Edey favorite for ROY

After one summer league game with no plays run for him and guards ignoring him on roll part of pick and roll.

Ja Morant went from 50-1 to 30-1 for mvp after that too…Although that may have been due to being cleared for bball activity after surgery 😂
And yet, he’s not projected to start for Memphis! Perhaps we will see a trade. Or maybe we will see a twin towers in Memphis.

They say the key to success is to have something different that current teams do not have the personnel to defend against.

Could Memphis revert back to the old school basketball that won 5 championships for the Spurs with Robinson and Duncan?

Could we see the return of the twin towers?
And yet, he’s not projected to start for Memphis! Perhaps we will see a trade. Or maybe we will see a twin towers in Memphis.

They say the key to success is to have something different that current teams do not have the personnel to defend against.

Could Memphis revert back to the old school basketball that won 5 championships for the Spurs with Robinson and Duncan?

Could we see the return of the twin towers?
Who is projecting him not to start? Who starts in his place?
And yet, he’s not projected to start for Memphis! Perhaps we will see a trade. Or maybe we will see a twin towers in Memphis.

They say the key to success is to have something different that current teams do not have the personnel to defend against.

Could Memphis revert back to the old school basketball that won 5 championships for the Spurs with Robinson and Duncan?

Could we see the return of the twin towers?
What are you talking about? He will start a majority of the games for them this year. JJJ will play the 4. They got Edey to be a steve adams replacement to help them win a title NOW. Edey is a perfect fit for what they need.
And yet, he’s not projected to start for Memphis! Perhaps we will see a trade. Or maybe we will see a twin towers in Memphis.

They say the key to success is to have something different that current teams do not have the personnel to defend against.

Could Memphis revert back to the old school basketball that won 5 championships for the Spurs with Robinson and Duncan?

Could we see the return of the twin towers?
There you go making shit up again.
What are you talking about? He will start a majority of the games for them this year. JJJ will play the 4. They got Edey to be a steve adams replacement to help them win a title NOW. Edey is a perfect fit for what they need.
Ooo but are we sure JJJ wants to play the 4? He may want to play the 3 and not start and therefore transfer out…err I mean get traded.

We all know Memphis only allows guards to play 1-3 so he won’t be able to play the 3.

Bored Season 3 GIF by The Office
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Or JJJ could play the 1 and have the largest PnR in history with Edey! Ja can come off the bench...
Or 🤔 Ja could play the THREE! He is a guard you know. Edey and JJJ could cut cards to see who gets traded and who gets to Start. Especially since JJJ is not allowed to play the 4 since he’s didn’t last year and he’s too tall…
Who is projecting him not to start? Who starts in his place?
JJJ was their starting center last year and was pretty good! So you believe after one summer league game. Edey will take over and start at center, and just like that, JJJ will be happy and shift positions to play the 4?
JJJ was their starting center last year and was pretty good! So you believe after one summer league game. Edey will take over and start at center, and just like that, JJJ will be happy and shift positions to play the 4?
Can you provide who is projecting him not to start? You didn’t answer the question.

And yes, That’s what they are reporting is going to happen and I believe their coach even said it in an interview. They have wanted a center so JJJ can slide to the 4 and not have to guard bigs down low. Zach and other 5s can guard the rim/paint and JJJ can play help side defense. Zach may not start instantly, but he will probably be starting soon enough if he doesn’t start right away. Morant and Bane are going to love playing with him.
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Only Wol is. Because he's lost what few marbles he had left.
It seems like I’m the only person here with any knowledge of the NbA! Jjj started for Memphis last year!

I guess people here totally forgot that Edey was a forgotten player for Canada’s national team last year playing very limited minutes as their coach Played an NBA style of game.

And so after 2 game , you homers are all anointed Edey as the starter and rookie of the year. You even forgot how Memphis blew a 10 point lead and lost the game. All you see are Edey’s stats in one game. And you use 2 game to make your conclusions!

BBG ! What do you look forward to the most? Edey being an all pro? Or a chance to call me names?

Edey had a nice game. But he also made several critical mistakes that cost Memphis the game.

Will JJJ become the 4? And because I suggested Memphis might create a twin towers much like San Antonio did, you accuse me of losing my marbles? Some of you are so bent on calling me names you are hilarious. And you are also displaying your total lack of knowledge of anything that is not Purdue related!

Is Lance Jones going to make the Pacers roster? doubtful! I know 20 people will all start calling me stupid for stating the reality of it. How dare I suggest Jones Will not become a member of the all rookie team? I’m not trying to be negative. But rather, I’m being realistic.

Edey will have a nice NBA career. But I’m not going to predict he will be rookie of the year based on one game. There are some people who have the same vision and thoughts about a guy named Ware.
  • Haha
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It seems like I’m the only person here with any knowledge of the NbA! Jjj started for Memphis last year!

I guess people here totally forgot that Edey was a forgotten player for Canada’s national team last year playing very limited minutes as their coach Played an NBA style of game.

And so after 2 game , you homers are all anointed Edey as the starter and rookie of the year. You even forgot how Memphis blew a 10 point lead and lost the game. All you see are Edey’s stats in one game. And you use 2 game to make your conclusions!

BBG ! What do you look forward to the most? Edey being an all pro? Or a chance to call me names?

Edey had a nice game. But he also made several critical mistakes that cost Memphis the game.

Will JJJ become the 4? And because I suggested Memphis might create a twin towers much like San Antonio did, you accuse me of losing my marbles? Some of you are so bent on calling me names you are hilarious. And you are also displaying your total lack of knowledge of anything that is not Purdue related!

Is Lance Jones going to make the Pacers roster? doubtful! I know 20 people will all start calling me stupid for stating the reality of it. How dare I suggest Jones Will not become a member of the all rookie team? I’m not trying to be negative. But rather, I’m being realistic.

Edey will have a nice NBA career. But I’m not going to predict he will be rookie of the year based on one game. There are some people who have the same vision and thoughts about a guy named Ware.
So is Vegas dumb for having edey as the front runner for ROTY?

Also, grizz have stated they want to move JJJ to the 4. This allows that to happen. You do know that players can play different positions right?
There you go making shit up again.
There you go name calling and posting misinformation again. And there you go posting stuff without even reading my post. You read the first line and didn’t even read my subsequent paragraphs! I encourage you to open your eyes and reread my ENTIRE post before responding to it.

I posed the question of possibly having a twin towers at Memphis much like San Antonio did with Robinson and Duncan? Wasn’t Duncan a center in college and he switched to play PF for San Antonio?

You totally missed the entire point of my post and jumped all over the first 4 words much like a fool that just reads headlines and never reads the article and bases his opinions solely on the headline and not the substance!

For the record, I am the first poster on this board that suggested and speculated that Jjj and Edey may become a twin towers.
And for that, you call me full of shit and list my marbles.
There you go name calling and posting misinformation again. And there you go posting stuff without even reading my post. You read the first line and didn’t even read my subsequent paragraphs! I encourage you to open your eyes and reread my ENTIRE post before responding to it.

I posed the question of possibly having a twin towers at Memphis much like San Antonio did with Robinson and Duncan? Wasn’t Duncan a center in college and he switched to play PF for San Antonio?

You totally missed the entire point of my post and jumped all over the first 4 words much like a fool that just reads headlines and never reads the article and bases his opinions solely on the headline and not the substance!

For the record, I am the first poster on this board that suggested and speculated that Jjj and Edey may become a twin towers.
And for that, you call me full of shit and list my marbles.
Hey dumb ass, he didn't call you a name but I did. Your opinion is your opinion, its like assholes, everybody has one and you're this boards until you leave.
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So is Vegas dumb for having edey as the front runner for ROTY?

Also, grizz have stated they want to move JJJ to the 4. This allows that to happen. You do know that players can play different positions right?
You do realize was the first one on this thread who suggested Memphis might have a twin towers this year! To have a twin towers required having 2 players! That would require Jjj to either play the 4 or be traded.

You talk about players being able to play multiple positions. So I guess using the BBG FOOLISH predictions above, am I to infer you are suggesting Edey could play multiple positions? I doubt that is what you are inferring. But in so stating, you inferred that I was clueless about player playing multiple positions. MJ, LeBron and Gianni’s all played multiple positions! Jjj could play a different position to accommodate Edey.

The question that Purdue people don’t address or answer. Jjj was a starter at center last year for Memphis. He has become a very good NBA player. He is an established veteran. as such, the question nobody has asked, does Jjj want to shift positions to play the 4? Will jjj and Edey be a good combination? Willl jjj demand a trade? You’re not going to find out in the summer league because jjj is not playing in the summer league.

The question was the same when Ivey went to Detroit. Detroit already had two very good guards. Ivey looked great in the Summer league. But really didn’t mesh or become in sync with the other two guards until one became injured. This past year, Ivey put up some nice stats. How did Detroit do as a team? How did the other two guards do?

So will JJJ welcome Edey? Will he transition to the 4? Will they become a great combo? Or will Jjj ask for a trade? Look at the Clippers and Golden State. It would appear players’s egos became greater than the team. Ed shall see how it all plays out.

But I’m sure not going to make any predictions based on one summer league game. Let’s see what he does against some real competition first.
  • Haha
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Hey dumb ass, he didn't call you a name but I did. Your opinion is your opinion, its like assholes, everybody has one and you're this boards until you leave.
How typical of this board! You see my post and rather than engaging in civil conversation and discussion of the topic, you feel the desire to name call instead!

Your words and behavior wouldn’t be tolerated on any other forum. But on this one they are applauded and encouraged
How typical of this board! You see my post and rather than engaging in civil conversation and discussion of the topic, you feel the desire to name call instead!

Your words and behavior wouldn’t be tolerated on any other forum. But on this one they are applauded and encouraged
Free speech dude, you can't handle being called out on your opinion and that everyone doesn't bow down and say how great it is. All I did was point out that he did not call you a name. He said you were making up shit again and you got butthurt like the libtard you are.
You do realize was the first one on this thread who suggested Memphis might have a twin towers this year! To have a twin towers required having 2 players! That would require Jjj to either play the 4 or be traded.

You talk about players being able to play multiple positions. So I guess using the BBG FOOLISH predictions above, am I to infer you are suggesting Edey could play multiple positions? I doubt that is what you are inferring. But in so stating, you inferred that I was clueless about player playing multiple positions. MJ, LeBron and Gianni’s all played multiple positions! Jjj could play a different position to accommodate Edey.

The question that Purdue people don’t address or answer. Jjj was a starter at center last year for Memphis. He has become a very good NBA player. He is an established veteran. as such, the question nobody has asked, does Jjj want to shift positions to play the 4? Will jjj and Edey be a good combination? Willl jjj demand a trade? You’re not going to find out in the summer league because jjj is not playing in the summer league.

The question was the same when Ivey went to Detroit. Detroit already had two very good guards. Ivey looked great in the Summer league. But really didn’t mesh or become in sync with the other two guards until one became injured. This past year, Ivey put up some nice stats. How did Detroit do as a team? How did the other two guards do?

So will JJJ welcome Edey? Will he transition to the 4? Will they become a great combo? Or will Jjj ask for a trade? Look at the Clippers and Golden State. It would appear players’s egos became greater than the team. Ed shall see how it all plays out.

But I’m sure not going to make any predictions based on one summer league game. Let’s see what he does against some real competition first.
When you say twin towers…do you mean just two bigs? And when edey was drafted everyone on here and on twitter (X), the coaching staff and GM knew that they were looking for a center to allow JJJ to move to the 4. And I continue to address your question about JJJ and ask you Why would JJJ want to bang down low with more physical guys (no Diddy) when Zach can? Why would he request a trade when he doesn’t have to guard the big uglies down low? Why would JJJ not welcome a guy who can do all the dirty work that JJJ doesn’t have to anymore? Does JJJ have an ego?

Ivey went to a horrible team with a horrible front office and horrible coach who didn’t want to use him. That team was nowhere near playoff contender. This grizzlies team can absolutely make the playoffs and is in “win now” mode. That’s why they drafted Zach. They need him for rim protection, rebounding, screening, FT shooting for a big and the occasional bucket.

Looking forward to you answering all of my questions. And please don’t answer with just an opinion, please provide facts/clips of where JJJ has an ego, stated he wants to play the 5 still, will demand a trade if he doesn’t play the 5, as well as not liking the choice in drafting Zach.
There you go name calling and posting misinformation again. And there you go posting stuff without even reading my post. You read the first line and didn’t even read my subsequent paragraphs! I encourage you to open your eyes and reread my ENTIRE post before responding to it.

I posed the question of possibly having a twin towers at Memphis much like San Antonio did with Robinson and Duncan? Wasn’t Duncan a center in college and he switched to play PF for San Antonio?

You totally missed the entire point of my post and jumped all over the first 4 words much like a fool that just reads headlines and never reads the article and bases his opinions solely on the headline and not the substance!

For the record, I am the first poster on this board that suggested and speculated that Jjj and Edey may become a twin towers.
And for that, you call me full of shit and list my marbles.
I didn't call you a name and I never have. But I did postulate that you presented something as fact that you've yet to provide any concrete support for.

So, as many have asked, who has said that Edey will not start this year?
It seems like I’m the only person here with any knowledge of the NbA! Jjj started for Memphis last year!

I guess people here totally forgot that Edey was a forgotten player for Canada’s national team last year playing very limited minutes as their coach Played an NBA style of game.

And so after 2 game , you homers are all anointed Edey as the starter and rookie of the year. You even forgot how Memphis blew a 10 point lead and lost the game. All you see are Edey’s stats in one game. And you use 2 game to make your conclusions!

BBG ! What do you look forward to the most? Edey being an all pro? Or a chance to call me names?

Edey had a nice game. But he also made several critical mistakes that cost Memphis the game.

Will JJJ become the 4? And because I suggested Memphis might create a twin towers much like San Antonio did, you accuse me of losing my marbles? Some of you are so bent on calling me names you are hilarious. And you are also displaying your total lack of knowledge of anything that is not Purdue related!

Is Lance Jones going to make the Pacers roster? doubtful! I know 20 people will all start calling me stupid for stating the reality of it. How dare I suggest Jones Will not become a member of the all rookie team? I’m not trying to be negative. But rather, I’m being realistic.

Edey will have a nice NBA career. But I’m not going to predict he will be rookie of the year based on one game. There are some people who have the same vision and thoughts about a guy named Ware.
Sure Zach made some mistakes that you could say cost them the game. But he had a double double on a night where NO ONE was looking for him and had no clue how to play with him. Multiple times he had Kessler or filipowski sealed under the basket and no one looked for him. Other times a simple dump off pass was there and his teammates shot it instead and…missed. So while Zach did have some mistakes, his teammates didn’t help at all. They get him 5-6 more touches, hell even 2-3, they win that game jn regulation.

Also, he had one hell of a tip in—impressive for anyone, but for a 7’4 guy who battled between two 7 footers off a FT to get the tip was pretty amazing.

And he doesn’t/prob won’t be all pro. But I’m hoping he’s a solid role player —maybe like a Brad Miller type, and sticks around the league for close to 10 years.
Yes. Memphis literally said that JJJ can now play the 4 and that was also a reason for drafting him.
But has anyone asked JJJ to make sure he’s ok with playing the 4?! He may request a trade and want to play the 5 somewhere else! 😂

Even tho he averaged 5 3PAs a game, which is one of the highest rates for a PF (the 4) and C (the 5). So it seems he likes playing out on the perimeter.
Free speech dude, you can't handle being called out on your opinion and that everyone doesn't bow down and say how great it is. All I did was point out that he did not call you a name. He said you were making up shit again and you got butthurt like the libtard you are.
conservatards have a monopoly on butt hurt here.
After one summer league game with no plays run for him and guards ignoring him on roll part of pick and roll.

I've said it over and over. REBOUNDING and PICKS get him pt.
There was NO doubt he could do both those things.
Ja gonna buy Zach a Lamborghini (or should)
The scoring will come and D will improve.
Duh to the doubters.
I don't about ROTY favorite right now. But only because Reed Sheppard has looked so good.
I think Risaccher for the Hawks has a pretty good all around impact too.

This is a good rookie class despite not having a clear far and away #1 pick generational type talent guy
Update on my end for odds now that everyone has started playing summer games.

Edey +600
Sarr +600 (had been +500 last I looked)
Sheppard +600
Risacher +700
Knecht +800
Castle +900
Buzelis +1000

Bronny +25000
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If you are so knowledgeable about the NBA, unlike the rest of us poors, you would know that JJJ started at center because Steven Adams was injured and then traded.

They drafted Edey to replace Adams and to move JJJ to the 4. Their coach has said this, repeatedly, on video.
Now now.. you're going to anger Wol and his sock puppet friends with factual statements like this.