Free Kyle

Are you people really using the background of those killed and injured as some sort of justification for what happened to them?

No, I dont think they were, but it is interesting to see the background of your liberal brothers.

They were shot for their actions, which the court might call self defense. We will see. I know after reading and listening to testimony I think is the correct call.
Are you really ignoring the background of those people as some sort of justification for them chasing Kyle down, hitting him with a skateboard, pointing a gun at his head and threatening him? It sort of sets up a pattern.

But you go ahead and condone what they did. It makes everything more clear.
Did I condone what they did? They didn't come close to killing anyone so I'm not sure a "what they did" argument makes any sense.

You're telling me their background had anything to do with why they were killed? Did Kyle know their background?

The first guy killed didn't have a gun or a skateboard. He simply chased Kyle. How was he in fear for his life from an unarmed man?
Did I condone what they did? They didn't come close to killing anyone so I'm not sure a "what they did" argument makes any sense.

You're telling me their background had anything to do with why they were killed? Did Kyle know their background?

The first guy killed didn't have a gun or a skateboard. He simply chased Kyle. How was he in fear for his life from an unarmed man?
You really haven't paid attention to any of the trial. Well at least not on any site not named CNN or MSNBC.

But we have you figured out now. Pedo lives matter!

I have little doubt that if the roles were reversed and some leftist shot some proud boys you'd be okay with it and claim self defense. Then somehow throw in racism just to stick with the narrative.
Could not tell you about night line up, obviously they must be strong conservatives as you do not care for them. But I have better things to do in the night.

Years ago I watched Wallace, after going to early church, no more, Guy seemed to me to be tilted liberal bias in his questioning so have not watched in years, no wonder you like him.
He may seem liberal biased because you did not like what he said. Chris Wallace is the best in the business because challenges guests on his show from both sides. The Chumpers don’t like him because of the hard questions he asks the right wing guests. I like him because if they are clearly avoiding a question he will ask 2 or 3 more times. Both sides.
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Did I condone what they did? They didn't come close to killing anyone so I'm not sure a "what they did" argument makes any sense.

You're telling me their background had anything to do with why they were killed? Did Kyle know their background?

The first guy killed didn't have a gun or a skateboard. He simply chased Kyle. How was he in fear for his life from an unarmed man?
So, you're OK with rioting, looting, destroying people's businesses? Typical democrat line of thinking.

All these guys had criminal records, including felonies.

As for first guy chasing Kyle, should Kyle have waited to see if the guy had a knife, or bat....or gun (like the other guy had?)
Should Kyle have assumed the guy was chasing him down just to have a chat? What would have happened if the guy wrestled Kyle's gun away from him?
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Should Kyle have assumed the guy was chasing him down just to have a chat? What would have happened if the guy wrestled Kyle's gun away from him?

So, you're OK with rioting, looting, destroying people's businesses? Typical democrat line of thinking.

All these guys had criminal records, including felonies.

As for first guy chasing Kyle, should Kyle have waited to see if the guy had a knife, or bat....or gun (like the other guy had?)
Should Kyle have assumed the guy was chasing him down just to have a chat? What would have happened if the guy wrestled Kyle's gun away from him?
Did Rittenhouse accomplish his goal of protecting businesses?
"He eliminated 2.5 losers from society and we all owe him a debt of gratitude for doing so."

So you get to decide who the losers are in society.......and death is the sentence they get for not measuring up to your standards.

You probably think George Floyd was a good guy also, right?
Freddie Grey? Helluva guy! Heard he was turning his life around, going to church, was an awesome uncle...yadda yadda yadda.

If you're going to travel to Kenosha to loot, steal, attack cops, burn peoples businesses, riot, etc...then yes, you're a loser in American society. And if you're dumb enough to try and attack a guy with a gun, then your genes probably need to be taken out of the gene pool anyways.
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Did Rittenhouse accomplish his goal of protecting businesses?
He was too busy running for his life as he was being attacked by an out of control mob of rioters and trying to not get touched by a serial child rapist.
"He eliminated 2.5 losers from society and we all owe him a debt of gratitude for doing so."

So you get to decide who the losers are in society.......and death is the sentence they get for not measuring up to your standards.
Pedo lives matter!
You really haven't paid attention to any of the trial. Well at least not on any site not named CNN or MSNBC.

But we have you figured out now. Pedo lives matter!

I have little doubt that if the roles were reversed and some leftist shot some proud boys you'd be okay with it and claim self defense. Then somehow throw in racism just to stick with the narrative.
Yes, pedo lives matter. Gay lives matter. Christian lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter, even the ones you don't like. You aren't judge and jury of anything.

Your hypothetical means nothing......except to make yourself feel better about being a POS.
All lives matter
And there it is. Now BNI will hate you.

Your hypothetical means nothing......except to make yourself feel better about being a POS.
Except nothing I said was hypothetical. It all quite literally came out during the trial. Had you watched maybe you wouldn't look like such a dumbass right now. Kyle was called a racist for shooting white people, there is a ton of video showing the entire thing and not just the snippets the prosecution used that prove this was self defense and Kyle taking out a serial rapist is just icing on the cake, do you think his victims aren't glad he's dead? Only way Kyle goes to jail is if the jury feels threatened by the actions of Antifa, BLM and Fentanyl Floyd's cousin threating to Dox them.

Here is another takeaway, if Kyle was able to randomly shoot in to a crowd of liberals and hit a wife beater and a pedophile, so it makes you wonder what else is part of this 'BLM' movement you guys have going on?

Get your head out of the sand. Just once. That is all it will take for you to see the truth.
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Yes, pedo lives matter. Gay lives matter. Christian lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter, even the ones you don't like. You aren't judge and jury of anything.

Your hypothetical means nothing......except to make yourself feel better about being a POS.
Pedophile lives matter? Are you f'ing kidding me? I'd like to say I'm surprised, but unfortunately, coming from you, I'm not. This is another reason why I can't stand lefty libs. You would actually defend a pedophile.

Every pedophile deserves a bullet to the head.
So, you're OK with rioting, looting, destroying people's businesses? Typical democrat line of thinking.

All these guys had criminal records, including felonies.

As for first guy chasing Kyle, should Kyle have waited to see if the guy had a knife, or bat....or gun (like the other guy had?)
Should Kyle have assumed the guy was chasing him down just to have a chat? What would have happened if the guy wrestled Kyle's gun away from him?
You should know your argument is weak when you put words in people's mouths. I said nothing about condoning what the protestors did. You however clearly condone what Kyle did......without a doubt.

The guy chasing him had no weapon. Kyle had an AR. Who should be more afraid of who?! Kyle saw no weapon. What right did he have to use deadly force when there was no deadly threat against him?

Did the first guy think Kyle was carrying a rifle to have a chat? Did he think Kyle might have been ready to start firing into the crowd? That's a hell of a lot more plausible than the guy with no weapon trying to kill Kyle. The guy DIDN'T try to wrestle it away from him so that argument is BS.
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The guy DIDN'T try to wrestle it away from him so that argument is BS.
Except that he did. I mean at least watch the video because it is very evident that he did. How are you this obtuse? I mean seriously.

All you're doing now is trying to backtrack and not look like a POS. This all says more about you than any of us.
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You should know your argument is weak when you put words in people's mouths. I said nothing about condoning what the protestors did. You however clearly condone what Kyle did......without a doubt.

The guy chasing him had no weapon. Kyle had an AR. Who should be more afraid of who?! Kyle saw no weapon. What right did he have to use deadly force when there was no deadly threat against him?

Did the first guy think Kyle was carrying a rifle to have a chat? Did he think Kyle might have been ready to start firing into the crowd? That's a hell of a lot more plausible than the guy with no weapon trying to kill Kyle. The guy DIDN'T try to wrestle it away from him so that argument is BS.

Did Kyle testify on the stand that the guy didn't have a weapon?
How did he know he didn't have a knife/gun in his waistband?

The bottom line is, the guy came after Kyle. Kyle didn't initiate the confrontation. Kyle was trying to run away from him. Once that guy decided to move on Kyle, Kyle had the right to defend himself.

I'd say that next time, this guy should consider whether to attack a person with a gun, but unfortunately for him, there won't be a next time. (thank you, thank you, try to veal).
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Except that he did. I mean at least watch the video because it is very evident that he did. How are you this obtuse? I mean seriously.

All you're doing now is trying to backtrack and not look like a POS. This all says more about you than any of us.
Bob builds dog houses and can now add "defends pedophiles" to his resume.
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Pedo lives matter!
I would say that clergy pedo lives must matter since many have gone out of their way to protect and hide the clergy pedos over the years. Of course it was done to protect the church and religion so it’s probably cool with some here
He was too busy running for his life as he was being attacked by an out of control mob of rioters and trying to not get touched by a serial child rapist.
That is exactly my point in all of this. He should have kept his punk ass at home. Both Rittenhouse and the people he shot went to Kenosha for one thing and one thing only to find and cause trouble.
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That is exactly my point in all of this. He should have kept his punk ass at home. Both Rittenhouse and the people he shot went to Kenosha for one thing and one thing only to find and cause trouble.
Well just think, if the group of felons hadn't of been there in the first place, he wouldn't of been. How about you put the blame with the terrorist BLM group where it belongs? Wait, that would nuke your narrative and make sense.
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You should know your argument is weak when you put words in people's mouths. I said nothing about condoning what the protestors did. You however clearly condone what Kyle did......without a doubt.

The guy chasing him had no weapon. Kyle had an AR. Who should be more afraid of who?! Kyle saw no weapon. What right did he have to use deadly force when there was no deadly threat against him?

Did the first guy think Kyle was carrying a rifle to have a chat? Did he think Kyle might have been ready to start firing into the crowd? That's a hell of a lot more plausible than the guy with no weapon trying to kill Kyle. The guy DIDN'T try to wrestle it away from him so that argument is BS.
He did try to take the gun from Kyle and that came out in the trial.
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I would say that clergy pedo lives must matter since many have gone out of their way to protect and hide the clergy pedos over the years. Of course it was done to protect the church and religion so it’s probably cool with some here
Well it's certainly 'cool' with bob to be a pedo.
That is exactly my point in all of this. He should have kept his punk ass at home. Both Rittenhouse and the people he shot went to Kenosha for one thing and one thing only to find and cause trouble.

That might be the most reasonable thing you have said so far in the thread.
Probably should have led off with that; could of saved us a few pages of posts.
Well just think, if the group of felons hadn't of been there in the first place, he wouldn't of been. How about you put the blame with the terrorist BLM group where it belongs? Wait, that would nuke your narrative and make sense.
That is a dumbass comment. Those felons didn't drive to Antioch, IL and pick Rittenhouse up and go to Kenosha.
Did I condone what they did? They didn't come close to killing anyone so I'm not sure a "what they did" argument makes any sense.
They didn't come close to killing someone because they were stopped before they had a chance.
The first guy killed didn't have a gun or a skateboard. He simply chased Kyle. How was he in fear for his life from an unarmed man?
He was being chased by a mob. I'm pretty sure the fear for his life had him more concerned about removing the closest threats vs trying to assess if one of the multiple attackers doesn't have a weapon...
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They didn't come close to killing someone because they were stopped before they had a chance.

He was being chased by a mob. I'm pretty sure the fear for his life had him more concerned about removing the closest threats vs trying to assess if one of the multiple attackers doesn't have a weapon...
Facts are useless to the left and bob especially.
Its crazy how much disinformation is being put out by the MSM. I happen to have a home office and had the trial on just about everyday. I would then watch CNN or MSNBC just to get their take. I was amazed at how much they were flat out lying about the facts/testimony. I kept asking myself, "Why are they doing this?" "Do they want people to riot?" I just don't understand why people continue to get their news from these sources when its been proven over and over again that they are not credible. People are being lied to or at the very least mislead and the end result is riots. These news organizations need to be held accountable for the lives lost and the damaged caused.
Its crazy how much disinformation is being put out by the MSM. I happen to have a home office and had the trial on just about everyday. I would then watch CNN or MSNBC just to get their take. I was amazed at how much they were flat out lying about the facts/testimony. I kept asking myself, "Why are they doing this?" "Do they want people to riot?" I just don't understand why people continue to get their news from these sources when its been proven over and over again that they are not credible. People are being lied to or at the very least mislead and the end result is riots. These news organizations need to be held accountable for the lives lost and the damaged caused.
According to your logic, Faux News should be held accountable for the Jan 6 insurrection, right?
Na more like CNN and MSNBC for calling it an 'insurrection' when it was merely trespassing and minor vandalism.
That’s what I’m talking about. Capitol and Metro police got their asses whupped with clubs, flag poles, pepper spray, bear spray, shields, mashed a policeman in a door etc. This is not here say. This was shown on video and police body cameras. Not MSM. The damages costing $30 million dollars and you call or merely trespassing and minor vandalism. Unbelievable. All this when both houses of government were in session and the VP present. Plus one of the deplorables gets shot by the police while climbing through a window they broke. Your comment is borderline insane.
They didn't come close to killing someone because they were stopped before they had a chance.
i hate this argument. Only one person killed. That's the only person we know for a fact had murderous intent. For anyone else we are just speculating based on our biases.
That’s what I’m talking about. Capitol and Metro police got their asses whupped with clubs, flag poles, pepper spray, bear spray, shields, mashed a policeman in a door etc. This is not here say. This was shown on video and police body cameras. Not MSM. The damages costing $30 million dollars and you call or merely trespassing and minor vandalism. Unbelievable. All this when both houses of government were in session and the VP present. Plus one of the deplorables gets shot by the police while climbing through a window they broke. Your comment is borderline insane.
Now do the BLM riots from 2020
i hate this argument. Only one person killed. That's the only person we know for a fact had murderous intent. For anyone else we are just speculating based on our biases.
If you hit someone upside the head with a skateboard you are trying to kill them.
And defending yourself doesn’t equate to “murderous”.

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