Does the Coronavirus concern you?

There are good things and bad things about free-market medicine. One bad thing with the profit motive is the lack of incentive to develop medicine, vaccines, etc for less common or rare diseases or problems.
You’re correct, but I’m not convinced the government would do any better. The most serious diseases that impact the most people will get top priority regardless private or public. I’ve never mentioned this on the board but I have a rare form of MD. It only affects males and is very rare and mild compared to the form of MD that effects young kids. Fortunately I can walk but I have lost muscle mass in my upper body and have a pacemaker to protect my heart. I inherited it from my grandfather who lived to be 84. I’m 56 and hope I make it to his age.–Dreifuss_muscular_dystrophy
You’re correct, but I’m not convinced the government would do any better. The most serious diseases that impact the most people will get top priority regardless private or public. I’ve never mentioned this on the board but I have a rare form of MD. It only affects males and is very rare and mild compared to the form of MD that effects young kids. Fortunately I can walk but I have lost muscle mass in my upper body and have a pacemaker to protect my heart. I inherited it from my grandfather who lived to be 84. I’m 56 and hope I make it to his age.–Dreifuss_muscular_dystrophy
I hope you make it WAY PAST his age ! Good luck.
We were offered the chance to shuttle quarantine bound passengers from flights to barracks on a local marine corps base. I turned the business down because I didn’t want my buses on TV associated with Coronavirus. Sure enough, a company took it and it wasn’t my branded buses on TV when one of the passengers was positive for Coronavirus. It was a good decision on my part....

But not because of the virus itself... it was a good call because people are morons, and don’t worry about getting their flu shot but will lose their GD minds about this glorified upper respiratory infection of a virus.
This is not true. There is a market for all medicine, certainly when it saves lives. The free market is the best process ever invented for supplying the needs of mankind
The only flip side is if it is so rare there will be very little profit incentive. I agree with you on popular diseases
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I'm being completely honest, but I don't remember. I'm not saying they didn't, maybe they did, I just don't recall it. If they did, well, shame on them.
Were you paying attention to politics in 2014? I don’t know how you could have possibly missed it.
While the media has played it up some, lots of naive people in this thread. As I said above, wife works in corporate side of a hospital network and they're very concerned.

Also as I said above, the Cheeto in Chief gutted the department that would be dealing with this.

he also cut CDC funding by 9%.
Did you respond by calling Obama the Black and White in charge? Asking for a friend.
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There are good things and bad things about free-market medicine. One bad thing with the profit motive is the lack of incentive to develop medicine, vaccines, etc for less common or rare diseases or problems.

Do you realize the massive investment needed to eventually bring a medicine to market? Granted, some of that my be due to the FDA, but who's going to fund the R&D, etc to develop something? They're only going to do so if there's a return on their investment.
Were you paying attention to politics in 2014? I don’t know how you could have possibly missed it.
Honestly, I don't remember it being a partisan issue. Maybe it was. I just don't remember it.
Just to be fair, I disagree with most Republicans and conservatives stance on abortion, gay marriage and a couple of other issues.
You’re correct, but I’m not convinced the government would do any better. The most serious diseases that impact the most people will get top priority regardless private or public. I’ve never mentioned this on the board but I have a rare form of MD. It only affects males and is very rare and mild compared to the form of MD that effects young kids. Fortunately I can walk but I have lost muscle mass in my upper body and have a pacemaker to protect my heart. I inherited it from my grandfather who lived to be 84. I’m 56 and hope I make it to his age.–Dreifuss_muscular_dystrophy
Keep doing what you're doing brother. I'm hoping you see 90 and dance when you reach it.
Do you realize the massive investment needed to eventually bring a medicine to market? Granted, some of that my be due to the FDA, but who's going to fund the R&D, etc to develop something? They're only going to do so if there's a return on their investment.
Bone, there is no incentive to bring CURES to the market place. My wife's treatments...local, Mayo, etc., during her 9 month battle with the Glioblastoma came to about $900K. With hospitals, doctors, nurses, and big pharma all getting their cut, why would they ever bring out a cure and put half those folks out of business?
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The CDC directly contradicted Trump yesterday. Who's going to get fired?

Trump is holding a news conference on the "very much under control" virus tonight.
Good news.......because to this point he has seemed to be more concern with it's effect on the market.
Bone, there is no incentive to bring CURES to the market place. My wife's treatments...local, Mayo, etc., during her 9 month battle with the Glioblastoma came to about $900K. With hospitals, doctors, nurses, and big pharma all getting their cut, why would they ever bring out a cure and put half those folks out of business?

Man, I'm really sorry to hear about your wife dealing with GBM. I lost my 45 year old brother last July to GBM. It was devastating.
As far as a cure goes, I totally understand your point. Treating people is a helluva lot more profitable than curing people. Once the flow of patients stops, so do the dollars. I get that. It's a difficult argument from a social, ethical, and economic standpoint.
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I am actually very curious what is going to be communicated in the press conference with the CDC. I think it is easy to feel safe in the US right now as this is an "over there" problem currently, with minimal cases being treated in the US. However, I think more cases are showing up that create more questions than answers, and the virus could easy spread in the US. I am certainly not in panic mode, my life hasn't been changed...but certainly curious as this all develops. I would like to believe the US is better equipped to manage, treat, and contain any potential outbreak here.
Bone, there is no incentive to bring CURES to the market place. My wife's treatments...local, Mayo, etc., during her 9 month battle with the Glioblastoma came to about $900K. With hospitals, doctors, nurses, and big pharma all getting their cut, why would they ever bring out a cure and put half those folks out of business?
It is with considerable hesitation that I make this particular comment to you, Twin, given your life experience and loss.
Medical research, in this world , has provided incalculable relief to the suffering of hundreds of millions of
earth's residents, through knowledge, resources and efforts to bring about cures for diseases. As we are all well aware, many illnesses' cures remain elusive. But in the opinion of most, it would perhaps be the height of cynicism to suggest mankind's efforts to find remedies for suffering are rooted in the financial rewards that possibly await.
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I guess normal flu season takes less than .1% of those that catch it but Coronavirus kills at about 2.5% or about the same rate as the 1918 Spanish Flu. A unique thing about the 1918 Flu was that it was actually worse in the summer and autumn. In the U.S., about 28% of the population of 105 million became infected, and 500,000 to 675,000 died (0.48 to 0.64 percent of the population). Hopefully it won't get as bad as that pandemic but Wall Street has good reason to be pulling back, unfortunately.
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I guess normal flu season takes less than .1% of those that catch it but Coronavirus kills at about 2.5% or about the same rate as the 1918 Spanish Flu. A unique thing about the 1918 Flu was that it was actually worse in the summer and autumn. In the U.S., about 28% of the population of 105 million became infected, and 500,000 to 675,000 died (0.48 to 0.64 percent of the population). Hopefully it won't get as bad as that pandemic but Wall Street has good reason to be pulling back, unfortunately.

Why do you think Wall St is pulling back?

I predict (and this is just what my magic all-knowing crystal ball says) that by this time next week, we'll start hearing news of the spread decreasing. The hysterics will subside, the market will rebound nicely and we can all look forward to spring.
Why do you think Wall St is pulling back?

I predict (and this is just what my magic all-knowing crystal ball says) that by this time next week, we'll start hearing news of the spread decreasing. The hysterics will subside, the market will rebound nicely and we can all look forward to spring.
I sure hope so but not optimistic.
Why do you think Wall St is pulling back?

I predict (and this is just what my magic all-knowing crystal ball says) that by this time next week, we'll start hearing news of the spread decreasing. The hysterics will subside, the market will rebound nicely and we can all look forward to spring.
Hope you’re correct. What makes this bad is it takes up to 2 weeks for symptoms to appear coupled with countries withholding data
Man, I'm really sorry to hear about your wife dealing with GBM. I lost my 45 year old brother last July to GBM. It was devastating.
As far as a cure goes, I totally understand your point. Treating people is a helluva lot more profitable than curing people. Once the flow of patients stops, so do the dollars. I get that. It's a difficult argument from a social, ethical, and economic standpoint.
Cures are going to have to come from the engineering sector for them to be allowed. If we can put a man on the moon, we can cure cancer. And I am so very sorry for your loss.
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Cures are going to have to come from the engineering sector for them to be allowed. If we can put a man on the moon, we can cure cancer.
Yep, sorry to hear about your wife. There’s progress every day. I see both sides of the argument but believe the private sector that has financial backing and incentive offers the best hope for cures
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It is with considerable hesitation that I make this particular comment to you, Twin, given your life experience and loss.
Medical research, in this world , has provided incalculable relief to the suffering of hundreds of millions of
earth's residents, through knowledge, resources and efforts to bring about cures for diseases. As we are all well aware, many illnesses' cures remain elusive. But in the opinion of most, it would perhaps be the height of cynicism to suggest mankind's efforts to find remedies for suffering are rooted in the financial rewards that possibly await.
Dub's, you're entitled to your opinion on these matters of cures. I doubt you've seen this, and God knows I hope you or anyone else ever does. I watched, I listened, I asked as she did. To watch your loved one die, one day at a time makes you realize that the profit and greed over-rides the humanitarian effort of one person releasing a cure. And she was just one. Relief yes....cures, not at this time and maybe never. Not to get political but one of my major atta boy's for POTUS is that he legislated through his pen that the terminally ill have the right to try.
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Oh BTW Dub's....There's a guy that I was introduced to during my wife's struggles, Dr. Jerry Thornthwaite, Cancer Research Institute of West Tennessee, a prof at Freed-Hardman University who is a research scientist dealing with such things as malaria, cancer, etc.

He has come up with what he terms, "My concoction" that is known to have cured pacreatic, lung, and other types of cancer. He can't sell it, because it's not approved by the FDA. He's been offered great sums of money for it that would make him a very wealthy man, but has turned it down because he believes that the interest in buying it is to destroy the formula. And no, he's not a quack when he says that. He's seen it happen before.

Very interesting and extremely intelligent guy who's as honest as the day is long. He's spoken with every major research hospital in America about what this contains (100 percent natural) and how it works, and again, he's had a ton of interest. Right now, I believe he's discussing with an Atlanta research hospital.

If I were to become ill with cancer, he's the first guy I'd call. Look him up and do some research. He may change your mind.
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What I'm concerned about is the politicization of the virus. Rush started it and went over the top today........ trump has been doing it all along.

I'm concerned that my government is telling me the truth. We've already seen multiple examples of the admin telling us one thing and the health professionals telling us something else.

I'm concerned the president seems more worried about the market than the virus.

I'm concerned Trump's repeated rejection and dismissal of science......and cuts to government agencies that deal with these problems......will make the situation worse than it has to be.

Mostly I'm concerned there will believe everything trump says regardless of what the professionals say.......and many more that won't know who to believe considering all the lies we've heard the last 3 years.
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What I'm concerned about is the politicization of the virus. Rush started it and went over the top today........ trump has been doing it all along.

I'm concerned that my government is telling me the truth. We've already seen multiple examples of the admin telling us one thing and the health professionals telling us something else.

I'm concerned the president seems more worried about the market than the virus.

I'm concerned Trump's repeated rejection and dismissal of science......and cuts to government agencies that deal with these problems......will make the situation worse than it has to be.

Mostly I'm concerned there will believe everything trump says regardless of what the professionals say.......and many more that won't know who to believe considering all the lies we've heard the last 3 years.
I know what you are saying but on the flip side, it would be political suicide for Trump screw this up and the USA have a pandemic as a result. On a side note, I heard a caller on Rush say high Vitamin D has been proven to prevent the flu and possibly the Coronavirus. Rush thought the sun was the sole source Vitamin D. He didn't realize you take supplements for higher dosages. Wasn't one of Rush's best moments but I give him credit for hanging up on the caller because he couldn't support callers with unproven theories.
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Oh BTW Dub's....There's a guy that I was introduced to during my wife's struggles, Dr. Jerry Thornthwaite, Cancer Research Institute of West Tennessee, a prof at Freed-Hardman University who is a research scientist dealing with such things as malaria, cancer, etc.

He has come up with what he terms, "My concoction" that is known to have cured pacreatic, lung, and other types of cancer. He can't sell it, because it's not approved by the FDA. He's been offered great sums of money for it that would make him a very wealthy man, but has turned it down because he believes that the interest in buying it is to destroy the formula. And no, he's not a quack when he says that. He's seen it happen before.

Very interesting and extremely intelligent guy who's as honest as the day is long. He's spoken with every major research hospital in America about what this contains (100 percent natural) and how it works, and again, he's had a ton of interest. Right now, I believe he's discussing with an Atlanta research hospital.

If I were to become ill with cancer, he's the first guy I'd call. Look him up and do some research. He may change your mind.
I'll let the thousands of those in the medical profession that are connected to its research be the judges of Dr. Thornthwaite's work. Being offered "great sums of money" to destroy a viable path forward in cancer research.....would appear to be a plotline for a Grade-B TV Movie. Hate to see you suckered in by something , that at first glance, is so transparently bogus.
Dub's, you're entitled to your opinion on these matters of cures. I doubt you've seen this, and God knows I hope you or anyone else ever does. I watched, I listened, I asked as she did. To watch your loved one die, one day at a time makes you realize that the profit and greed over-rides the humanitarian effort of one person releasing a cure. And she was just one. Relief yes....cures, not at this time and maybe never. Not to get political but one of my major atta boy's for POTUS is that he legislated through his pen that the terminally ill have the right to try.
I would always welcome legitimate, documented evidence from the medical profession (and the legal profession) of the mind-blowing malfeasance that your description would entail. It seems to most, I feel, just like another conspiracy theory that's destined to join many others on the trash heap of unproven
Medical Ethicists have spoken eloquently about the false hope involved in end-of- life decisions; Donald Trump's interest in such matters would most likely revolve around the possible political advantage involved, here, and nothing else, if history is our judge.
I know what you are saying but on the flip side, it would be political suicide for Trump screw this up and the USA have a pandemic as a result. On a side note, I heard a caller on Rush say high Vitamin D has been proven to prevent the flu and possibly the Coronavirus. Rush thought the sun was the sole source Vitamin D. He didn't realize you take supplements for higher dosages. Wasn't one of Rush's best moments but I give him credit for hanging up on the caller because he couldn't support callers with unproven theories.
For those not keeping up, today Rush insinuated the director for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory diseases, who is also the sister of Rod Rosenstein, is out to get trump for political reasons. The right wing whackjobs have to picked up on it and saying she's part of the deep state and trying to tank the markets to hurt trump.

This is what you people have become.
I know what you are saying but on the flip side, it would be political suicide for Trump screw this up and the USA have a pandemic as a result. On a side note, I heard a caller on Rush say high Vitamin D has been proven to prevent the flu and possibly the Coronavirus. Rush thought the sun was the sole source Vitamin D. He didn't realize you take supplements for higher dosages. Wasn't one of Rush's best moments but I give him credit for hanging up on the caller because he couldn't support callers with unproven theories.
I agree it would hurt him politically if he screws this up........but he hasn't acted like he knows that to this point. We'll see what he says tonight.
He and members of his admin have been saying the wrong things all week. Playing it down, saying it's under control, talking more about the stock market. Are we supposed to believe trump if he does a 180 and says the right things tonight? I won't.

Maybe trump has finally figured out that the virus has the potential to hurt his number one argument for re-election. The economy. Maybe he'll take it seriously now.
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For those not keeping up, today Rush insinuated the director for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory diseases, who is also the sister of Rod Rosenstein, is out to get trump for political reasons. The right wing whackjobs have to picked up on it and saying she's part of the deep state and trying to tank the markets to hurt trump.

This is what you people have become.
i'm not "you people" no more than you are part of NC NASCAR people