I'm alive

It's good to know you're doing alright. May I ask what type of surgery you had?

It was quadruple heart bypass surgery. I now have a seam down my front bigger than a football. You could say it only hurts when I laugh, cry, cough, burp, move, or exert myself physically. Other than the pain, my biggest concerns now are allowing the wounds to heal properly and keeping my lungs healthy from pneumonia! Fortunately my blood type is Be Positive.

TMI. ? I thought this reply was rather brief. As Dickie V would say, you can take my body and my heart but you can never take my mind or my soul or my will.
Hey Wolegib... You are a brave man! Glad you are doing good and are on your way to a speedy recovery! Basketball season will be here before you know it! :)
Glad to hear it....

You might say I'll be healed by the season opener. I don't have a voice, but I have a keypad! However I must remain calm and not get too excited. Maybe I'll check out some IU games. I hear they aren't going to be very exciting! This will be a championship year