FEMA running out of money?

Yeh, I could care less about Tehran. Flatten it and give it to Israel. Why do you support terrorists?

As for Trump and his foreign policy; what's your explanation for the global stability during his 4 years? Was that just luck and good timing?
How do you explain the global instability under Biden? We currently have 2 wars taking place that the US is involved in and in the case of Russia, we're actually helping to fund their war effort because we have to buy Russian oil (again, due to stupid democrat policies).
Yep. I support terrorists because I don't believe in wiping out Tehran and killing civilians. Believe it or not, civilian casualties are a big factor in military operations. Is this how your mind works?

Are you geopolitically challenged.......or just lack common believe we can bomb the hell out of whoever we want and there would be no consequences? I'm talking to a Catholic who has no problem murdering hundreds of thousands of people and a college graduate that thinks complex foreign policy issues can be solved by killing civilians. I guess it comes down to you thinking it's cool to be tough and Joe Sixpack stupid.

We're not in a war or at war. Supplying weapons to countries who are at war is not unusual. Trump was supplying weapons to Saudi Arabia in their war with Yemen. How is that different?

Tell me again your reasoning for why Hamas didn't attack Israel during trumps admin..........and something besides the parking lot scenario. Even trump isn't that stupid. You think Hamas is more scared of trump than they are of Israel? If you or trump are gonna claim credit for no wars starting, you have something besides everybody is scared of him. The only thing Hamas was paying attention to was Israel and their security arrangements or lack thereof. What Israel did or didn't do is what guided when and where Hamas would attack.

We were actually AT war, with troops and everything, during trumps term. Why does that not count? Because it didn't start during his term? But wars that started during Biden, where we have not sent troops, is different?

Who emboldened the Taliban by releasing 5000 prisoners? By hanging the Afghan government out to dry when he left them out of the negotiations? Pulled 10k troops out........and why didn't they take all their weapons with them?
What's happens to the price of oil? Did you think about that? I guess you would then blame Biden for it.

Typical. Can't see past your nose. Radical actions like this can have severe consequences. But at least MAGA dupes will feel better because we acted tough.
Why do you support terrorists and enemies of the US?
Yep. I support terrorists because I don't believe in wiping out Tehran and killing civilians. Believe it or not, civilian casualties are a big factor in military operations. Is this how your mind works?
Collateral damage. Israel didn't bomb Tehran until after Iran bombed Israel. Let me guess....Israel's response is 'disproportionate'. Right? Sorry, but the Iranian citizens are guilty by association. If they don't leave an area when Israel tells them to, then that's their fault.
Are you geopolitically challenged.......or just lack common believe we can bomb the hell out of whoever we want and there would be no consequences? I'm talking to a Catholic who has no problem murdering hundreds of thousands of people and a college graduate that thinks complex foreign policy issues can be solved by killing civilians. I guess it comes down to you thinking it's cool to be tough and Joe Sixpack stupid.
Murder? Where's the murder? Do you consider bombing the enemy murder?....I'm not sure you know how war works.
We're not in a war or at war. Supplying weapons to countries who are at war is not unusual. Trump was supplying weapons to Saudi Arabia in their war with Yemen. How is that different?

Tell me again your reasoning for why Hamas didn't attack Israel during trumps admin..........and something besides the parking lot scenario. Even trump isn't that stupid. You think Hamas is more scared of trump than they are of Israel? If you or trump are gonna claim credit for no wars starting, you have something besides everybody is scared of him. The only thing Hamas was paying attention to was Israel and their security arrangements or lack thereof. What Israel did or didn't do is what guided when and where Hamas would attack.
Again, you fail to realize that the bad actors around the globe fear Trump. Trump wouldn't be withholding weapons from Israel to appease the terrorists supporters of the democrat party. Trump would have provided the IDF with as much as they wanted and needed so they could finish the job.
We were actually AT war, with troops and everything, during trumps term. Why does that not count? Because it didn't start during his term? But wars that started during Biden, where we have not sent troops, is different?

Who emboldened the Taliban by releasing 5000 prisoners? By hanging the Afghan government out to dry when he left them out of the negotiations? Pulled 10k troops out........and why didn't they take all their weapons with them?
Binden to Iran: "DON'T"
Iran: "Whatever......."
What's happens to the price of oil? Did you think about that? I guess you would then blame Biden for it.
Well, let's see. Who cancelled the Keystone Pipeline and numerous oil leases on federal lands during his first day in office?
Collateral damage. Israel didn't bomb Tehran until after Iran bombed Israel. Let me guess....Israel's response is 'disproportionate'. Right? Sorry, but the Iranian citizens are guilty by association. If they don't leave an area when Israel tells them to, then that's their fault.

Murder? Where's the murder? Do you consider bombing the enemy murder?....I'm not sure you know how war works.

Again, you fail to realize that the bad actors around the globe fear Trump. Trump wouldn't be withholding weapons from Israel to appease the terrorists supporters of the democrat party. Trump would have provided the IDF with as much as they wanted and needed so they could finish the job.

Binden to Iran: "DON'T"
Iran: "Whatever......."
What weapons did we withhold?

Finish the job lol. The leaders of Hamas aren't even in Gaza. So now you're gonna blame Biden for Hamas still being around because we stopped giving Israel 2000 lb bombs.

You never answered. How is it that a catholic is so keen on labeling women and children of a different race/religion as the enemy and killing them?
Collateral damage. Israel didn't bomb Tehran until after Iran bombed Israel. Let me guess....Israel's response is 'disproportionate'. Right? Sorry, but the Iranian citizens are guilty by association. If they don't leave an area when Israel tells them to, then that's their fault.

Murder? Where's the murder? Do you consider bombing the enemy murder?....I'm not sure you know how war works.

Again, you fail to realize that the bad actors around the globe fear Trump. Trump wouldn't be withholding weapons from Israel to appease the terrorists supporters of the democrat party. Trump would have provided the IDF with as much as they wanted and needed so they could finish the job.

Binden to Iran: "DON'T"
Iran: "Whatever......."
You are simpatico with trump. Fear is the best motivator, just like with your children.
When did we stop? I don't understand the use of the word "again" in this sentence.
Why would we spend a penny on Russian oil when we could produce all the oil we need domestically? Again, the logic of democrats: Let's fund Russia, which will use the money in a war against Ukraine, and at the same time, give Ukraine money to fight Russia..... WTF.
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What weapons did we withhold?

Finish the job lol. The leaders of Hamas aren't even in Gaza. So now you're gonna blame Biden for Hamas still being around because we stopped giving Israel 2000 lb bombs.

You never answered. How is it that a catholic is so keen on labeling women and children of a different race/religion as the enemy and killing them?
War is hell. Collateral damage.
Do you feel at bad for the Israeli women and children who were raped and murdered as you do for the Palestinian Hamas supporters?
Now now. Don't change the topic until you answer the question.
If you actually read the link that I posted, it provides the answer to your question very clearly:

""In theory, if we lost all Iranian production - which is not our base case - OPEC+ has enough spare capacity to make up for the shock," said Amrita Sen, co-founder of Energy Aspects."
No, you take out Iran's oil terminals and coastal refineries in the Persian Gulf. This could easily be done with drones and missiles and we have the US Fifth Fleet in the Gulf to keep the Strait of Hormuz open for oil tankers transporting oil from other nations.

Without oil revenue, Iran is toothless.

Trump took them out strategically not by force, and made IRAN poor.

Biden turned that around and made them rich by reversal of T policy......and why IRAN has $ for their war proxies. All 100% on Biden.
War is hell. Collateral damage.
Do you feel at bad for the Israeli women and children who were raped and murdered as you do for the Palestinian Hamas supporters?
Your arguments are based on fallacies. Why do you feel the need to constantly accuse others of false opinions. Every damn post. I feel for innocent civilians who are killed in war. I don't split hairs about what religion or race they are, or if their government is a current enemy. So yes, yet again, what Hamas did on 10/7 was horrific and they should be held responsible. You want to wait a few weeks and accuse me of being pro Hamas again aswipe?

You still have answered the question........unless "war is hell" is your final answer. Ah you can say a few Hail Marys and be forgiven anyway.
If you actually read the link that I posted, it provides the answer to your question very clearly:

""In theory, if we lost all Iranian production - which is not our base case - OPEC+ has enough spare capacity to make up for the shock," said Amrita Sen, co-founder of Energy Aspects."
What does the shock mean? You realize the other day Biden was asked about striking Iranian refineries. He said it was being discussed. Oil jumped 5%. That was just a statement. It jumped 10% after the iran missle strike.

Considering MAGA says they don't want wars and we should mind our own business you guys sure come up with a lot of ideas that could lead to a war in the ME. It's almost like you are reactionary and don't look ahead. Like trump.
I feel for innocent civilians who are killed in war. I don't split hairs about what religion or race they are, or if their government is a current enemy. So yes, yet again, what Hamas did on 10/7 was horrific and they should be held responsible.
Hamas is a guerilla organization, like the Viet Cong or the Taliban. There is no standing Hamas Army. Hamas and the "people of Gaza" are one in the same. The Hamas terrorists are farmers and laborers and shopkeepers who go jihad to kill infidels when ordered to do so.

Prior to the Oct 7 attack, Hamas stationed hundreds of missiles and thousands of troops in northern Gaza. Nobody saw nothin'? Not one phone call to warn Israel about a forthcoming attack?

Those people of Gaza are not ‘innocent civilians’. They are Hamas terrorists and their enablers. I rejoice when they are slaughtered.
You realize the other day Biden was asked about striking Iranian refineries. He said it was being discussed. Oil jumped 5%. That was just a statement. It jumped 10% after the iran missle strike.
In my town of Madison, Indiana, gasoline was $1.85/gal on Election Day, 2020. Since Biden took office, it has doubled and tripled. Now it's back down to $3.25 again, so a mere 5% or 10% increase would be chump change compared to the Biden/Kerry/Granholm energy apocalypse.
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Why would we spend a penny on Russian oil when we could produce all the oil we need domestically? Again, the logic of democrats: Let's fund Russia, which will use the money in a war against Ukraine, and at the same time, give Ukraine money to fight Russia..... WTF.
Oh, so you've avoided the question. Imagine my surprise.
What weapons did we withhold?

Finish the job lol. The leaders of Hamas aren't even in Gaza. So now you're gonna blame Biden for Hamas still being around because we stopped giving Israel 2000 lb bombs.

You never answered. How is it that a catholic is so keen on labeling women and children of a different race/religion as the enemy and killing them?