skipped the dinner which is a weak move, again whatever- he is telling people how there were thousands who could not get in to the rally. Now he drew almost 7,000 people, that is awesome. But the place held 8,000. No one was left out, but to make claims is just really an odd thing to do. Focus on the message, not how great it is. Having a rally at this point; again the election is 3+ years away.
When hasn't Trump been wierd? I'm more concerned with his isolationism in a global economy and the possibility of more wars.
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When hasn't Trump been wierd? I'm more concerned with his isolationism in a global economy and the possibility of more wars.
I think Congress will get him to cool down on potential wars (I hope), but the rhetoric and lying about weird things make me wonder and worry when those become something more. I am not sure what he is capable of.
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I think Congress will get him to cool down on potential wars (I hope), but the rhetoric and lying about weird things make me wonder and worry when those become something more. I am not sure what he is capable of.

wait until you hear what john barron and john miller have to say!
The reason I was curious about him is that I read that Indiana was glad to be rid of him [somewhat like Harbaugh and San Francisco] but I did not know why.
The reason I was curious about him is that I read that Indiana was glad to be rid of him [somewhat like Harbaugh and San Francisco] but I did not know why.
Actually, the liberal left hate(d) Mike....but the liberal left hates anyone who doesn't believe as they do. Please....look at his record and form your opinion. Pence was elected to do certain things and he did just that. Had he served two terms, he'd go down as one of Indiana's best. But then, I know the man personally and simply not quoting the party garbage. The majority of Hoosiers would have elected him again...overwhelmingly.
Pence is the type of guy who sees the Handmaid's Tale not as a dystopian novel, but rather an inspirational model for the future.

You are the type who has never heard of of the Handmaids Tale until this week. You are a Reddit trope.
You are the type who has never heard of of the Handmaids Tale until this week. You are a Reddit trope.

Read it 20 years ago, but due to the renewed interest it can now be used with the masses.
Not true at all.

It is at least 10% true.

Any VP joins the ticket knowing that they would be 1 step away from the presidency.

Also, I have had conversations with people close to Messer and still talk to some Pence folks from my time at the state. They all talked about the good possibility that Trump would be a 1 term president (if not resign early) and that positioning Pence for a run from the VP spot, or from the President's office after a resignation, would give him a leg up on the field.
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In all seriousness and addressing multiple posts...

Pence was barely elected in his first run(80,000 votes and only 49.6% of votes cast) and was on his way to another tight race. There were many hardcore Republican Party lifers that were not going to vote for him. In the end though he probably would have won on the Trump wave.

As someone who worked in both the Daniels and Pence admin, most of the core business function appointments were carryovers from the Daniels admin and they kept things working while many of the Pence appointments were in soft areas that focused on social issues and politics. It was a bit disfunctional at times. I spent a decent amount of time with my agency counsel explaining to folks from his office why we couldn't ignore purchasing law.

As someone who is primarily a centrist (but is considered a Democrat in Indiana of course some Hoosiers think Daniels was a little left of center) I am not a fan of government legislating folks' morality and interfering in private lives. That doesn't align me with Pence republicans so I was ok with him leaving.

On the whole he had some positives, some missteps and didn't eff things up too badly so it all worked out.
Pence was a terrible governor. He was more interested in trying to get religious freedom laws passed that allowed Christians to not provide service to the LGBT community than he was taking care of the state's business. Infrastructure fell apart under his leadership and our public schools are failing in part because of his ridiculous charter school program that is bankrupting our school system. New teachers entering the workforce was down over 60% as the system was trashing their financial support. If he had run for governor again, I believe he would have lost. My hope is that his run with Trump will end his political career forever. If the demos had run a decent candidate they would have won easily. Daniels was twice the governor that Pence was . I would agree with the "empty suit" analogy.
It is at least 10% true.

Any VP joins the ticket knowing that they would be 1 step away from the presidency.

Also, I have had conversations with people close to Messer and still talk to some Pence folks from my time at the state. They all talked about the good possibility that Trump would be a 1 term president (if not resign early) and that positioning Pence for a run from the VP spot, or from the President's office after a resignation, would give him a leg up on the field.
Trump isn't going anywhere. Two terms. Then it will be Mike's turn.
Pence was a terrible governor. He was more interested in trying to get religious freedom laws passed that allowed Christians to not provide service to the LGBT community than he was taking care of the state's business. Infrastructure fell apart under his leadership and our public schools are failing in part because of his ridiculous charter school program that is bankrupting our school system. New teachers entering the workforce was down over 60% as the system was trashing their financial support. If he had run for governor again, I believe he would have lost. My hope is that his run with Trump will end his political career forever. If the demos had run a decent candidate they would have won easily. Daniels was twice the governor that Pence was . I would agree with the "empty suit" analogy.

More infrastructure work was done under Pence in his short time in office than was done under Mitch in his terms. Check the budgets.

As for teachers, they are not entering the field because of Pence, but because of all the liberal legislation such as no discipline, special needs kids in regular classrooms, asinine federally mandated testing, and the federal government sticking their nose in what should be a state responsibility. As for our public schools falling apart and the "rise" in charter schools...see my post about no discipline and the rest which has led to a desire for competition. While I support our local schools 100% and while I love the really good and dedicated teachers, competition is needed and good. Take the liberal legislation out of the equation, make it state mandated and put it back in local's hands, put discipline back in the classroom (and the home), allow the bad teacher to be fired, and all schools will get better.

Your post proves that you're of the leftist/Bernie/Hillary bent, and with that you're going to trash any conservative. Pence simply believes as many of us do that the LGBT community, nor any other doesn't need special laws just for them. We don't need more government, we need less.

Mike would have won by a much larger margin the second time.
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More infrastructure work was done under Pence in his short time in office than was done under Mitch in his terms. Check the budgets.

As for teachers, they are not entering the field because of Pence, but because of all the liberal legislation such as no discipline, special needs kids in regular classrooms, asinine federally mandated testing, and the federal government sticking their nose in what should be a state responsibility. As for our public schools falling apart and the "rise" in charter schools...see my post about no discipline and the rest which has led to a desire for competition. While I support our local schools 100% and while I love the really good and dedicated teachers, competition is needed and good. Take the liberal legislation out of the equation, make it state mandated and put it back in local's hands, put discipline back in the classroom (and the home), allow the bad teacher to be fired, and all schools will get better.

Your post proves that you're of the leftist/Bernie/Hillary bent, and with that you're going to trash any conservative. Pence simply believes as many of us do that the LGBT community, nor any other doesn't need special laws just for them. We don't need more government, we need less.

Mike would have won by a much larger margin the second time.
George W was a liberal? The stuff you are blaming on Liberals in the public schools was a Bush initiative.