Democrat lawyers beg to not be sanctioned by the end of appeal of NY Fraud case


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2004
Valparaiso, IN
This is just GD hilarious!!! We've been saying all along that the prosecutions of Trump were all bogus. Lefties here were loving to call Trump a Felon because of the bogus cases. The appeals court judges blew up the Democrats case vs Trump so badly that by the end they were begging to not be sanctioned. I hope they get sanctioned hard!

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Looks like enough voters think this lawfare crap is just BS that it is, & hopefully won't matter.

Still, I see Dem side might have a late Oct surprise, perhaps this week, that brings up something from these crazy cases or something else out of left field, to try to sway last minute vacuous independent voters. Won't be true.....but, won't matter...... like Harry Reid said, in his Oct surprise about Romney tax returns that wasn't true......"we won didn't we?"
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