Immigration in Ohio

I see a lot of news stories saying there isn't an issue in Springfield, then I also see a lot of videos of actual residents saying there is.

So I can see where people would have a hard time believing this is real, you either trust the stories from new organizations that aren't based out of the town or the words of the actual residents.
You have to believe the media. It's not like we have years of being lied to on various things. The reports always bring out the truth with extensive coverage like Epstein, Russia, Trumps assassination attempt, Las Vegas shooter, Floyd and the Kennedy shootings and the incredible insight of trading by politicians, Hunter's laptop and the list must be finite even if I can't find the end...
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I would laugh at your first sentence, but I have a feeling you think it’s all true. Which makes the rest of your post just a bunch of rambling scared white man nonsense. Like I said, stick to guarding bathrooms.
My first sentence was a joke (maybe...).

The rest of the post you know is 100% true and accurate. As a lefty lib, the truth pains you.
Kat already said it. You simply ignore that which collides with your rigid beliefs.
If you are a presidential candidate, would you want Putin's endorsement? Would it help you or hurt you?

The purpose it serves is clearly to take votes away from Harris and give more to trump.

Answers the second question too.
There's probably no more votes to get from MAGA if Putin were to endorse trump but it would probably send his polling numbers soaring with MAGA.

It might have some affect on Harris' numbers of it was actually true. But it's so ridiculous it won't.

You still haven't acknowledged two things that affect this situation. Harris will continue Ukraine. Why would Putin want that? Trump will find a way to blame Ukraine for the war and cut their funding. Would Putin want that. Try to discuss this in your reply if you dare.
You mean Harris will continue sending American taxpayer money to Ukraine to fund a war it can't win? We're in for $350 of yours and my money. How much more should we give them?
In all likelihood, Trump would sit down with Putin and broker a peace deal. Isn't that what you're saying Israel should do with hamas?
Second, Russia has been supporting trump since 2016. He's been taking funding from them for a lot longer than that. Despite all the whining about the Russia collusion investigation, all you seem to forget that while they could prove no collusion, all the investigations clearly showed Russia wanted trump to be president and took actions to make it happen. They still do. Why would Putin publicly support Harris when he clearly prefers trump?
Besides the well debunked lies of Russian collusion, what other proof do you have that Russia supports Trump? What proof of funding has he received?
Yes. Harris will continue to send American military aid to Ukraine and I completely support it. You have your priorities. I have mine.

$350? What is that?

Are you really questioning that Russia supports trump? After everything that has happened you still are are going there?
I can give you as much proof as you want, not that it will make any difference.

The bipartisan Senate Intel report should suffice.

Wiki and Manafort and the trump tower meeting. Believing Putin over US intel agencies. Just last week the indictment showing Russia funneling money to MAGA social media influencers.

You're right. Trump would sit down with Putin and make a deal, excluding Ukraine. Just like he did in Afghanistan.

I answered your questions but as usual you don't acknowledge or take issue with the replies. You just move on to other questions. I guess you now accept that Putin has reasons to prefer Trump over Harris and Putin's endorsement of a presidential candidate would have a negative effect on their chances to be president.
Yes. Harris will continue to send American military aid to Ukraine and I completely support it. You have your priorities. I have mine.

$350? What is that?

Are you really questioning that Russia supports trump? After everything that has happened you still are are going there?
I can give you as much proof as you want, not that it will make any difference.

The bipartisan Senate Intel report should suffice.

Wiki and Manafort and the trump tower meeting. Believing Putin over US intel agencies. Just last week the indictment showing Russia funneling money to MAGA social media influencers.

You're right. Trump would sit down with Putin and make a deal, excluding Ukraine. Just like he did in Afghanistan.

I answered your questions but as usual you don't acknowledge or take issue with the replies. You just move on to other questions. I guess you now accept that Putin has reasons to prefer Trump over Harris and Putin's endorsement of a presidential candidate would have a negative effect on their chances to be president.
$350 Billion, with a B. That's how much we've sent Ukraine of US taxpayer money.

Are you still claiming that despite Putin saying that he supports Harris, that he secretly supports Trump. about conspiracy theory.
$350 Billion, with a B. That's how much we've sent Ukraine of US taxpayer money.

Are you still claiming that despite Putin saying that he supports Harris, that he secretly supports Trump. about conspiracy theory.
You have a link for the $350? Like Trump relentlessly does, I think you have exaggerated for effect.

Yes. My stance hasn't changed. I cannot believe you're actually bringing this up again. His history is clear as is his support for trump and vice versa. Why would Putin support the candidate who is committed to continue the military aid for Ukraine? Trump won't. Answer that.

Here is the opening you've been waiting for. The big reveal.

Putin cited her infectious laugh as one of the reasons for his support. He was trolling........and he hooked you good. You'll latch onto anything that you think benefits trump, true or not, no matter how ridiculous.

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You have a link for the $350? Like Trump relentlessly does, I think you have exaggerated for effect.

Yes. My stance hasn't changed. I cannot believe you're actually bringing this up again. His history is clear as is his support for trump and vice versa. Why would Putin support the candidate who is committed to continue the military aid for Ukraine? Trump won't. Answer that.

Here is the opening you've been waiting for. The big reveal.

Putin cited her infectious laugh as one of the reasons for his support. He was trolling........and he hooked you good. You'll latch onto anything that you think benefits trump, true or not, no matter how ridiculous.

I wasn't going to post this, but you threw out such a high, slow pitch on her "infectious laugh", it just seemed time to share some humor

Yes. Harris will continue to send American military aid to Ukraine and I completely support it. You have your priorities. I have mine.

$350? What is that?

Are you really questioning that Russia supports trump? After everything that has happened you still are are going there?
I can give you as much proof as you want, not that it will make any difference.

The bipartisan Senate Intel report should suffice.

Wiki and Manafort and the trump tower meeting. Believing Putin over US intel agencies. Just last week the indictment showing Russia funneling money to MAGA social media influencers.

You're right. Trump would sit down with Putin and make a deal, excluding Ukraine. Just like he did in Afghanistan.

I answered your questions but as usual you don't acknowledge or take issue with the replies. You just move on to other questions. I guess you now accept that Putin has reasons to prefer Trump over Harris and Putin's endorsement of a presidential candidate would have a negative effect on their chances to be president.
So if Trump is buddies with Putin why did he do this a few months in after Putin helped get him elected?

And why did Biden do this favor for a thug a few months in?

Quick Quiz Cap'n Cut-n-Paste Redux, who is the only president of the 21st century that did not experience a Russian invasion of another country.
$350 Billion, with a B. That's how much we've sent Ukraine of US taxpayer money.

Are you still claiming that despite Putin saying that he supports Harris, that he secretly supports Trump. about conspiracy theory.
In the spirit of riveting I'm still waiting for the link to the $350 Billion. Just a fact check