ESPN Article says Hammons was out for Academics???


Sep 9, 2005
Liberty, KY
Not sure that was ever released... are they just guessing or another bit of bad journalism?

Here's the blurb from the "Losers" section:

"Big men everywhere
Kaleb Tarczewski. Przemek Karnowski. Mangok Mathiang. Amile Jefferson. Amida Brimah. Brice Johnson. Marcus Lee. Just a list of significant big men who've missed time because of injury this season. And that doesn't include Cheick Diallo (NCAA issues), A.J. Hammons (academics), Stephen Zimmerman Jr. (illness) and some of the other bigs who've missed action because of non-injuries."

Full Article:
We don't know why he was out. Neubert says he doesn't know why AJ was out. I would think he would know before somebody writing for ESPN would. Looks to me like lazy journalism.
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I made the guess at the time that was the problem. I wouldn't be shocked if he had some summer stuff he needed to clear up. As a senior at Purdue this is the time for projects or at least seems to be now based on my kid and AJ may have been late in getting them done.
We don't know why he was out. Neubert says he doesn't know why AJ was out. I would think he would know before somebody writing for ESPN would. Looks to me like lazy journalism.
I have a feeling that Brian knows what the rumors are but he's not going to publish them, plus, there is a law against disclosing student academics unless they sign a release.
I have a feeling that Brian knows what the rumors are but he's not going to publish them, plus, there is a law against disclosing student academics unless they sign a release.

I'm going to take Neubert at his word that he doesn't know for sure the reason. We have all heard the rumors. Even if he does know it hasn't been reported anywhere and for it to be added as a footnote here in an online article for ESPN is garbage journalism. I don't think anyone looks at it and feels any differently about Hammons for better or worse, it's just an amateur move from the writer.
I'm going to take Neubert at his word that he doesn't know for sure the reason. We have all heard the rumors. Even if he does know it hasn't been reported anywhere and for it to be added as a footnote here in an online article for ESPN is garbage journalism. I don't think anyone looks at it and feels any differently about Hammons for better or worse, it's just an amateur move from the writer.
If I had a nickel for each unsubstantiated rumor that runs in any form or media I could retire in one day. Not to mention that most people don't read a sentence and interpret it the same way as another person. But yes, what I said was I'm sure Brian has heard the rumors but has no actual corroboration and won't print it until he does which makes GBI one of the few responsible journalistic sources.

My Dad once sat at the Indy 500 race with the late Barry Goldwater (who's wife was from Muncie btw) and he said that he picks up the papers and reads where someone in his office says things that he doesn't even believe and further he has no idea who the spokesperson even is. But as long as some writer can get someone to say it they will print it.
I heard he fell asleep at a film session and missed a subsequent service opportunity at a local school. I'd chalk this up to lazy journalism. It's either this or a ball rack incident.
We don't know why he was out. Neubert says he doesn't know why AJ was out. I would think he would know before somebody writing for ESPN would. Looks to me like lazy journalism.
The four-letter network's journalistic standards consist of four letters and begin with "S."
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Matt I think was asked early on whether it was academic related and IIRC at the time he said it wasn't.

So mor clickbait journalism than anything else.
Matt I think was asked early on whether it was academic related and IIRC at the time he said it wasn't.

So mor clickbait journalism than anything else.
I took that to mean he wasn't suspended by the school for academics. But hey, none of it matters in the end. He's back!!!!!!!
Not sure that was ever released... are they just guessing or another bit of bad journalism?

Here's the blurb from the "Losers" section:

"Big men everywhere
Kaleb Tarczewski. Przemek Karnowski. Mangok Mathiang. Amile Jefferson. Amida Brimah. Brice Johnson. Marcus Lee. Just a list of significant big men who've missed time because of injury this season. And that doesn't include Cheick Diallo (NCAA issues), A.J. Hammons (academics), Stephen Zimmerman Jr. (illness) and some of the other bigs who've missed action because of non-injuries."

Full Article:

Sounds like a private matter and none of our business then.
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I don't want to be that guy who claims to know someone, but what I've been told is that Painter may have been playing the media a little bit with the "suspension". This is going to sound dumb and ridiculous so take it with a grain of salt. Supposably AJ had a injury in the season that would have sidelined him for those games, I believe it was calf or ankle issue.

So this may not make sense to anyone, I'm not sure it even makes sense to me. But maybe instead of question his age (maybe only issue with a lot of scouts) and longevity, have him emerged from a minor infraction (obviously not bad) and be much improved on the court.

Positive, like said previously, is we have a dominant AJ on the court and not in the "doghouse".

Boiler Up my friends!
Anyone looking for or expecting "responsible" journalism @ ESPN is likely to be disappointed, and often. Yes, there are still some good ones left, but they are sadly being outnumbered by the day it seems. And don't get me started on the ESPN "formula." Line-up the "so-called" self-appointed experts......."Hey, let's hear from Shefty..."

"My sources tell me.......that this could happen.....that this might happen.....that this went down.....etc. yada yada yada.....keep spinning a manufactured story and get everyone else to pick it up.......then go back to the so-called "experts" for their reporting on the once non-story that has become a story through their own manufacturing.....behold the behemoth that is ESPN. All Hail! I have to hand it to them; it's a pretty effective and strategic marketing scheme.

It's more of a problem with the NFL, NBA, and college football, but you start seeing it creep into NCAA Bball. Now, they do pick-up AP stories and have some good content, which I have posted just now have to sift through more and more TMZ-type stuff.....and then take a shower afterward.
If I had a nickel for each unsubstantiated rumor that runs in any form or media I could retire in one day. Not to mention that most people don't read a sentence and interpret it the same way as another person. But yes, what I said was I'm sure Brian has heard the rumors but has no actual corroboration and won't print it until he does which makes GBI one of the few responsible journalistic sources.

My Dad once sat at the Indy 500 race with the late Barry Goldwater (who's wife was from Muncie btw) and he said that he picks up the papers and reads where someone in his office says things that he doesn't even believe and further he has no idea who the spokesperson even is. But as long as some writer can get someone to say it they will print it.
I wonder how many of us on this board can actually remember Barry Goldwater.
I wonder how many of us on this board can actually remember Barry Goldwater.

He may be best remembered as the target of probably the most potent political attack ad in history. It ran repeatedly and contributed significantly to the LBJ landslide in 1964.

He'll nuke your daughter!
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Not sure that was ever released... are they just guessing or another bit of bad journalism?

Here's the blurb from the "Losers" section:

"Big men everywhere
Kaleb Tarczewski. Przemek Karnowski. Mangok Mathiang. Amile Jefferson. Amida Brimah. Brice Johnson. Marcus Lee. Just a list of significant big men who've missed time because of injury this season. And that doesn't include Cheick Diallo (NCAA issues), A.J. Hammons (academics), Stephen Zimmerman Jr. (illness) and some of the other bigs who've missed action because of non-injuries."

Full Article:
Lazy, irresponsible journalism.
I don't want to be that guy who claims to know someone, but what I've been told is that Painter may have been playing the media a little bit with the "suspension". This is going to sound dumb and ridiculous so take it with a grain of salt. Supposably AJ had a injury in the season that would have sidelined him for those games, I believe it was calf or ankle issue.

So this may not make sense to anyone, I'm not sure it even makes sense to me. But maybe instead of question his age (maybe only issue with a lot of scouts) and longevity, have him emerged from a minor infraction (obviously not bad) and be much improved on the court.

Positive, like said previously, is we have a dominant AJ on the court and not in the "doghouse".

Boiler Up my friends!

Who knows. There's probably no way to prove this, but one way to possibly disprove it is if he was able to practice with the team. I'm not sure if he did or not. But if there's video or practice reports out there which show him moving around well before the season, then I'd suspect an injury cover-up is not likely. I'm sure there are plenty of posters who watch and read that stuff who can say if he was at practice and going at full speed before and during his game suspension. (???)
We studied that in a couple of my classes at Purdue. I thought it only ran once, though.
But it was re-run, at least in part, on broadcast news and various commentary shows and discussed everywhere. Had the internet been around then, the YouTube "Views" counter would have had to add a few more columns to the left of the decimal. I was in HS then, not particularly politically aware, and doubt I saw the entire commercial the first (only?) time it aired as a paid ad, but vividly remember seeing enough of it, and often enough, to scare the sh_t out of me re: Goldwater.
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But it was re-run, at least in part, on broadcast news and various commentary shows and discussed everywhere. Had the internet been around then, the YouTube "Views" counter would have had to add a few more columns to the left of the decimal. I was in HS then, not particularly politically aware, and doubt I saw the entire commercial the first (only?) time it aired as a paid ad, but vividly remember seeing enough of it, and often enough, to scare the sh_t out of me re: Goldwater.
Ah, Gotcha.

Before my time, but I always filed it in my memory along side the 1984 Apple computer ad as the big "One Time"-ers. Being there probably gives a better understanding than what I got in a classroom.

Probably ;)
I'll see you and raise you a Walter Mondale!!
can you remember LBJ and the body counts implying the USA was winning the war...kinda like ISIS today and Obama? Can you go back that far? Do you remember Nixon being impeached and how that compares to the here and now? Lot of changes over the years with a general downward trend...

Imagine 2050, not that I'll be around, but...

can you remember LBJ and the body counts implying the USA was winning the war...kinda like ISIS today and Obama? Can you go back that far? Do you remember Nixon being impeached and how that compares to the here and now? Lot of changes over the years with a general downward trend...

Imagine 2050, not that I'll be around, but...
Yep, first slogan I can remember is I Like Ike!!! First election in my memory was JFK/Nixon in '60. First time I could vote was '72. Nixon was an idiot. The election was in the bag and no dirty tricks were needed and then recording and keeping the evidence was even more stupid. I do not look forward to the world my grandchildren will have to survive in.
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He may be best remembered as the target of probably the most potent political attack ad in history. It ran repeatedly and contributed significantly to the LBJ landslide in 1964.

He'll nuke your daughter!

The LBJ campaign only ran the advertisement one time. The Goldwater campaign complained, and LBJ pulled the ad, but all of the network news shows would repeatedly show the advertisement as a way of covering the controversy. So it did play frequently on TV but not as paid advertising. Brilliant tactic by the LBJ campaign to get the meme out there without actually paying for it.

can you remember LBJ and the body counts implying the USA was winning the war...kinda like ISIS today and Obama? Can you go back that far? Do you remember Nixon being impeached and how that compares to the here and now? Lot of changes over the years with a general downward trend...

Imagine 2050, not that I'll be around, but...
I can barely remember Ike as president,and can remember JFKs election in 1960.My parents said many people in 1960 actually believed Kennedy would take his orders directly from the pope,so they didn't vote for him.Sadly there .have always ,been people in this country with some strange thoughts.And yes I think politics now is nastier than ever.
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can you remember LBJ and the body counts implying the USA was winning the war...kinda like ISIS today and Obama? Can you go back that far? Do you remember Nixon being impeached and how that compares to the here and now? Lot of changes over the years with a general downward trend...

Imagine 2050, not that I'll be around, but...
I think the 24 hour news coverage and social media have changed everything. Those "scandals" really aren't any different than today they are just covered a whole different way. Imagine Watergate happening in 2016 and how it would be covered and recovered a zillion times an hour every hour in 50 different mediums! We wouldn't just have Walter Cronkite talking about it at 6:00 and then reading about it in the morning paper. Or imaging JFK and his "dalliances" if they happened now. Completely different world and we are never going back, that's for sure.

I'm in your same age bracket so I won't be seeing 2050 either!!
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He may be best remembered as the target of probably the most potent political attack ad in history. It ran repeatedly and contributed significantly to the LBJ landslide in 1964.

He'll nuke your daughter!

The weird thing about LBJ was he talked about stopping the war, but Goldwater was a General and he KNEW that LBJ was planning on escalating the war, when LBJ ran the commercial. Goldwater had I think 4 vital targets in Vietnam to hit (like ammunition plants) that would have ended the war. LBJ purposely avoided those areas, because the war was good for the economy and even better for him personally.

LBJ entered politics after being a dirt poor school teacher and became extremely rich. The best jobs today are working for the government. A Congressman can serve one term and retire comfortably. However those who stay become wealthier and wealthier.

Do you think we need a President who is not indebted to any lobbyist? The Washing Cartel (both Republicans and Democrats) hate him, because they along with the Media keep getting graft. The Media takes what he says out of context, yet it is a Catch 22, as they want to interview him, because it increases ratings (which means more money for their station or network). Let's defy the media and work on making America great again!
I think the 24 hour news coverage and social media have changed everything. Those "scandals" really aren't any different than today they are just covered a whole different way. Imagine Watergate happening in 2016 and how it would be covered and recovered a zillion times an hour every hour in 50 different mediums! We wouldn't just have Walter Cronkite talking about it at 6:00 and then reading about it in the morning paper. Or imaging JFK and his "dalliances" if they happened now. Completely different world and we are never going back, that's for sure.

I'm in your same age bracket so I won't be seeing 2050 either!!
Not so sure about that Dry.

We have Hillary Clinton that has been proven to have broken many different laws yet because hte Obama DOJ has not chosen to do anything it is rarely discussed.

BTW, I am a bit younger. My first Presidential election was between Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, and John Anderson.
Not so sure about that Dry.

We have Hillary Clinton that has been proven to have broken many different laws yet because hte Obama DOJ has not chosen to do anything it is rarely discussed.

BTW, I am a bit younger. My first Presidential election was between Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, and John Anderson.
I'm not going to get into specific politics on a basketball board. I was talking about events that happened decades ago and how they would be covered today. That said, if you don't think "events" are covered differently now then you really aren't old enough to remember how it used to be. To say that anything involving Hillary, Trump......pick anyone of today's politicians is "rarely discussed" then you aren't paying attention.
The weird thing about LBJ was he talked about stopping the war, but Goldwater was a General and he KNEW that LBJ was planning on escalating the war, when LBJ ran the commercial. Goldwater had I think 4 vital targets in Vietnam to hit (like ammunition plants) that would have ended the war. LBJ purposely avoided those areas, because the war was good for the economy and even better for him personally.

LBJ entered politics after being a dirt poor school teacher and became extremely rich. The best jobs today are working for the government. A Congressman can serve one term and retire comfortably. However those who stay become wealthier and wealthier.

Do you think we need a President who is not indebted to any lobbyist? The Washing Cartel (both Republicans and Democrats) hate him, because they along with the Media keep getting graft. The Media takes what he says out of context, yet it is a Catch 22, as they want to interview him, because it increases ratings (which means more money for their station or network). Let's defy the media and work on making America great again!
i understand exactly what you are saying, but in Indiana the candidates will be decided before us. I'm fine with several on one side and only Webb would arouse an interest in the other side.

The problem he is going to have is appealing to many that have been programmed over many years into what view they should have of a president. Like Dryfly above I'm not going to get into politics here. However I think a lot of us "older people" have a view that is different of the country than some of the younger ones. When I was young I was taught that the USA was a melting pot where all the ingredients blended together into a common taste. Today many places promote a salad bowl concept where the carrots are over here and cucumbers there and so forth never blending and only sharing the same container. Obvious problems with that.

I'm also not going to get into k-12 educational topics and the glut of areas outside of academics the government schools are engaged. We should ask how do so many reach conclusions that are so common? Is it the air we breath...the water we drink...what is it? What can affect so many all across this country. When John Dewey left Prussia in the early 1900's he came back to the USA with the understanding that the greatest good for public education was not academics, but social reform.

There is a statistical term that I see as a huge potential problem in its application to standardized testing in general and it is called DIF (Differential Item Functioning). I see this method as another potential hazard to assimilation...and quite contrary to my own personal experience at Purdue when I walked out with a test in a class that had been studied for thirty years to refine the test unaware that nobody was to take the test out of the classroom. However, it was review and I knew I did well and arrived after that announcement was made. The next day I was threatened with not graduating and flunking the course I was to receive an A in until I could convince them no copies were made and I would soon be employed and not in West Lafayette anytime in the near future. For a primer on some of the programming I'll supply a title from Diane Ravitch who was asst. sec of education under Bush and on the transition team to Clinton. Clinton wanted her to study biasing in education and this living guru on the history of education found out the problems was even greater than she first imagined...and she is and was very knowledgeable on the many fads and educational topics of the years. The result of her findings was published in The Language Police. I think it is a good book to open the eyes of many to understand much of what is going on.
I think the 24 hour news coverage and social media have changed everything. Those "scandals" really aren't any different than today they are just covered a whole different way. Imagine Watergate happening in 2016 and how it would be covered and recovered a zillion times an hour every hour in 50 different mediums! We wouldn't just have Walter Cronkite talking about it at 6:00 and then reading about it in the morning paper. Or imaging JFK and his "dalliances" if they happened now. Completely different world and we are never going back, that's for sure.

I'm in your same age bracket so I won't be seeing 2050 either!!
It is true that there could be a lot more coverage, but I think Watergate was covered more years ago than many things much more severe today. Just take the IRS targeting as one of many. I also think it would have even greater coverage today as it would be a popular target of the media
Nixon was not impeached. He resigned before impeachment proceedings were ever started
yes i remember the timing, but that isn't really the issue. We know how the ending was even though the clock had a few ticks on it. The issue is how important that was back then and yet so trivial in comparison to things today. Truly there has been a shift in how we hold politicians accountable. As a result we got many skits of Gerald Ford falling... :) I had a brother-in-law that was very liberal at the time and I recall him telling me how close the country was to falling apart at that time....if only he could see it now. :)
Nixon was not impeached. He resigned before impeachment proceedings were ever started

Yes, still the only U.S. president to resign the office. President Ford then pardoned former President Nixon and received plenty of criticism over his decision. Although in my view, U.S politics has always been an obstacle for compromise or diplomacy, all the way back to the Colonial Days and the Boston Tea Party, "Watergate" seems to be the origin of what is going on today.....which has just been exacerbated each decade it seems from scandals on both sides of the aisle. Republicans and Democrats, alike , have noone to blame but themselves. Sadly, I don't know if there is enough momentum to stop it.

As an aside, for you younger posters, if you are interested in history and politics and get the chance, I encourage you to watch "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," with Jimmy Stewart and Claude Rains. Yes, it's Hollywood, but the premise is not completely made up out of thin air.....I think you might enjoy the film.

Now......Get Off my Lawn!
Gerald Ford. His inactivity led me to one of my biggest voting regrets. I voted for Carter because I thought Jimmy Carter doing something would be better than Gerry Ford doing nothing. Turns out I was wrong. Neither one of them was capable of holding the office.

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