I find the vitriol on Walters a little odd


Jan 5, 2020
For a lot of reasons. I get not thinking he’s good. I always wanted him to do well for taking a job that became much worse of a job as NIL was ramping up. Thought of him as a guy who took the call when other better candidates likely never answered or laughed.

The thing that’s odd to me is that other than late hazell, I don’t remember there being this much vitriol in 26 years of following this team. Not even …

When Danny hope needed Ricardo Allen to block a field goal to save Purdue from overtime against 2-10 middle Tennessee state before losing to 4-8 rice the next week, not close.

Here’s why it’s odd as well. Here are some winning percentages excluding our big winners and hazell (who belongs in a class with Harrell and Bobby Diaco).

Akers 28.4
Walters 33.3
Coletto 34.1
Burtnett 38.4

And that’s with way way way tougher scheduling than say Danny Hope had to deal with.

Maybe some of you older guys can weigh in here. I asked a couple of Purdue fans if there was this much anger in years 2 of Akers and Coletto and the answer I got was… no. By the end maybe, but not 16 games in.

When revenue sharing starts I think the Purdue job will be more attractive. If that hasn’t happened this offseason and Walters is already fired, I think people are going to be surprised by who is actually interested. I don’t think we get 1997 Joe tiller or 2017 Jeff brohm
For a lot of reasons. I get not thinking he’s good. I always wanted him to do well for taking a job that became much worse of a job as NIL was ramping up. Thought of him as a guy who took the call when other better candidates likely never answered or laughed.

The thing that’s odd to me is that other than late hazell, I don’t remember there being this much vitriol in 26 years of following this team. Not even …

When Danny hope needed Ricardo Allen to block a field goal to save Purdue from overtime against 2-10 middle Tennessee state before losing to 4-8 rice the next week, not close.

Here’s why it’s odd as well. Here are some winning percentages excluding our big winners and hazell (who belongs in a class with Harrell and Bobby Diaco).

Akers 28.4
Walters 33.3
Coletto 34.1
Burtnett 38.4

And that’s with way way way tougher scheduling than say Danny Hope had to deal with.

Maybe some of you older guys can weigh in here. I asked a couple of Purdue fans if there was this much anger in years 2 of Akers and Coletto and the answer I got was… no. By the end maybe, but not 16 games in.

When revenue sharing starts I think the Purdue job will be more attractive. If that hasn’t happened this offseason and Walters is already fired, I think people are going to be surprised by who is actually interested. I don’t think we get 1997 Joe tiller or 2017 Jeff brohm
Not an older guy but my anger came with the blow out against ND and it seeming like the team gave up. That’s not the Purdue way. To me that is on the coach losing the locker room and instilling the drive to play for pride. I truly wanted and do still want Walters to be successful but it’s hard to see at this point.
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Not an older guy but my anger came with the blow out against ND and it seeming like the team gave up. That’s not the Purdue way. To me that is on the coach losing the locker room and instilling the drive to play for pride. I truly wanted and do still want Walters to be successful but it’s hard to see at this point.
ND used to have Joey getherall and Carlyle holiday. Now that they are able to buy players those guys wouldn’t be backups there
This team would lose to those below average Hope coached Purdue teams by multiple TDs. I don’t think Hope was good. At the same time this coach has proven to be worse.
This team would lose to those below average Hope coached Purdue teams by multiple TDs. I don’t think Hope was good. At the same time this coach has proven to be worse.
The hope team that lost to 4-8 rice and barely beat middle Tennessee? Cause they lost to ND by a lot in the NIL era and got beat by 18 by a traditional blue blood program that can now legally buy players?

Who do you think we are getting when Walters goes? How many games do you think said coach is going to win in each of his first two years? These questions assume there is no revenue sharing. If there was, Walters never would have sniffed this job
The hope team that lost to 4-8 rice and barely beat middle Tennessee? Cause they lost to ND by a lot in the NIL era and got beat by 18 by a traditional blue blood program that can now legally buy players?

Who do you think we are getting when Walters goes? How many games do you think said coach is going to win in each of his first two years? These questions assume there is no revenue sharing. If there was, Walters never would have sniffed this job
Hopefully somebody better than Walters. If not, you move on and try again.

Your premise is that this is a good coach and no talent on this team? I think you’re very incorrect here.

We should try to be competitive instead of letting the program circle the drain with a bad coach. It’s not a talent issue. It’s a scheme, fundamentals and coaching issue. We of course have talent limitations but we also have a coach who has done nothing in 16 games to bridge that gap.
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Hopefully somebody better than Walters. If not, you move on and try again.

Your premise is that this is a good coach and no talent on this team? I think you’re very incorrect here.

We should try to be competitive instead of letting the program circle the drain with a bad coach. It’s not a talent issue. It’s a scheme, fundamentals and coaching issue. We of course have talent limitations but we also have a coach who has done nothing in 16 games to bridge that gap.
No. My premise is that this is a coach I like for having the balls to take this job when many coaches likely hung up the phone. He wasn’t ready. Bobinski also didn’t demand he have older former head coaches on staff or someone who had called a college offense other than Harrell? He hired the wrong OC which is on him.

If some g5 up and cover had come here, said coach would have also been hampered by brohm doing a piss poor job with several units and really no longer recruiting after 19.

There is little talent on this team team that isn’t 19 or 18. Like Tom said when pressed by Brian (which transfers are actually good) “really just Reggie love.”

Had a top g5 guy taken the job, had Walters hired an average OC or had Jeff brohm left behind anything resembling the roster Joe tiller put together after 6 years, Purdue is probably 7-6 last year and 2-3 now.

If they fire Walters tomorrow I could care less dude
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For a lot of reasons. I get not thinking he’s good. I always wanted him to do well for taking a job that became much worse of a job as NIL was ramping up. Thought of him as a guy who took the call when other better candidates likely never answered or laughed.

The thing that’s odd to me is that other than late hazell, I don’t remember there being this much vitriol in 26 years of following this team. Not even …

When Danny hope needed Ricardo Allen to block a field goal to save Purdue from overtime against 2-10 middle Tennessee state before losing to 4-8 rice the next week, not close.

Here’s why it’s odd as well. Here are some winning percentages excluding our big winners and hazell (who belongs in a class with Harrell and Bobby Diaco).

Akers 28.4
Walters 33.3
Coletto 34.1
Burtnett 38.4

And that’s with way way way tougher scheduling than say Danny Hope had to deal with.

Maybe some of you older guys can weigh in here. I asked a couple of Purdue fans if there was this much anger in years 2 of Akers and Coletto and the answer I got was… no. By the end maybe, but not 16 games in.

When revenue sharing starts I think the Purdue job will be more attractive. If that hasn’t happened this offseason and Walters is already fired, I think people are going to be surprised by who is actually interested. I don’t think we get 1997 Joe tiller or 2017 Jeff brohm
I do remember a lot of anger early on in the Hope days similar to what we have now. The reason being in both cases that we had a taste of success, and failed to build on it by hiring a competent head coach. Akers and Coletto were before my time too, but I think there was less anger in those days because we hadn't really had that taste of success that we had with Tiller and with Brohm.
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I do remember a lot of anger early on in the Hope days similar to what we have now. The reason being in both cases that we had a taste of success, and failed to build on it by hiring a competent head coach. Akers and Coletto were before my time too, but I think there was less anger in those days because we hadn't really had that taste of success that we had with Tiller and with Brohm.
I don’t remember it being anything close. People thought he was a cheap hire and a lot of people wanted Brock spack. It wasn’t like this. On3 is a tough read right now. And some of the people saying that are posters that were here in 2003..
For a lot of reasons. I get not thinking he’s good. I always wanted him to do well for taking a job that became much worse of a job as NIL was ramping up. Thought of him as a guy who took the call when other better candidates likely never answered or laughed.

The thing that’s odd to me is that other than late hazell, I don’t remember there being this much vitriol in 26 years of following this team. Not even …

When Danny hope needed Ricardo Allen to block a field goal to save Purdue from overtime against 2-10 middle Tennessee state before losing to 4-8 rice the next week, not close.

Here’s why it’s odd as well. Here are some winning percentages excluding our big winners and hazell (who belongs in a class with Harrell and Bobby Diaco).

Akers 28.4
Walters 33.3
Coletto 34.1
Burtnett 38.4

And that’s with way way way tougher scheduling than say Danny Hope had to deal with.

Maybe some of you older guys can weigh in here. I asked a couple of Purdue fans if there was this much anger in years 2 of Akers and Coletto and the answer I got was… no. By the end maybe, but not 16 games in.

When revenue sharing starts I think the Purdue job will be more attractive. If that hasn’t happened this offseason and Walters is already fired, I think people are going to be surprised by who is actually interested. I don’t think we get 1997 Joe tiller or 2017 Jeff brohm
The difference between the 1990s (or earlier) and today? Social media and message boards. Its so much easier to raise your voice to the masses and think you're the only one that has the answers, even if there are no answers.
No comparison to the past. Teams do not have time to start over every 4/5 years especially since your players can walk away or be poached at a moments notice. Giving a coach some time (which is admirable) should include seeing improvement over that time.
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I’ve been here since the Hope days and when this forum started back on the grid iron days

Some of the posters here are very unrealistic about their expectations of the team and are very negative towards the coaches and the fans who disagree with their viewpoints - especially the so called experts on this forum

Many times I have posted I know literally nothing but I am as accurate as the so called experts. I don’t have to name names. It will soon become obvious. They claim I post a lot, but for every one of my posts, they will post 5-10 times with their harrasing insults and name calling.

I was once banned because I was supposedly too critical of our recruits being the caliber of Mac recruits. I was just saying the same things the national recruiting analysts were saying. But the experts don’t like national objective analysis. The facts were when looking at the offers the Purdue recruits received the only other offers they had received were from MAC teams and teams like WKU and Marshall. I posed the question if other big 10 teams were not interested in wasting their time recruiting these players, why should Purdue? I also posed the question if a team like Iowa or northwestern or Wisconsin is recruiting a player, why isn’t Purdue? If we want to beat other big 10 teams, shouldn’t we be recruiting the same caliber of players as other big 10 teams recruit? We’re not going to beat teams like ucla, Washington and Nebraska if we don’t recruit the same caliber of player.

Many people don’t like my comments because they are too long. But if they were from Brian in one of his columns you’d say they are spot on!

Recruiting has improved during the Brohm and Walters eras, but the position priorities needs to be changed. Instead of recruiting 4/5 star QBs and DBs, Purdue needs to start signing 4/5 star lineman. Purdue is finally starting to pass on the 240 pound lineman with hopes they will gain 50-60 pound by redshirting. That idea never really worked. Purdue needs to stop all of the elite Indiana linemen going to out of state schools like Iowa. Purdue needs to ask themselves what does Iowa have that Purdue doesn’t. It’s not NIL. It’s not about the money. Some of it is about winning. Iowa has a great offensive line coach and also produces NFL caliber players.

As I said, I don’t know a whole lot about football. But there are things so obvious that even I can see them. And unlike the majority of the so called experts that post here, The national analysts actually get paid to evaluate players and teams. They are objective, critical and usually a lot more accurate than the people who post here.

As for the language people use here, they take their cue from people in charge. If it’s ok for people in charge to use foul language, bully and harass others, name call and sexually abuse others with absolutely no consequences, why should people who post here be any different than their idol? When it comes to viterol and abusive language. The off topic forum is a lot worse and should be shut down. It serves no purpose other than for people to argue with each other.
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No comparison to the past. Teams do not have time to start over every 4/5 years especially since your players can walk away or be poached at a moments notice. Giving a coach some time (which is admirable) should include seeing improvement over that time.
Defense is improving. Offense was a dumpster fire. Some of that definitely on the OC so losing him will be interesting to see what happens.

I agree with BC. The vitriol is over the top.

Let's recap what Walters walked into:

1. A team with not a lot of talent
2. An administration unwilling to pay much for coaches or players.
3. NIL turning into basically pay for play, which makes 2 even tougher plus completely open transfer portal.
4. Back to back ridiculously hard schedules.

Does that make Walters a good coach? Nope. Does that mean he is ready? Nope. Does that mean he doesn't get fired? Nope.

Does that mean the level of vitriol is wildly insane? Yep. Hazell had worse teams, with more talent, better schedules, no portal, no NIL, and I believe more experienced coaches. And I don't think even he got this level until year 3.