How they must see us

You brought up IU, not me.

Wheeler has shown flashes, but nothing consistent. Newman is still in high school. Hard to depend on a not top 50 recruit to be instant impact. Everything we have seen/heard is that Haarms, EB, Williams, and Dow are 5s. That leaves Wheeler to fill out the 4 spot unless we get grad transfer.

We are thin everywhere but the 5 spot.
So I don’t agree at all, but I understand your rationale if Carsen leaves, but if Carsen stays I don’t get the 9-12 seed logic at all. Purdue will have a great group of guards with Carsen, Eastern, Hunter, Sasha, Newman, and Thompson covering the 1-3 positions. With Williams and Haarms, Purdue will have a great post rotation. That leaves the 4 where I expect great things from Wheeler. I know that replacing Eifert sounds close to impossible, but Coach Painter is a smart guy and will figure it out.
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Do you not acknowledge that 14 years is a chance? How long should he get?

If you haven't realized it by now, let me dumb it down for you:

1. Purdue does not invest in its program remotely close to any peer (bottom half of the Big Ten), let alone elite college programs

2. I would like to see Purdue INVEST in the program on the SAME level as our peers, and close to other elite college programs outside of the Big Ten

3. Then, I'd like to see how the program does - does it stay the same, or does it also improve?

It's really not rocket science.
Some like yourself are fine with finishing top 5 in the Big Ten. It's fine, some people just have higher goals than others.
LOL. Classic example of living vicariously. You have higher goals... for a bunch of college kids... to make you feel like you accomplished something.
If you haven't realized it by now, let me dumb it down for you:

1. Purdue does not invest in its program remotely close to any peer (bottom half of the Big Ten), let alone elite college programs

2. I would like to see Purdue INVEST in the program on the SAME level as our peers, and close to other elite college programs outside of the Big Ten

3. Then, I'd like to see how the program does - does it stay the same, or does it also improve?

It's really not rocket science.
I have to agree on this. But we need to be patient while we finish extinguishing The Morgue’s Football Tire Fire...
I have to agree on this. But we need to be patient while we finish extinguishing The Morgue’s Football Tire Fire...

I think my concern is that while I certainly think there's important work to be done on the football side, it's also a matter of timing. You have to strike while the iron is hot - there's a lot of momentum from the past several years with basketball. In addition, the longer you keep things "flat" with basketball, it just widens the gap even further between where we are investing and what our peers are (and even programs below us). It's like the Mackey Project example - Purdue waited and waited and waited to do all of this stuff, and they could only bite off so much with the project. We poured millions into a renovation for fan experience, for example - and after all was said and done, we couldn't turn the damn lights off for starting intros, we had an amateur sound system - things that had to be addressed years later - decades after our peers had the same thing. It's like owning a house - if you don't keep up with the maintenance, you aren't going to be able to add on to it, you'll be stuck trying to fix all the problems you ignored.
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