Does the Coronavirus concern you?

You don't think the media is overreacting? It's the lead story on every major news network for the first 10 minutes of the show. In addition, the super lefty stations are trying to connect Trump to it.
What is Trump supposed to say? Because anything other than a pragmatic, levelheaded response would then be spun by the libs as an over reaction and fear mongering.
Of course you'd like to see him screw this up, that's how lefties work. You'd cut off your nose to spite your face.
But, the reality is, you're not going to know anyone who get the coronovirus, and no one you know will know anyone. It will impact about 1/1000 of the number of people impacted by the flu.
1) media reaction varies. Trump's "connection" includes the question of his downplaying coronavirus' eventual impact, and his Administration's ongoing public differences between medical/science people -
and the political spin people.
2) No one (we) know will EVER know anyone who contracts coronavirus ?? Oh, O-KAY bone ! WE were all wondering if that could POSSIBLY happen ! What a relief !
3) Coronavirus is roughly 20 times more lethal than the flu. You might want to check the REST OF THE WORLD'S reaction to that fact, when blaming the American political left for " fear-mongering" and hysteria.
1) media reaction varies. Trump's "connection" includes the question of his downplaying coronavirus' eventual impact, and his Administration's ongoing public differences between medical/science people -
and the political spin people.
2) No one (we) know will EVER know anyone who contracts coronavirus ?? Oh, O-KAY bone ! WE were all wondering if that could POSSIBLY happen ! What a relief !
3) Coronavirus is roughly 20 times more lethal than the flu. You might want to check the REST OF THE WORLD'S reaction to that fact, when blaming the American political left for " fear-mongering" and hysteria.

So Doublebubble,
Are you worried about the CV? If so, what changes are you making due to the coronovirus?
Other than your investments, how has it impacted you?

So far this flu season, 16,000 Americans have died from flu, according to the CDC. As of Thursday, there were 82,549 confirmed cases of coronavirus worldwide and at least 2,810 deaths, according to the latest figures from health officials.

So again, which is more scary?
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So, there's 15 people diagnosed. How many deaths?
That's 15 in a country of of 335 million? More people are diagnosed with polio!

Damn....I better go buy some masks and start the quarantine process for my family.
Hey, ever'body ! Only 15 cases, as of yesterday. It's over !! Damn......and here we thought that there was a chance that this virus might EVENTUALLY spread.....and infect a bunch of Americans !!!

Thanks again, bone ! Saved a lot of anxiety !
So Doublebubble,
Are you worried about the CV? If so, what changes are you making due to the coronovirus?
Other than your investments, how has it impacted you?

So far this flu season, 16,000 Americans have died from flu, according to the CDC. As of Thursday, there were 82,549 confirmed cases of coronavirus worldwide and at least 2,810 deaths, according to the latest figures from health officials.

So again, which is more scary?
Whatever makes Trump look worse is scarier to him. Naturally.

At the end of the day, it's all about Trump. All day, every day.
So Doublebubble,
Are you worried about the CV? If so, what changes are you making due to the coronovirus?
Other than your investments, how has it impacted you?

So far this flu season, 16,000 Americans have died from flu, according to the CDC. As of Thursday, there were 82,549 confirmed cases of coronavirus worldwide and at least 2,810 deaths, according to the latest figures from health officials.

So again, which is more scary?
How about a radical suggestion ?
How 'bout we WAIT a couple of months and recap where this all stands ??
Gee !! As of TODAY...nobody I know has contracted the disease !
Must mean that it's all just a big, overblown, non-crisis public health matter.
Whatever makes Trump look worse is scarier to him. Naturally.

At the end of the day, it's all about Trump. All day, every day.
WHERE in the post that prompted your reply was MY preoccupation with Trump ?
I realize that there's a lot of incoming fire that you're dealing with....but I'm just firing back at the ignorance of discounting the POTENTIAL impact of coronavirus, given that the US' exposure is still in its infancy.
Trump's handling of it is just SOS, different day. Have had over 1,000 days of it, now.
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So Doublebubble,
Are you worried about the CV? If so, what changes are you making due to the coronovirus?
Other than your investments, how has it impacted you?

So far this flu season, 16,000 Americans have died from flu, according to the CDC. As of Thursday, there were 82,549 confirmed cases of coronavirus worldwide and at least 2,810 deaths, according to the latest figures from health officials.

So again, which is more scary?

If 32 million people get this illness (i.e. the number of people who have caught the flu), ~640,00 will die.

But yes, this is all about Trump's reelection.

How stupid. How idiotic.
How about a radical suggestion ?
How 'bout we WAIT a couple of months and recap where this all stands ??
Gee !! As of TODAY...nobody I know has contracted the disease !
Must mean that it's all just a big, overblown, non-crisis public health matter.

OK, since you haven't answered the question, I'll ask it another way:
On a scale of 1-10
1:don't care at all
5: Somewhat concerned
10: scared to death,

what is your level of concern about the CV?
If 32 million people get this illness (i.e. the number of people who have caught the flu), ~640,00 will die.

But yes, this is all about Trump's reelection.

How stupid. How idiotic.

Wonder if 100 million people get it! Jiminy Crickets! That's scary!

Why didn't 32 million get SARS?
What about MERS?
OK, since you haven't answered the question, I'll ask it another way:
On a scale of 1-10
1:don't care at all
5: Somewhat concerned
10: scared to death,

what is your level of concern about the CV?
For me, personally ? 3
For all Americans ? 7

Question for you:
At 1:28 P.M., yesterday, you said " If hundreds of thousands of Americans (are infected w/c.virus) , I'll
START thinking about it "
On a scale of 1-10
1 Proud to have made that statement
5 Uh,....I'd like to make a, uh....revision
10 "bonefish1 ?...Never heard of him ! "
For me, personally ? 3
For all Americans ? 7

Question for you:
At 1:28 P.M., yesterday, you said " If hundreds of thousands of Americans (are infected w/c.virus) , I'll
START thinking about it "
On a scale of 1-10
1 Proud to have made that statement
5 Uh,....I'd like to make a, uh....revision
10 "bonefish1 ?...Never heard of him ! "

I'm a solid 1. Not concerned at all (other than it pisses me off what's happened to the market).
If hundreds of thousands of Americans do get diagnosed, you're right, I'll take notice. But until then, I'll just sit here and be pissed about the market.
I'm a solid 1. Not concerned at all (other than it pisses me off what's happened to the market).
If hundreds of thousands of Americans do get diagnosed, you're right, I'll take notice. But until then, I'll just sit here and be pissed about the market.
Excuse me: You stated that you'd START thinking about it upon HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Americans being diagnosed. START.
By THAT time, the entire country would be in a full-scale contagious disease emergency !!
It's difficult having this conversation until you might get up to speed about the mathematics of, and geometric progression ratios involved in epidemics/pandemics.
not to butt in here, but I think the CDC just changed testing criteria to more than travelers to & from China and/or contacts to those travelers. The lady on the vent in Cali didn’t meet those criteria and wasn’t initially tested. I will hypothesize that more testing will turn up more cases, soon
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A little information to calm some of you down. I'm sure the 2% mortality rate out of the 83,000 cases are somehow Trump's fault though because that's how hysteria works.

You might wanna check more than 1 tweet, not sure Ian shares your view. You listed data gathered over 3 months and ongoing, data gathered over several years, and data gathered over 8 years. So these numbers prove what to you? I think your gonna get a bad grade on your science fair project mister
OK, since you haven't answered the question, I'll ask it another way:
On a scale of 1-10
1:don't care at all
5: Somewhat concerned
10: scared to death,

what is your level of concern about the CV?
Wtf does the level of concern have to do with the problem?

You think people in California have a higher level of concern that North Dakota?
not to butt in here, but I think the CDC just changed testing criteria to more than travelers to & from China and/or contacts to those travelers. The lady on the vent in Cali didn’t meet those criteria and wasn’t initially tested. I will hypothesize that more testing will turn up more cases, soon
And currently the CDC is the only one who can administer the test.
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" Facts" ??
Now all you have to do, with your doctorates in both medicine AND translate the data and info. from your 3 a professional assessment of what to expect in the FUTURE months from this disease......
Don't hesitate to go into excruciating detail with your scientific analysis...…..
Quit your crying. What did you expect when you voted for a reality star president. Wake up! Why would anyone vote republican. They have a horrible record at running economies and always get us into meaningless wars. But please keep crying! Never seen a softer group of men.
I think Vietnam vets may disagree
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" Facts" ??
Now all you have to do, with your doctorates in both medicine AND translate the data and info. from your 3 a professional assessment of what to expect in the FUTURE months from this disease......
Don't hesitate to go into excruciating detail with your scientific analysis...…..
Facts.......... YOU ARE NUTS!!
Facts.......... YOU ARE NUTS!!
Fool. M51 did, indeed, link three stories with factual information about coronavirus. My ?-mark simply
set up my request for extrapolated predictions about the disease's progression.
You again failed to recognize that your incessant interference in others' posts has no value, and is a waste of time.
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Fool. SKYDOG did, indeed, link three stories with fatual information about coronavirus. My ?-mark simply
set up my request for extrapolated predictions about the disease's progression.
You again failed to recognize that your incessant interference in others' posts has no value, and is a waste of time.
You monkey live together? No one can like posts that quick a$$hole.
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So lets see, in this strange passive aggresive relationship with W and Monkey ? They are both d!cks, W is a d!ck all the time and Monkey is a d!ck that goes around liking posts to be a bigger d!ck.
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So lets see, in this strange passive aggresive relationship with W and Monkey ? They are both d!cks, W is a d!ck all the time and Monkey is a d!ck that goes around liking posts to be a bigger d!ck.

someone has some anger issues! Not a good time to be a republican. You are the joke of America. Thank god you are the minority. You must be from Delphi lol
someone has some anger issues! Not a good time to be a republican. You are the joke of America. Thank god you are the minority.
I have no anger issues Doubleyous, I didnt feel the need to set up another account so I could post twice as much BS on a daily basis and think I was fooling anyone like you have . Is 35 you too or just a prick?
I have no anger issues Doubleyous, I didnt feel the need to set up another account so I could post twice as much BS on a daily basis and think I was fooling anyone like you have . Is 35 you too or just a prick?
For Christ's sake, fool, you're not doing a very good job of showing you're NOT crazy.
Can you at least spare us this juvenile aggravation ? It's pitiful.
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For Christ's sake, fool, you're not doing a very good job of showing you're NOT crazy.
Can you at least spare us this juvenile aggravation ? It's pitiful.
Really? Why do you and Monkeybutt post like the exact same person then?
"The reason you’re seeing so much attention to it (coronavirus) today is that they think this is going to be the thing that brings down the president,” Mulvaney said.

"They tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia — that didn’t work out too well,” Trump told a cheering crowd in South Carolina. “They tried the impeachment hoax. That was a perfect conversation.”

“And this is the new hoax,” Trump declared.

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So what point is Bob trying to make here? He doesn't care he is on to his latest hope about bring Trump down. It is really sad to see people consume their whole lives around hating Trump
( eye bowls ?)
Good 'ol Dr. he's a "Celebrity Clinician", you grant ?? He's a Professor of Psychiatry at the USC School of Medicine. His comments about media and pandemics have what weight, here ??
Answer: No more than any other "celebrity", it would appear...
I would imagine that the 7+ billion people living in this world might be listening to the opinions and warnings about health emergencies that experts have offered, rather than a message board poster, on an obscure forum, opining about how the flu - not coronavirus - needs to be the object of our attention, right now.
But thanks.

I mean, you left out the rest of his resume.

He is an internist, a physician, that rose to chief resident at a hospital in Pasadena. That is where he became interested in addiction medicine. He operates his own private practice as an internist and sees patients daily. Just like your doctor. Not as a psych doc, but like - my knee hurts, I have a sore throat....GP.

So yeah, I will listen to what he has to say. He treats us everyday and has been for coming up on 40 years.

Would you listen to your doctor on this matter?
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