As for Crean, he's made well over $35,000,000 including over $3,000,000 last year and $4,000,000 for the next three. He's set for life, his kids are set for life. Would he prefer to still be coaching....I'm guessing, as a retired coach, that he would be. But life at IU was certainly better than at Marquette. Brohm might become a Demi-God with PU fans, but I doubt that he's ever that in Indiana the state.
Might I stick my old nose in this for a moment?
I understand your concerns about Brohm and his relative longevity in WL. After so many disastrous coaching tenures since the Mollenkopf years, scattered around the promising but brief Young tenure and the initially exciting but excruciating downward trend of the Tiller years, Purdue has lost whatever national brand and cachet it had back when Phipps and Keyes were kicking up the turf at Ross Ade. Combine that with the low budget, slow motion train wreck that was the AD office under Morgan Burke, which oversaw the painful decline in both the football program and its facilities, most of us Boiler faithful have become jaded and cynical.
And I agree, judging by our past track record from the BoT down, it seems unlikely we will see the Brohm tenure enjoy any more success than so many of the other program "saviors." I get that, I do.
But after watching the team and the coaches before, during, and after the games, I have to admit that there is something different in the air this time, something hard to describe - perhaps because we have not seen anything like this for, well, decades. And I mean different than in even the Tiller and Young years. And maybe it's because Bobinski, Mitch, and the BoT all have a much greater understanding of the importance of football to Purdue's brand. And maybe, just maybe, there really is a commitment to find a top notch coach - and keep him this time.
As for Brohm, while I have nothing substantive to refute your concerns about him being successful here, I have to disagree. One of the interesting observations I have made over the years in watching so damn much football, is that the coaches in the SEC have all appeared to be like coaches in the NFL, in how they react on the sidelines, how they appear to the media, how they coach and prepare, and their whole larger-than-life image - arrogant, brash, and supremely confident. Kind of like the old days in the B10, when Fat Jack, Bo, and Woody roamed the sidelines. And yet, since Jack was at Purdue, I don't remember a single coach who had that same larger-than-life image, not even Young or Tiller.
But Brohm, I honestly believe, has it.
Underneath the hood, he is a boiling, ultra intense man who absolutely detests the idea of not only losing, but winning by anything other than steamrolling the opposition. I think this is evident in how he has clearly impacted the culture and psyche of our current football team. Say what you will about their talent level, but I look forward to watching them go out each week and slobber knock the daylights out of the opponent, even if we come up short on the scoreboard. And I love how the team seems to completely buy into what Brohm is preaching. And though we certainly should not expect to have much of a recruiting class based on so many years of mediocrity, I am enjoying how the next level of recruits - perhaps not the highest level, but above what we have been getting for awhile - seem to be falling in line like true believers, much like the followers of an old time big tent preacher who stirs their souls.
Time will ultimately tell, and we have a long way to go. But just watching our team fight from start to finish has been good enough for me this year. Next year, perhaps we see some drop off in the defense while our offense sees marginal improvement. But I am expecting to see continued fight and perhaps, by the end of next season, some significant improvements in performance. If we see that, and next year's recruiting class continues to improve, I'm thinking we might finally be witnessing the long term restoration of the Purdue brand, and our return to competitive prominence.
And this time, I think our formerly clueless BoT, under the urging of Mitch and Bobinski, will keep their wallets open to where we can retain someone like Brohm so we might finally join the ranks of the elite.
And while I may be old and jaded, maybe even I can get a little excited over the prospect. Care to join?