Fox News Editorial says Harris won the debate...

Calls angry Donald Trump repeated statements a metaphor.

Interviews old lady who says “this is not the town I grew up in.”

Plays 911 call from guy who says he saw black man carrying a dead goose.

  1. Do you think there are any white people legally in Springfield who are also committing crimes?
  2. Do you think that maybe even in the billionaire enclave of Palm Beach Island, the home of Donald Trump, someone also recently has maybe carried around an abused animal in public?
3. Do you think school and city services are being overwhelmed in Springfield? The mayor does.

Thanks Biden/Harris for adding diversity to our our criminal culture by the open border policy. Libs applaud the diversity and are fine with crime as long as it doesn't impact them, right JM & 95?

3. Do you think school and city services are being overwhelmed in Springfield? The mayor does.

I’ll answer your additional question and you answer the two I posed:

3. Yes; if the mayor says so? He should know.

  1. Do you think there are any white people legally in Springfield who are also committing crimes?
  2. Do you think that maybe even in the billionaire enclave of Palm Beach Island, the home of Donald Trump, someone also recently has maybe carried around an abused animal in public?
Calls angry Donald Trump repeated statements a metaphor.

Interviews old lady who says “this is not the town I grew up in.”

Plays 911 call from guy who says he saw black man carrying a dead goose.

  1. Do you think there are any white people legally in Springfield who are also committing crimes?
  2. Do you think that maybe even in the billionaire enclave of Palm Beach Island, the home of Donald Trump, someone also recently has maybe carried around an abused animal in public?
I’m not sure why you direct everything at Trump. The Ohio AG has reacted and the Ohio governor has reacted.

If your only issue is about “eating pets” than your missing the point.

Questions for you.

1. Is the current immigration level a problem in the US? Why or why not? How does the NYC mayor feel about immigrantion and the governors. Why is everyone complaining?

2. Immigration is a problem, who is to blame? Trump go abused for detaining at the border, but now we don’t even detain, so is Biden (and by default Harris’s) solution better? If so, how?
You don't follow the subject well.
I follow a subject but not at the single point granular level that you do. Did the original post state how the immigrants got there no.

Can you tell us how the immigrants got there?
Most immigrants are poor so how did they get there?
Biden implemented a policy allowing each immigrant to bring 6 individuals with them(probably to prevent breaking up families). That probably made this problem 3-5 times worse.
What the federal solution for Biden’s policies? They are his policies correct, so this becomes HIS Problem.

The Biden administration provided Haitian immigrants documentation for temporary legal status (usually 2 years). The Biden Administration also recently changed federal immigration policy which has exacerbated the problem by allowing each one of those individuals to bring up to 6 additional family members. (The estimated population increase of Haitians in Springfield ranges from 10 to 20 thousand and I am trying to get the data on how many of those are on public assistance).
Says the guy who thinks 300,000 missing children is just collateral damage when the establishment demands cheap labor.
It simply amazes me that someone is so insecure that he or she quickly goes to another site and volunteers a comment about how bad it is here and yet returns many times every day. It is like touching a hot burner different times a day to see if it still burns. It continues to conflict with reason that a person would attempt to virtue signal a concern on "school shootings" and all things Trump while ignoring the thousands of children lost, the sex trafficking, drug trafficking, and the thousands of deaths due to fentanyl as a result of a deliberate open border policy not to mention the increased hardship on the countries resources and finances. All that due to a well as voting for the person that not only escalates the previous issue, but if she had her way and could pack the court to grant her political doubt she would do that. Her side would continue to deny the 1st and she would love to do away with the 2nd.
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The group I am denigrating is the corrupt establishment that allows these crimes against children and many others to take place. You know, the kind of people you vote for.
In what point of sanity is denigrating anybody or anything equivalent to 1 child missing, let alone 300,000? How can someone get so detached from reality?
I’ll answer your additional question and you answer the two I posed:

3. Yes; if the mayor says so? He should know.

  1. Do you think there are any white people legally in Springfield who are also committing crimes?
  2. Do you think that maybe even in the billionaire enclave of Palm Beach Island, the home of Donald Trump, someone also recently has maybe carried around an abused animal in public?
1. Yes
2. In the billionaire enclave? No more likely than in the dem lib enclave of Martha's Vineyard, the enclave that got rid of fifty (just 50) illegals within 48 hours of their arrival in a demonstration of extreme dem lib hypocrisy that likely warmed your heart.
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1. Yes
2. In the billionaire enclave? No more likely than in the dem lib enclave of Martha's Vineyard, the enclave that got rid of fifty (just 50) illegals within 48 hours of their arrival in a demonstration of extreme dem lib hypocrisy that likely warmed your heart.
We’re arguing different points. On policy I think you are generally fine.

I think I’ve been clear that for me it’s a bridge too far beyond policy; that Trump is such a mentally diminished idiot that it is far too dangerous to put him in the role of President.
We’re arguing different points. On policy I think you are generally fine.

I think I’ve been clear that for me it’s a bridge too far beyond policy; that Trump is such a mentally diminished idiot that it is far too dangerous to put him in the role of President.
Then the guy he destroyed in the debate should be immediately removed by the 25th amendment, right?
Then the guy he destroyed in the debate should be immediately removed by the 25th amendment, right?
Maybe. At least Biden generally keeps his old guy sadness to himself. Btw, Biden destroyed himself in that debate. Trump was majorly whacky too.

Trump is aggressively old and crazy. Biden is even older, but not currently as old as Trump will be in four years.

Neither should be President going forward. And it’s not a close call
We’re arguing different points. On policy I think you are generally fine.

I think I’ve been clear that for me it’s a bridge too far beyond policy; that Trump is such a mentally diminished idiot that it is far too dangerous to put him in the role of President.
You don't seem to be aware of Kam's mental vacuity. What are your primary news sources - because that could be your problem (or at least one of many)?
You don't seem to be aware of Kam's mental vacuity. What are your primary news sources - because that could be your problem (or at least one of many)?
When posters on this board question Harris' liberal bent, her flip-flopping, or her policies or lack of specificity on policy? To me that's legit.

When posters question Biden's (or Trump's) mental acuity? To me that's legit.

But when anyone questions Harris' mental state, her education or work background, makes fun of her laugh or the way she talks (Southern accent, lisp, laughs too much), or questions her transparency or dedication to her ethnic or cultural background? That is utter nonsense and diminishes the credibility of the poster who does so.
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When posters on this board question Harris' liberal bent, her flip-flopping, or her policies or lack of specificity on policy? To me that's legit.

When posters question Biden's (or Trump's) mental acuity? To me that's legit.

But when anyone questions Harris' mental state, her education or work background, makes fun of her laugh or the way she talks (Southern accent, lisp, laughs too much), or questions her transparency or dedication to her ethnic or cultural background? That is utter nonsense and diminishes the credibility of the poster who does so.
They do this all the time when it comes to black women, particularly dem, liberal, or progressive, that they hate. They undervalue, underestimate, and marginalize them all the time.
When posters on this board question Harris' liberal bent, her flip-flopping, or her policies or lack of specificity on policy? To me that's legit.

When posters question Biden's (or Trump's) mental acuity? To me that's legit.

But when anyone questions Harris' mental state, her education or work background, makes fun of her laugh or the way she talks (Southern accent, lisp, laughs too much), or questions her transparency or dedication to her ethnic or cultural background? That is utter nonsense and diminishes the credibility of the poster who does so.
You ducked my question, just like Kamala would have.

Btw, what made you state on this forum that she attended a top 10 law school? Your zeal to pump her up?

Kam, the Border Czar: We have been to the border.
Lester: You have not been to the border.
Kam: And I haven't been to Europe. What is your point?
You ducked my question, just like Kamala would have.

Btw, what made you state on this forum that she attended a top 10 law school? Your zeal to pump her up?

Kam, the Border Czar: We have been to the border.
Lester: You have not been to the border.
Kam: And I haven't been to Europe. What is your point?

Oh snap. US News currently has the Cal Law School ranked #12 out of 196 accredited law schools, just ahead of UCLA, Cornell, and Georgetown. Forbes has it at #8, but US News is a more standard ranking source. Such a nonsensical 'gotcha' by you.

And a politician that constantly speaks publicly misspeaks now and then? Good lord -- not sure why you obsess over the trivial.

Harris has backed some very liberal policies in the past. But when I agree with you on that? You pivot back to stuff that is so ridiculously unimportant because looking for a way to insult someone is apparently a far higher priority for you.

And my primary 'daily scan' news sources? I like The Hill and the WSJ as reasonably balanced perspectives, Fox News/NY Post for political bias from one side, CNN/Drudge/The Atlantic for the other side, BBC for a foreign perspective, and my local news stations.

So what are your primary news sources?
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Oh snap. US News currently has the Cal Law School ranked #12 out of 196 accredited law schools just ahead of UCLA, Cornell, and Georgetown. Such a nonsensical 'gotcha' by you.
What does that have to do with where Kam went to law school? This is one reason (of many) I am asking where you get your news info. Ashamed to say?

And a politician that constantly speaks publicly misspeaks now and then? Good lord -- not sure why you obsess over the trivial; Harris has backed some very liberal policies in the past. But when I agree with you on that? You pivot back to stuff that is so ridiculously unimportant because looking for a way to insult someone is apparently a far higher priority for you.
Pivot back to price controls, open border, support for defunding the police, free sex changes for convicts, etc.
As posted in another thread…

I am not sure Kamala swayed any voters with her pivot in the economy. Hey, everything will be better in the future.

She also did a nice pivot on the border. Great debate tactic, but in terms of winning over voters, I’m not sure voters are just looking for a better debater than Biden but go ahead and democrats will break their arms patting Kamala on the back for her pivots.

None of “that information” (air quotes because she just pivoted) should convince voters that she is “the change candidate”

ESPECIALLY after she copied Biden’s policies. That’s the real genius there!!

Kamala - Hey I’m the Change Candidate and I’m not Biden.

Kamala - OK staff, go copy Joes policies 😉

I think voters are looking for actions….not words. Kamala and Biden are not big on actions. But hey, 3 1/2 years to close the border. 😉. Democrats must be proud. Independents….🤔
I think you're over estimating the intelligence of the average American. So many will not even have the chops to see that the moderators were in Kamala's corner.
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The victimhood on display by the diehard Trumpers, while not surprising, is just really pathetic. 'It was biased against him'. Wah wah wah. Again, isn't this just exhausting? He got five more minutes than her to speak. He got fact-checked on things like 'I've seen on TV that immigrants are eating pets'. That's not bias, folks. He has a 'concept of an idea' about healthcare even though he was president for four years, promised a new plan every other week, and never delivered.

You all deserve better than that, even those of you on here that would justify him running your entire family over. You deserve better. But instead, what you've been reduced to is whining and airing your grievances, just like he does, because he has nothing to offer.
Yes, the moderators "fact" checked Trump about something with an opinion and never once fact checked Kamala on her lies, but there was no bias against Trump at all. Good lord...
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The media says it's a lie, but if you watch interviews of people living there, they swear by it.
The governor and the mayor also say it's a lie.....and they have receipts.

What interviews?

JD says he has heard about the cats and dogs from constituents. One would think Fox would be interviewing these residents about all these occurrences and showing them to us.
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Advocating for armed guards at every school shows that you don't care at all. Uvalde proved just how ineffective that is. IT's also not fiscally feasible. Active shooter drills in schools should not be what kids are used to doing. You're really just advocating for making a bad situation worse. Once again, when you demonstrate that you give a damn, let's talk. Until then, spare me.
How would you fix it?
Can you give an example of any administration member in history who came out with dirt on their president during his term? He's senile, he's corrupt, whatever. I can't........because it doesn't happen. Members of an administration are going to protect their president. Trumps people did the same thing. In addition, the whistleblower would be committing career suicide.

I can only imagine how you would have reacted if Pence or Mattis or Kelly or about 40 other trump admin members had come out and spoke their mind during his presidency.

I know it's one of your "go to" talking points but it's not based in reality when it comes to a practical application. Why could possibly make you think Harris would come out against Biden?

I think Joe has good days and bad days and is probably a lot better in the morning. I think he can handle the job just fine for a few more months.
Lol. No, I don't believe he is a true danger to our nation.

I am surprised you didn't call it treason, another less used but still active item on your list.
Because in the past, if someone had dirt, they were given preference and kept in the administration to keep them happy. Trump actually fired bad people.
The governor and the mayor also say it's a lie.....and they have receipts.

What interviews?

JD says he has heard about the cats and dogs from constituents. One would think Fox would be interviewing these residents about all these occurrences and showing them to us.
What receipts? There's actual police audio/video and photos of it. I'm sure it's not all of them, but all it takes are a few that do it and it becomes an issue.
What receipts? There's actual police audio/video and photos of it. I'm sure it's not all of them, but all it takes are a few that do it and it becomes an issue.
Great article by conservative National Review/Dispatch writer Kevin Williamson today. Williamson went to Springfield and now believes that Vance is 💯 race baiting.

He saw a normal place with lots of new immigrants. Some problems with strain on systems but also rising wages and a standard good place.

Great article by conservative National Review/Dispatch writer Kevin Williamson today. Williamson went to Springfield and now believes that Vance is 💯 race baiting.
How does that compare to race baiting by Kamala in the debate, saying Trump said the white supremists were 'good people' in Charlottsville - a widely debunked lie from Crow that the abc hacks did not 'fact check' her on?

Do you think they covered ethics in her top 70 law school?
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How does that compare to race baiting by Kamala in the debate, saying Trump said the white supremists were 'good people' in Charlottsville - a widely debunked lie from Crow that the abc hacks did not 'fact check' her on?

Do you think they covered ethics in her top 70 law school?
Well…considering that people are quoting Trump accurately about Charlottesville;

That Trump said both the Nazis and Proud Boys marching for the Confederacy and chanting Nazi slogans, and the counter-protesters had “very fine people” amongst them.

So I’d say that anyone blasting Trump for his abhorrent comments are just telling it like it is about that despicable idiot.
No, this is not the video, but it adds to the pile if what the people in the video says is true.
That’s the one I saw all over the web last week and dumbasses were going nuts over how bad it was in Springfield because of it.

Turns out it was a mentally ill American woman in Canton Ohio.
Well…considering that people are quoting Trump accurately about Charlottesville;

That Trump said both the Nazis and Proud Boys marching for the Confederacy and chanting Nazi slogans, and the counter-protesters had “very fine people” amongst them.

So I’d say that anyone blasting Trump for his abhorrent comments are just telling it like it is about that despicable idiot.
Ready to concede Kam went to a mediocre law school, not the highly ranked school you claimed in your zeal to make her seem like something she is not? She also flunked the bar exam on the first try.
Terrible judgment by Donnie Jr:

He should have waited until after the election to serial cheat on finance Kimmy G.

That woman is mean, a little crazy, and knows waaaaay too much.

That makes her very wealthy if she keeps quiet, or very dangerous if she gets pissed enough to start talking.

Daddy Donnie set the scumbaggery standard and Jr. is wired to be the same.
That’s the one I saw all over the web last week and dumbasses were going nuts over how bad it was in Springfield because of it.

Turns out it was a mentally ill American woman in Canton Ohio.
The video I saw, a man said the police pulled over a Haitian that had almost 100 cats in his van and they said they were going to eat them. Or supposedly that's what they told the police.
The video I saw, a man said the police pulled over a Haitian that had almost 100 cats in his van and they said they were going to eat them. Or supposedly that's what they told the police.
So one guy on a QAnon spreader's X video. With the police stating it's flat out not true. And Vance said about it, "If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.”

You are the master of nonsense one-off sources used to convince you of a conspiracy theory.
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The video I saw, a man said the police pulled over a Haitian that had almost 100 cats in his van and they said they were going to eat them. Or supposedly that's what they told the police.
I see why you are a MAGA cult Flavor Aider. You are easily manipulated. You and the other Flavor Aiders are prone to believe anything y'all hear and see. Y'all don't critically think as you believe the story of one fool that says that there were almost 100 cats in this Haitian's van. Two, perhaps five cats maybe. The red flag that this story is BS is when he says there were 100 cats. Dude, you have to critically think when you hear stories like this.
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