Let’s Talk Immigration

inner city walls must be the answer
I guess that’s a joke? It isn’t to single Mom’s trying to keep their kid alive, away from guns, etc.
Not to diminish as bad as many American urban environments may be, I don't really think they remotely match what was described in these articles concerning Central American conditions... . and

Sad sad story

Here’s another
I guess that’s a joke? It isn’t to single Mom’s trying to keep their kid alive, away from guns, etc.

Sad sad story

Here’s another
Unless you read my links previously, I know you didn't read them given each of their lengths. You had long enough to google for chicago murder stories before replying... c'mon... you really didn't read them, did you? If you did I really doubt you would be drawing the parallels you are attempting.
Unless you read my links previously, I know you didn't read them given each of their lengths. You had long enough to google for chicago murder stories before replying... c'mon... you really didn't read them, did you? If you did I really doubt you would be drawing the parallels you are attempting.
I read and reread all of your posts in this string. I don’t get your anger. Your opinion was that you didn’t think the conditions in our cities were anywhere near as bad as in Central America. I disagreed and posted a similar article about the same type of issues here.
I read and reread all of your posts in this string. I don’t get your anger. Your opinion was that you didn’t think the conditions in our cities were anywhere near as bad as in Central America. I disagreed and posted a similar article about the same type of issues here.
I'm not angry and I didn't say anything about reading my previous posts in the thread, fyi.
Many Americans are up in arms over conditions along the border, deportations, etc yet have virtually no reaction to thousands of people, mainly women and children, living in our inner cities that fear for their lives and the safety of their children every day. They fear gang violence, drug violence, etc.....virtually the same things that the people coming here from Central America are fleeing from. These are American citizens trapped in similar environments as those crossing our border illegally yet they have no voice. So what do we do about them?
cable news coverage doesn't equate to american concern for local/state matters. there are already good organizations working to improve quality of life - for local and abroad.

So the bottom line is what do we do?
--increase work visas, setup worker recruitment
(could even be interviewed, vetted there before coming here)

--reduce wage regulations
(as u.s. firms suffer current labor shortages. this also makes u.s. manufacturing competitive with places like china, for those with a desire to compete with them & reverse a trade deficit.)
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So we don’t have any real solutions different than what we currently do so the dialogue reverts back to trashing Trump for his actions. By the way it was the same when Pres Obama was in office. His detractors criticized everything he did but in reality had no better ideas.

IMO the only real difference between Obama and Trump was Obama did catch and release and Trump tried to eliminate catch and release through detention.

Finally, I agree that cutting the funding aids is wrong but I do agree that the Governments there need to step up more. The recent punch that Trump made on Mexico, for example appears to have resulted in an increase in Mexican troops assigned to stop border crossings on their southern border. True, Mexico had agreed to do that earlier this year but was dragging their feet to implement it. Trumps tantrum moved them to action. So the bottom line is what do we do?

Many Americans are up in arms over conditions along the border, deportations, etc yet have virtually no reaction to thousands of people, mainly women and children, living in our inner cities that fear for their lives and the safety of their children every day. They fear gang violence, drug violence, etc.....virtually the same things that the people coming here from Central America are fleeing from. These are American citizens trapped in similar environments as those crossing our border illegally yet they have no voice. So what do we do about them?

Those are the only differences in immigration policy? CHILD SEPARATION? Massive changes to the asylum laws and how they are implemented.......including his latest requiring migrants to apply for asylum in the first country they enter upon leaving home. If you say there's only the one difference between Trump and Obama on immigration you aren't paying attention.

The point I wanted to make earlier about foreign aid.........Many times we get nothing tangible for our investment. But when we financially support stable governments, we don't get military coups, communist revolutions, regional conflicts, starvation, disease, mass migration, on and on. We get peace and freedom. It's not always perfect or consistent but it's better and cheaper than the alternative.
We give Egypt over a billion dollars a year, have for a long time. What do they have that we want? The Suez canal is strategically important. Other than that, we simply want them to be peaceful and secure. For the Middle East, for our ally Israel, it's in our national interest to have a stable Egypt. That's our payback.

How do you know "many Americans have virtually no reaction" to the problems of the inner city? Because it allows you to imply that those same Americans care more about migrant children than their own? That's so Trumpian, throw out a vague statement with no proof to legitimize his position.
Those are the only differences in immigration policy? CHILD SEPARATION? Massive changes to the asylum laws and how they are implemented.......including his latest requiring migrants to apply for asylum in the first country they enter upon leaving home. If you say there's only the one difference between Trump and Obama on immigration you aren't paying attention.

The point I wanted to make earlier about foreign aid.........Many times we get nothing tangible for our investment. But when we financially support stable governments, we don't get military coups, communist revolutions, regional conflicts, starvation, disease, mass migration, on and on. We get peace and freedom. It's not always perfect or consistent but it's better and cheaper than the alternative.
We give Egypt over a billion dollars a year, have for a long time. What do they have that we want? The Suez canal is strategically important. Other than that, we simply want them to be peaceful and secure. For the Middle East, for our ally Israel, it's in our national interest to have a stable Egypt. That's our payback.

How do you know "many Americans have virtually no reaction" to the problems of the inner city? Because it allows you to imply that those same Americans care more about migrant children than their own? That's so Trumpian, throw out a vague statement with no proof to legitimize his position.

1. Trump didn’t start family separations. The Vox article speaks to 2018 numbers. The CBP article shows 2019 numbers that were much higher than anything Obama had to deal with.

2. First Safe Country is not a new concept.

3. Are you saying that Central American Governments are stable and provide safety, etc to their people. If that is what you are saying I have to disagree.

4. Americans are not up in arms about conditions in our inner cities? Is Congress and the Media touring those areas daily taking pictures of the conditions, interviewing victims and keeping it in front of the American people 24/7? Is the ACLU filing law suits frequently against issues there? Are freedom groups organizing Rallies and marches in Washington to do something about the violence and gangs. The only activities that come close are anti gun rallies.
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