Hammer and Rails

The hate comes from that there is a disproportionate amount of assholes that post on here, often myself included. I can't even stoop to the level of shitting on a writer who writes for Purdue, seems unnecessary. Some are gonna get off at being able to directly attack someone though.
People are going to be angry regardless, especially when I was accused tonight of stealing attendance figures that are freely published and even sent to me through the SID. Not exactly difficult to put them in a speadsheet and track attendance then (as I have done since 2016 in a google doc)

But yes, stealing.
jesus that's embarrassing for Purdue that you're on any list to get info.
A small sampling of what has been said above:

Other than the fact that it is a sh!tstain that needs to wiped from the net?

Travis is a moron. And a whiny, butthurt, little biotch that makes Purdue fans look stupid. Don’t know why anyone reads that trash.

Shit site with awful writers.

Since Purdue is in the spot they're in with Painter just winning national coach of the year I think I know what style of reporting I prefer. Spoiler alert - It isn't Travis and his pussy mentality. Cute take though.

There are a number of posters here more concerned with events that happened 6-7 years ago and, as seen above, will respond to any take.

NBD. We're doing fine. If they knew our actual traffic they would be shocked. they're certainly a lot more concerned about past events than I am. We have our media creds, and have had them for several years now. Our traffic does more than fine, so a few dissenters do not concern me. I just find it funny whenever one of these randomly pops up and OhioBoiler51, VulvHa, and others come running to spew their vitriol. As for me, this is my 5th post on this thread, but I only had five posts total in these forums between April and October, so I spend a lot of my time elsewhere.
Look man. Just admit it was a horrible comparison, but that the crappy article got a lot of clicks. We all know H&R will sell their soul for clicks. Why else would you all post a TCU is the ultimate little brother article right before the TCU game?
Look man. Just admit it was a horrible comparison, but that the crappy article got a lot of clicks. We all know H&R will sell their soul for clicks. Why else would you all post a TCU is the ultimate little brother article right before the TCU game?
That article was all Chris. He lives in Texas and has to deal with TCU. We were all skeptical but let him run with it.

The good news is that it will be forgotten when we play them in 11 years.

And the Boudreaux post didn't get nearly as many views as Luce the day before.
Given the tenor of his responses, I am not sure BTFU is a Boilermaker. I would think anyone who graduated from Purdue would be more astute.
Good lord, I was just kidding. I have 4 daughters and enjoy watching them compete in everything they do. Can’t wait until they are Boilers so they can argue with Mathboys kids. Lol
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The next time you make a post like this instead of typing it out can you make a video reading them while crying? Put that TMill touch on it that we all know and hate!

Believe me it's a lot more than just the stuff from 6-7 years ago but the fact that you do recognize you've been an embarrassment for at least 7 years is a little alarming.

Had to number this paragraph out because there's a lot of crap in it to unpack.

My responses

1 - good for you. I guess that's why you start threads here asking how to improve you site

2 - you don't realize how small the amount of traffic to that site would need to be in order to shock me. It's like telling me I'd be shocked to know the number of people who wipe their ass with their bare hands. It would only take 1 person doing that for it to shock me.

3 - well that's a shame buddy because those events made you look like a fool and still do. When things like that don't concern you is when you continue doing similar stuff.

4 - thought you had them and then had them taken away? Regardless it's funny to see you boast about them from time to time and then run behind the "we're just a blog" excuse at other times.

5 - Hazell probably said the same thing when fan attendance started to drop. Probably something like "our gameplan is more than fine so a few less fans doesn't concern me"

Also again you've started threads here asking how to help your shitty site be better so I guess you're somewhat concerned about some people leaving.

6 - if you're gonna mention us in a thread at least @ us like you did Tayler Persons from your official Twitter handle mid season (real smart move by someone with media credentials)
Anyway @VulvHa like myself would probably want to respond.

Also out of the many opportunities I've had I've probably only shit talked your site on the free side here in a few threads. I join in on it much more on the pay side so interesting that you called me out specifically. Maybe you really do have an account on the pay side still where you're getting some info! This is something that wouldn't shock me!

7 - GTFOH with this part of your post! You should spend your time elsewhere considering you have your own site to run. Yet with that being said you somehow were the 4th post in this thread less than 20 minutes after it was created. I guess what I'm saying here is you're full of shit!

Well, nothing short of me disappearing and never Tweeting or writing a thing again is going to satisfy you, so that's your problem. I haven't started a thread here in over three years and you can see it in my history. I have less than 50 comments total in three years, and most of those are answer questions about scholarships and such. There's over 90 sites in the SB Nation college network and we're regularly top 5 in traffic for those and do more than a million views a month, and have been for three years now. I don't have a pay account here and never have because really, it is very easy to get most of the information elsewhere. I used to have admin access when I was doing work for Hickoryhusker, but I haven't written anything for them in at least 5-6 years. I don't even do a lot of the H&R work anymore. Drew and Kyle do recruiting. Casey does most of basketball. Rachel is great on volleyball. Juan runs Twitter and Facebook, etc. Ledman does a little of everything and does East Coast stuff like when the B1G tourney was in DC. We've had someone at every NCAA Tournament game since 2015, at every Big Ten Tournament game since 2012, and have had a season basketball credential since at least 2014. We got denied for credential once, in 2011, for the Big Ten Tournament and rectified the situation with Purdue immediately after. There has not been a single issue with them since.

Also, I don't have a single bad thing to say about the GBI staff. Brian, Alan, Tom, and Stacy before them have all done great work over the years. Most of the people on the free boards here when I do interact (which again is rare), are excellent too.

But you're gonna be mad regardless of what I do or say. Ah well. I've moved past my stuff, learned from it, and walked away from a lot of it because it was the best decision. There are six other people that do the work and it is more important that their stuff is well received and they get paid anyway.

If it bothers you so much, start your own site. You have the exact same tools I do. I suspect instead you'll keep being a little internet hero here, calling me names, wishing for a video that was a bad decision, no longer exists, and no one outside of your little circle even cares about anymore, and accusing me of stealing stuff. The attacks are the same every time (Kansas video! Steals content! No credentials! Can't believe Purdue sends them stuff!) You can also keep grumbling about what my guys and I are able to do because, as much as you hate it, we have an audience, people read our site, and Purdue's athletics department has a very good relationship with us.
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Wow, what a response for someone who doesn't care. Is the part I bolded above really an option because I didn't think of that?

Anyway I couldn't help but smile reading this because I kept picturing you typing it out like

Love how you think the 4 things you mentioned were the main things people have against you. After the Kansas video the other 3 probably don't even crack the top 10 of things I've read.

If I were to start my own site though do you think I could sucker someone to pick it up and funnel readers my way like you did with sbnation? It'd be a nice change of pace from being an Internet hero.
I don't care what your personal beef is with H&R, just leave it alone. It is unpleasant to read one Purdue fan run down another for what seems minor issues. So what if H&R wants to drive some more clicks to their web site by making some sensational headline?

Why do you feel the need to criticize them for promoting our school? I just don't get the violent hate in your posts. WTF?
Some of the stuff I’ve seen posted on H&R and their twitter is an embarrassment to our university. Most outside people believe them to be the premier representation of Purdue athletics, which is a bad look.

The TCU article?
Whining and crying/overreacting after a bad game?
Subtweeting people on Twitter?
Saying Purdue doesn’t deserve to be in the B1G?

The list goes on and on.

Complete embarrassment to Purdue.
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Here was an entertaining thread from past of your that popped up via the "similar threads" feature below.
Brian et al. are a relics of bygone eras that can't understand why people would take a steam powered train when a horse and buggy worked just fine. Does this merger actually open up a flow of information to the masses that provides wisdom?
What I envision is you will have more speculative stories and less insider interviews! They may provide a different perspective. Sometimes I thought the articles here were written and proofed by the Purdue athletic department before published. I expect to see a more outsider viewpoint in the future!
What I envision is you will have more speculative stories and less insider interviews! They may provide a different perspective. Sometimes I thought the articles here were written and proofed by the Purdue athletic department before published. I expect to see a more outsider viewpoint in the future!
This split may be the best thing ever. You should just stay here. Forget about GBI
Some of the stuff I’ve seen posted on H&R and their twitter is an embarrassment to our university. Most outside people believe them to be the premier representation of Purdue athletics, which is a bad look.

The TCU article?
Whining and crying/overreacting after a bad game?
Subtweeting people on Twitter?
Saying Purdue doesn’t deserve to be in the B1G?

The list goes on and on.

Complete embarrassment to Purdue.
Plenty (WAY too much) totally outrageous things said on sites open forum (and frequently others) that is an embarrassment to the university, the state, hell, to mankind in general.

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