Plot twist: 3 way tie between Smith, Heide and Colvin. With Zach gone, Painter revamps the offense and we run.. a lot.. and score at all 3 levels (that is just a rhetorical prediction on my part).
I'll even drink more hope-ium and say those three all average 15+. I know.. too early to be drinking.
Anyway .. this just seems like one of those years where the rest of the world thinks we drop off yet find a way to be ultra successful. While I don't expect it, I honestly wouldn't be shocked at all if somehow we made another FF. Sure maybe a 1% chance, but there is still a chance!
I'll even drink more hope-ium and say those three all average 15+. I know.. too early to be drinking.
Anyway .. this just seems like one of those years where the rest of the world thinks we drop off yet find a way to be ultra successful. While I don't expect it, I honestly wouldn't be shocked at all if somehow we made another FF. Sure maybe a 1% chance, but there is still a chance!