Hells yeah... Purdue playing where I live


Apr 18, 2010
looks like I’ll travel well to this one.

To me... if you’re going to Santa Clara for anything other than to see Purdue play.. save your money. It’s Man Jose and unless you’re taking your son to see tech companies or you like $15 drinks and being surrounded by dudes... it’s not worth it.

It will be nice for me to sit in traffic an hour longer than I should that day and get to see Purdue..
to me the best thing about living out west would be the early start times for sporting events. 8pm in the east would be like 5pm out west. noon would be 9am. or something like that. i don't even watch mlb anymore because of the length of games and the start times. 8pm starts gets the games over way to late for me on the east coast. must be nice

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