gr8 is not a liberal, in general. He says he's a fiscal conservative and is more center-left on social issues. He doesn't like Trump but has voted for Republicans like GHWB and GWB in the past. He is in the military and should be congratulated for his service to our nation. He has stood up to the Chinese recently in the South China Sea, for instance.The thing about liberals is that if you do not agree with them it is due to fear, and you are immediately branded a bigot, a xenophobe and a racist. In this thread we have Gr8, 44 and qaz playing the Hate card because I am not brain-dead to the very real and well-demonstrated possibility of jihad by immigrant moslems and their progeny. And even if they don't do it, do you understand the enormous expense and manpower needed to keep these Islamic goons under 24/7 surveillance?
And maybe Merkel's open door policy isn't a good idea for reasons other than Hate? Like national security, domestic security, cultural suicide, massive additions to the welfare state?
Conservatives really should start playing the Hate card against liberals who disagree with them. Goes like this: What do you guys think of expanding the KKK and Aryan Nation in America's heartland? You don't think it's a good idea? Why, you are bigots and xenophobes and obviously racist.
gr8 and I don't agree on some issues, but he is one of the more evenhanded posters on this board. He doesn't like it when people blame all of the world's woes on Muslims. To a point, he has a point on this issue. (He may not like the fact that I stood up for him on this board, but I do respect him and his service to our great nation.)