Immigration in Ohio

You’re making a point of substance; not sure why you felt the need to end the post with labeling and name calling.

But yes “don't have to put American troops into harms way” is a real factor. Of course it’s not the only factor but if we can exert American influence and help democracies that will be allies? There’s incredible long term value in that.
You think we are helping a 'democracy'? Good one. That is the same myth Bob believes.
You think we are helping a 'democracy'? Good one. That is the same myth Bob believes.
Agree with you that Ukraine is not a democracy in the sense of the US or Canada.

Compared to Russia? They are far more aligned with our democratic institutions.
Lol. The rabbit hole keeps pulling you deeper.

There would be no war in Ukraine if Russia had lived up to their commitments laid out in the Budapest Memorandum. Ukraine gave up the nukes to satisfy Russia and make them feel safe. Ukraine was rewarded with an invasion........and getting blamed for it by illogical MAGA idiots.
Sigh. More insults and name-calling. This 'illogical MAGA idiot' is a retired 28-year active duty US Army officer who is a graduate of both Command and General Staff College and Army War College. If you think you know more about this than I do, you are mistaken. You seem to be arguing that we should have trusted Russia to comply with the Budapest Memo. Is that realistic? And Clinton promised Ukraine that we would have their back if they gave up their nukes. Four presidents later, we didn't.

I will tell you once again: If Ukraine had kept its nuclear weapons, they would not have been invaded by Russia.
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Sigh. More insults and name-calling. This 'illogical MAGA idiot' is a retired 28-year active duty US Army officer who is a graduate of both Command and General Staff College and Army War College. If you think you know more about this than I do, you are mistaken. You seem to be arguing that we should have trusted Russia to comply with the Budapest Memo. Is that realistic? And Clinton promised Ukraine that we would have their back if they gave up their nukes. But we didn't.

I will tell you once again: If Ukraine had kept its nuclear weapons, they would not have been invaded by Russia.
Good for you. Doesn't make you right. You're showing it in every post.

You were arguing it was our fault Russia invaded because we made overtures to accepting Ukraine into NATO. Correct?

In other words, NATO and Ukraine believed Ukraine would be safer and less likely to be invaded if they were in NATO............because we can't trust Russia to leave Ukraine alone. You are now saying it wasn't wise to trust Russia in '94 but we can trust them now? You're saying without the NATO protection we could trust Russia to not invade? You're completely contradicting yourself. We shouldn't have trusted them with the BM but we can trust them to not invade now without NATO protection? Pick a lane dude. Either you trust Russia or you don't. And I would argue the issue of trust is completely different in the two situations because it was a reformer named Yeltsin in '94 who was leading Russia and it's now a murdering former KGB agent.

We promised to have Ukraine's back with the BM? Not in writing but it was the spirit of the agreement. You say we didn't do it? WHAT WOULD YOU CALL WHAT WE'RE DOING RIGHT NOW? That's exactly what we're doing along with the UK and the rest of Europe.

It's easy to Monday morning QB what happened 30 years ago. You seem to forget the geopolitical atmosphere at the time. Russian provinces were splitting off right and left. Everyone thought there was a fundamental change happening in Russian leadership. Ukraine was going to finally break free from Russia but they were still rightly concerned about future conflicts with them. They wanted the US to guarantee protection for them in the BM. Why? Because of what is happening RIGHT NOW. They were right. But by all means lets blame the US for Russia breaking an agreement and invading Ukraine.

You may have been educated on the subject but your politics is overwhelming your logic.
You were arguing it was our fault Russia invaded because we made overtures to accepting Ukraine into NATO. Correct?
I don't use words like 'fault' and 'blame'. I simply convey what transpired. Putin had warned for 20 years that any former Warsaw Pact nation joining NATO would be considered an act of war. Ukraine and the US finalized the paperwork for Ukraine to join NATO and Russia invaded. That's what happened.

Bill Clinton promised Ukraine that we'd have their six if they got into a war with Russia. You and I don't know if the understanding at the time assumed ground troops, nuclear weapons, whatever. I think it's safe to assume that Ukraine would appreciate a lot more military support from the US than they're getting at this time. But of course, more support could escalate this into WWIII.
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Good for you. Doesn't make you right. You're showing it in every post.

You were arguing it was our fault Russia invaded because we made overtures to accepting Ukraine into NATO. Correct?
I posted this for you when you were using your pre-banishment user name. It must be difficult for you to accept amid your Churchill fantasies:

"Many of these analysts argue that the U.S. erred in its efforts to prevent the breakout of war by refusing to offer to retract support for Ukraine to one day join NATO or substantially reconsider its terms of entry. And they argue that Russia’s willingness to go to war over Ukraine’s NATO status, which it perceived as an existential national security threat and listed as a fundamental part of its rationale for the invasion, was so clear for so long that dropping support for its eventual entry could have averted the invasion."

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It’s wild. Their hatred of “libs” is so strong that their brains have fallen out of their asses and they come up with takes like this. X is happening in a country on another continent and the current response is “meh, out of sight, out of mind”. Never mind that those idiotic takes go directly against the foundational principles of this country.
Why is the US the largest financial contributor to Ukraines defense? You would think that if the threat of invasion by Russia were that real, Germany, France, Poland and other Euro countries would be doing more than that US.
Agreement or not, we should protect/militarily assist Ukraine when it’s in America’s best interests to do so, and it currently is.

We do not have an obligation to support any other country’s social programs.

These two concepts are incredibly simple.
Why is it in American's best interest to support Ukraine? Since we purchase oil from Russia, it sounds like we're fighting ourselves in this situation.