I do not know much about the Briles case, so I can't comment. I do know an awful lot about the Paterno case and I know the Penn State Board of Trustees (BOT) had issues with Joe. One BOT hated Joe for not giving him more playing time and another BOT hated him for not giving his nephew more playing time. Another BOT hated him for not endorsing his run for the Governorship. With the medias' help the BOT was able to fire Joe (they did it with a phone call). The BOT then hired Freeh to write a report showing they had just cause to fire Joe. The BOT knowing this told the NCAA to make penalties in line with the Freeh Report. The BOT also said they will quickly pay all "victims". In the last few years, it has be proved the Freeh Report is inaccurate, as are the time table of several "victims".