Few things to consider about PFB moving forward

Dec 17, 2019
It’s painfully obvious that CRW was not the first option for Bobo. It’s a product of all of the other options either using us for a pay raise or outright saying no. This was not a surprise to me and it shouldn’t be a surprise to any of you. We might be the cradle of QBs but we are not a football powerhouse. It’s really easy to understand why certain prospective coaches said ‘nah’.

This season is lost. Figure out how you decide to believe and accept it and move on in your own way. I’ll still watch our games and I’ll still root for our team as many of you guys will, too.

The biggest thing to look forward to is the House decision that college schools can spend up to 23.1 millions to student athletes in a calendar year. How will Purdue athletics decide to distribute that? Being a land grant U that takes no AD funds from the traditional institution, I’d expect us to be able to spend literally all of that on our student athletes.

That might allow us to ‘buy’ the type of players that make a CRW defense (1-high safety) shine in college again like it did at ILL and then we’re all back on the bandwagon.

Just some thoughts.