Haralson update

Ok, if we as fans say Loyer and Smith are going to start at Purdue for the next 2 years. And we as fans are saying that Myles and Harris and Cox are going to get first crack to replace them….

Put your minds inside an 18 year old’s head and his parents’ heads. If your desire is to be a one and done player, and you saw all this competition for playing time, Would you want to come to Purdue and play limited minutes off the bench in your first, last and only year in college?

I’m confident he has confidence in his own ability. However as I look at Purdue, I can’t see him beating out Smith to be the starter in his first year here., And with all of our other guards on the roster, what would have been a realistic projection for minutes? 15?20?

If you are 18 and have aspirations of being a one And done player, would you want to go to a school where you would not be the starter. And would be projected as coming off the bench for 15+ minutes?

I don’t believe NIL was the real factor. I believe the lack of guaranteed playing time much like Catchings was the real factor in his decision. He realized he wasn’t going to be the star his first year at Purdue. So he is believing the lies MSU is telling him.

Say what you want about Eastern’s mom. But she also provided a lot of truthful insight as to the lies coaches tell recruits in order to get their signature on an LOI. And she also said one of Painter’s worst traits was he was tooooooo honest.

When you’re 18, you believe the lies.
You mean like all of yours? 😂
Nah brah, nobody can touch IU for offseason championships. I actually really respect the optimism, not many fan bases could keep it up when you've finished 9th or worse in the conference five times in the last eight years and haven't been nationally relevant in almost 25 years.

I do think IU will be good this year and should be favored to win the Big Ten over Purdue but Woody may find a way to screw it up.
You mean like all of yours? 😂
When have we ever claimed to win the offseason? IU fans are obsessed with stars next to a recruit/transfer and think they’re going to be really good the following year and yet…they haven’t made the second weekend in 22 years.

Pretty good for a blue blood tho, right?
When have we ever claimed to win the offseason? IU fans are obsessed with stars next to a recruit/transfer and think they’re going to be really good the following year and yet…they haven’t made the second weekend in 22 years.

Pretty good for a blue blood tho, right?
Huh? How far do you have to go to win a title? Oh, that’s right, you don’t have a clue
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