Harbaugh being Harbaugh

Some friendly advice for Harbaugh: If you have a valid complaint about something, stick to your strongest argument. Ranting about everything from late hits to x rays to air conditioning just makes you sound like a whiner.

Also make sure your own staff aren't the ones to blame (or at the very least partly to blame) for the locker room conditions.. and that your player didn't also make an egregious late hit that went uncalled.
Or maybe the conference can book some bands to stage Ross Aid.
Ok that was a little funny

We'd rather keep the visitors locker room as is for recruiting purposes.. "You can either use THIS locker room every other week or THAT ONE every two years."
My son will echo his sentiments. As a visitor to the Fred Wilt indoor track event at Purdue, all of the visiting teams had to walk outside from their staging facility and busses in the parking lot to the field house, while the Purdue track team was able to use a special indoor tunnel . on that particular day, the temps were around 30 degrees with a brisk wind. It was a decided advantage , and Purdue didn't lift a finger except maybe their middle one to improve the situation and be a little more hospitable. I was kind of embarrassed that day to find out about Purdue's lack of hospitality.
Me neither.

He nailed it. Use some of that conference TV money on suitable facilities.

Or maybe the conference can book some bands to stage Ross Aid.

Go Blue. Always.

Funny, did you happen to see rittenbergs note tonight on visitor facilities

Michigan’s ops person could have taken care of this ahead of time. Purdue provided notice. Michigan did nothing.
Next time Harblow brings Meatchicken to RA I suggest we run ice machines for a week ahead and fill the damn locker room for him. That ought to take care of the heat. If it's a late season game and the temp is low I'd suggest not heating the locker room so he can have it cooler like he wants it. If he'd stayed in the NFL instead of running back to his childhood sandbox he'd have all the amenities he could whine for.

Ross Ade is his litter box

Surprised this hasn't been posted yet. My thoughts:

1) I didn't think the hit on Speight was anywhere near egregious. Not even remotely dirty. Sometimes in football you just get crunched.

2) I haven't seen the visitor's locker rooms, but I am tempted to believe Harbaugh. Some Purdue people said similar things about Purdue's own locker room not that long ago.
Maybe Harbaugh should bring his 53 foot recruiting trailers next time he plays us so he can be properly taken care of. First time i heard a coach make a fuss about a opponents facilities, sure didn't hurt his boys performance in the second half. I believe only 53 travel so its not like a 110 people in the locker room. It worked out fine just no Grey Poupon!!!
Maybe Harbaugh should bring his 53 foot recruiting trailers next time he plays us so he can be properly taken care of. First time i heard a coach make a fuss about a opponents facilities, sure didn't hurt his boys performance in the second half. I believe only 53 travel so its not like a 110 people in the locker room. It worked out fine just no Grey Poupon!!!
so he was asking for too much? your standards down there must be pretty mediocre.
We lose 2 guys to targeting calls, one of which was highly questionable, and he's whining about not getting a third one. Yep, sounds like Harbaugh. You watch, though, something is going to come out of this. The conference is going to bow to their prima donna. Wouldn't be surprised to see Wilson sitting out a half. Reminds me of the Dick Rod move when he whined and got our OL suspended.

Also, it was so hot in the Michigan locker room that Harbaugh nearly had to remove his sweatshirt. The seventh circle of hell indeed!
he was talking about the players .
Some friendly advice for Harbaugh: If you have a valid complaint about something, stick to your strongest argument. Ranting about everything from late hits to x rays to air conditioning just makes you sound like a whiner.

Also make sure your own staff aren't the ones to blame (or at the very least partly to blame) for the locker room conditions.. and that your player didn't also make an egregious late hit that went uncalled.
what are you? about 13 years old. what a dumb statement.
let's look at this with a different viewpoint. His players probably complained, and as a great players' coach, he said he'd speak up for them. So now, in their eyes, he's a tremendous defender of their desires. he probably landed three more 4* recruits for his words.

was this harbaugh's first BIG 10 game this year? he's probably said the same thing at BIG 10 meetings and received no reaction, so he decided to make his demands public. and he basically used Purdue as his podium.

it's also possible he's asked for certain things at every other stadium, and they were all gracious hosts and caved into his demands and provided what he wanted, and Purdue said this is it, live with it.
what are you? about 13 years old. what a dumb statement.
I have enough years on this Earth to know that people who are whiners generally have a long list of complaints, while others reserve valid complaints more selectively, particularly public ones. I guess that means I'm at least 13.

Surprised this hasn't been posted yet. My thoughts:

1) I didn't think the hit on Speight was anywhere near egregious. Not even remotely dirty. Sometimes in football you just get crunched.

2) I haven't seen the visitor's locker rooms, but I am tempted to believe Harbaugh. Some Purdue people said similar things about Purdue's own locker room not that long ago.

Haha. Is there a bigger bit#h in college football than Jim Harbough?!? I don't think so.
let's look at this with a different viewpoint. His players probably complained, and as a great players' coach, he said he'd speak up for them. So now, in their eyes, he's a tremendous defender of their desires. he probably landed three more 4* recruits for his words.

was this harbaugh's first BIG 10 game this year? he's probably said the same thing at BIG 10 meetings and received no reaction, so he decided to make his demands public. and he basically used Purdue as his podium.

it's also possible he's asked for certain things at every other stadium, and they were all gracious hosts and caved into his demands and provided what he wanted, and Purdue said this is it, live with it.
or... everything he said was true and it hurt your feelings. get over it.
I have enough years on this Earth to know that people who are whiners generally have a long list of complaints, while others reserve valid complaints more selectively, particularly public ones. I guess that means I'm at least 13.
why is it whining? because you dont like hearing the truth?
You got a frame by frame for the late hit on Anthrop in the end zone that wasn't called or only where it's convenient for the boys in blue?
Not nearly as dirty unless you're delusional but I wouldn't have been surprised to see a flag on it. Half assed shoulder to shoulder. Your team had two legit targets a legit late hit out of bounds and the hit on Speight. Not to mention two chop blocks But okay. That late hit by UM was obviously on par.

For as much whining as people do about Harbaugh your coach did more crying on the sideline than I've seen in years.. His players follow his lead by being undisciplined asshats on the field, too. Enjoy Brohm while you can, he's doing a show for his next bigger and better suitor a la PJ Fleck.

Also at the end of the day, Harbaugh will win this. Purdue and many other programs will upgrade visiting team accommodations. Glad he shined light on it and got backed up by Meyer and other coaches. My local high school has AC in their locker rooms and 400 people in the stands every week. To actually try and excuse it as a Big Ten conference team is hilarious. Not to have a knee brace at your medical center (where players are taken via a run-down minivan like in the middle east) is also hilarious to try and defend.
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The ESPN article clearly points out that a member of Harbaugh's staff visited in July, was told there was no air - conditioning but other accomadations could be made available if requested. Even provided him with name and phone number to do so. Also that the Purdue Visitor's Manuel states the same thing in emboldened letters....Michigan evidently chose not to do that....

So if you know that AC won't be provided even if you ask for it ...
Purdue AD cannot recognize a player safety concern unless a visitor points it out? Brilliant.
Funny, did you happen to see rittenbergs note tonight on visitor facilities

Michigan’s ops person could have taken care of this ahead of time. Purdue provided notice. Michigan did nothing.

Thanks for admitting that Purdue Athletics has no clue about player safety unless a visitor points it out.
Harbaugh is such a whining petulant child. Everything he cried about has been proven to be false or he knew about it well in advance and was offered ways to accommodate his team.

Should of expected nothing else from him really though.
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why is it whining? because you dont like hearing the truth?
Messaging matters. Context matters.
This is not about having an adult conversation about Purdue's facilities and whether the visitor locker room needs updating or whether there should be x-ray equipment within the physical footprint of the stadium. And it is not about player safety. It is about Harbaugh taking time in a post game presser to complain about whatever is on his mind at the moment. It is unprofessional and it has been a pattern with him over the years.
By making a public scene about these small issues, he is coming across as the coach who cried AC (while wearing a sweatshirt). And the coach who cried X-ray convenience. And the coach who cried egregious hit. "If I had a stronger word I would use it". Yeah, no hyperbole there..
Point is, Purdue knows we have work to do with facilities. And we're making up for years of neglect. Do you realize we didn't have lights on the stadium until this year? Do you realize that until this year the players could not all train at the same time due to facility limitations? Walk a mile in our shoes.
An honest and professional attempt at progress would be where Purdue is pointing in their statement. Let's come up with standardized guidelines as a conference to help prioritize these issues, not cast stones in post game pressers like whiney, arrogant children.
That's all I have to say on the subject.
Two points....For a team like MU to whine about missed calls or physical play that should be penalized is an absolute joke...As Purdue fans, how often have we watched our team get manhandled and our receivers get raped by MU DB`s with no calls. The days of MU pushing PU around are over with JB and Co. and that is refreshing!!!
Secondly...Now that Jim Harbough has exposed the egregiously inhuman visitor locker room issue that is putting so many student athletes in jeopardy, can we have Jim take a look at the World Peace situation and then have him lead a think tank for the cure of Cancer.....
Michigan was the better team this time but like each of the three games before this past Saturday, Purdue was more physical and harder hitting team....Change!!!
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Messaging matters. Context matters.
This is not about having an adult conversation about Purdue's facilities and whether the visitor locker room needs updating or whether there should be x-ray equipment within the physical footprint of the stadium. And it is not about player safety. It is about Harbaugh taking time in a post game presser to complain about whatever is on his mind at the moment. It is unprofessional and it has been a pattern with him over the years.
By making a public scene about these small issues, he is coming across as the coach who cried AC (while wearing a sweatshirt). And the coach who cried X-ray convenience. And the coach who cried egregious hit. "If I had a stronger word I would use it". Yeah, no hyperbole there..
Point is, Purdue knows we have work to do with facilities. And we're making up for years of neglect. Do you realize we didn't have lights on the stadium until this year? Do you realize that until this year the players could not all train at the same time due to facility limitations? Walk a mile in our shoes.
An honest and professional attempt at progress would be where Purdue is pointing in their statement. Let's come up with standardized guidelines as a conference to help prioritize these issues, not cast stones in post game pressers like whiney, arrogant children.
That's all I have to say on the subject.
Spot on. Nicely said.
slightly OT: did you drop the KHC membership? i'm not on there as much as back in the day tho...

It expired and I chose not to renew. I tried to stay away form the boards in general, but sometimes I like to post stuff to entertain myself.

Judging by the topics I can see on KHC it is the same stupid crap from the same posters.

If BoilermakerBear ever comes back to KHC, I will be there with bells on.
It expired and I chose not to renew. I tried to stay away form the boards in general, but sometimes I like to post stuff to entertain myself.

Judging by the topics I can see on KHC it is the same stupid crap from the same posters.

If BoilermakerBear ever comes back to KHC, I will be there with bells on.

Whoa there. I resemble that remark.
It expired and I chose not to renew. I tried to stay away form the boards in general, but sometimes I like to post stuff to entertain myself.

Judging by the topics I can see on KHC it is the same stupid crap from the same posters.

If BoilermakerBear ever comes back to KHC, I will be there with bells on.

LOL on that last sentence...not sure he'll be back. haze was definitely a losing games.

i couldn't bail, if nothing else i think brian's posts are worth the price of admission. hope to see ya back there soon"
i couldn't bail, if nothing else i think brian's posts are worth the price of admission. hope to see ya back there soon"

I have other methods to read the stuff I want that preclude me from giving in to the temptation to post.
Spot on. Nicely said.


And your response is to ignore the fact Ross Ade's visiting team facilities majorly suck, and then whine because that was exposed.

Meyer, btw, was asked about Harbaugh's comments and agreed.

So, like i said earlier the logical thing to do is spend some of the B1G TV moola and make some basic upgrades. No excuses.

Then it's done, and end of story.

Go Blue. Always.
The MU coach put his team on the bus at half time to establish privacy for the changes he was to make at half time. He is so paranoid that the host school had surveillance equipment in position to scout his half time work that he took those actions. This stuff about AC is the typical type of excuse from him to protect against the real reasons for his actions.
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