I said that I believe OJ may have hired someone to kill them. That is the same as doing the killing yourself. I just don’t believe the timeline of OJ personally doing the killing and getting back in time to catch his cab to the airport. If he was at the scene, perhaps he was there to make sure the job was done. Plus no bloody clothes found anywhere if I recall other than the glove that did not fit. The defenses forensic experts exposed hole after hole in the prosecution’s case. The jury had no choice but to acquit. There were kinds of reasonable doubt. This goes with my response in my earlier post about Perry, it’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove in court.As Slow Joe would say "C'mon man...."
Anyone with 25% of a brain knows that OJ murdered his wife and her friend. Did the prosecution do a poor job in court? Yes, they failed miserably. And whether cops were racist or not has nothing to do with anything.
That doesn't negate the fact that even though the court didn't find him guilty, that he didn't do it. Which he did.
The same thing with Zimmerman killing Treyvon Martin. I can say the same thing that anyone with 26% of a brain knows that Zimmerman should have been found guilty. Naturally, you are on the side of Zimmerman. But the prosecution could not prove it beyond reasonable doubt.
Here we go with race has nothing to do with the case. Det. Furman, one of the lead detectives was known for years of planting evidence in cars that he stopped driven by blacks. Plus other crap. This goes along with what I’ve been saying all along about these crooked cops.