***Election results thread***

And it's looking like that is exactly what we are going to see. At least we will not have to wait on PA and can get this over with.
California and NY should follow Nebraska's lead and break up their electoral college votes.
It's a shame the people in up State NY and the Rural areas of CA don't get represented.
Illinois is another example, As goes Chicago so go's Illinois.
No matter who the winner is, it's clear the American people are not the measured, unselfish, perceptive electorate they always get credit for.

They are angry, tribal, easily swayed by lies, and unable or unwilling to distinguish truth from fiction.

We are fcked.
California and NY should follow Nebraska's lead and break up their electoral college votes.
It's a shame the people in up State NY and the Rural areas of CA don't get represented.
Illinois is another example, As goes Chicago so go's Illinois.

And that is why it will never happen. There is to much of a one party wall to let it happen.
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No matter who the winner is, it's clear the American people are not the measured, unselfish, perceptive electorate they always get credit for.

They are angry, tribal, easily swayed by lies, and unable or unwilling to distinguish truth from fiction.

We are fcked.

So you are finally coming around and realizing a corrupt and demented Biden being president is a bad thing. A little late to the party.
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California and NY should follow Nebraska's lead and break up their electoral college votes.
It's a shame the people in up State NY and the Rural areas of CA don't get represented.
Illinois is another example, As goes Chicago so go's Illinois.
Yep, I’m in favor of that... as long as they also do it in Indiana, Georgia, North Carolina, Alabama, etc. etc. since the people living in the cities don’t get represented there...

Trump is losing CA worse than last time, and his defeat in CA was already the worst in the last century for a major party candidate here. (To be fully accurate, it looks like he’s about 1% up in vote count, but losing by about 4% more.)
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Exhibit A.

You're an idiot. Am I angry or going crazy about the results, nope. Disappointed in them, but have already accepted Trump lost. I'm not the party of riot and loot, that's the Dems. They are the ones that are angry, tribal, easily swayed by lies, and unable or unwilling to distinguish truth from fiction.

I just want to be left alone and allowed to live my life and not have shit shoved down my throat by the angry/tribal group. Alas, I don't get my wish, which makes me sad.
A consistent theme in most places is it seems as if third party candidates took more votes from Hillary in 2016 than Trump. Most of the decline in third party voting this time around seems to have favored Biden. I guess I’m not alone.
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It may end up being the best of both worlds with this election for Republicans. No more Trump, but also no tax increases, new green deal, packing of the courts, or any of the other socialist ideals of the Democratic Party. If Biden tries to lockdown the country, it will just go to the Supreme Court and be deemed unconstitutional. They really have no power without the Senate or the SC.

There will be more stimulus, but that helps the stock market.
It may end up being the best of both worlds with this election for Republicans. No more Trump, but also no tax increases, new green deal, packing of the courts, or any of the other socialist ideals of the Democratic Party. If Biden tries to lockdown the country, it will just go to the Supreme Court and be deemed unconstitutional. They really have no power without the Senate or the SC.

There will be more stimulus, but that helps the stock market.
Agree. Also very possible that Biden is a 1 term president (if he wins) and hopefully Reps get somebody to step up by 2024.
No matter who the winner is, it's clear the American people are not the measured, unselfish, perceptive electorate they always get credit for.

They are angry, tribal, easily swayed by lies, and unable or unwilling to distinguish truth from fiction.

We are fcked.
OK Chicken Little.
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Yep, I’m in favor of that... as long as they also do it in Indiana, Georgia, North Carolina, Alabama, etc. etc. since the people living in the cities don’t get represented there...

Trump is losing CA worse than last time, and his defeat in CA was already the worst in the last century for a major party candidate here. (To be fully accurate, it looks like he’s about 1% up in vote count, but losing by about 4% more.)

Not enough electoral votes to matter, but it does seem to me anyways, that there should be some balancing and some of these larger states could use a split only so those states don't dominate the results so much. Probably wouldn't effect the results of the election though because I'm not talking a split even to popular vote on the state, more like a congressional redistricting, which would probably result in the same outcome, but might give people living in those areas a little more hope that their vote matters. I'm not a fan of these single electoral vote districts, but put a line where no electoral region should be more than 20.

Just a thought anyways.
It may end up being the best of both worlds with this election for Republicans. No more Trump, but also no tax increases, new green deal, packing of the courts, or any of the other socialist ideals of the Democratic Party. If Biden tries to lockdown the country, it will just go to the Supreme Court and be deemed unconstitutional. They really have no power without the Senate or the SC.

There will be more stimulus, but that helps the stock market.
I hope you are correct and this is the worst case scenario. I personally have really benefited from Trump’s policies and want him to win but if my taxes aren’t increased I will be happy. But if Biden gets his way I will have a big tax increase in the next 4 years.
It may end up being the best of both worlds with this election for Republicans. No more Trump, but also no tax increases, new green deal, packing of the courts, or any of the other socialist ideals of the Democratic Party. If Biden tries to lockdown the country, it will just go to the Supreme Court and be deemed unconstitutional. They really have no power without the Senate or the SC.

There will be more stimulus, but that helps the stock market.

Yes, that is the good thing. They will not be able to push through the fundamental changes the extremes of the Democratic party wants. The potential bad thing is the effects on Trump's trade deals, while I rarely liked his style (though admit some of his trolling made me laugh) I did like some of the stuff he did there to try and level the playing field.
What's crazy is if Biden does get to exactly 270, the single district he took in Nebraska (to get 1 of their EVs) is what put him over the top.

This whole thing may well come down to a few thousand people in Nebraska.


Looks like people in Iowa and rural Nebraska should have moved to Omaha
It may end up being the best of both worlds with this election for Republicans. No more Trump, but also no tax increases, new green deal, packing of the courts, or any of the other socialist ideals of the Democratic Party. If Biden tries to lockdown the country, it will just go to the Supreme Court and be deemed unconstitutional. They really have no power without the Senate or the SC.

There will be more stimulus, but that helps the stock market.
Trump may be back in four years, running as the young guy if Biden survives and is not removed by the dems.

In the meantime, Biden and the returning foreign policy/mil/lobbyist establishment will be in a position to damage or destroy the major foreign policy achievements of Trump - meaning China, Iran and PLO ascendant again.
Not enough electoral votes to matter, but it does seem to me anyways, that there should be some balancing and some of these larger states could use a split only so those states don't dominate the results so much. Probably wouldn't effect the results of the election though because I'm not talking a split even to popular vote on the state, more like a congressional redistricting, which would probably result in the same outcome, but might give people living in those areas a little more hope that their vote matters. I'm not a fan of these single electoral vote districts, but put a line where no electoral region should be more than 20.

Just a thought anyways.
I'm seriously in favor of breaking it up more. I'm generally not represented by elections in California, this year being an exception. I'm left voting for the least liberal Democrat in most elections because of our rules here... I guess my point was if you're going to call for it in Illinois, CA, and NY, then you need to call for it everywhere because it works both ways.
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Yep, I’m in favor of that... as long as they also do it in Indiana, Georgia, North Carolina, Alabama, etc. etc. since the people living in the cities don’t get represented there...

Trump is losing CA worse than last time, and his defeat in CA was already the worst in the last century for a major party candidate here. (To be fully accurate, it looks like he’s about 1% up in vote count, but losing by about 4% more.)
I checked the Indianapolis results and Biden won the metro area by less than 1%.
So 49% of Indy is still represented.
Compare this to the Rural areas of Ill, Ca and NY.
But I agree, split the states up. Like the US electoral college, the highly populated areas won't get the same representation. That's why it will never happen.
The delegates could defy the popular vote and cast a controversial ballot, I guess.
I checked the Indianapolis results and Biden won the metro area by less than 1%.
So 49% of Indy is still represented.
Compare this to the Rural areas of Ill, Ca and NY.
But I agree, split the states up. Like the US electoral college, the highly populated areas won't get the same representation. That's why it will never happen.
The delegates could defy the popular vote and cast a controversial ballot, I guess.
With 72% of the vote in, Biden's leading Marion county 62-35. That's a pretty big part (a little less than 10%) of the current vote count that's not being represented. Lake County is another 200,000 votes Biden is winning 56-42. So in Indiana, you're probably looking at 2 out of 11 electoral votes going to Biden in this situation. District 1 would almost certainly go Biden, because Newton county accounts for like 7000 votes and Lake is 200000 as of now. District 7 obviously would go to Biden.

Interesting thought experiment anyway.

That said, the gerrymandering would be out of control.
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I'm seriously in favor of breaking it up more. I'm generally not represented by elections in California, this year being an exception. I'm left voting for the least liberal Democrat in most elections because of our rules here... I guess my point was if you're going to call for it in Illinois, CA, and NY, then you need to call for it everywhere because it works both ways.

Yeah, I don't have a good answer, you just have to watch that you don't turn it into basically just a popular vote where everyone is then dominated the populous areas and only the coast votes matter. It would really depend on how it was done if you can do it and not turn it into mass chaos or completely drown out the rural voice.
I realize this was an attempt at insult to Biden, but Trump is damn old himself and the party is going divorce itself from Trumpism, as it should.

Personally, I want to see Marco Rubio take another swing at it in 2024 either way.
Call me an ageist, but both of these clowns are too old to be starting a grueling four year term as POTUS. They have age limits in certain jobs for a reason.
California and NY should follow Nebraska's lead and break up their electoral college votes.
It's a shame the people in up State NY and the Rural areas of CA don't get represented.
Illinois is another example, As goes Chicago so go's Illinois.
Better yet let's do away with it. BTW why do we start with every state getting two electors? If it was just based upon actual representatives it would be a lot fairer. Example: Wyoming and the Dakotas are being over represented.
You're an idiot. Am I angry or going crazy about the results, nope. Disappointed in them, but have already accepted Trump lost. I'm not the party of riot and loot, that's the Dems. They are the ones that are angry, tribal, easily swayed by lies, and unable or unwilling to distinguish truth from fiction.

I just want to be left alone and allowed to live my life and not have shit shoved down my throat by the angry/tribal group. Alas, I don't get my wish, which makes me sad.
One candidate is calling for the vote count to stop.........because he's ahead.
That is fundamentally wrong in a democracy.......and apparently you're fine with it.
That is why we're fcked.
One candidate is calling for the vote count to stop.........because he's ahead.
That is fundamentally wrong in a democracy.......and apparently you're fine with it.
That is why we're fcked.
Trump has been actively undermining the election for months. People run around saying his tweets are harmless, but they aren't. When a populist President openly questions the vote before it's even counted, his supporters will do the same. It's fine, but there's been little to no evidence of anyone trying to "steal" the election, but here we are with captain dipshit questioning the vote.

Doesn't seem he has an issue with the election right now considering he's up. It'll only be a problem if he loses. He's nothing if not transparent. But the open attack on the very fundamental action of democracy is alarming.
Agreed. 100%. Wife and I were left shaking our heads (again)... THIS is the best we can do?

Look at how the President is often treated, the dirt they are often drug through. For the most part, the best we can do crowd is way to smart to put up with putting themselves and their family through that. Elections are to much about character assignation and not enough about actual policies, it's really sad and disgusting.
Trump has been actively undermining the election for months. People run around saying his tweets are harmless, but they aren't. When a populist President openly questions the vote before it's even counted, his supporters will do the same. It's fine, but there's been little to no evidence of anyone trying to "steal" the election, but here we are with captain dipshit questioning the vote.

Doesn't seem he has an issue with the election right now considering he's up. It'll only be a problem if he loses. He's nothing if not transparent.
Trump's the world's biggest whiner. I don't think it's even close.
Look at how the President is often treated, the dirt they are often drug through. For the most part, the best we can do crowd is way to smart to put up with putting themselves and their family through that. Elections are to much about character assignation and not enough about actual policies, it's really sad and disgusting.
Agree. The thing I hated most about the 2016 election was the Republican "debates" which devolved into name calling and were just embarrassing. Kind of a microcosm of the four years to follow.
Trump has been actively undermining the election for months. People run around saying his tweets are harmless, but they aren't. When a populist President openly questions the vote before it's even counted, his supporters will do the same. It's fine, but there's been little to no evidence of anyone trying to "steal" the election, but here we are with captain dipshit questioning the vote.

Doesn't seem he has an issue with the election right now considering he's up. It'll only be a problem if he loses. He's nothing if not transparent. But the open attack on the very fundamental action of democracy is alarming.

Let's be honest, both sides have done that. The left is still complaining about 2016. Neither party can claim the moral high ground and that has been the case for a long time. I think it's disgusting the amount of money out of district parties will spend to try and influence local races. The entire thing is just completely screwed up and the amount of money spent to try and buy congressional and senate races is absolutely ridiculous.
Idk. I think his bigger problem is the far left.
I agree that they sure don't help Biden who is a centralist and he had to pick Kamala to keep the party happy. The two Republicans I could not stand from 2016 were Cruz and Trump and if not Trump we would have Cruz and I dislike him even more than Trump. It looks like we are going to have a stalemate with a Republican senate. Wall Street seems to be happy as it is up 2.86% as I type.
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Call me an ageist, but both of these clowns are too old to be starting a grueling four year term as POTUS. They have age limits in certain jobs for a reason.
Grueling? People always say that, but I think it is just an assumption.

The job has always looked pretty easy to me - especially for those presidents who keep us out of idiot foreign adventures.
Grueling? People always say that, but I think it is just an assumption.

The job has always looked pretty easy to me - especially for those presidents who keep us out of idiot foreign adventures.
I sure wouldn't want to have to make the decisions these guys have to make-no thanks!
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