Houston we have a problem

Unreleased DesMoines Register poll pulled back before the caucus:

Sanders 22%
Warren 18%
Buttigieg 16%
Biden 13%

Now we really know why? Biden is flaming out before our eyes and the Socialists are leading the pack?

If those numbers are even close to being true, it foretells the end of Biden, since he and Buttigieg have had the state to themselves for over a week, due to the Impeachment. Perhaps the gaffs & the corruption are finally catching up to Sleepy Joe.
That would also explain why the DNC is changing the rules to allow Bloomberg to elbow his way to the front of the pack. Bernie gets hosed again.
If those numbers are even close to being true, it foretells the end of Biden, since he and Buttigieg have had the state to themselves for over a week, due to the Impeachment. Perhaps the gaffs & the corruption are finally catching up to Sleepy Joe.
That would also explain why the DNC is changing the rules to allow Bloomberg to elbow his way to the front of the pack. Bernie gets hosed again.
I have no reason to believe they aren't reasonable numbers. Biden is not an attractive candidate to most demographics that align to the Democratic party these days. Hopefully his star fades before South Carolina so that doesn't become a "resurgence of Biden" moment. Apparently the DNC is eager to repeat their mistakes of 3 years ago.
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The results of the Florida vote were fine. The Dems didn't like the result, so we wasted millions of dollars looking for hanging chads and the result didn't change. Don't blame the State, blame the Dems that never seem to like the results of the people's wishes.
They still haven't accepted that HRC lost.
Lol. Give me a fvcking break. The presidency came down to like 500 votes. Any candidate, republican or Democrat, would ask for it to be verified. You think Trump won't if it comes down to that?

What did Gore do after? He accepted it and went on his way. You think Trump would/Will do that?

Really dude, your obsession with hating anything democratic leading you to irrational arguments. You have zero objectivity.

HTC lost. It wasn't questioned or challenged. Holding Trump accountable for his questionable actions has nothing to do with any election, it has to do with him. If he would stop trying to Run The country like it is his company this shit might go away.
If those numbers are even close to being true, it foretells the end of Biden, since he and Buttigieg have had the state to themselves for over a week, due to the Impeachment. Perhaps the gaffs & the corruption are finally catching up to Sleepy Joe.
That would also explain why the DNC is changing the rules to allow Bloomberg to elbow his way to the front of the pack. Bernie gets hosed again.
Lol. The end of Biden after Iowa.
You think one week without the senators makes all the difference? All the months and months before mean nothing? You follow campaigns much? Jfc
Lol. Give me a fvcking break. The presidency came down to like 500 votes. Any candidate, republican or Democrat, would ask for it to be verified. You think Trump won't if it comes down to that?

What did Gore do after? He accepted it and went on his way. You think Trump would/Will do that?

Really dude, your obsession with hating anything democratic leading you to irrational arguments. You have zero objectivity.

HTC lost. It wasn't questioned or challenged. Holding Trump accountable for his questionable actions has nothing to do with any election, it has to do with him. If he would stop trying to Run The country like it is his company this shit might go away.

Seriously?? The guy with the worst TDS on the planet is casting aspersions?

I don't hate Dems, like you hate Trump, I merely find them incompetent. Look at every major city or state that's run by Dems and you will find decay, corruption, high taxes and people & businesses fleeing. That's your legacy.

BTW, HRC still hasn't accepted the loss.
I have no reason to believe they aren't reasonable numbers. Biden is not an attractive candidate to most demographics that align to the Democratic party these days. Hopefully his star fades before South Carolina so that doesn't become a "resurgence of Biden" moment. Apparently the DNC is eager to repeat their mistakes of 3 years ago.
Old people like Biden and don't like Sanders. With young people it's the opposite. Sanders has locked up the far left, Pete, Amy, and Joe are fighting for the middle.
Polling at the caucus show voters value beating Trump over issues 63-37%. If it stays that way in other states Biden will be right there. Bernie has a problem with his ability to beat trump.
The results of the Florida vote were fine. The Dems didn't like the result, so we wasted millions of dollars looking for hanging chads and the result didn't change. Don't blame the State, blame the Dems that never seem to like the results of the people's wishes.
They still haven't accepted that HRC lost.
J.C. !!
The 2000 Florida election votes were "fine" ??!!
Fine for whom ?? You don't think that the Fla. GOP - in Nov., 2000 - would have asked for a recount after a MICROSCOPIC margin of defeat ? THAT WOULD DECIDE THE ENTIRE ELECTION ??!! Give us a f'g break.
Millions of dollars were spent in Florida on the recounts ?? ( Probably a small fraction of the costs of travel and security for the Trump entourages in Mar-a-lago, in the past three years.)
So, blame the Democrats for the 2000 Fla. recount ? Yeah, right. THEIR fault. I guess we won't be hearing from you , in the future, about ANY GOP recounts, anywhere, huh ?? No no no. No problem with Republican recounts.....just Democratic.
Lol. The end of Biden after Iowa.
You think one week without the senators makes all the difference? All the months and months before mean nothing? You follow campaigns much? Jfc

The Ex-VP essentially had the state of Iowa to himself for a week. He was the leader according to the polls going in and he finished 4th. Do you think this was a good result for him?
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Old people like Biden and don't like Sanders. With young people it's the opposite. Sanders has locked up the far left, Pete, Amy, and Joe are fighting for the middle.
Polling at the caucus show voters value beating Trump over issues 63-37%. If it stays that way in other states Biden will be right there. Bernie has a problem with his ability to beat trump.

I'd be thrilled if Biden was the nominee.
Old people like Biden and don't like Sanders. With young people it's the opposite. Sanders has locked up the far left, Pete, Amy, and Joe are fighting for the middle.
Polling at the caucus show voters value beating Trump over issues 63-37%. If it stays that way in other states Biden will be right there. Bernie has a problem with his ability to beat trump.
For God’s sake, a bunch of libs saying they like Progressive causes more than Trump’s stances? You don’t say!

What issues? Abortion on demand? Unfettered illegal immigration? Abolishing ICE? Free college? Medicare for All? The Green New Deal?
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Seriously?? The guy with the worst TDS on the planet is casting aspersions?

I don't hate Dems, like you hate Trump, I merely find them incompetent. Look at every major city or state that's run by Dems and you will find decay, corruption, high taxes and people & businesses fleeing. That's your legacy.

BTW, HRC still hasn't accepted the loss.
As if Republican leadership in large cities, for decades, with all of their mountains of built-in problems....would have thrived under GOP leadership ??
My Cocker Spaniel knows better than that.
J.C. !!
The 2000 Florida election votes were "fine" ??!!
Fine for whom ?? You don't think that the Fla. GOP - in Nov., 2000 - would have asked for a recount after a MICROSCOPIC margin of defeat ? THAT WOULD DECIDE THE ENTIRE ELECTION ??!! Give us a f'g break.
Millions of dollars were spent in Florida on the recounts ?? ( Probably a small fraction of the costs of travel and security for the Trump entourages in Mar-a-lago, in the past three years.)
So, blame the Democrats for the 2000 Fla. recount ? Yeah, right. THEIR fault. I guess we won't be hearing from you , in the future, about ANY GOP recounts, anywhere, huh ?? No no no. No problem with Republican recounts.....just Democratic.

You are an emotional little guy, aren't you?
Take a few deep breaths and try to calm down.
I still remember the Dems trying to invalidate the absentee ballots from the military in that election, since they voted strongly for Republicans.
Unreleased DesMoines Register poll pulled back before the caucus:

Sanders 22%
Warren 18%
Buttigieg 16%
Biden 13%

Now we really know why? Biden is flaming out before our eyes and the Socialists are leading the pack?
Imagine if you will, a group of Iowans in a dimly lit gymnasium waiting for that nights election results, one of them is a woman, could be a man but let’s just say it’s a woman, is she wearing a pantsuit?, is that a Biden t-shirt under the pantsuit?, and now she’s talking on a cellphone and the results are still not back!.!, connect the dots my friends and join me in the do do do do, do do do do Twilight Zone
As if Republican leadership in large cities, for decades, with all of their mountains of built-in problems....would have thrived under GOP leadership ??
My Cocker Spaniel knows better than that.

Apparently, you and your Cocker Spaniel share similar IQs. If you add them together, you probably still can't get to triple digits.
Old people like Biden and don't like Sanders. With young people it's the opposite. Sanders has locked up the far left, Pete, Amy, and Joe are fighting for the middle.
Polling at the caucus show voters value beating Trump over issues 63-37%. If it stays that way in other states Biden will be right there. Bernie has a problem with his ability to beat trump.
And Biden doesn’t? I predict he will be history in a few months and won’t even get the chance to go head to head with Trump
Old people like Biden and don't like Sanders. With young people it's the opposite. Sanders has locked up the far left, Pete, Amy, and Joe are fighting for the middle.
Polling at the caucus show voters value beating Trump over issues 63-37%. If it stays that way in other states Biden will be right there. Bernie has a problem with his ability to beat trump.

Most old people know that Socialism doesn't work. Most young people are still naive enough to believe it can.
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Apparently, you and your Cocker Spaniel share similar IQs. If you add them together, you probably still can't get to triple digits.
My Cocker Spaniel could get hit by an 80,000 lb. semi-trailer....and still drill your lights out on any type of standardized intelligence test. The only "triple-digits" you'll ever see, here, will be the number of your posts , in any given week, that lack validity.
My Cocker Spaniel could get hit by an 80,000 lb. semi-trailer....and still drill your lights out on any type of standardized intelligence test. The only "triple-digits" you'll ever see, here, will be the number of your posts , in any given week, that lack validity.

So you're saying that between the two of you, the Cocker Spaniel is the smart one. Sounds reasonable.
So you're saying that between the two of you, the Cocker Spaniel is the smart one. Sounds reasonable.
I'm saying that my Cocker Spaniel would be embarrassed to show up for the testing, no more of a challenge than you would provide.....
I'm saying that my Cocker Spaniel would be embarrassed to show up for the testing, no more of a challenge than you would provide.....

Based on your posts, I'm still inclined to believe that your dog is the more intellectually capable of you two.
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J.C. !!
The 2000 Florida election votes were "fine" ??!!
Fine for whom ?? You don't think that the Fla. GOP - in Nov., 2000 - would have asked for a recount after a MICROSCOPIC margin of defeat ? THAT WOULD DECIDE THE ENTIRE ELECTION ??!! Give us a f'g break.
Millions of dollars were spent in Florida on the recounts ?? ( Probably a small fraction of the costs of travel and security for the Trump entourages in Mar-a-lago, in the past three years.)
So, blame the Democrats for the 2000 Fla. recount ? Yeah, right. THEIR fault. I guess we won't be hearing from you , in the future, about ANY GOP recounts, anywhere, huh ?? No no no. No problem with Republican recounts.....just Democratic.

This is how I perceive you behind your keyboard......not that it matters.

This is how I perceive you behind your keyboard......

Somehow,......someway.....I guess I'll just have to find a way to summon up the courage to go on living.....
Knowing that bnsummers has a negative impression of me......
Almighty God, give me strength.....
But BoilerMadness deserves his benefits, it's those dirty "other people" that are leeches.

That just shows how your mind works, sadly.

I didn't create SS, the Dems did.
I had the requisite amount withdrawn from my pay, as directed by the Federal Government and I am receiving the requisite amount on a monthly basis, based on my contributions. I don't begrudge anyone for doing what they are required to do and "leeches" is apparently your definition of the people receiving the benefits.
If I had my druthers, I'd have opted out of SS at an early age and I'd have been a lot further ahead.

SS & Medicare are big Government Social programs that are going broke, yet the Dems are advocating for Free College Education, Free Healthcare & The Green New Deal, etc., with no regard for how much it will cost and where the money will come from. At some point, people have to wake up and say, "NO", when a politician says, "Vote for me and I'll give you free stuff.", since Free Stuff from the Government isn't FREE.
Trump wouldn't, hence the Ukraine extortion.

Trump will eat Sleepy Joe alive, since he can tie Joe to not only the Ukraine corruption, but to a long list of Biden corruption, involving multiple family members. Old Joe has been selling influence and access for a long time and the Bidens have capitalized on it.
DNC will dump the Biden baggage and allow Bloomberg to buy his way into the nomination.
Trump will get reelected and HRC will go on another book tour.
That just shows how your mind works, sadly.

I didn't create SS, the Dems did.
I had the requisite amount withdrawn from my pay, as directed by the Federal Government and I am receiving the requisite amount on a monthly basis, based on my contributions. I don't begrudge anyone for doing what they are required to do and "leeches" is apparently your definition of the people receiving the benefits.
If I had my druthers, I'd have opted out of SS at an early age and I'd have been a lot further ahead.

SS & Medicare are big Government Social programs that are going broke, yet the Dems are advocating for Free College Education, Free Healthcare & The Green New Deal, etc., with no regard for how much it will cost and where the money will come from. At some point, people have to wake up and say, "NO", when a politician says, "Vote for me and I'll give you free stuff.", since Free Stuff from the Government isn't FREE.
* Everyone knows 1/6 of our 20+ trillion $ economy isn't "free".
* Community College expansion for the poor/lower middle class...isn't free IU/Purdue annual costs.
* Some of the elements of the Green New Deal are important & affordable. Others aren't.
Future Congressional Budgets will always contain political reality. Plus a little compromise.
The middle 40% of Congressional makeup will prevail.
Trump will eat Sleepy Joe alive, since he can tie Joe to not only the Ukraine corruption, but to a long list of Biden corruption, involving multiple family members. Old Joe has been selling influence and access for a long time and the Bidens have capitalized on it.
DNC will dump the Biden baggage and allow Bloomberg to buy his way into the nomination.
Trump will get reelected and HRC will go on another book tour.
Speaking of books, corruption, and Biden, here's one that could be worth the read.
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* Everyone knows 1/6 of our 20+ trillion $ economy isn't "free".
* Community College expansion for the poor/lower middle class...isn't free IU/Purdue annual costs.
* Some of the elements of the Green New Deal are important & affordable. Others aren't.
Future Congressional Budgets will always contain political reality. Plus a little compromise.
The middle 40% of Congressional makeup will prevail.

Apparently, EVERYONE doesn't know it or they would quit voting for politicians that offer Free Stuff. The Republicans used to be somewhat fiscally conservative, but after watching the Dems control both houses of Congress for 40 years, they finally figured out that the Dems kept offering free stuff and the Reps were talking about balancing the budget. If you try to balance the budget, you have to make some cuts and if you cut a program that someone likes, you've just given your opponent a vote. Now we have NO fiscal conservatives and all the politicians want to be Santa Claus.

Yet some people are amazed that we keep running deficits and the National Dept is going through the roof. That is a much bigger problem that Climate Change and it's fixable, if our politicians had the will to do it.
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