Boycott Ballo Whines

Born Boiler

Dec 6, 2006
Some of us old farts remember the “Boycott Gallo Wines” campaign of the 1970s, but another version appeared with indinia’s 2025 visit to Mackey on Friday, when a particularly big butt did what he does best and headed straight for the portal, exiting in one big hissy fit, bellowing and blowing off the postgame handshake line between the otherwise respectful rivals.

As Big Butt Ballo boycotted decency, at least one most generous host, Trey Kaufman-Renn, made a goodwill gesture to trot over and extend a hand, but he barely drew iron. More of a spankball.

Big Butt Ballo had shown his disrespect for Mackey and its fans during the pregame, using the official scorers table for his personal stretching device and waddling around in pained disdain, so most any fan could predict he’d be a major ass upon meeting defeat. And he sure was.

Hats off to all the good sports on hand Friday, showing mutual appreciation whether severely frustrated or barely relieved, but a good Big Ten bye to Ballo. Don’t let the door hit your big ass.
What was he so pissed about?

I guess the second last play with Rice and then fouling out with his 5th on Loyer to stop the play? He did give a parting gift to TKR on that play as Rice went up. After rewatching a couple of plays on both ends and the physical nature.....I'm ok with that last minute.....they basically determined they weren't calling anything other than an obvious one.

Indiana defended Purdue's go-ahead basket play pretty well, IMO....good find from Smith and even better shot put jump hook from TKR.....he was feeling it last night.