Candidate/Slogan draw theory


Gold Member
Aug 24, 2001
My theory is that HRC's slogan (I'm with Her) placed HRC at the forefront of the reason to vote for her. DJT's slogan put America at the forefront of the reason to vote for him. In the end, voters could justify Trump votes for more reasons than they could for Clinton:

Reasons for voting "I'm with Her":
#1: You think HRC is a good candidate
#2: You want a female president
#3: you don't like Trump

Reasons for voting "Make America Great Again":
#1: You don't like he direction of the country and you want to "Make America Great Again"
#2: You like Trump
#3: You dislike Clinton

In the end, more people voted to "Make America Great Again" than voted for "HRC is a good candidate". Trump was smarter to make it about America than about himself.

This could probably be considered Germans, but I'm just trying to word it a different way.
My theory is that HRC's slogan (I'm with Her) placed HRC at the forefront of the reason to vote for her. DJT's slogan put America at the forefront of the reason to vote for him. In the end, voters could justify Trump votes for more reasons than they could for Clinton:

Reasons for voting "I'm with Her":
#1: You think HRC is a good candidate
#2: You want a female president
#3: you don't like Trump

Reasons for voting "Make America Great Again":
#1: You don't like he direction of the country and you want to "Make America Great Again"
#2: You like Trump
#3: You dislike Clinton

In the end, more people voted to "Make America Great Again" than voted for "HRC is a good candidate". Trump was smarter to make it about America than about himself.


I read a good article that had a similar thought, not that the slogans were the main cause of the outcome, but along the lines of her slogan being about her and his being about America.

Her other slogan "Stronger Together" was better. But, I think is pretty generic too. I saw one Democrat rant about how Hillary's campaign was just a continuous stream of high-level platitudes and generalities that seemed to promise a lot of stuff to a lot of people but that wasn't focused enough to really draw in or energize a particular voting segment. I tend to agree.
interesting. it certianly would seem to help as a slogan i think.

in recent years, so many seem similar, simply repeatedly suggesting change/reform/etc.

going back to carter in '76, just that type of slogan has been pretty successful, except for mondale.

-76/carter - a leader, for a change
-80/reagan - are you better off than you were four years ago?
-84/mondale - america needs a change
-88/bush - kinder, gentler nation (no 'change' since following another repub i guess)
-92/clinton - putting people first (didn't specifically say change)
-96/dole - the better man for a better america (not really change, and individualistic)
-00/bush jr - reformer with results
-04/kerry - let america be america again (change?)
-08/obama - hope / change we need / change we can believe in
-12/romney - believe in america (not really change?)
-16/trump - make america great again