Chump Anti-DEI strikes again: Arlington Cemetery strips content on black and female veterans from website

I’m don’t see how dead people can make America great again from Arlington Cemetery. I think you’re really reaching on this one.
Do you actually support removing references to black military personnel from Arlington National Cemetery? Or, the Pentagon? Or, removing the civil rights division of the DOJ?
Do you actually support removing references to black military personnel from Arlington National Cemetery? Or, the Pentagon? Or, removing the civil rights division of the DOJ?
No I don’t support any of that. I also don’t support removing statues in various locations around the country. I believe these tell the history of the country and it’s a good educational reminder.
No I don’t support any of that. I also don’t support removing statues in various locations around the country. I believe these tell the history of the country and it’s a good educational reminder.
Statues of individuals are erected to honor that individual. Therefore, take racism out of this for a second, do you support erecting statues of a defeated enemy soldier that killed US soldiers in battle? History books are what story telling is for. Naming schools after Robert E. Lee is absolutely ridiculous.
I’m don’t see how dead people can make America great again from Arlington Cemetery. I think you’re really reaching on this one.
Now who would have thunk the BBC would be biased based upon it's history as well?

Here is their info on Charles Rogers

Here is my uncle and his wife .

However, when you search hawkins it does not show my uncle and aunt. Can you imagine a website doing some cleanup? Oh how the media is trying to stir up things, but of course the BBC has a bit of a history of such. The wording of so many articles provides the narrative sought in so much of the media.
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Now who would have thunk the BBC would be biased based upon it's history as well?

Here is their info on Charles Rogers

Here is my uncle and his wife .

However, when you search hawkins it does not show my uncle and aunt. Can you imagine a website doing some cleanup? Oh how the media is trying to stir up things, but of course the BBC has a bit of a history of such. The wording of so many articles provides the narrative sought in so much of the media.
BBC is not the only source I found. I sourced them because they did not require a subscription. I found several articles on this topic like The NY Times, Washington Post among others. Need a subscription for these.
BBC is not the only source I found. I sourced them because they did not require a subscription. I found several articles on this topic like The NY Times, Washington Post among others. Need a subscription for these.
I'm not surprised at all that other publication drinking from the same trough would have similar AP articles and such. MY point is that I believe they were pushing a narrative, and showed such with the links I provided as well as the misdirection that was ran when they discussed the error code 404. I don't believe any of this is racist, but do believe there could also be in play the accomplishments as accomplishments without any qualifier such as DEI and such that taints the accomplishments as the labeling outside of any accomplishment with a qualifiers as though the accomplishment is not good enough on its own. I don't know that any of this is going on, but Charles Rogers accomplishments should stand on its own without the bigotry of lower expectations and only worthy should it be a black, hispanic, Asian or female.

So, I'm a bit familiar with the lives of the six people that lifted the "second flag" on Mount Surbachi. One of those that actually lived after the war, but died drunk was Ira Hayes. When the USA tried to raise money through bonds they counted on those that raised the flag to help. Initially Harlon Block was misidentified as one of the flag raisers. Harlon's mother had stated that she knew his behind as she had diapered it enough to know it. She was correct and Ira Hayes tracked a 1000 miles to give her the news meeting her in a field where she was working I seem to recall that is was her son in the picture. Ira was noted as a Pima native Indian by many publications as there were not a lot of indian enlistments. Out of memory I believe there are three buried in Arlington as I visited the graves of all as well as Audie Murphy whose site is right beside the tomb of the unknown soldier. Arlington is but another site that everyone should visit at least well as the Arlington House. Here is a video I cropped a to learn a bit if unfamiliar about Ira Hayes. He and the three alive were paraded around as heroes to raise money for the war through bond...something they didn't feel comfortable doing.

The lives of those six were detailed in and the book is MUCH better than the movie

Normally I charge for this, but since we're all friends here I try to help out at times. I did a search for Ira and some site showed a 404 error, but was able to locate it in the Arlington website as well. Here is the URl I had a couple of decades ago on education with all kind of info on it. I dropped it a few years ago since I didn't have time to keep all the links current since authors or managers of the URLs I referenced them would move things. It was That domain at the time I realized would be worth something in the future, but Brad Jewell (Mr Hoops) paid for it and today that domain is $4000.00. Let's see if there is a desire to reduce the bigotry of low expectations or things are just bein g moved around...
Statues of individuals are erected to honor that individual. Therefore, take racism out of this for a second, do you support erecting statues of a defeated enemy soldier that killed US soldiers in battle? History books are what story telling is for. Naming schools after Robert E. Lee is absolutely ridiculous.
When I’ve traveled around the country and visit a battlefield where war took place, I’m interested in the plaques on the statues that explained some history. I don’t carry a history book with me so it’s very informative. You and I sure look at things at a totally different perspective.
When I’ve traveled around the country and visit a battlefield where war took place, I’m interested in the plaques on the statues that explained some history. I don’t carry a history book with me so it’s very informative. You and I sure look at things at a totally different perspective.
You darn right we look at things at a total different perspective. That's why I participate in this forum. To give a point of view of the topics from the average black person.

I like to read the plaques of historical places that I have been. However, naming several schools after Robert E. Lee is not the same as visiting a historical site. Naming these schools after US military traitors is nor learning about history. Several of these confederate statues and monuments are not on historical battle sites. Even if they were, why have a six, seven, eight foot statue/monument of the confederate soldier? A plaque describing the battle is good enough. Similar with naming Fort Bragg , Fort Benning, Fort Lee and a whole lot of other military bases after these traitors. Why? I'll tell you why. It is all about hate and promoting white supremacy. Lot of these statues and monuments were erected during the height of Jim Crow. Even in Indianapolis there is a confederate soldiers monument in Garfield Park. Why?
You darn right we look at things at a total different perspective. That's why I participate in this forum. To give a point of view of the topics from the average black person.

I like to read the plaques of historical places that I have been. However, naming several schools after Robert E. Lee is not the same as visiting a historical site. Naming these schools after US military traitors is nor learning about history. Several of these confederate statues and monuments are not on historical battle sites. Even if they were, why have a six, seven, eight foot statue/monument of the confederate soldier? A plaque describing the battle is good enough. Similar with naming Fort Bragg , Fort Benning, Fort Lee and a whole lot of other military bases after these traitors. Why? I'll tell you why. It is all about hate and promoting white supremacy. Lot of these statues and monuments were erected during the height of Jim Crow. Even in Indianapolis there is a confederate soldiers monument in Garfield Park. Why?
You are overlooking, again, that your party was largely responsible for those namings and statues.

You are like a current member of the Nazi party who claims that the party may have been terrible at one time, but it is not so bad anymore so you will overlook its racist and bloodthirsty history.
You are overlooking, again, that your party was largely responsible for those namings and statues.
Yep, you are correct. Even though the republicans aren’t totally exempt from implementing Jim Crow either. However, like I educated y’all before, since the 60s the Republican Party became the party of white supremacy, states rights and all of that. Thanks to Barry Goldwater.

What party today are the ones that are removing all instances of DEI/affirmative action and support confederate flags and statues?
Yep, you are correct. Even though the republicans aren’t totally exempt from implementing Jim Crow either. However, like I educated y’all before, since the 60s the Republican Party became the party of white supremacy, states rights and all of that. Thanks to Barry Goldwater.

What party today are the ones that are removing all instances of DEI/affirmative action .
The party the citizens voted into power.
Sad but true. Prior to the 60s they voted for the racist democrats. The same racists folks now vote for the republicans.
Most of the 'same folks' are now dead, showing how your groupthink mindset is stuck in a mythical past.

You have admitted you voted in 2020 for a racist who calls black men "boy" and who said Obama was "clean and articulate," something he would never had said about his mentor, dem icon Robert KKK Byrd.

What do you have to say for yourself?
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When I’ve traveled around the country and visit a battlefield where war took place, I’m interested in the plaques on the statues that explained some history. I don’t carry a history book with me so it’s very informative. You and I sure look at things at a totally different perspective.
When I’ve traveled to historic sites blacks are noticeably absent and Asians are not. Even shocked none were to be found in Harper’s Ferry in my three or more visits there. History just seems to not be important unless some with myopic vision focus on any tangential racial point while ignoring the larger field of view.
When I’ve traveled to historic sites blacks are noticeably absent and Asians are not. Even shocked none were to be found in Harper’s Ferry in my three or more visits there. History just seems to not be important unless some with myopic vision focus on any tangential racial point while ignoring the larger field of view.
Wouldn’t John Brown be a better choice for a statue than Robert E. Lee?
Wouldn’t John Brown be a better choice for a statue than Robert E. Lee?
Actually Lee was assigned by Lincoln to arrest Brown for killing four??? slave owners innocently one night due to Browns hatred of slave owners as a result of his friendship with a slave as a child who had a particularly ruthless slave owner.

Although Lincoln personally was against slavery he thought Brown had went way too far in the killings and attempt to start a race war.

Lee was generally regarded as a man of honor who Lincoln wanted to head up the North, but like those for almost the previous century before him going back to a relative through marriage George Washington state rights was a concern to Lee and that his allegiance went to his state. There were 8 or so states that were not going to sign the constitution unless guaranteed to secede should their states believe it was needed. Many times good guys and bad guys get blurred when digging deeper.

So should a statue be erected for killing four or so people Brown didn’t know while trying in addition to starting a race war that would have decimated his side? I think not.
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Actually Lee was assigned by Lincoln to arrest Brown for killing four??? slave owners innocently one night due to Browns hatred of slave owners as a result of his friendship with a slave as a child who had a particularly ruthless slave owner.

Although Lincoln personally was against slavery he thought Brown had went way too far in the killings and attempt to start a race war.

Lee was generally regarded as a man of honor who Lincoln wanted to head up the North, but like those for almost the previous century before him going back to a relative through marriage George Washington state rights was a concern to Lee and that his allegiance went to his state. There were 8 or so states that were not going to sign the constitution unless guaranteed to secede should their states believe it was needed. Many times good guys and bad guys get blurred when digging deeper.

So should a statue be erected for killing four or so people Brown didn’t know while trying in addition to starting a race war that would have decimated his side? I think not.
How many US soldiers did Lee kill?
How many US soldiers did Lee kill?
Unlike Brown I’m unaware of Lee personally killing anyone let alone civilians like Brown. He may have had a deserter shot, but that may have been Stonewall…I’m just not sure on which.

It’s easy for the mind to wander to Sam Adams…not the beer, but the person. Although English, he too thought the government of king George was overreaching and we know what resulted. Which side leaned closer to the temperament of the Founding Fathers can be debated by reasonable people.

The war was named a “Civil War”.

1. relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military war or a war between USA citizens.

Did Lincoln goad the south into war by reinforcing those already in Ft Sumpter with cannons pointed at the south ignoring the pleas by the south to not do that?

There are so many conflicting points of view on what should have happened, what did happen and the loss of 500,000 lives that pretending one side had all the good guys and the other all the bad guys ignore reality.

This was a war between friends, family members and military leaders from both sides who had different views and understandings primarily denoted by geography and had Lincoln not built up FT Sumpter the start of the war might not have happened. We do know Lincoln did not want states to secede even though that understanding was made for some states to sign the constitution almost a century before. The only truth is that this event (war) might and probably could have been avoided and some redneck ways of the south wouldn’t have migrated north,
I'm not surprised at all that other publication drinking from the same trough would have similar AP articles and such. MY point is that I believe they were pushing a narrative, and showed such with the links I provided as well as the misdirection that was ran when they discussed the error code 404. I don't believe any of this is racist, but do believe there could also be in play the accomplishments as accomplishments without any qualifier such as DEI and such that taints the accomplishments as the labeling outside of any accomplishment with a qualifiers as though the accomplishment is not good enough on its own. I don't know that any of this is going on, but Charles Rogers accomplishments should stand on its own without the bigotry of lower expectations and only worthy should it be a black, hispanic, Asian or female.

So, I'm a bit familiar with the lives of the six people that lifted the "second flag" on Mount Surbachi. One of those that actually lived after the war, but died drunk was Ira Hayes. When the USA tried to raise money through bonds they counted on those that raised the flag to help. Initially Harlon Block was misidentified as one of the flag raisers. Harlon's mother had stated that she knew his behind as she had diapered it enough to know it. She was correct and Ira Hayes tracked a 1000 miles to give her the news meeting her in a field where she was working I seem to recall that is was her son in the picture. Ira was noted as a Pima native Indian by many publications as there were not a lot of indian enlistments. Out of memory I believe there are three buried in Arlington as I visited the graves of all as well as Audie Murphy whose site is right beside the tomb of the unknown soldier. Arlington is but another site that everyone should visit at least well as the Arlington House. Here is a video I cropped a to learn a bit if unfamiliar about Ira Hayes. He and the three alive were paraded around as heroes to raise money for the war through bond...something they didn't feel comfortable doing.

The lives of those six were detailed in and the book is MUCH better than the movie

Normally I charge for this, but since we're all friends here I try to help out at times. I did a search for Ira and some site showed a 404 error, but was able to locate it in the Arlington website as well. Here is the URl I had a couple of decades ago on education with all kind of info on it. I dropped it a few years ago since I didn't have time to keep all the links current since authors or managers of the URLs I referenced them would move things. It was That domain at the time I realized would be worth something in the future, but Brad Jewell (Mr Hoops) paid for it and today that domain is $4000.00. Let's see if there is a desire to reduce the bigotry of low expectations or things are just bein g moved around...
Looks like Ira Hayes has been removed now. You support this crap or not. Why say you?