Coach Matt Painter mentioned ....

Yes, it does. Some folks get way out there on an issue and then get real defensive if you call them on it. They start calling names and making unnecessary derogatory comments about others on the board. It shows a general lack of personal maturity. He is still a Purdue fan, I think, although I still have him under suspicion of being a troll.


Walks like a duck......;)
Yeah, let's hang a banner for that! Come on, please be serious. What other teams are boasting about their COY awards? Do people in East Lansing care about Izzo's COY awards, or the fact that he gets every class to a final 4 and has won it all? I guess when you can't get past the sweet 16, you have to grasp at something.

LOL.Celebrate those and a 3-way tie for third place finish last year (yippie!), but ignore the beat down by a 10-12 (2-7 Conf) Illinois team....shhh, don't mention the Iowa meltdown. Or, the two years in the dumpster and several stuck in mediocrity. We've got a couple of games with Maryland, games with Michigan and IU coming up. This will be some games to decide how good we are or aren't. We could go back and forth til the end of time celebrating these silly participation trophy awards...or pounding about the long struggle of recent history.... or just worry about the next 4-5 games and we'll see soon enough.
LOL.Celebrate those and a 3-way tie for third place finish last year (yippie!), but ignore the beat down by a 10-12 (2-7 Conf) Illinois team....shhh, don't mention the Iowa meltdown. Or, the two years in the dumpster and several stuck in mediocrity. We've got a couple of games with Maryland, games with Michigan and IU coming up. This will be some games to decide how good we are or aren't. We could go back and forth til the end of time celebrating these silly participation trophy awards...or pounding about the long struggle of recent history.... or just worry about the next 4-5 games and we'll see soon enough.
Just curious, are you on any kind of medication? What time of the day is it usually administered? Is there any way the staff can administer it BEFORE they grant you access to the computer?

These are not the posts of a person with a firm grip on reality.
Just curious, are you on any kind of medication? What time of the day is it usually administered? Is there any way the staff can administer it BEFORE they grant you access to the computer?

These are not the posts of a person with a firm grip on reality.

Are you bipolar? Do you suffer ADHD? Have you sought meds for these disorders? There...are we far enough off topic? You seem to struggle staying on topic. Most normal responses to an opinion they don't agree with, would be a counter point. You seem to lack that talent. Which part of the history I presented did you forget? You don't have to like my opinion...don't have to agree...but at least find a thought out and on topic counter. Or, you can threaten to "ignore" me....if you can't handle dissenting views. It's an option for you to consider. Look, you, and some like you, seem to cherish those isolated, short-lived and long ago success. Ok. But, I, and some like me, actually realize that was LONG ago....and not really that awesome these days. Yeah, yeah, you'll parade out the next big recruit....we'll point out you've said that time and time, and here we sit celebrating mediocrity. You're fine with it....I'd like a little more success. We don't agree...get over it.
Of course you would pumpkin. It was a smartass comment, which is fine, and I responded with sarcasm and some pretty good facts. I know, you're struggling with them, it's ok. If you're going to toss out zingers, don't get butthurt when you get them in return...m-kay? Put on your bigboy pants if you're going to have fun with one liners. LOL. BTW, what you won't see me do, is dedicate an entire thread with a petulant topic. But, I will, however, retaliate with a few barbs for fun. Get over it dude. LOL. It's all good really.
It's commonly known that you don't like Painter and are among the few on this board that love to go out of their way to rant about him. When others on this board call you out for your over-the-top bias, you get twisted in knots and start throwing a hissy fit.

Come to think of it, you continually talked about how great Ronnie Johnson was and how screwed Purdue would be without him. Looks like you were wrong on that account. One headcase gone to Houston, while Purdue sits at 19-4 and RJ sits on the pine for Sampscum, passed over by a Freshman...hmmmm.....
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Look, you, and some like you, seem to cherish those isolated, short-lived and long ago success. Ok. But, I, and some like me, actually realize that was LONG ago....and not really that awesome these days. Yeah, yeah, you'll parade out the next big recruit....we'll point out you've said that time and time, and here we sit celebrating mediocrity. You're fine with it....I'd like a little more success. We don't agree...get over it.

Goodness fella, you started with talking about IU and Butler vs Purdue. Now you are going on about "long ago success". How great has IU been lately? How great has Butler been without Stevens at the helm? Seasons change, it seems that you recognize that, but you are just running around in circles now.

Since you wanted to look at facts to prove our mediocrity, while simultaneously pointing out the great successes of other Indiana programs lets look again for some numbers to help justify the arguments. Lets start with Crean. You credit him for superior recruiting. What has Tom Creans recruiting done for him? How far has he gotten any IU team in the tournament? How many regular season conference titles? How many B10 tournament championships? How about record against Purdue?

At least you remembered to throw Butler into the mix. Gotta give credit where credit is due, what could Stevens have done with Crean as his recruiter, maybe he would have gotten to or even past the final four (haha). Its still too early for me to have a well developed idea of how Holtmann will end up, so I will just leave that as it is.

In all seriousness, who wouldn't love to have Brad Stevens here at Purdue. Personally I can live with Painter for the time being. I would love for us to get to the final four in the next few years, but if not I will take beating IU and getting to the tourney with the chance to shake things up. Its not every day that someone like Brad Stevens or Tom Izzo comes around and we may have to live with a Painter, or (gasp) we may make a foolish move and end up with a Crean.
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Yeah, let's hang a banner for that! Come on, please be serious. What other teams are boasting about their COY awards? Do people in East Lansing care about Izzo's COY awards, or the fact that he gets every class to a final 4 and has won it all? I guess when you can't get past the sweet 16, you have to grasp at something.

Simply don't think it's an "average" achievement......but everyone is entitled to their own definition of the word.
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It's commonly known that you don't like Painter and are among the few on this board that love to go out of their way to rant about him. When others on this board call you out for your over-the-top bias, you get twisted in knots and start throwing a hissy fit.

Come to think of it, you continually talked about how great Ronnie Johnson was and how screwed Purdue would be without him. Looks like you were wrong on that account. One headcase gone to Houston, while Purdue sits at 19-4 and RJ sits on the pine for Sampscum, passed over by a Freshman...hmmmm.....

Of course it's commonly known I'm not on Painters bandwagon. Big deal? I don't go out of my way to rant. I'm sure my counterpoints are perceived that way since they poke holes in your bootlicking worship of him and his mediocrity. Get over it. And, the above screed by you is the "hissy fit". Try to concentrate on a logical rebuttal instead of making me the subject? Don't like my opinion? Meh.
Goodness fella, you started with talking about IU and Butler vs Purdue. Now you are going on about "long ago success". How great has IU been lately? How great has Butler been without Stevens at the helm? Seasons change, it seems that you recognize that, but you are just running around in circles now.

Since you wanted to look at facts to prove our mediocrity, while simultaneously pointing out the great successes of other Indiana programs lets look again for some numbers to help justify the arguments. Lets start with Crean. You credit him for superior recruiting. What has Tom Creans recruiting done for him? How far has he gotten any IU team in the tournament? How many regular season conference titles? How many B10 tournament championships? How about record against Purdue?

At least you remembered to throw Butler into the mix. Gotta give credit where credit is due, what could Stevens have done with Crean as his recruiter, maybe he would have gotten to or even past the final four (haha). Its still too early for me to have a well developed idea of how Holtmann will end up, so I will just leave that as it is.

In all seriousness, who wouldn't love to have Brad Stevens here at Purdue. Personally I can live with Painter for the time being. I would love for us to get to the final four in the next few years, but if not I will take beating IU and getting to the tourney with the chance to shake things up. Its not every day that someone like Brad Stevens or Tom Izzo comes around and we may have to live with a Painter, or (gasp) we may make a foolish move and end up with a Crean.

How great has IU been lately? They kinda lead the league now. Yeah?
How great has Butler been without Stevens? Well, sorta good enough to continue beating us. Yeah?
Now Crean? Landing MAA players 5 years running. Leading the league. Yeah? But in all seriousness, I don't want to use that douche as a metric. But, I hate he STILL lands the big boys.
Would I love to have landed Stevens? Of course, but that ship sailed. And, Zo sailed twice.
Would I like to see us in the Final4....ya think? Obviously we all would.
How great has IU been lately? They kinda lead the league now. Yeah?
How great has Butler been without Stevens? Well, sorta good enough to continue beating us. Yeah?
Now Crean? Landing MAA players 5 years running. Leading the league. Yeah? But in all seriousness, I don't want to use that douche as a metric. But, I hate he STILL lands the big boys.
Would I love to have landed Stevens? Of course, but that ship sailed. And, Zo sailed twice.
Would I like to see us in the Final4....ya think? Obviously we all would.
I don't get your point. DO you have any understanding of how a school gets to the final four?

You are premature in crowning IU as any sort of leader because they now face the toughest part of their schedule. They will be lucky to finish with a 4-4 record over the next 8 games, and the IU Peegs boys will be going nuts to fire him. We want that? I don't care how many McAA's he recruits. Half of them have been head cases and the other half disgruntled. All those McAA'sd have really done a lot for IU, right? Like you said, don't use Crean as your measuring stick. In fact, after I read where you were comparing Crean and Painter, I pretty much wrote you off, but let's continue.

Stevens was never going to coach here under any circumstances. As for Zo, well, he was completely unproven when he was "available", but okay. So how is he doing now? Cal is projected as a 9-11 seed right now, and really does not have a very good record in a weak conference. I think they just lost to power houses Colorado and Utah, and stand at 4-5. You would trade our current redord for Cal's? Maybe you should become more informed before you insult people here and rant about Purdue, which is now a good program on the rise.

You need to recognize the direction the program is heading right now. If you just average across all 11 years, you remove critical detail about the drop during he Cordova administration, and fail to see the most current improvements. Purdue is considered to be one of the top 3 teams in the BIG, and we are very young. We have established a solid, high performance base of players across several classes. Nothing is average or mediocre about that position.

There are some of them-there facts you always claim to put in your posts.

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Yeah, yeah, you'll parade out the next big recruit....we'll point out you've said that time and time, and here we sit celebrating mediocrity. You're fine with it....I'd like a little more success. We don't agree...get over it.

No, really, we do agree. I, too, would like to see you have a little more success. It's very sad to think that fellow Boilermaker's life sucks so bad that they have to tie their success to the success of a bunch of kids in college playing a game. But I'm glad that you are able to vent all of your life's frustrations here. It's just unfortunate that it won't lead to the little success that you crave. Or success for the Purdue basketball team. But proceed with the non-stop frustrated rant anyway.
No, really, we do agree. I, too, would like to see you have a little more success. It's very sad to think that fellow Boilermaker's life sucks so bad that they have to tie their success to the success of a bunch of kids in college playing a game. But I'm glad that you are able to vent all of your life's frustrations here. It's just unfortunate that it won't lead to the little success that you crave. Or success for the Purdue basketball team. But proceed with the non-stop frustrated rant anyway.

Just stop with the games. I'm not venting. You just simply struggle hearing the truth. The program has struggled for a while. You're just butthurt hearing it. If anyone is tying the success or failure to the team, it's you. Stop acting like it's the oxygen you breathe to defend. You're clinging to this program like it's personal. Just because I'm putting my thoughts out, doesn't mean you're being attacked. Get over yourself...and accept that some can be honest and don't feel the need to candycoat the recent state of the program. Everyone doesn't get a participation trophy kid. Mellow out.
Just stop with the games. I'm not venting. You just simply struggle hearing the truth. The program has struggled for a while. You're just butthurt hearing it. If anyone is tying the success or failure to the team, it's you. Stop acting like it's the oxygen you breathe to defend. You're clinging to this program like it's personal. Just because I'm putting my thoughts out, doesn't mean you're being attacked. Get over yourself...and accept that some can be honest and don't feel the need to candycoat the recent state of the program. Everyone doesn't get a participation trophy kid. Mellow out.
"The program has struggled for awhile." You can honestly say that with a straight face in a season where Purdue is 19-4? Last season Purdue was 21-13 and was an NCAAT team. The only seasons Purdue struggled was when Ronnie Johnson ran the point, since Painter's first season. Keady left a pretty bare cupboard for Painter to inherit.

Seems to me you're the one struggling to hear the truth.
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Just stop with the games. I'm not venting. You just simply struggle hearing the truth. The program has struggled for a while. You're just butthurt hearing it. If anyone is tying the success or failure to the team, it's you. Stop acting like it's the oxygen you breathe to defend. You're clinging to this program like it's personal. Just because I'm putting my thoughts out, doesn't mean you're being attacked. Get over yourself...and accept that some can be honest and don't feel the need to candycoat the recent state of the program. Everyone doesn't get a participation trophy kid. Mellow out.
I am sorry Deuce, but this is a very typical troll response. You don't present any facts. You talk about everyone else being butt-hurt about this strange and weird "truth" you are trying to peddle here, and accuse the poster you are responding to of the same things he has noted in your posts.

I also notice you never respond to posts that present FACTS that do not fit your strange brand of "truth".

Quack, quack.

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Good grief Math and SD. Enough with the troll crap. Why don't you just say you can't take a dissenting view and get it over with already. And, please, the ad nauseam about me not presenting facts. Please....the same path every time. I read an opinion.....counter with my own....then the ad homs I respond with some sarcasm....all of a sudden, "I" don't present facts. Pretty simple guys. Go back, read my initial comment...there they are, facts, facts and more facts, with some opinion to go with it. The only reason we're off on this silly tangent is you all ran it off in the ditch. I didn't see any rules where I had to agree with everyone, or anyone for that matter. I operate on a code where I always start with my opinion. If you'all want to run the thread off in the mud, that's your problem if you get dirty. Hey, I know, here's a thought...the next time you don't like my opinion? How about you stay on point? Counter my thought? Stay on topic? Don't change the subject to me? That'd be great! If you're interested in an respectful, but spirited debate. Ball's in your court. I can roll with your decision.
Good grief Math and SD. Enough with the troll crap. Why don't you just say you can't take a dissenting view and get it over with already. And, please, the ad nauseam about me not presenting facts. Please....the same path every time. I read an opinion.....counter with my own....then the ad homs I respond with some sarcasm....all of a sudden, "I" don't present facts. Pretty simple guys. Go back, read my initial comment...there they are, facts, facts and more facts, with some opinion to go with it. The only reason we're off on this silly tangent is you all ran it off in the ditch. I didn't see any rules where I had to agree with everyone, or anyone for that matter. I operate on a code where I always start with my opinion. If you'all want to run the thread off in the mud, that's your problem if you get dirty. Hey, I know, here's a thought...the next time you don't like my opinion? How about you stay on point? Counter my thought? Stay on topic? Don't change the subject to me? That'd be great! If you're interested in an respectful, but spirited debate. Ball's in your court. I can roll with your decision.

Thanks to the original poster for sharing the original article.