How Trump is going to save the auto industry

Do we have to do this again? All your quotes are from republicans. Seriously? Who is simply believing what they're told?

"5000 refers to total migrants ATTEMPTING to cross the border-not the number of individuals allowed into the country, as some have claimed. This bill ends the practice of catch and release. "
Here's the problem. The bill can be interpreted in both ways. Yes, it doesn't say they are going to allow 5000 a day, but it also doesn't say they will turn back 5000 a day. SO, it's possible that 5000 a day do get in. Also, the work visa thing will just draw more people to our border.
So help me understand what this bill does, except make legal the 5000 immigrants per day currently coming in.
Oh and give them legal counsel to help them assimilate-err, take advantage of our generous free benefits for them.
So the bill says anything over 5000 per day means detain and deport. JFC doesn't the law state if you cross the border illegally you are to be detained and deported.
Exactly. There should be ZERO illegal crossings. Saying there can be up to 5000 encounters before just kicking everyone out makes no sense other than if they intend to allow most of those in. Just keep them all out and make them come legally.
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I’m curious! How many of you have lost your job to one of these non-English speaking illiterate illegal aliens? If so, perhaps you need to go back to high school and stay awake this time.

Do you real see these people as a threat to your existence?

As for drugs, if Americans didn’t buy them, The drug cartels wouldn’t sell them. Who is more to blame?

As for creating jobs, how is that factory in Kenosha Wisconsin that was going to bring all those jobs to America. Trump even used a shovel to proclaim that one. Oh yeah, after a lot of hype and promises the company changed its mind.

When I was poor and stupid I bought a couple of Fords and Dodge. Now I prefer to buy a quality car - Toyota.

My uncle worked at the local Chevy plant. He also had 5 DUIs. But he was allowed to keep making Chevys
It's not about them being a direct threat to us. It's about us looking out for our fellow Americans. They do threaten the livelihood of many Americans. Excuse us if it's not us.
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It's not about them being a direct threat to us. It's about us looking out for our fellow Americans. They do threaten the livelihood of many Americans. Excuse us if it's not us.
They take jobs you would never take. They’re actually helping. You know this, of course, but since you’re in a cult you can only parrot these nonsense talking points.
They take jobs you would never take. They’re actually helping. You know this, of course, but since you’re in a cult you can only parrot these nonsense talking points.
50 percent of roofers should be women. This a war on women. Importing illegals so you can pay them under the table and depress women's wages, disgusting! Patriarchy!
I’m curious! How many of you have lost your job to one of these non-English speaking illiterate illegal aliens?
That type of question is inappropriate. There are many problems caused by illegals that have nothing to do with taking jobs away from Americans. Sanctuary cities are using tax dollarts to house them (often in hotels), educate their kids, provide them with medical care (who do you think pays when an illegal woman shows up at the ER giving birth?), theft, human trafficking, drug trafficking, etc.

In Denver, there are about a dozen illegals with squeegees at every traffic light. When the cars stop for a red light, an illegal runs up and cleans the windshield. Then he goes to the driver's window and expects a handout. The car then drives to the next intersection. Another unwanted squeegee window cleaning. . . . . .
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