I honestly don't know. As
@SIBoiler2 has confirmed a few years ago with my comments on Germany then...they are still chasing Hitler's ghost! I've only been there once and it was in 2016 give or take a year. I was only in Plauen, Berlin, Munich, Dresden, FRankfurt, the air force base outside Frankfurt (Kim had a cousin that was a col stationed there) and down south around the Neuschwanstein Castle close to Austria. I really enjoyed Prague on that trip as well and highly recommend it! I would not use Germany as a model for much, but I did like them not censoring the camps. One thing that stuck out that I made a comment to my daughter's husband, brother and family and friends was all the red graffiti defacing monuments. Little did I know I would see on TV the same happening here encouraged by politicians a few years later. Jessica's husband Tobias Guennel ( he will show up a lot on the web) lived 10 miles from the wall in "East Germany" and when the wall came down, the first thing his family did was to find a McDonald's they heard so much about.

Just so happened that last night I congratulated Philipp Geßner who just got married and told him he can introduce us when I return. I remember sitting on a bench as Philipp introduced his father to me. His father worked on high voltage that was dangerous. I remember the befuddled look when I asked if he was paid more than a normal electrician...which I knew the answer. You see Germany has a "planned economy"...

Tobi loves Germany, but he wouldn't make anywhere close to the money he makes here.