I have a problem with you making up things or just mindlessly repeating things you heard on urban radio or msnbc. Is there ever any stupid thing you hear about "racisim' on those sources that you don't unthinkingly believe and repeat?
To go along with your apparently false claim about Candance Owens, it appears that your claim about the Rosa Parks book is also false:
“The school system actually responded on social media and said, well, we have 14 other books about Rosa Parks, we just didn’t have that one, because you have to make choices about what you do,” DeSantis said.
While you are looking for a link about your Owens claim, look for one on the Rosa Parks "banning" also, and let us know what you find - instead of just hiding.
Duval County Public Schools shut down U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern’s, R-MA, false claims after he said they banned a book from their school library.