Jan 6 hypocrisy and projection as usual by the democrats.


Gold Member
Sep 27, 2008
As previously offered and with no response I asked if there has ever been an overthrow of a government by unarmed everyday citizens. What should be obvious, and to most, is the answer of NO, it hasn’t and for obvious reasons. Citizens couldn’t do that, but politicians in power could as rumblings are already in play. For giggles and grins anyone that wants to produce evidence that Trump directed the protesters to any illegal activity I have no problem witnessing such…if only it existed…which it doesn’t.

Also, as I stated quite a few times the trespassers should bear the brunt of the legal system for the unlawful trespassing. The minority of those trespassers that were destructive should also bear the brunt of that activity. Application of those unlawful activities or other unlawful activities should be applied fairly between all involved…with even harsher penalties for illegals that committed such. Holding protesters hostage to facilitate the ongoing Jan 6 distraction should end.

Most understand the democrats have nothing to offer other than the Jan 6 distraction as they continually place the country at risk while projecting the Jan 6 joke as something to be frightened. Never before, and as I type has the country been under such assault for destruction as today under the democrat administration. I’ll try to provide some examples of which I mentioned in-between laughs about Jan 6. I would have done this sooner, but basketball interfered and I needed to take care of some social security things for fear that those old women with red hats and canes would trespass again and barricade the doors with their canes and possibly add to that the wheelchairs of the others should another door be open for them to walk through again in their protest holding the country hostage.
1) Democrats want to dismantle the Electoral College since they prefer “mob” rule.
2) Some democrats want to eliminate the Senate’s filibuster due to Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin’s stance on Build back a hell of a lot worse
3) Democrats want to thwart the will of the people by expanding the Supreme Court…you know, that unelected group comprised of such idiots appoint by Obama to place into law that which they want, but can’t get by elected people. The most recent exhibit was Sotomayor.
4) Democrats want illegals and any other noncitizen to vote thereby reducing the influence of the legal voters.
5) Democrats in agreement with all the above attempts to gain control and destroy the country and constitution, desire the “Corrupt Politician’s Act” and actually extend and grow the voter fraud.
6) The attack on the 2nd never ends for the democrats. The 2nd that protects the 1st also allows some degree of protection against the previous 5 above as well as some not listed. Like the overthrow by unarmed citizens has never happened, government intrusion and tyranny grows exponentially when removal of self defense against a tyrannical government. Here is the WORLD history of gun control
7) The attack on the 1st. This shouldn’t even need an explanation, but any honest person knows the censorship taking place. No longer is the marketplace for freedom of ideas possible. Nazi Germany all over again? More could be supplied, but this is enough...

It doesn’t take a genus to understand the mockery of intelligence by pretending the nation was at risk of being overthrown by unarmed citizens, but it does require not having your head in the sand to see the real attack on this country by the never ending desire for more power and elimination of those things in the way of having all the power.
As previously offered and with no response I asked if there has ever been an overthrow of a government by unarmed everyday citizens. What should be obvious, and to most, is the answer of NO, it hasn’t and for obvious reasons. Citizens couldn’t do that, but politicians in power could as rumblings are already in play. For giggles and grins anyone that wants to produce evidence that Trump directed the protesters to any illegal activity I have no problem witnessing such…if only it existed…which it doesn’t.

Also, as I stated quite a few times the trespassers should bear the brunt of the legal system for the unlawful trespassing. The minority of those trespassers that were destructive should also bear the brunt of that activity. Application of those unlawful activities or other unlawful activities should be applied fairly between all involved…with even harsher penalties for illegals that committed such. Holding protesters hostage to facilitate the ongoing Jan 6 distraction should end.

Most understand the democrats have nothing to offer other than the Jan 6 distraction as they continually place the country at risk while projecting the Jan 6 joke as something to be frightened. Never before, and as I type has the country been under such assault for destruction as today under the democrat administration. I’ll try to provide some examples of which I mentioned in-between laughs about Jan 6. I would have done this sooner, but basketball interfered and I needed to take care of some social security things for fear that those old women with red hats and canes would trespass again and barricade the doors with their canes and possibly add to that the wheelchairs of the others should another door be open for them to walk through again in their protest holding the country hostage.
1) Democrats want to dismantle the Electoral College since they prefer “mob” rule.
2) Some democrats want to eliminate the Senate’s filibuster due to Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin’s stance on Build back a hell of a lot worse
3) Democrats want to thwart the will of the people by expanding the Supreme Court…you know, that unelected group comprised of such idiots appoint by Obama to place into law that which they want, but can’t get by elected people. The most recent exhibit was Sotomayor.
4) Democrats want illegals and any other noncitizen to vote thereby reducing the influence of the legal voters.
5) Democrats in agreement with all the above attempts to gain control and destroy the country and constitution, desire the “Corrupt Politician’s Act” and actually extend and grow the voter fraud.
6) The attack on the 2nd never ends for the democrats. The 2nd that protects the 1st also allows some degree of protection against the previous 5 above as well as some not listed. Like the overthrow by unarmed citizens has never happened, government intrusion and tyranny grows exponentially when removal of self defense against a tyrannical government. Here is the WORLD history of gun control
7) The attack on the 1st. This shouldn’t even need an explanation, but any honest person knows the censorship taking place. No longer is the marketplace for freedom of ideas possible. Nazi Germany all over again? More could be supplied, but this is enough...

It doesn’t take a genus to understand the mockery of intelligence by pretending the nation was at risk of being overthrown by unarmed citizens, but it does require not having your head in the sand to see the real attack on this country by the never ending desire for more power and elimination of those things in the way of having all the power.
You are back to your "unarmed citizens" spiel. Again, several questions.
1. What were the protestors there to actually do? If it was to merely have their voices heard, why did they forcibly enter the Capitol. They could have stayed outside.
2. Why did they demand Pence by name?
3. Who motivated their actions?
You are back to your "unarmed citizens" spiel. Again, several questions.
1. What were the protestors there to actually do? If it was to merely have their voices heard, why did they forcibly enter the Capitol. They could have stayed outside.
2. Why did they demand Pence by name?
3. Who motivated their actions?
I already tried helping you with conceptual understandings...which obviously were not understood. I then supplied above REAL things of concern, which you cannot counter. What I said was true. It was NOT some imaginary thing in someones mind. If you continue to try to project Jan 6 as a concern and ignore what I just wrote, then may God have mercy on your soul.
I already tried helping you with conceptual understandings...which obviously were not understood. I then supplied above REAL things of concern, which you cannot counter. What I said was true. It was NOT some imaginary thing in someones mind. If you continue to try to project Jan 6 as a concern and ignore what I just wrote, then may God have mercy on your soul.
Would it not be easier to simply say you do not want to answer the questions? Fewer keystrokes, same message.
No, you never did and can't answer mine which are true and yours are fairy tale land
Again, no answers. The answers might be "fairy tale land", but the questions cannot be. They are simply questions, not real or imagined facts.
You are back to your "unarmed citizens" spiel. Again, several questions.
1. What were the protestors there to actually do? If it was to merely have their voices heard, why did they forcibly enter the Capitol. They could have stayed outside.
2. Why did they demand Pence by name?
3. Who motivated their actions?
1. You do understand the capital police opened the doors for the rioters right?
2. It was a handful of people. not a "they"
3. Fraud. It's not that hard to understand.

Now do BLM and all the destruction and death they have caused. Or how about when the left 'stormed the capital' when Trump won?

You leftists are nothing without your hypocrisy.
1. You do understand the capital police opened the doors for the rioters right?
2. It was a handful of people. not a "they"
3. Fraud. It's not that hard to understand.

Now do BLM and all the destruction and death they have caused. Or how about when the left 'stormed the capital' when Trump won?

You leftists are nothing without your hypocrisy.
First off, I am not a leftist. Actually, center right.
1. Why then were windows smashed and that one cop crushed in the door?
2. Numbers can be argued but the implications cannot be.
3. Protestors stated the answer in the Capitol. Trump.

BTW, I agree about BLM and the destruction that they have caused. Much of this would be avoided if people simply followed the law to start with.
Again, no answers. The answers might be "fairy tale land", but the questions cannot be. They are simply questions, not real or imagined facts.
Look, I do NOT need you to agree with me or someone looking at the real issues. You go right ahead and believe what you want. I do not seek control over you, nor need you to agree with me. It is quite alright to believe what you want. I'm not going to spend time discussing your hypothical hunches that plague you. I listed factual things going on today...all much worse than this Jan 6 protest.

I find the absence of concern for the real lives ruined, lives lost and property destroyed by months not hours of looting or pillage and burning in many locations combined with what I previously pointed REAL concerns to not strike a chord on the real dangers to this country. Apparently, real lives don't matter because when "royalty" which consists of some of those that fanned the flames of destruction across this country have "their house?????" in play, the genuflect at big government is obvious. We will just disagree on the "REAL" dangers to this country.

You have reminded me again why I didn't go into teaching.
Look, I do NOT need you to agree with me or someone looking at the real issues. You go right ahead and believe what you want. I do not seek control over you, nor need you to agree with me. It is quite alright to believe what you want. I'm not going to spend time discussing your hypothical hunches that plague you. I listed factual things going on today...all much worse than this Jan 6 protest.

I find the absence of concern for the real lives ruined, lives lost and property destroyed by months not hours of looting or pillage and burning in many locations combined with what I previously pointed REAL concerns to not strike a chord on the real dangers to this country. Apparently, real lives don't matter because when "royalty" which consists of some of those that fanned the flames of destruction across this country have "their house?????" in play, the genuflect at big government is obvious. We will just disagree on the "REAL" dangers to this country.

You have reminded me again why I didn't go into teaching.
I do not necessarily seek agreement, just reasoned discourse. I happened to agree with much of what the right has to say about BLM, the destruction etc. However, I do not agree with the prevailing right view of January 6. We disagree, so you are glad you weren't a teacher. There probably isn't anyone else on this planet who thinks that makes sense.
I do not necessarily seek agreement, just reasoned discourse. I happened to agree with much of what the right has to say about BLM, the destruction etc. However, I do not agree with the prevailing right view of January 6. We disagree, so you are glad you weren't a teacher. There probably isn't anyone else on this planet who thinks that makes sense.
Guilty. I think it made sense.
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You are back to your "unarmed citizens" spiel. Again, several questions.
1. What were the protestors there to actually do? If it was to merely have their voices heard, why did they forcibly enter the Capitol. They could have stayed outside.
2. Why did they demand Pence by name?
3. Who motivated their actions?

1) They were there to create havoc, just like protesters/rioters who tried to break into the federal courthouse did in Portland.
2) and 3) Who the F cares. These people are morons.

The fact of the matter is that regardless of their intent, was there really ever any danger to democracy? I mean really. What were these morons going to be capable of doing when they did take over the building? It's just a building. People in power is the government. Not a building.

Democrats are simply using this as fodder for the sheep that follow and are gullible enough to believe what they're spewing. It happens on both sides of the aisle, although it seems the Democrats are trying to monopolize on it the past decade or so. The fact that we had a 2 year investigation into Trump's election that ended up showing nothing of substance tells you everything you need to know about today's politicians.
1) They were there to create havoc, just like protesters/rioters who tried to break into the federal courthouse did in Portland.
2) and 3) Who the F cares. These people are morons.

The fact of the matter is that regardless of their intent, was there really ever any danger to democracy? I mean really. What were these morons going to be capable of doing when they did take over the building? It's just a building. People in power is the government. Not a building.

Democrats are simply using this as fodder for the sheep that follow and are gullible enough to believe what they're spewing. It happens on both sides of the aisle, although it seems the Democrats are trying to monopolize on it the past decade or so. The fact that we had a 2 year investigation into Trump's election that ended up showing nothing of substance tells you everything you need to know about today's politicians.
The real insurrection was Adam Schiff, the Democrats, the Russian Collusion hoax and the multiple impeachments of a sitting POTUS for reasons Schiff, Pelosi and the Democrats knew to be false.
You are back to your "unarmed citizens" spiel. Again, several questions.
1. What were the protestors there to actually do? If it was to merely have their voices heard, why did they forcibly enter the Capitol. They could have stayed outside.
2. Why did they demand Pence by name?
3. Who motivated their actions?
In regards to #1, I've read that the people that breached the capitol did so 20-30 min BEFORE Trump finished his speech, then it was another 30 min walk from there or so to the capitol. The breach was led by people like Ray Epps whom has not been detained by the FBI. There is enough concern (not only because of newer video evidence, but also because of precedent) that the FBI was a major reason why there was any breach at all. Much of the video I've seen does have people standing outside with their flags protesting, while another guy on a tower with a megaphone is imploring people to go inside. Again, another person that hasn't been detained. Now we don't know the involvement the FBI has had, but there are serious questions that need to be answered that our current DOJ and Jan 6 committee are refusing to answer, even under oath.
First off, I am not a leftist. Actually, center right.
1. Why then were windows smashed and that one cop crushed in the door?
2. Numbers can be argued but the implications cannot be.
3. Protestors stated the answer in the Capitol. Trump.

BTW, I agree about BLM and the destruction that they have caused. Much of this would be avoided if people simply followed the law to start with.
If you're center right, then why are you listening to all of the far left media?
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Sure you are. Your posts/beliefs say otherwise. Just because you 'identify' as something doesn't make it true.
I know several people that I have always known to be center right, but because of the media, believe that Trump was the worst president ever and all the dumb narratives the MSM have been pushing.
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I know several people that I have always known to be center right, but because of the media, believe that Trump was the worst president ever and all the dumb narratives the MSM have been pushing.
Dr. Ben Carson has NEVER separated any twins as close together as the dems. high tech, corporate and most media. Anyone with an eye to see and an ear to hear should be able to quickly see all the connections and parroting by all
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That's right. If you truly do that your views will probably be a mix of some that cons embrace while others are embraced by libs. The mix will slant toward your general worldview.
I pay attention to them all, but at the same time I understand that there is a lot more out there that ISN'T being reported which slants the viewpoint of the population. You need to read the book Left Turn and you will understand why the media is not only biased but not the friend of America.
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I pay attention to them all, but at the same time I understand that there is a lot more out there that ISN'T being reported which slants the viewpoint of the population. You need to read the book Left Turn and you will understand why the media is not only biased but not the friend of America.
Ever hear of universe 25 study? I accidently stumbled upon this study days ago. Here is a short version to help understand urban life.
It's interesting. Not exactly sure what to make of it though.
Years ago I remembered a study about what I thought I remembered about rats in close proximity. Maybe it was a topic in one of my soc or psy classes at Purdue. I haven't listened to all of the longer videos, but it is safe to say that normal behavior became abnormal in many ways is probably the generic comment that can be made. Aren't the democrats more urban. ;)
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